The Adam & Eve Trilogy
Page 28
Williamson took a cautious step toward, a smile curling the edge of his mouth.
“Should I take that to mean that you consider me to be your new boyfriend now, Ms. Mauricio?”
Bella Lisa backed up, keeping her distance from Williamson.
“No! Of course not. How could you think I’d even consider that? You’re twice my age.”
“I’ve heard some women prefer older, more experienced men.”
“Not me.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m absolutely sure. I’m not the slightest bit attracted you.”
Williamson started to walk in a wide circle around Bella Lisa, tightening the space between them as he spoke to her.
“That’s odd then. I thought I saw you looking at me once, while I was working out. Remember? Before you left for college?”
“What? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Well, perhaps I was mistaken, Ms. Mauricio, but I thought I caught you staring at me in the reflection of the glass on the elevator doors while I was lifting weights.”
He did see me. Staring at him.
“I never did that. You are mistaken.”
“I don’t think so. I noticed your eyes drinking me in when you thought I wasn’t looking, watching the muscles of my arms, following the veins downward. I think you and I both know you approved of…what you eventually saw in the mirror. My company’s web site address is not the only thing that’s abnormally long…”
“I’ve had just about enough of this.”
Bella marched away, brushing past his shoulder, slapping her heels resoundingly on the marble floor on her way to the elevator.
“I must say, I’ve never felt more ill-used. You made me feel so… cheap that day, ogling my body.”
Bella stabbed at the down arrow of the elevator. It didn’t come on. Exasperated, she retyped in the security code and stabbed at the arrow again and it still did not light up.
“Son of a bitch! Why is this not—”
“Funny thing about this elevator. It’s a little tricky. If you put the code in as you did before, but not go in and press a floor, it trips the mechanism. You need to put it back to its default setting with a gold key. And then reenter the security code. Only problem is, I seem to have misplaced that key. Now, where could I have left it?”
“I’m done playing games with you, Mr. Williamson.”
Bella Lisa crossed back to the couch where she left her purse and got her cell phone out.
“I’m calling the police.”
“And what will you tell them? Please, help. I’m in the midst of a heated contract negotiation. He’s offering me a one week internship worth $350,000 and an annual salary of 100,000 thereafter. I want this man arrested.”
“You must think I’m really stupid,” she said, dialing 9-1-1.
“I wouldn’t entrust you with handling my Foundation if I thought that. Listen, has anyone here hurt you? Have I laid even a finger on you, Ms. Mauricio?”
“You haven’t touched me yet, but I know you are about to.”
“That’s the most encouraging thing you’ve said all afternoon.”
Williamson took out the gold key from his pocket, holding it out to her.
“No one is holding you hostage here, Ms. Mauricio. You’re free to leave, that is, until you sign the contract. After that you are my sexy little prisoner.”
“Oh, no thank you… I’m sorry. I misdialed.”
Bella Lisa disconnected the call. She took the gold key from Williamson’s outstretched hand.
“Ms. Mauricio, allow me to take you in my limo to wherever you wish to go.”
“No thanks, I’ll take the bus.”
Bella Lisa walked over to the elevator and inserted the key into the hole. She turned it, punched in the security code, pressed the down arrow and it lit up. She handed the key back and turned away from Williamson. He stood a few feet away and spoke to her back, quietly, and somewhat sadly.
“Regrettably, once you leave the deal is off. I’m not running a charity here. My lawyers will immediately file a lawsuit against your father for the repayment of the debt, and make the media outlets aware of the delinquency of his mortgage payments. Within days his face will be on the cover of every gossip magazine, he will be the lead story of every entertainment news show on TV and the comeback, which he tried so hard to achieve in the latter part of his career, will be ruined. Also I’m keeping the 10 million. All those worthy nonprofits will have to raise their operational funds from someone else. I know that’s not nice, but I didn’t get to where I am today by being a nice guy.”
The elevator arrived and she stepped into it. The door closed. A moment later, the door opened and Bella Lisa stepped out. She seemed dazed and physically exhausted. She walked slowly over to the couch, sat down and put a cushion over her lap. Williamson followed her and sat down next to her.
“Think about it, Ms. Mauricio. What are you upset about? You really hold all the cards here. If you are not attracted to me as you say, the week will be spent in a strictly business relationship between us. No matter how much I desire your touch, you will never have to lay a finger on me. If you choose to leave after a week, I will still write you a glowing letter of recommendation; even make personal calls for you if needed. You will have your pick of nonprofits to work for. And the contacts you will make by distributing the funds of my Foundation can only help you in your career… You look tired, Ms. Mauricio. Listen. You don’t have to decide anything right now. Why don’t retire to your bedroom. You can freshen up, take a nap. I’ve laid out some very pretty evening wear for you. And an assortment of the latest models of Italian shoes. I hope you like shoes. Dinner is in one hour. The main course is seared salmon, encrusted with toasted macadamia nuts. After dinner, we can discuss all this further and decide what you’d like to do, agreed?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Perhaps in an hour you will be.”
Williamson stood up to leave.
“Firmin will show you to your room.”
Firmin appeared out of nowhere, standing at her side. Before Williamson slipped away into the shadows, he turned to her once more.
“Oh, before I forget. I wanted to mention a few basic things about the layout of my home. It is rather easy to get lost in here, so I will give you the grand tour tomorrow, that is, if you choose to stay. The interior of the penthouse is roughly 25,000 square feet shaped like a large cross. I am at present standing in the center of the cross, where you will find our main living areas, such as the living and dining rooms, the communal kitchen, our massive library, the entertainment room, main fitness room and our guest bedrooms. The South Wing is where the staff lives. Though the South Wing is not off limits to you, I’d rather you use the communication devices Firmin will show you if you need to speak to a staff member. There are no locks on any of the doors, so please respect the privacy of the staff by contacting them first if for some reason you need to visit the South Wing. The staff is trained to attend to you in your living quarters which are in the North Wing of the Penthouse. I trust you will find them very comfortable. You will have a full-time assistant, Mrs. Maria Potcia, one of my longest serving and most trusted employees, who will be accessible to you 24 hours a day. Firmin will show you how to contact her. If you need anything, absolutely anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. My living quarters are in the East Wing and you are welcome to explore them to your heart’s content, whether I am there or not. Though you have free rein to go anywhere you wish within my home, there is one place you are strictly forbidden to enter – The West Wing. This is my private place and I ask you politely to not wander into this area, especially into the room that is distinguished by a black door trimmed in red. This is my private sanctum; it is the only place in the Penthouse which is off-limits to you.
“Is that where the bodies are buried?” Bella Lisa asked with a straight face.
“Very humorous, Ms. Mauricio. Trus
t me, there are no bodies. It is just the one private place I have in my home and I wish it to remain so. I don’t think you would find what happens in the West Wing half as enjoyable as I do. So, remember what killed the cat, Ms. Mauricio?
“That is correct. So for your own protection, stay away from the West Wing. That’s about it. I think you’ll see things a lot clearer after a nice meal. I’ll see you at 6 sharp for dinner.”
“I told you I’m not hungry.”
“Come now. I can hear your stomach growling from all the way across the room. And if there’s one thing I know, Ms. Mauricio, it’s the sound of a growl.”
Williamson stared down at her. Her cheeks were flushed, her head bowed, her hands clenched in her lap. She looked unbelievably pretty and vulnerable at that moment, like a vision of the most beautiful woman his mind could imagine. He wanted to touch her, just to make sure she was real. Williamson walked back across the room, bent down on one knee in front of her and touched her for the first time, taking her limp hand in his.
“Ms. Mauricio, please try to relax in my home. I don’t wish to harm you in any way. I admit the means I devised in bringing us together in this moment of time were a trifle deceptive—”
“A trifle?”
“OK, they were deceptive, but now that you’re here, I truly wish you to have a memorable time with me for however long you choose to stay. I’ve looked forward to this moment for so long…”
After listening to his soothing and seductive words, Bella Lisa breathed out once and looked down at Williamson in his humbled position before her. He bowed his head and tenderly kissed the back of her hand, holding his lips against her skin for a long moment. The tip of Williamson’s tongue delicately touched her skin, and Bella Lisa felt a shiver run up her spine. Williamson gazed up into her eyes.
“Will you try to relax a little, Ms. Mauricio?”
Bella Lisa breathed out once more.
“I’ll try…”
“Good. Very good. Until 6 then, Ma Cheri.”
Williamson stood up and disappeared into the shadows of the East Wing. Firmin held out his arm in a gentlemanly fashion.
“Ms. Mauricio, would you care to accompany me to your boudoir?”
“Do I really have a choice?”
Bella Lisa stood up slowly, refusing the servant’s arm and walked beside him down a long corridor. The interior of the narrow passageway was dimly lit, with lighting inset into the walls and ceiling every few feet. Even during the daytime, she could only see just a few steps ahead of her as she walked.
“It’s dark in here. Is your boss trying to save a few bucks on the electric bill?”
“Hmmm. I’m not sure, Ms. Mauricio. I can bring up the issue at our next staff meeting,” Firmin said, totally missing the humor.
Bella Lisa felt she was entering the mouth of a dark and secluded cave, opulent and well decorated, but still a cave, 25 floors above the ground. After passing several doors and alcoves, they finally reached the end of the North Wing. Firmin held open the bedroom door for her. She squinted and shielded her hand over her eyes as bright sunlight flooded through the sliding glass doors of the wrap around L-shaped balcony, the setting sun lowering into the sparkling blue waters of the Pacific Ocean. The bedroom was several times the size of her college apartment, which she had once considered so spacious. It was, she could not deny, the most beautiful bedroom she had ever seen. She felt like some kind of princess, magically stepping into a glossy photograph of a magazine that showcases the homes of the super-rich. The centerpiece of the room was a large four poster bed with white lacey curtains around it, also peach-colored silk sheets and fluffy pillows inside. There was a large flat screen TV mounted onto the wall across from the bed. As Firmin stood patiently beside the door, Bella Lisa explored the room.
Across the room from the bed and against the glass wall was a large desk with a flat screen computer and leather executive chair. On one end of the room was a mirrored wall with a large walk-in closet in the middle. Inside, she was amazed to see several pairs of brand new elegant designer shoes neatly organized on stacked wooden racks. Arranged on wooden hangers throughout the closet were sheer clothes and stockings that looked like lingerie. She came out of the closet and walked to the other side of the room and through the opened door of her spectacular bathroom. She saw a sparkling gold trimmed mirror inset with another flat screen TV over a long marble counter with a built in sink and brass fixtures. Across the bathroom she saw another closed door. She shut the outer bathroom door, walked over and opened a glass interior door and used the fancy toilet inside. There was a private Jacuzzi upon a raised platform for bathing and a massage table set up against the far right glass wall that had a view of the California coastline all the way from Seaside City to Santa Monica. Dazzled by the opulence, she walked out of the bathroom.
“I trust everything is to your liking, Ms. Mauricio?” Firmin asked.
“Yes, it’s all very pretty, I must admit.”
“Mr. Williamson had it custom designed. I will leave you to get more acquainted with your accommodations. Before I leave I just want to point out to you the communication system Mr. Williamson alluded to. Mrs. Potcia, or Maria if you’d like, is accessible by pressing this button on the intercom on your desk. Here is your personal computer. It is always on for your use.”
Firmin pressed a key and the computer screen lit up.
“As Mr. Williamson is constantly working behind his computer and does not wish to be disturbed, he prefers to be communicated with through Google Talk. Just click on the cloud icon and you can talk instantly with Mr. Williamson, Maria, I or any member of the security team in the event of an emergency. Shall we see if Mr. Williamson has left you a message?”
Firmin clicked on the W cloud icon.
“Ah yes, he’s already left you a message. Would you like to type in a response?”
Bella Lisa walked over to the computer and read the message.
“How do you like your bedroom, Ms. Mauricio? W,” flashed across the screen.
Bella Lisa typed in her response and hit enter.
“Fine, if you are a canary.”
The response was instantaneous.
“You are such a pretty bird. W.”
“You are such a sicko. BLM,” she responded and turned off the computer.
“Pardon me,” Firmin said. “But Mr. Williamson prefers to keep the computer on at all times.”
“Too bad for him then…”
“Well, I’ll leave you now, unless there is—”
“No thank you, Firmin.”
“Please contact Maria when you are ready to prepare for dinner.”
As soon as Firmin left, quietly shutting the door behind him, Bella Lisa walked out onto the balcony. She watched as the sun slipped into the blue horizon, the lining of the clouds turning from a bright pink to a dark blue. Even up so high she could distinctly hear the soothing sound of the surf against the shoreline, lapping the sand with its wide curling tongue, before it receded back into itself. She brushed her fingers through her hair and felt a warm ocean breeze wash over her. She suddenly felt very tired and wished she could go to sleep and wake up at the end of the week. She slipped through the curtains of her bed and lay down under the sheets on her side, her hands tucked under her cheek on a pillow. The bed had one of those thick expensive memory foam mattresses from Sweden that conformed to the contours and curves of her body, enveloping her. The sheets and pillow cases smelled freshly laundered. The thought of how comfortable she was in this bed flitted through her mind as she fell asleep.
What seemed like only a few minutes later, Bella Lisa was awoken by a light persistent tapping on the bedroom door. A small, smiling, middle-aged Hispanic woman in a starched white maid’s uniform peeked through the crack in the door and turned on the light switch, stabbing her eyes with brightness. Half asleep and now cranky, she asked herself why every other room in this place was as dark as a dungeon but her bedroom had
to be lit up like the stage of a Broadway theater.
“Excuse me, Ms. Mauricio? It’s you helper, Maria Potcia. Are you awake?”
Bella Lisa threw the sheets over her head and crawled under them further.
“No, I’m not awake. Please go away.”
“I so sorry for to wake you, madam. I try call you on intercom, but you no hear. Mr. Williamson, he prepare a very fine dinner and we must—”
“Please tell him I’m not feeling well and I won’t be coming to dinner. I’m not hungry.”
“Yes, madam, I see. Again, my apologies for to wake you,” Mrs. Potcia said, closing the door behind her but leaving the lights on.
After tossing and turning on the bed, she threw the sheet off and walked over to the door and flipped the light switch off. On her way back to bed, she noticed the computer screen was on and was shining brightly. She thought she had turned it off earlier.
Did the weird butler slip in while I was sleeping and turn the damn thing back on?
Bella Lisa wished she had a lock on her door.
There was absolutely no privacy in this place.
She noticed the cloud icon was blinking for her attention. She turned off the button but nothing happened. There did not seem to be a way to power it off.
‘I’ll just unplug the fucking thing,” she said out loud to herself.
She got down on her hands and knees to search for the electrical outlet in the dark, following the cords, but they led directly into the wall. She got up, swearing to herself and crossed back over to turn the overhead lights back on. Shielding her eyes from the brightness, she walked back to the computer screen and looked behind it. Like with the wall, the cords seemed to have been customized to go directly into the back of the laptop and there seemed to be no way to disconnect them. She felt like picking it up and hurling it across the room, but the wires were so tightly connected, she probably couldn’t budge it off the desk.
“OK, Williamson, what do you want now?” she muttered out loud, clicking on the blinking cloud icon.