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Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series

Page 9

by J. H. York

  “I never read it...” Rebecca said… For the 14000th fucking time...Jesus!

  A quick surprised look from Richard Getty caused Rebecca to blush but she pushed on quickly. “Mr. Getty...where is Jefferson's copies of these documents?”

  Surprised Getty smiled. “Pardon?” He asked.

  “Well, If I have to sign them doesn't Jefferson? I offense,” She turned to Jefferson, “ But my life is the one being turned upside down here. Jefferson is used to this stuff...but I'm now the one who doinked Jefferson Hughes in the fitting room.”

  Getty held up his hand. “”

  Rolling her eyes Rebecca continued. “And now I'm on TMZ, and Access Hollywood, and all the other tabloid shows. Like I'm some kind of trollop or something. SO I want Jefferson to sign the same thing I do. I don't want to have a book written about me in a couple of years, detailing our time together...only under some different title. See what I'm saying?”

  She looked back and forth between Jefferson and Getty. Both men were smiling.

  “Understood, Ms. Hollis. I'll fax over another set, and Jefferson will sign them. Fair enough?”

  Rebecca nodded and felt herself relax for the first time since the whole TMZ episode.

  “Good...” Getty said as he began putting papers into a briefcase. “I'll have them sent right over...” He smiled and looked at Rebecca, “It was a pleasure Ms. Hollis, and I look forward to meeting you in person.”

  Rebecca smiled back.

  He looked at Jefferson and grinned. “I see what you mean, Jefferson. Tread lightly with this lady, my friend. Good bye.” He waved and turned off his computer.

  Jefferson turned and smiled at Rebecca. “Well... Ms. Hollis...” He held up his drink and she clinked her glass with his. “What would you like to do now?” He asked slyly.


  Taking a long drink from her glass, Rebecca kept her eyes on Jefferson. As she let the drink slowly go down the back of her throat and relax her muscles, she considered. Should I have a talk about where this is going? Maybe I should just go with it...see where it ends up. I don't like either ending...

  She smiled at Jefferson and sighed. “I could use a bath...”

  He nodded and began rubbing her shoulders. “I can imagine that this is difficult for you Rebecca...Jesus you’re tight! Loosen up M'lady! “ He shook her shoulders gently, trying to loosen the knots that were there. “Now that it's out there we can have some fun!”

  Quietly Rebecca asked, “Is that all this is? Fun?”

  Jefferson stopped massaging her shoulders and Rebecca tensed up again.

  Good job he's going to kick you to the curb.

  A moment later he started massaging again as he mused. “I don't know Rebecca...Honestly. I're different than other...situations...that I've found myself in. I would be lying if I said one way or the other where I think this is going...because I really don't know. But I like us together if that makes any sense.”

  She turned to him and looked deeply into his eyes. Nodding she smiled. “ does make sense. I kinda feel the same way. I just don't want know...fall....”

  As the word hung in the air Rebecca felt the color rushing to her cheeks. Too late...already there ...right princess?

  Smiling he asked, “Would it be that bad? Falling for me?”

  Rebecca couldn't help but smile. She shook her head, “No... it wouldn't be bad at all. Unless it was a one-way street. Then that would suck.”

  Jefferson chuckled and nodded. “Believe it or not I have the same trepidation.”

  He stood up and walked over to the bar, leaving Rebecca in a stunned silence. The silence was outward only. Inside Rebecca's head was a sudden tumultuous blare of questions. What does that mean? Is he falling for me? Is he worried that he might, and I wouldn't? Is this really happening? She took a sip from her glass and realized that she had drained it. Jefferson was staring at her as he made them both another drink. Inside her stomach butterflies were competing with the flip-flops of stress. She tried on a smile as she looked at him. It felt as nervous as she assumed it looked.

  “You know...” He started as he sauntered back over carrying the drinks. “I kinda liked it when you stood up to Getty. You know asking about me signing papers as well. Kinda like you were taking charge.”

  He handed her the drink and she took it gratefully.

  “Oh yeah?” She smiled.

  “Yeah...” He said as he sat down next to her. “ want me to boss you around on occasion?” She asked slyly as she took a sip of her drink.

  Grinning he nodded. “Yeah...I think it would be hot.”

  Rebecca could feel the sexual tension in the room increase in an instant. She glanced down at Jefferson's crotch and could see his bulge starting to grow already. Well ,well ,well, Mr. Hughes. Somebody is a closet submissive. Interesting. Smiling Rebecca reached over and slowly stroked his crotch, feeling his bulge grow.

  “I think I could accommodate you Mr. Hughes.


  “Jefferson...I want you to go draw me a bath. Not to hot, not to cold. If I burn myself or get goose bumps I will punish you. Is that understood?” Rebecca ordered sternly.

  Grinning broadly Jefferson nodded. “Yes Mistress.” He whispered.

  Oh this is going to be fun...I could really get into the whole Dominatrix thing...

  “Also...put down your drink. You have not earned it yet, and I want that cock of yours ready to go. I don't want any chance of whiskey dick...understood?”

  “I understand Mistress.” He replied again.

  Rebecca looked down at his crotch and was pleased to see the bulge in his pants had grown bigger.

  “Since you are being a good boy I'll give you a treat. Take off your clothes.”

  Jefferson stood up, erection straining at his shorts, and began to quickly take off his clothes.

  “Slow down...” Rebecca commanded. “I want a show...” She said as she stretched out languishing on the couch.

  Nodding he paused. With some effort he started again, moving slowly. Wow he is really turned on! How interesting...Taking a sip of her drink Rebecca watched as Jefferson Hughes slowly unbuttoned his shirt with a very sizable erection straining at his shorts. He tossed the shirt off and stood for a second before starting at his shorts.

  “Good boy.” Rebecca murmured.

  She spread her legs and moved her hand down to her soaking wet crotch. He's not the only one turned on. Damn I'm wet!

  He had dropped his shorts, and wasn't wearing any underwear. His throbbing erection was standing at attention, and Rebecca grinned.

  “Come here.” She ordered.

  He moved over to her and she sat up.

  “I'm going to give you a little prize before you go get my bath ready.” She said as she looked up into his eyes.

  “Thank-you Mistress.” He whispered.

  She reached out and with her index finger ran it up the underside of his straining erection. She dragged her fingernail lightly … and as she did it, it caused him to moan.

  “I don't want you to come yet.” She ordered sternly.

  “Yes Mistress” He whispered with his eyes closed.

  I could probably get him to come in three seconds... wow is he turned on!

  Rebecca leaned forward and ran her tongue up the same trail that she had run her finger. Jefferson groaned from above her and Rebecca smiled.

  “Does that feel good?” She murmured.

  Jefferson didn't speak, only nodded. She rolled her tongue around the head of his erection for a second and then sat back.

  “Now...go draw me a good bath.”

  Jefferson stood for a second with his eyes closed and then smiled.

  He looked down at her and nodded. “Yes Mistress. Thank-you.”

  He said and walked briskly toward the master bedroom. Rebecca watched as he left and smiled at his bare ass. Oh boy...She laid back against the pillows on the cou
ch and took a drink from her glass. She moved her hand back down to her crotch and began rubbing herself as she heard the water turn on in the bathroom.

  She pleasured herself for a few minutes, thinking about Jefferson's lovemaking skills.

  “Mistress...the bath is ready.” Jefferson said quietly from behind the couch.

  Rebecca snapped out of her trance and looked over at him. He still had an erection as he stood there naked.

  “Very good my little submissive.” She said and handed him her glass. “Take this...I might want a drink while in the bath.”

  He took the glass and bowed slightly. “As you wish.” He turned and started walking back to the bathroom. Rebecca watched his ass cheeks move as he walked and she smiled.


  The master bedroom and adjacent bathroom were huge. The setting was bigger than Rebecca's apartment in Massachusetts. The steam and bubbles emanating from the claw footed bathtub smelled of melon and cucumber. She glanced over and saw a king size canopy bed covered in pillows. Jefferson was standing at the entrance of the bathroom, holding her drink, sporting an erection. Life is good...really...really good. Walking towards him Rebecca smiled. He looked at her and a small smile passed on his lips.

  “The bath is ready Mistress.” He said and handed the drink to her.

  “Not yet...” She barked. “I need to be undressed! Now...take my clothes off.”

  His penis twitched and Rebecca smiled despite herself.

  He moved over and set her drink down on a side table. Reaching up he started to slide her t-shirt off. Rebecca caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and thought how under-dressed she was in this setting. Of course she had just thrown clothes on as TMZ was revealing to the world she was Jefferson’s new hot fling, so who could really blame her?

  Jefferson lifted her t-shirt over her head and tossed it onto the floor. He deftly unbuttoned her shorts and they slid down her legs with a quiet swoosh. He was looking at her in the mirror and she was reminded of the fitting room romp that they had. Her already soaked panties got even wetter.

  Her bra was off in a matter of seconds, and he started to slowly slide her panties down. Rebecca noticed that she had started trembling with anticipation and smiled.

  “Very drink now.”

  She pointed and he quickly grabbed it up and handed it to her. She took a long sip as they both stood naked. She let her eyes wander over his body and he did the same.

  “Now...I want a good bath. Can you give that to me?” She asked.

  He smiled and nodded. “Yes Mistress.”

  He reached out his hand and she took it. Leading her to the tub he held her hand as she stepped in. The water was just right, and Rebecca slid in. She sighed and took a sip from her glass.

  Jefferson reached into the tub and soaked the washcloth. He lifted her right leg and began to wash her. She smiled and looked at him. He looked over at her and grinned, breaking character for a second.

  “Am I doing a good job, Mistress?” He asked… pausing and transitioning back into the moment with a submissive glace.

  “ are. Don't spoil it by talking.”

  She grinned and closed her eyes as he continued to bathe her. As he washed her she felt the tension of the day leaving her body. Even if this only lasts for a least I had that. Right? She opened her eyes and looked at him. He was looking at her and she felt a little embarrassed. When he smiled at her she couldn't help but reciprocate.

  “Does my Mistress wish for her hair to be washed today?” Nodding she took a sip of her drink. “Yes...that would be nice. You are doing such a good job I might have to give you a special treat today. How would you like that?”

  He smiled and nodded. “I would like that.”

  Rebecca nodded and pointed at her hair. “Okay...continue.”

  He moved up the side of the tub and began to cup water onto her head, soaking her hair. The cucumber melon smell once again filled Rebecca's senses as the scent lingered now in her hair and she felt complete contentment. He continued to lather her hair and used his fingers to massage her scalp. She let out a little moan as he continued. The relaxation she felt ran through her entire body. As he rinsed off her hair she felt the warm water course over her.

  “Would you like to stay in the bath or would you like to get out?” He asked.

  Considering for a second Rebecca smiled wickedly. “I'll get out I think. Besides I said I would give you a treat, didn't I?”

  He nodded and sat still. Standing up Rebecca placed a foot on the edge of the tub.

  “Here is your treat....” She whispered as he looked up at her.

  She sighed as he put his lips on her.


  The role play of mistress and submissive seemed to have both Rebecca and Jefferson turned on to the max. As he ran his tongue over her, Rebecca could sense his excitement. He was more fervent, and she was grinding on his tongue in response. She groaned and closed her eyes as he reached around and grabbed her ass cheeks. He held her still and continued. I don't want to come yet... Pushing his head away, Rebecca looked down at him. He had a little look of disappointment on his face, but said nothing.

  “You're doing really well...but I want to go to that big bed to continue.”

  Nodding he stood up and held his hand out. His erection was standing at attention, and Rebecca smiled.

  “Someone is a turned on man...Hmm?”

  Smiling and nodding he said “Yes Mistress.”

  He helped her out of the tub and wrapped a plush towel around her. She was aware of her soaked hair, but didn't ask for a towel. I want him inside me right now! I can dry my hair later. She reached down and gently grabbed his erection. She stroked him a couple of times and then started walking to the bedroom, leading him by his penis. He sighed and followed. They walked into the vast bedroom and over to the huge canopy bed. Rebecca dropped her towel and slowly crawled onto the bed. She looked behind him seductively as he stood, waiting in anticipation.

  She shook her ass a little and asked huskily, “Do you like the view?”

  He nodded, and his penis twitched involuntarily. She turned around and crawled slowly toward him. Stopping right in front of him, she was eye to eye with his erection. Smiling she looked up at him. He was looking at her with such lust in his eyes! She moved forward so that his penis was up against her left cheek and she was lower in his crotch. She stuck out her tongue and ran it all the way up his length, starting from his balls. He groaned softly and she rolled her tongue along the head of his erection. She moved down the other side and repeated the long licks. She stopped and kissed the head again, then moved backward looking up.

  “I don't want you to come yet...understood?”

  He nodded with his eyes closed and took a couple of deep breaths to try and contain his excitement. Walking over to the nightstand he quickly opened the drawer and grabbed a condom. As he walked back to the edge of the bed he tore open the wrapper. Deftly he put on the condom. Rebecca was growing wild with anticipation as he started to climb onto the bed.

  Spreading her legs she said, “Come fuck me like the dog that you are.”

  He crawled forward and stuck his face in her aching area. He gave a long lick and continued his exploration upward. He ran his tongue over her ass cheek and up her lower back. As he continued forward his penis moved up to her entrance. He reached her face and kissed her at the same time he entered her. She groaned with pleasure. This was a new position for her, and she probably would not have chosen it if not for the roleplaying situation she was in. The adventure and excitement of being in control had her so turned on that she felt like being a bit naughty. His already large penis felt even bigger in the doggy-style position. It hurt a little, but when he reached around and started rubbing her she felt a wave of wetness that eliminated the slight pain. As they moved together she felt only pleasure. They were thrusting together, and Rebecca could feel an orgasm building that was going to be the most intense. They cont
inued at a frantic pace, matching each other’s movements.

  Little spasms were jolting through her body, and Jefferson's breathing was growing fast and heavy. And then the wave was overwhelming her. Her orgasm went from her toes to her head it seemed. She could feel herself clamping around his penis, holding him still, unable to move. Spasm after spasm, and wave after wave, crashed through her body.

  “Jesus...” He whispered as she shook uncontrollably.

  Her arms gave out and she fell face forward into the plush pillows. Her intense orgasm loosened just enough around his erection and he gave one final thrust before exploding inside her. Feeling him spasm caused her to twitch a little and she smiled.

  He collapsed on top of her, and she lay all the way down. He was still inside of her, as he gave her a kiss on the ear. Holding one another together, they lay still for a minute in spent comfort. After pausing for several minutes, Jefferson chuckled with delight.

  “What?” She asked and looked back at him.

  He moved slightly so he could lay his head down on a pillow and look her directly in the eyes.

  “ make a damn fine Mistress.”


  “He wants you to do what?!?!” Jill asked as if she hadn't heard Rebecca.

  The girls were having breakfast the next morning and Rebecca had just broken some news to them.


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