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Owning Violet

Page 4

by Monica Murphy

  My blood runs cold and I stop in my tracks, watching them. Ryder stops as well, never letting me go and not saying a word either. I curl my fingers around his rock-hard bicep, momentarily distracted as I tilt my head to look at his arm. The man must work out obsessively to have muscles like that.

  I wonder what his skin feels like. Bare and smooth and hot …

  “Violet!” Zachary strides toward me, his eyes flashing as he takes in me standing beside Ryder. “There you are. I was worried you’d fallen in.”

  I grimace. Such a crass remark. I can’t believe he said that in front of Pilar and Ryder. He never talks like that. “I’m fine.” I smile and lift my chin. “I ran into Ryder on my way out and we were talking.”

  The anger simmering in Zachary’s gaze is undeniable. Good. He should know I’m not thrilled that Pilar has her hands on him either. She’s standing beside him, her dark red lips curved into a closed-mouth smile, looking awfully pleased with herself. “I didn’t realize you two were so close,” Zachary says, his voice sharp, his gaze assessing.

  “Someone needs to take care of her now that you’ll be gone, don’t you think, Lawrence?” Ryder chuckles.

  I immediately release my hold on Ryder’s arm, shocked at his words. The fire in Zachary’s gaze rises and I go to him, sliding my arm around his waist and giving him a squeeze. “Ignore him,” I whisper, placing my hand on Zachary’s cheek when he continues to stare at Ryder like he wants to murder him where he stands. “Please.”

  Zachary breathes deep, his chest rising against mine, his expression contrite. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” He glances up, glaring at Ryder again. “See you both tomorrow?”

  Pilar murmurs a goodbye, though Ryder says nothing. Zachary opens the door for me and I slide into the car, Zachary following in after me. Just as he pulls the door shut, I hear Ryder’s voice, clear above the usual city noise.

  “See you tomorrow, Violet.”

  He doesn’t bother mentioning Zachary. It’s as if he’s completely focused on me.

  And that makes me fairly sure Ryder is quite possibly the last person I want to see tomorrow.

  “Tell me.” I keep my gaze focused firmly on my monitor so my sister won’t suspect I’m up to anything. I’m on a research hunt and I want no one to suspect a thing. “What do you know about Ryder McKay?”

  Rose laughs. “I know he’s sexy as hell.”

  My head whips in her direction so fast I swear I just threw out my neck. I rub the back of it, wincing. “What do you mean? Do you have a crush on him?”

  Rose laughs even harder, the little witch. “What woman that works here doesn’t? Not that he notices any of us. He’s too focused on his work. Or he’s spending time with Pilar Vasquez.” She grimaces. “There’s a relationship I don’t really understand.”

  “Agreed.” I can’t get him out of my mind. I tossed and turned last night, my mind racing. Why had he been so nice to me? What had he meant by that remark he made to Zachary? And why did Pilar have her hands all over Zachary’s chest?

  Such a strange night. One I can’t help but reexamine and try to take apart. But every time I try to put it back together, the pieces don’t fit.

  “I’ve heard he’s very driven,” Rose says, interrupting my thoughts. “He’s determined to succeed at Fleur, which I’m sure Daddy loves.”

  “He does love it. He approves of Ryder’s tactics. Father has lavished praise on him to me more than once.” Only Rose would get away with calling our father Daddy. I don’t think I’ve ever called him that. He’s Father to me. Not even Dad.

  Our relationship has always been more on the formal side.

  “I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to match me up with him,” Rose continues, turning her head so she’s gazing out the window. “Like he matched you up with Zachary.”

  “He didn’t match us up,” I argue, offended that she would even suggest it. She knows the truth behind the start of our relationship. “I chased after Zachary.” I took one look at him and knew he would be perfect. Father encouraged our relationship, I won’t deny that, but it was no predestined match.

  “Whatever you say.” Rose shrugs and turns her attention upon me. She’s the astute one. The savvy one. Nothing much gets past my baby sister. “Why are you asking about Ryder anyway?”

  My mind blanks as I try my best to act like it’s nothing when it’s so something. A very big something I discovered when I went over my schedule with my assistant earlier this morning. “I’ve been working on a project and just realized I’m going to be in constant contact with him over the next few months. I want to know what I’m dealing with.” Not necessarily a lie. I’d been in a meeting earlier this morning, discussing the new line we’re creating under my name. We’ve come to the point where design needs to be involved, and Ryder is the associate director of packaging.

  “Packaging?” Ah, Rose the mind reader. “’I’ve heard he’s very good in whatever position he’s put in. You haven’t met with him yet?”

  “I scheduled a meeting later this afternoon.” The timing of this meeting is a little odd. It almost feels … planned. How, I’m not sure, but everything’s falling into place quite nicely.

  I don’t mention to Rose the strange encounter last night. I don’t want to. Zachary had been angry the entire ride back to my apartment, sitting silently beside me, stewing over what I haven’t a clue. He brushed a distracted kiss upon my cheek when we arrived at my building and I climbed out of the car, hurt that he didn’t even bother to tell me he loved me.

  Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if he really does. But then I tell myself my insecurities are showing and I push the worry aside. I’m good at that.

  Quite good.

  “I’ve spoken to Ryder a few times, but nothing major. He’s quite the charmer. And like I mentioned, Daddy seems enamored with him.” Rose rolls her eyes. She’s been on the outs with Father lately, and so has Lily. Our oldest sister is banned from working at Fleur. Father cast her out, tired of her sullying the family name and cheapening Fleur’s brand with her constant antics and partying.

  His words, not mine.

  “So if Father approves, you don’t?” I ask.

  “If he’s anything like Daddy, then yes. I will automatically hate Ryder McKay. It doesn’t matter how nice he is to me.” Rose smiles, her golden eyes twinkling. She has the face of an angel, but it’s countered with that devilish glint in her gaze. With her mesmerizing eyes, round face, rosebud lips, and long, golden-brown hair with perfect blond highlights, she’s stunning. Twenty-one and confident, she holds the same position as I do at Fleur, consultant at large. It’s a lofty position, one all three of us were given since we’re the daughters of Forrest Fowler.

  Rose and I have earned that position, though, what with the many hours of work we’ve put in over the years. I may have had a minor setback with my epic nervous breakdown, but once I returned, I threw myself into my work, wanting to prove myself. Needing to prove myself.

  Eager to do this job, take care of this legacy that’s been so graciously handed to me.

  “I should ask Grandma,” I say, grabbing my cell when it buzzes, hopeful it’s Zachary. But it’s a message from Lily, asking if I could call her later tonight. My stomach flips as I type back a yes in response.

  My sister is … troubled. And I don’t know how to help her. None of us really do.

  “Oh, I’m sure if Dahlia has met him, she will definitely have an opinion.” Rose grins and stands. She came into my office a while ago just to chat, which turned into a twenty-minute session talking about Zachary leaving. Rose doesn’t much approve of my boyfriend either.

  Rose really doesn’t approve of much of anything.

  “I’ll talk to her later, after the meeting.” I want to form my own opinion about Ryder’s work and abilities. I know how he affects me on a personal level and the most polite way I can phrase it is, he makes me very … uncomfortable.

  If that translates at work, too? Then we’re in trouble.<
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  “I’m sure he’ll come up with a brilliant idea for your packaging. Maybe you should request that he lead the project,” Rose says.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He has to prove himself first,” I murmur, glancing at my schedule on the monitor. Just seeing that meeting listed makes my stomach jump. That I’ll have to face him again after last night worries me. I’ll need to put my bravest face on so he doesn’t see how much he unnerves me.

  I can’t let him get the upper hand.

  “I don’t doubt for a minute he’ll prove himself. Like I said, he’s very good at what he does,” Rose says.

  Ugh. The way she says it almost sounds … sexual. Of course, that could be my own overly active imagination pinning sexual connotations on everything in regards to Ryder.

  Very unfair of me.

  “Hmm. I suppose I’ll find out.” I tap my finger against my cell screen, surprised when a new text comes over and it’s from Zachary.

  We’ll meet for lunch.

  Frowning, I grab my phone and quickly type. I hate how he doesn’t ask. He always just assumes I’m sitting around waiting for him.

  Sorry, I have plans.

  Another lie, which niggles at me. I’d rather sit at my desk, eat a sandwich, and prepare for the packaging meeting than watch Zachary eat and worry over what he thinks of me.

  “I should go. I have a conference call in fifteen.” I glance up as Rose smiles down at me. “Make sure and tell me how your meeting with Ryder goes.”

  “You should sit in on it with me,” I say distractedly, staring at my phone screen, nervously waiting for a response from Zachary. He doesn’t like it when I refuse him.

  “If you want me to, I totally can. Just let me know when.”

  “Two o’clock? Does that work for you?” I ask.

  “Definitely.” She nods. “I’ll see you then.”

  “’Bye,” I say as Rose leaves, but I don’t pay any attention. Too busy watching as Zachary types his response.

  I can’t see you tonight. I have plans too.

  Is this his way of getting back at me? He’s done this before when we’ve been in disagreement over something. Almost like he’s withholding his company from me. Like I’m supposed to fall apart and not know what to do without Zachary by my side.

  Which isn’t too far off from the truth.

  My fingers hover over the keyboard for agonizing seconds before I finally type.

  Maybe another time then.

  Closing my eyes, I let my phone fall to my desk with a clatter. I don’t want to play games. I don’t want to avoid Zachary, either, but something isn’t right between us. I thought I’d been very accepting of his news, but maybe he thinks I’m upset. I am, but I’d never let on. I’m a good enough actress that I can always pull through.

  But maybe he saw through the cracks in my veneer. Maybe I shouldn’t have lied and said I had plans. I hate lying. Lies only lead to trouble.

  His answer is immediate.

  Dinner tomorrow night?

  I chew on my lip, wishing I could just say yes like normal and carry on with my day. Instead I’m mulling over every little thing. Analyzing his behavior and mine, wondering why I can’t stop thinking about Ryder McKay calling me beautiful, flashing that gorgeous smile at me that made me feel weak in the knees.

  Thinking of it, remembering, I still feel weak.

  Pushing all thoughts of Ryder out my brain, I finally answer Zachary.

  Dinner sounds perfect.

  Chapter Four


  This is going to be too fucking easy.

  I couldn’t believe my luck when I checked my schedule after I first came in. Right there in black and white, a meeting with Violet at two p.m.

  After more than two years at Fleur rarely encountering her, I set my sights on her and within twenty-four hours of doing so, I’m going to be in a meeting with her. Working with her closely on a project—her project.

  She’s falling right into my trap, and Pilar and I have barely put this plan into action.

  Slipping out of my office, I pull the door shut behind me and wander down the hall toward the elevator, nodding as I pass people, trying to withhold the yawn that wants to burst out of me. I’m on my third cup of coffee of the day and I still feel tired. Hell, Pilar commented on it first thing this morning, noting the bags under my eyes. Someone suggested the new cool eye mask Fleur had just launched and next thing I knew, I was lying on the couch in my office, wearing a gel eye mask and feeling like a jackass. It did help, though.

  Ah, the perks of working at a cosmetics company. If any of the kids I grew up with could see me now, they’d probably kick my ass. Hell, sometimes I want to kick my own ass.

  Despite the mask and the endless cups of coffee, I’m still tired. I couldn’t sleep last night. Pilar tried to get me to come back to her place, but I declined. She is the last thing I need right now. She would have pumped me for details about my talk with Violet and then demand that I fuck her.

  That’s a firm hell no. Not with my head filled with thoughts of Violet.

  I’d gone home, taken a shower, and crawled into bed completely naked, my skin still damp, my thoughts hot. Closed my eyes and imagined Violet in bed with me. Pressing my lips against her soft, fragrant skin, tasting her. Kissing her. Consuming her. Stroking her everywhere, my hand between her legs, discovering that she’s hot and wet, just for me. Only for me.

  Thinking of her like that had left me painfully hard. I’d jerked off to flashes of Violet in my mind. Naked and on her knees in front of me, her perfect pink lips wrapped around my cock, my hands fisted in her hair as I held her still and thrust deep. Deeper …

  Damn. I could get hard all over again just thinking about it.

  “Where are you off to?”

  I push the up button next to the elevator and turn to find Pilar standing in front of me, her hands resting on her hips, skeptical gaze resting on me. “Meeting upstairs.”

  That damn perfect eyebrow of hers rises. “With whom?”

  Should I tell her? She’ll find out anyway, so why bother hiding it? Hunting season is open and she’s locked and loaded. So am I. “My department.” I pause. “And Violet.”

  The smirk that crosses her face is full of triumph. “Why you wicked, wicked boy. You certainly move fast, don’t you?”

  “I only learn from the best.” I shrug, not bothering to tell her it’s a legitimate meeting. She laughs as she steps closer to me.

  “Are you going to give me all the details later?” she practically purrs, drawing her perfectly manicured nails across my shoulder. “You look delicious in this suit. It fits you so well. Prada?”

  “Gucci.” The door slides open and I step away from Pilar’s touch and into the elevator. “I’ll text you when I’m finished.”

  “Oh, yes. Please do,” she calls as I press the number-twenty button. Violet’s floor. “Give me all the lurid details, my darling. Every single one.”

  I turn to face Pilar, remaining stone-faced as the doors slowly shut with a soft swooshing sound. She’ll understand. She knows it’s my game face. My hunter face. I’m analyzing, mentally preparing myself, wondering exactly what sort of lion’s den I’m about to step into.

  But Violet Fowler is no lion. I doubt she’ll give us much shit this first meeting, since it’s all about ideas and concept. She’s more like a soft, sweet little kitten. A fuzzy little ball of fluff who’ll hopefully want to play with me and eventually beg for my attention. Who’ll preen and rub against my leg and hope for more of what only I can give her.

  Soon. I can’t get ahead of myself. First I need to earn her trust. Pilar needs to get her mouth around Lawrence’s dick. None of this is going to be easy, especially with the short amount of time we have to work with.

  It makes it that much more challenging, though. And I love a challenge, especially when the reward is so delicious.

  The elevator doors open and I exit, turning right and heading toward the conference
room where our meeting is being held. I’m ten minutes early; I always am, and this gives me time to absorb the power I feel radiating in the air. The executive floor has a more hushed quality to it, an elegant, almost refined air compared to the kinetic energy on my floor. I can almost smell the money as I wander by the offices outfitted with custom desks that cost twenty thousand dollars and views of the city most executives would kill to have.

  This is what I want someday. Power. Money. The confidence that nothing can break me down. And I want to earn it on my own, not ride Pilar’s coattails to an executive position at Fleur or maybe some other cosmetics company. Considering I’m an associate director, the experience I’ve gained in this position could take me practically anywhere.

  But the more I think about it, the more I realize I don’t want to go anywhere else. I want to stay with Fleur. I’m damn good at what I do, which still surprises me. Who knew a loser kid from the streets could clean up nice and know how to sell cosmetics? Definitely not me.

  What I really want is the job that Lawrence is this close to getting. I want the hell out of here, away from Pilar and everything else. A fresh start sounds like a fucking dream.

  A dream I’m determined to make my reality.

  I slow my steps, admiring each office as I pass. The conference room is at the end of the hall and Violet’s office is nearby. Last door on the left, and that door is currently open. I pause at the edge of the mostly glass wall that fronts her office, peeking around the corner to find her sitting behind her desk. She’s staring at her computer screen, a dreamy expression on her beautiful face as she runs her fingers absently along the side of her bared neck. Her index finger slides up, gently playing with the diamond stud in her ear, and I’m as hard as the stone she touches. Just like that. The very last thing I need is to walk into a meeting with a tent in the front of my trousers.


  Taking a deep breath, I tell myself to get my shit together. All I did was watch her touch her fucking earring. Big deal. I’ve seen better. I’ve watched all sorts of depraved things happen in front of me while bored out of my skull. I’ve lived far too much, seen far too much, to think there’s even a hint of innocence inside me.


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