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Seacrest Sunsets

Page 3

by Melissa Chambers

  “I guess you need a ride home?” Her voice came out higher than usual, and she inwardly cursed herself.

  He stood up off his seat and lifted his chin. “Depends. You still think I’m going to throw you in the lake or something?”

  “I think I’ll roll the dice.”

  He grinned. “Better blow on them first.”

  Bo directed the girl whose name he highly suspected was not Marlene to his house. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought that was probably the only lie she had told him. She seemed nervous as hell at the beginning of the night, but she had come around after they got to talking. He actually thought it was pretty cute, how nervous she was. Some of the tourists down there were overly aggressive due to the copious amounts of alcohol and the desire to throw caution to the wind. That was fun every once in a while, but it robbed him of the thrill of the chase.

  This girl couldn’t have been more different from the ones he typically met around this town, tourist and local alike. This was a responsible, professional, highly intelligent woman. One who scared the shit out of him. He’d never been with a woman like this. She had the most interesting balance of confidence and modesty. Hell, he hadn’t closed a bar down with a girl in years. He liked this one. He liked her so much he’d have to let her go.

  She was here for the week. What was he going to do, spend the next few days taking her out, showing her around town, fooling around, then tell her bye next Saturday? Fuck that. He’d done enough of that in his time. He was thirty-five now. It was time to try to date someone who lived within driving distance from him, someone he could actually see in the flesh longer than a week. Right now, he had everything in check with this girl. He’d enjoyed the night with her, and he needed that to be the end of it.

  She brought the car to a stop in his driveway but left the engine running. The ball was in his court to offer an invitation inside. She seemed ready. Fuck a duck was he ready. But he was a thirty-five-year-old man. He could keep his dick in his pants when he needed to.

  He turned to her. “Thanks for bringing me home.”

  “Sure.” She drew her sweet little lips together in a line and nodded.

  She was pretty in a way he suspected she didn’t even realize. She wore very little makeup around her crystal blue eyes, and her soft, straight hair that hung just below her chin looked too naturally blond to have come from a bottle. She had an innate beauty about her, one he hadn’t picked up on right at first, but the more he’d talked to her, the more it shined through with her sweet personality.

  “Hope you ladies enjoy your vacation.” He had his hand on the door handle, but he couldn’t pull it. What? Was he a pussy now? He couldn’t just walk away from her?

  “We’re looking forward to getting some sun tomorrow. Do you know if it’s supposed to be pretty?”

  “Should be mid 80s.”

  “Great, that sounds perfect,” she said.

  They were sitting there talking about the goddamned weather when they could be in his bed right inside. All he had to do was invite her in.

  “Do you know your way back to where you’re staying?”

  She nodded and held up her phone. “GPS.”

  “Good.” He paused for way too long. Why couldn’t he just get out of the goddamn car? “You’re okay to drive and all?” he asked, knowing she was. She’d stopped drinking her wine as soon as her friend turned the keys over to her, and they’d sat there for hours.

  “Oh, yes. I’m perfectly sober, unfortunately.” She smiled at him, and he wanted to cave worse than a smoker wanted a cigarette.

  He held his hand out to her. “Well, it was nice to meet you.” She took it, and they shook on it, but neither let go, the whole time gazing into each other’s eyes. He liked this girl in front of him, and he suspected one night with her wouldn’t be enough. She lived in another world, one she wouldn’t be leaving behind for him, so what was the point?

  He gave her hand one final squeeze. “Good night.” He let go, then forced himself to open the door.

  “Oh,” she said. “Happy birthday.”

  He smiled. “Thanks.”

  She leaned over toward him, resting her fingertips on the back of his neck and pressed her lips against his cheek, just barely catching the corner of his mouth with her kiss. He closed his eyes, drinking in the smell of her hair for the brief moment. He was such an idiot. Why didn’t he walk away when Chase did?

  She pulled back. “Good night.”

  “Good night,” he said, scanning her face one last time. Of all the girls he’d said goodbye to on nights like this, he’d never felt more like he was letting a possibility slip through his fingers.

  He forced a final smile, and then got out of the car.

  Chapter Three

  Maya lay in bed examining the intricacies of the nouveau beach art on the wall of Sebastian’s guest room. She couldn’t decide if she was embarrassed, ashamed, upset, or pissed off. Maybe some of each.

  She had not imagined the connection between her and Bo. She wasn’t one to assume a guy was interested in her. But she knew flirting when she saw it, and he’d done so shamelessly. Turned out he was all talk. Nothing but a big fat tease.

  His attention had given her confidence in the connection and encouraged her to say and do flirty things she otherwise wouldn’t have. Maybe that was his game—take women who obviously didn’t date guys like him, pump up their egos, and then shoot them down like rabbits on a carnival game.

  That wasn’t it at all. He was a good guy, she could just tell he was. She never knew chemistry like that existed. She’d been in two long-term relationships, but heat had never filled her belly like it did when that man looked at her. She was getting started up again just at the thought of it.

  This was just the sort of bonehead move her sister, Meade, would have made. Spend the night panting for some guy like a puppy. But Meade would have written him a blank check and laid herself over a puddle in the road for him to walk over.

  Maya pulled up Facebook on her phone and went to her sister’s page. There she was in a picture, cheek to cheek with some guy a good seven or eight years younger than her, hot as a fire pit. He was new. But of course he was. Seventy-eight people liked it. She hovered over the like button. She just couldn’t do it.

  She texted Meade.

  Hey. Made it to Sebastian’s house. It’s beautiful down here.

  She gave it a minute, and then a message flashed on her screen.

  Cool. I’ll try to come next time.

  Maya rolled her eyes. That would never happen. And besides, it’d taken Maya five years to make this trip. She’d all but lost touch with Sebastian. Felicity was easier to keep up with since she lived closer, but Maya still didn’t give her enough time. And now with Maya’s promotion at work, she doubted she’d be on any vacations for a long time.

  You should. Saw the pic on your FB page. Is that your new guy? The one you mentioned last week?

  Yep. That’s Luke.

  What does he do?

  Maya waited for it. It was taking a while for this response, and she could only guess why.

  He’s in between jobs right now, but he’s got several interviews lined up.

  There it was. Maya was sure Meade had set those interviews up and was equally as sure Luke would not be attending them if Meade’s past taught Maya anything.

  Meade texted again.

  Have you talked to Mom yet?

  Maya frowned and texted back.

  No. Why?

  I screwed up and mentioned you were in Florida when she called yesterday. She’s pissy that you didn’t tell her you were going. Sorry.

  Maya winced. She wasn’t mad at Meade. She should have told her she wasn’t going to tell their mom about going to see Sebastian because then she’d comment about women traveling unescorted and then Maya would have to say Felicity was going with her, then she’d get a lecture about bad influences and how her fit body was her biggest asset and if she let up even for a week, then she’d look like
Meade, and was that what she wanted?

  Meade texted again.

  Just tell her to fuck off like I do.

  As long as Maya lived, she would never understand Meade’s ability to let everything her mother said and did slide right off her shoulders. Of course, Meade was the brilliant one, the genius, the one her parents could brag about incessantly even though she was currently using her brilliant mind to deal blackjack in Vegas and not to cure cancer or improve upon spaceships.

  “Details, Marlene. We’re dying for details down here!” Felicity shouted from downstairs.

  Maya let out a deep breath and typed into her phone.

  Thanks for letting me know. Gotta go. Talk soon.

  “If you don’t come to us, we’ll come to you,” Sebastian shouted.

  She flipped the covers off and made her way to the kitchen table where Sebastian had a coffee and some sort of pastry waiting for her, proving how out of touch they’d been. She hadn’t eaten a pastry in years.

  “Thank you, Bastian,” she said.

  “So?” he said.

  “I hate to disappoint you two, but nothing happened,” Maya said.

  Felicity’s expression dropped. “What do you mean, nothing happened? Do I have to direct the two of you into the bed? I thought I had made it obvious enough.”

  “Oh, you did. And we stayed there talking for hours. But then when I took him home, he basically said good night and got out of the car.”

  “You mean he didn’t invite you in with him?” Sebastian asked.

  “No. And I was putting it out there. At least I thought I was.” Maya stared at her coffee cup, twisting it two-handed.

  “Well, your idea of putting it out there is not the same as the average girl’s,” Felicity said.

  “I know that. But I flirted, I promise I did.” She picked up the cup with both sets of fingertips then set it back down. “I even went in for a birthday kiss.”

  “How did that go?” Sebastian asked, and Maya gave him a look.

  “It was his birthday?” Felicity asked.

  Sebastian cocked his head to the side. “Who is this guy? What did you all talk about for hours? What does he do?”

  “I don’t even know. He mentioned owning a business, but then we got sidetracked before he told me what kind of business. That was how it was. No uncomfortable silences. We talked nonstop about everything and nothing.”

  “I don’t understand this,” Felicity said. “I saw the way he was looking at you.”

  Sebastian pulled the lid off his coffee. “Maybe he’s gay.”

  “You wish,” Felicity said.

  Maya dropped her forehead into her hands. “Can we not talk about it anymore? It was humiliating enough the first time. I mean finally, I’m ready to stick my neck out and do something totally out of my character, and I get rejected after hours of investment in this guy.”

  “Okay, subject closed,” Sebastian said.

  Maya eyed Felicity. “What about you? How did you make out?”

  Felicity waggled her eyebrows. “Very well. My guy was really fun.”

  “When did you get home?”

  “Just a minute ago. I Ubered. He was still asleep. I didn’t want to wake him.”

  Maya threw up her hands. “How do you do it?”

  Felicity took a sip of coffee. “Do what?”

  “The whole capturing men thing. It’s like breathing to you.”

  “It’s in her DNA,” Sebastian said.

  “What can I say? I likes the mens.”

  Sebastian clapped his hands in front of his chest and rubbed them together. “So, I’ve got a special treat for you ladies.”

  Maya perked up. “Oh, good. What are we doing?”

  “Okay, don’t shoot me, but I’ve got to go see the ladies at the nursing home today. I was out of town last week and didn’t have time to visit Friday or yesterday. I haven’t seen them in a week. I promised them I would come today. I’ve never been away from them this long, and I’m sure their hair desperately needs my attention.”

  Felicity crossed her arms over her chest. “Now, how are we supposed to compete with three elderly ladies in a nursing home?”

  Sebastian rested his hand on her forearm. “It’s not a competition. There’s plenty of me to go around. They know you are here this week, and they understand. Just let them have a few hours today, then I’m all yours.”

  “Are you going to introduce us to them this week?” Maya asked.

  Sebastian patted her arm. “Later in the week, I promise. I’ve got something for you two today. I’ve arranged for you to spend the afternoon at a fabulous local pool. I’ve got your passes right here.”

  “What’s that out in your backyard?” Felicity pointed toward the window revealing Sebastian’s pool.

  “The pool guy’s coming this morning to get it ready for summer and for you two. There was an accident in it last fall, and it’s been shut down ever since. I really haven’t even thought much about the stupid thing since then. I meant to have it ready before now.”

  “What kind of accident?” Maya asked.

  “Someone hit her head on the diving board. She was drunk. We never should have been out there. Anyway, old news. She’s fine now. You’ll meet her this week. You’ll meet my whole crew. I’m having a little soiree here tonight in honor of you two. I want everyone in our circle to meet my oldest friends from home.” Sebastian proffered a hand to each lady.

  “Oldest? Who’s old?” Felicity said.

  “I thought we were your circle,” Maya said.

  He grabbed each girl’s hand and squeezed. “You are my original circle, never to be broken.”

  Felicity wiggled the fingers on her free hand. “All right, gimme those passes. What time does that pool open?”

  “Ten o’clock.” Sebastian turned to Maya. “Are you going to eat that pastry?”

  Maya scrunched up her face in apology. He was sweet for thinking of her, but there was no way she was eating that pastry. She never ate sugar. Ever. When she strayed off her path of order, bad things happened. Case in point, last night.

  Sebastian held up both hands. “All right. I just thought you might be indulging since it’s your vacation.”

  Felicity swiped Maya’s pastry. “Please. She wouldn’t eat something like this if you told her the earth was going to stop turning tomorrow.”

  Sebastian went to the cabinet. “I’ve got your steel-cut oats right here. Is this the right brand? It says gluten-free.”

  She smiled. “You remembered.”

  “Of course I remembered, sweetie. Okay, I’m gone. Don’t the two of you get into any trouble without me.”

  “No trouble for me this week,” Maya said. “That’s a promise.”

  Maya lay face-down on the bed in her own personal guest room. She and Felicity each had their own room—better than the Four Seasons. Felicity sifted through Maya’s clothes. “How do you already have everything on hangers? When did you do this?”

  “Last night before we went out.” Maya let her eyes droop closed.

  “Oh wow,” Felicity said, moving to the second-story window. “Someone’s here.”

  Maya picked herself up off the bed and walked that way. A shirtless hard body of a guy was holding a net, the muscles on his back rippling as he stroked it through the pool. His tanned, wet skin glistened in the sunlight.

  “No idea what his face looks like under that ball cap, but who gives a damn with that body,” Felicity said.

  “Probably best we don’t see his face. It’d only pale in comparison to the rest of him,” Maya said.

  “It’d have to. Look at this guy. Maybe we can hook you up with him.”

  Maya moved behind the curtain. “Will you quit it? There’s no requirement that I have sex this week.”

  “I’ve made it my mission, my dear friend. You know I like a good project. Besides, it hurts my head that you’ve only had sex with two guys in your life.”

  Maya walked over to the drawer to pull out a
bathing suit. “Many times with each. You’re making me out to be some Virgin Mary.”

  “I don’t even think you can count Al,” Felicity said.

  “We were together almost three years.”

  “How many times did you have sex during those three years?”

  “Plenty of times.”

  “Good sex?”

  Maya threw a bikini at Felicity. “Will you get dressed so we can go?”

  Felicity held up the bathing suit. “Damn, you’re thin. I don’t think I can even get a boob in this top.”

  “You’re welcome to try,” Maya said.

  Felicity shrugged and headed to her room. Maya sneaked back over to the window to watch the guy working on the pool. She saw hot bodies at the gym on a daily basis, but watching this guy work and sweat, his tanned skin glistening with the movement of his muscles, was making her core light up. This was all Bo’s fault. He’d unlocked some hidden desire inside of her. She’d been fine with nerdy guys until this point. But the idea of running her hands across a pair of shoulders like that was a temptation worse than the poison apple itself.

  He walked around the far side of the pool and looked up directly at her window. She stepped quickly out of way, and then drew the curtains closed. Now she was that creepy old lady eyeing the pool guy. Man did she need to get her libido in check.

  “Hello, gorgeous pool guy.”

  Bo turned to find Sebastian coming through the French doors. “Hey, man.”

  “Thanks for coming on such short notice. I was out of town last week and totally forgot to schedule you.”

  Bo checked the results of his final chlorine test. “I actually had you on the schedule for tomorrow. If I’d known you had houseguests this week, I would have come sooner.”

  “Speaking of my houseguests, I want to invite you to a little soiree I’m having tonight. They’re good friends of mine from home, and I want to introduce them to my friends.”

  He thought about the girls from last night and Marlene saying she was staying with a friend in Seacrest. But those girls were from Indianapolis, and Sebastian was from Chicago.


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