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Take the Money and Run

Page 10

by Samantha Cole

  Standing, she walked into the adjoining bathroom, she used the toilet, then washed her hands. Studying herself in the mirror, she wished her life was normal again, and her family was alive. But that wasn’t going to happen. She couldn’t rely on anyone to keep her safe—she would have to do it by herself. If she told KC what had happened, he might not believe her, or if he did, he could end up being killed when the ugliness she had left in Chicago caught up with her. She was certain one day it would, and she couldn’t put KC at risk. The best thing to do was leave tonight. She could already feel her heart breaking.

  Reluctantly, she made up her mind. Tonight, after KC fell asleep, she would grab her things, along with the bag of money, and disappear. She could walk into town and call a cab to take her back to the Wal-Mart in Elizabeth City. From there, she would catch a bus to God-only-knew-where . . . just anywhere but here. Pulling the covers up to her waist, she settled into the soft mattress. Now that she had a plan, she would need to get some more sleep. The Lord only knew when she would feel safe again.

  * * *

  Maura hadn’t looked at him and had barely uttered a word since his brother left. She’d just sat there, picking at the bagel he had placed in front of her, but never bringing a morsel to her mouth. KC knew she must be regretting last night. Fuck. He shouldn’t have pushed her so hard. But he had wanted her badly and just assumed they were on the same page when she had responded so quickly. Well, he didn’t regret last night one bit. It had been the most fantastic evening he had ever spent with a woman. Whoever had told her she wasn’t good in bed was a fucking ass. She had been like molten lava in his hands, and he had lost track of how many orgasms he’d brought her to. The woman was incredible in bed, and he was growing hard just thinking about it.

  After she had gone back to bed, he sat there brooding for a while. Somehow, he had to change her mind and banish any regrets she had, because now that he had taken her to his bed, he was dying for it to happen again. He still hadn’t had his fill of her, and he’d be damned if he only had one night with her. Shaking his head, he headed inside to grab his car keys, cursing himself the entire time.

  Two hours later, after an extra-long workout at the local gym a high-school buddy owned and then a subsequent shower, KC pulled into a parking spot in front of the hardware store and turned off the engine. He sat there a moment, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, again replaying the night before and this morning over and over in his mind. He couldn’t think of a single thing he had done wrong except, perhaps, push Maura too fast. Maybe, he should have just waited a few more days. However, at the time, he had wanted her so painfully that he couldn’t make himself wait any longer. Fuck, he was a jackass.

  Banging his hand on the steering wheel in frustration for the fifth time since he had left the cottage, he climbed out of the car and headed into the shop. His mind elsewhere, he wasn’t paying attention when he tripped over Jinx lying in the doorway and ended up sprawled on the floor in front of the counter. The lazy-ass dog picked his head up, gave him a “whatever” look, and promptly went back to sleep.

  “Useless, fucking dog,” KC mumbled while getting to his feet and brushing himself off.

  Dan, who had observed the entire incident from his seat behind the counter, was laughing hysterically. “Don’t be mad at him because you can’t watch where you’re going. What’s got you in such a sour mood? I thought you’d be walking on cloud nine today.”

  Giving the dog a last annoyed glance, KC’s eyes narrowed as he turned toward the counter. “Why would you think that?”

  “Brian stopped back here on his way out of town.” That was all Dan needed to say. KC could figure out the rest on his own.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Apparently, my idea of the morning after was different from Maura’s. She barely said two words to me this morning and went back to bed after Brian left. Told me she didn’t feel well, but I don’t think that’s what’s going on.”

  “Shoot, boy, what’d you do wrong?”

  Shaking his head, he stuck his hands into his jeans’ pockets and leaned against the counter. “I haven’t the damnedest idea.”

  “Well, then, figure it out, son! I happen to like the little lady a lot, and I think she’s good for you. She’s perfect for you.”

  He gaped at the man. “What? Do you have us eloping already? I’ve only known the woman a week.”

  “I’m not getting any younger. Unless I give you boys some help, I’ll be waiting forever to become a great-uncle. I want to enjoy the little ones while I can. And don’t you dare elope,” Dan added, pointing his finger at his nephew.

  “Holy crap! Not only do you have me marrying her—you have us having kids already? What the fuck, Dan?”

  The man sighed. “I know when two people belong together. It was obvious the way ya’all were looking at each other last night that you two were made for each other. Now, go buy Maura some flowers and apologize for whatever the hell you did, even if you don’t have a fucking clue what it is.”

  KC just stared at his uncle as he headed to his office at the back of the store. Shaking his head, the younger man stepped over the snoring canine and walked back out into the bright sunshine. Thinking his uncle might be right, he headed to the florist up the street.

  * * *

  Not long after KC left, Jinx lay in the middle of the third aisle where he’d moved to continue his nap. But he jumped up, his tail wagging furiously, and trotted over to Bonnie Whitman as she strode through the front door of Malone's Hardware store. The older woman laughed as she bent down to scratch the dog's ears. "Well, hello there, good boy. You always know who walks in with dog biscuits in their pockets, don't you?"

  Reaching into her jacket, she pulled out a giant bone-shaped treat. The dog promptly plopped his butt on the floor and offered her a paw. She shook Jinx's outstretched limb and handed him his gift. Even though his mouth was full, the dog gave her a grateful woof and retreated to the back of the store with his prize. Behind the counter, where he had been paying some bills, Dan snorted and shook his head at his deceased wife's best friend. "You spoil that dog."

  Bonnie smirked. "Oh, and like you don't. Besides, I don't have any grandchildren to spoil yet, so Jinx reaps the benefits." Her only son and daughter-in-law were newlyweds who lived in the suburbs of Washington D.C. Much to her chagrin, they had put off having children right away. "I hear you've been doing some matchmaking lately, you old coot. How did their date, that wasn't really a date, go last night?"

  He grinned widely. "Pretty darn good if I do say so myself. Dinner was fantastic and apparently so was the rest of the evening. They might have hit a small bump this morning, but KC was going to pick up some flowers to smooth things over. I'm telling you, Bonnie, those two were meant for each other. I can feel it right here." He tapped his hand over his heart. "You know, she reminds me a lot of Grace, the boys' mother, which works out well since KC is the spitting image of his father. It's a shame Tommy never had a chance to know his sons as men. He would have been so proud."

  "Just like you are. You did an excellent job with those boys after their parents died, and they love you for it."

  "Thanks," he replied sheepishly. "So, what can I do for you or did you just come in to make my dog fat and me happy?"

  As if on cue, Jinx came running back to beg for the second biscuit he knew Bonnie had for him, and she handed it over. "Actually, I came by to see if you could come over to my house sometime in the next few days and take a look at the toilet in the spare bathroom. I want to know if it's an easy fix, or if I need a new one before I call the plumber. I don't trust contractors anymore since that electrician tried to cheat me last year. Thank God you came by before I signed anything, and he started working. They think they can get one over on dumb, single old ladies like me."

  Dan scoffed. "You are certainly not dumb, most definitely a lady, and don't look a day over forty. I would be happy to swing by and take a look as long as you make your famous meatloaf as payment for
my professional services."

  Grinning, Bonnie winked at him. "You’re on. Is tomorrow night okay?"

  "Sounds perfect."

  After she left the store and headed toward her boutique, Dan went back to his bills and started whistling a silly tune.



  W hen he returned to the little cottage, he pulled into the driveway. After much debating, he had picked out a large bouquet of flowers in an assortment of colors. He then decided to make a picnic lunch for Maura. Women loved romantic gestures like that, he told himself, and he’d do anything to get him out of the proverbial doghouse. He’d stopped at the food mart and picked up some fruit, crackers, pepperoni and a variety of cheeses. Then he selected a bottle of merlot at the liquor store and drove home, feeling much better about the day.

  Carrying his purchases into the kitchen, he placed them on the counter and began searching for a platter to put the food on. After everything had been prepared, he set the meal on the porch table, in addition to a vase filled with the bouquet.

  Walking down the hallway, he stopped in front of Maura’s room and hesitated for just an instant, suddenly unsure of himself. Knocking softly, he waited for her to open the door. Instead, he heard a soft “Yes?”

  “I made us some lunch. Are you hungry?”

  There was no answer for a moment. He didn’t realize he was holding his breath until she finally replied, “Give me a minute to freshen up. I’ll be right out.”

  They ate a quiet lunch, verbally dancing around each other, talking about the same safe subjects they had talked about at dinner the first night KC had been there. It was almost as if they had never made love...had never rocked each other’s world. He had hoped the romantic lunch, flowers, and wine would create the closeness they had enjoyed last night, but Maura seemed to want to keep her distance. It was driving him fucking crazy.

  Unable to take it anymore, he reached for her hand, which was resting on the table, and placed his own on top of it. “I’m sorry.”

  Maura’s eyes flew open then narrowed in surprise and confusion. “About what?”

  “Last night.”

  She lowered her eyes to her lap, her cheeks reddening. “I . . . I told you I wasn’t that good at sex.”

  Staring at her in amazement, he scrambled to explain. “No! That’s not what I meant.” Extending his other hand, he cradled her cheek. “Oh, honey, you were incredible. You absolutely blew my mind. Several times, in fact.”

  Her blush deepened, and he remembered how the rest of her had blushed last night and felt himself getting aroused again.

  “Then what are you sorry about?”

  His thumb brushed softly over her cheek. “You seem so quiet and out of sorts today. I just assumed you were regretting last night. I’m sorry if I pushed you too soon.”

  She gave her head a slight shake. “You didn’t push me. I wanted you more than anything last night. I-I never knew it could be like that.”

  Her gaze dropped to the table, and he slid his hand down to cup her chin and lifted until she met his eyes again. “Then what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing really.” She shrugged. “I’m just a little embarrassed. I don’t have much experience with men, especially someone as nice as you, and I’m not sure how I’m supposed to act, I guess.”

  He stood and pulled her up with him. As he wrapped his muscular arms around her small waist, he leaned down and gently kissed her lips. Maura sighed and melted into his embrace, thrilling him. “You don’t have to act. Just be natural—relax and enjoy yourself. You don’t have to be experienced to do that.” He nibbled her lower lip, and she let out a small, quick breath. “I like that you’re a bit naïve and, yet, you’re so responsive to me.”

  He pressed his lips to hers and ran his tongue along the seam, urging her to let him in. Her mouth opened, and he reveled in her taste as his tongue danced with hers. Melon and strawberries teased his palate. Drawing her even closer, he deepened the kiss as the last of the tension left her body. She was so soft against his contrasting, hard body but she fit him perfectly. Never had a woman completed him as Maura did. It was as if she had been made just for him.

  His lips didn’t leave hers as he bent down and hooked an arm under her knees. Securing his other arm behind her back, he carried her inside and strode purposely down the hallway to his bedroom. He eased her legs down next to the bed and dragged her against himself. His rigid cock rubbed her abdomen, and he let out a rabid hiss.

  He opened his eyes when she pulled away from the kiss and then closed them again as she began to explore his body with her hands. They stroked his shoulders and chest, then slowly made their way down his taut torso. When her fingers delved under the hem of his shirt, he obliged her by quickly pulling it over his head and tossing it to the ground.

  His eyes remained heavy, but he watched her through thin slits, shaded by his eyelashes. Her hands worked methodically upward again and stopped over his unyielding pectoral muscles, which contracted as if shocked by her touch. She glanced up at him seductively before bringing her mouth to replace her hands. KC growled like a wild animal, but stood still and let her continue her tantalizing exploration. His fists were clenched at his sides as he struggled to let her take the lead. Her tongue touched his nipple, and he nearly came at the erotic feeling which shot straight to his groin. He mimicked the words she had said to him last night. “You’re killing me.”

  Maura smiled against his skin but didn’t let up. “As they say, ‘what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.’”

  “If that’s the case . . .” He didn’t finish as he yanked her T-shirt up her body and over her head. He was almost disappointed to see that sometime since this morning she had put on a lacy white bra. His hands cupped her round globes of flesh, loving the feel of their weight in his palms. He rubbed his thumbs over her stiff buds at the same time her hand dove into the front of his increasingly tightened jeans, her fingers finding him stiff and ready. He hissed as she made a fist around his shaft.

  Losing his patience with their slow seduction of each other, KC quickly shed his jeans, boxer briefs, socks, and sneakers and then proceeded to strip Maura of her remaining clothes. He gave her a gentle push, and she fell back on the bed before scooting into the middle. She looked so damn sexy, and it was all for him. Retrieving a condom from the nightstand, he covered himself in latex as she viewed him through half-closed eyes. Stepping between her legs, he grabbed her knees and brought them up to his flanks. Leaning on the bed with one knee between her legs, he trailed his hand up her left calf toward her sweet pussy. Never taking his eyes off her face, he probed her entrance with two fingers and found her drenched and ready for him. Thrusting his fingers in and out, it wasn’t long before she was begging him. “Please! I need you! Please . . . oh, God!”

  He would have liked to have the satisfaction of making her beg some more, but he couldn’t wait any longer. The urge to fuck her until neither one of them could walk was something he couldn’t ignore. Lowering his body to hers, he settled between her widespread legs and ran his aching dick through her folds. When he was certain they were both wet enough for her to take him, he thrust forward, and her body yielded to him. He gasped when he was buried to the root and his balls slapped against her ass. Knowing this time was going to be a rutting, he told himself there would be plenty of time later to make up for it. “Honey, I can’t go slow.”

  She moaned as he pulled almost all the way out then filled her again. Her fingernails dug into his back. “I don’t want it slow.”

  Thank fuck! He pounded into her, taking them both up the proverbial mountain and hurtling toward the edge of the precipice. Her tits bounced with every thrust, drawing his gaze. Damn, they were so fucking pretty. Leaning over her with his weight on one hand, he brought the other to her nipple and pinched it drawing a loud gasp from her. “Oh! Oh, KC! More!”

  Pulling out of her, he flipped her on her stomach and tugged on her hips until she was on her knees, her a
ss high in the air, while her upper torso rested on the bed. He lined his cock up with her slit again and plunged forward. He fucked her as hard as he could without hurting her. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, and their combined grunting and gasping fill the room. She clutched the bedspread in her hands and begged him to send her into ecstasy. Reaching around her waist, he found her clit with his fingers and rubbed the little pearl as fast as he could. Thrusting her hips back toward him, Maura screamed as she climaxed around him. Her tight, quivering walls squeezed his shaft and sent him flying over the edge after her. “Fuuuuuck! Shit!”

  He came with the force of a hurricane, shooting his cum in waves inside her, and for the first time in his life, he cursed the protection he wore. What he wouldn’t give to know what it was like to be bareback in her hot cunt. Bright lights flashed behind his closed eyelids, and he felt as if he was on a dizzying amusement park ride. Their dueling orgasms seemed to go on forever until they finally collapsed in a sweaty, heaving, satiated heap on the bed.

  When he had the strength, he slid out of her warmth and rolled to the side. He quickly disposed of the condom and lay back down beside her, pulling her against him. They were asleep within minutes.

  * * *

  They spent the rest of the day and night in bed, leaving only for the occasional food or drink for energy, or a bathroom break. Moriah couldn’t get enough of the man. She knew she had planned to sneak out that night, but after KC had taken her back to his bed, she couldn’t refuse herself this one last night with him.

  Now at just after midnight, lying next to him as he snored softly, she brushed her hand over his chest and abdomen. She knew from her brief experience with him that if she tried to get out of the bed, he would wake up and teasingly pull her back into his embrace. And that, of course, would lead to another round of passionate love-making. He was insatiable, and it seemed he’d awakened the sexual beast within her because she couldn’t say no whenever he started nibbling on her neck and shoulders. And then, by the time he worked his way down her body and licked her clit, she’d be reduced to begging for him to fuck her over and over again. Who knew she could satisfy a man as virile as him? Definitely not the woman she’d been a few days ago.


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