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Gods & Monsters

Page 22

by Jani Kay

  Chapter 1 from TORMENTED

  Book #4

  Scorpio Stinger MC Series


  Harrison. Dark. Broody.

  Definitely tormented.

  A monster?

  Maybe he was, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to be with him. On some deep level we had connected—I saw past the damaged outer into his very soul.

  “Why so quiet? You haven’t said a word since we left Ryder’s place.” We stopped at a traffic light and he twisted his body in the seat to look at me. I’d been staring with unseeing eyes out of the window, so I turned my head to gaze at him from under my lashes. With Harrison, I never knew what to expect, so I stayed guarded until I’d fathomed his mood.

  “Oh . . . um, just thinking, that’s all.”


  Lowering my lashes so that he couldn’t see into my eyes, I lied. “Jade and Ryder’s wedding. How I can help her.”

  “Hmmm . . . the wedding. I don’t know what my old man was thinking, to agree to that. Guess I don’t have much choice in the matter, do I?” He sighed, a deep frown marring his brow.

  “No. It's time you accept that they are in love and want to be together. And you seem to forget that Ryder is my brother.”

  “Half brother—and only technically so. You didn’t grow up together, and you’re nothing like him. You’re educated and smart—”

  His tone and attitude toward Ryder pissed me off. “The only reason Ryder isn’t educated is because he didn’t have the opportunities you and I had. He was battling for survival. In fact, I believe it made him a stronger person. One with compassion. You could actually learn a lot from my brother.” I crossed my arms and glared at him, my neck growing hot. “And he’s smart, so don’t underestimate him.”

  Was there truly salvation for Harrison? Sure, he was my lover, but would our relationship—if one could call the sex between us that—ever really go anywhere other than the bedroom?

  I wanted what most women wanted. A man of my own, but not for sex only. I wanted his heart and soul—someone to love and who would love me equally in return.

  Harrison wanted my submission, to control me. But did he want my heart? I didn’t know the answer to that question. Truth be told, I doubted Harrison was capable of more than a sexual relationship—the way he needed control in the bedroom was proof that he was trying to control not only me, but also his own mind and heart.

  “That may be true. I heard him talking about opening steakhouses around Cali and then in other states, too. I’m not sure how he’ll make it work. I mean, who would want to support outlaws?” He smirked, as if he’d already made up his mind that it wouldn’t work.

  I narrowed my eyes at him and huffed. “God, you’re a self-righteous prick. For your information, as a businesswoman, I think it's a damn smart venture. In fact, if Bill and Max help him get it up and running, Ryder can hardly fail.”

  “Jesus, Eva, you’re fucking sexy when you talk like that—all business-like. It makes me want to stop the car and fuck you right here.” His hand slipped to his crotch and he pressed his palm against his hardness. “Fuck, my jeans are so tight I can hardly move.”

  “Ha ha.” I laughed sarcastically. “Is that because you’re a super-sized prick?”

  He caught my hand and brought it to his erection. “You’re going to pay for that, woman. My prick seeks revenge.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You have no idea what I have planned for you tonight, and now I’m upping the ante since you insulted my dick. You’re going to have to kiss him to make it better.”

  “Hmph,” I snorted, trying to stay mad, but playful Harrison was sexy beyond words. I rubbed his cock and it hardened even more as it grew in length and girth.

  “I think your prick likes me, in spite of my insults.” I fluttered my lashes coyly as he groaned with every upward stroke. For good measure, I cupped his balls in my palm and squeezed hard.

  “Fuck . . .” He swallowed hard. “Babe, you have no idea how much he likes you. He can’t wait to get inside you.” He was grinding on his teeth as he changed gears, whipping the SUV through the traffic, suddenly in a mad rush to get home.

  “Is that right, Mr. Summers?” I teased, licking my lips as seductively as I could, hoping I didn’t look like an idiot.

  It was easy enough to give him my body.

  The sex was electrifying and had my core clench at his mere touch, anticipating what was coming. And with Harrison, it was always a surprise. We’d never had sex the same way twice since we’d started fucking one another.

  A part of me loved being dominated. Sometimes not making decisions was liberating. I could let go and follow his instructions, knowing that I’d be safe. Because in spite of everything Harrison was, I trusted him with my life. I didn’t understand why, but I knew he would never hurt me physically.

  But my mind and heart?

  He’d smash me to pieces in a heartbeat, break my heart with his cold and distant demeanor, mess with my mind and drive me crazy. So I would simply never allow that—Harrison could control my body but he’d never control my mind; I wouldn’t ever give up who I was. That part would only belong to me.

  As for my heart? I’d made a decision that until he actually accepted Ryder and Jade’s relationship and let go of his demons, I wasn’t prepared to give him that either.

  This was dangerous territory—being overridden with lust for a man I got completely lost in when we were together, yet trying to keep it to sex only. But I had to give him the chance to show me that there was more to him than hatred and revenge—that he indeed was capable of love and caring.

  Was he?

  Coming later in 2015.

  Thank YOU!

  Thank you for purchasing and reading my books.

  Without YOU, the reader, I wouldn’t have an audience for my stories.

  Ryder and Maxwell and Tyler, the Scorpio Stinger MC brothers and all their women would just be in my head. I'm so glad I get to share them all with you!

  Thank you also to the wonderful people who have supported me throughout this journey through the ups and downs and everything in between — fans, readers, bloggers and authors who have become friends. Without you, I would never have followed my dream and embarked on this awesome journey. You make getting to the destination so much fun!

  There is one friend in particular who always has my back — Author Nina Levine. If this writer journey brought me nothing else than you as a friend, it has been so worth it. People come into our lives for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime. You are a LIFETIME friend for me!

  (Look out for us at author signings around the globe *wink wink*)

  To my beautiful family: Thank you for your unwavering belief in me. Thanks for understanding when I disappear into the writer’s cave and for giving me the space I need to listen to the voices in my head. You rock. I love you with all my heart.

  To my amazingly talented friend Louisa Maggio. Miss Weeza, you are madly talented and I love the covers you do for me. You bring my stories to life with eye catching graphics and attention to detail.

  To Melanie Sassymum, thanks for helping me get the word out about my books and organizing everything I need for release days so that it takes a huge burden off my shoulders. Book Empire Promotions has helped in so many ways, I’d be lost without you.

  My Street Team: What an absolutely amazing group of woman I have to support me through thick and thin. I know they always have my back and I am both humbled and honored that you show me so much love and support. I love each one of you for the uniqueness you bring to our exclusive group. Many of you have been with me from day one and I love that we have grown together. I hope to have you there for the rest of the journey too.

  Jani Kay KRUSADERS: You rock, babes!! I love this fun group and thank you for all your support, love and smiles you bring to my life.

  Thanks to the beautiful Nic for agreeing to be my Cover Model for GODS & MONSTERS. I loved working with you and I love the pics. Thank you for workin
g out so hard so I could have such an awesome cover!

  There are many more special people who play a role in my journey as an author. I’m privileged to call some of the most talented indie authors on this planet my friends.

  Bloggers who have become friends and who reach out to tirelessly help spread the word about my books without expecting anything in return. You make book world the awesome place it is and your dedication blows me away.






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  Did you love Gods & Monsters ~ Jani Kay? Then you should read Lost In France - Jani Kay by Jani Kay!

  Rebecca Clarke flees her tormented past to start a new life and career in Paris, city of love and romance.

  On the plane she meets Alain, a sexy Frenchman who seduces her with his accent and charming European ways. A sizzling romance blossoms as Alain - winemaker and owner of a chateaux in Bordeaux - offers to be Rebecca's tour guide thoughout France .

  Will Rebecca find love with Alain?

  And what secret is the Frenchman hiding?

  Rebecca loves her new job, but can't stand her boss, arrogant alpha male, CEO of Grant Industries. Maxwell Grant doesn't like her entanglement with the Frenchman. He wants Rebecca all to himself...

  Will Rebecca jump from one hotter than hell romance into another? And will she find what she is looking for?

  LOST IN FRANCE is Book 1 of the Firebird Trilogy

  Book 2 in the Firebird Trilogy: NO REGRETS now available on all platforms.

  Warning: 18+++

  Adult situations and language.

  Read more at Jani Kay’s site.




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