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by Linz Lenay

  “No. Shocked maybe. Scared, hell yes. I realized that if we're going to do this, there's definitely going to be issues moving forward. The guy's response and protection of you is only the start, but I already feel that you are worth it.”

  “The guys shouldn't be an issue. They were told by myself and the coach to leave personal issues off the ice. They seemed to get it, but that doesn't mean they're happy about it or that they won't find some other way to torture you. As for being worth it, I feel the same way. Just as I did last night when you told me you live 90 minutes away, it's worth it. And I know this sounds fast, but if things were to work out, we could always find a place in the middle.”

  Shit, can't take it back now. My filter needs to be repaired, because that may have just scared him off.

  “If things progressed well, I could work with that. The only issue would be if I were traded. We still have a lot to learn about one another, so let's focus on now.” He dips down and kisses my forehead.

  Ladies, let me tell you something. Forehead kisses are the shit. They have a way of making you feel secure, loved, and cherished. I think I may have just jumped off the love-cliff without a parachute or any repelling gear, and I barely know Gaige.

  “Skate with me. Or do you have work obligations?”

  “No, I set up the press people, I trust them professionally at least. Anything else, I can't do until I'm home with my laptop or if I pull my phone out. And let me tell you, the phone work mixed with the skating makes a very dangerous situation. Think massacre on ice.”

  “Good, then we can have a mini date getting to know each other.” His smile is beautiful. I have no idea if they're all his real teeth, but if they're not, he has a good dentist.

  We skate around getting to know each other. He has a sister, Sari, who lives across the state and he nicknamed 'Sorry' as a child because that's how she introduced herself; a grandmother who he's close with, and parents who he loved but have passed. I tell him about my parents who are wanderlust, going everywhere they can. They're on a road trip of Route 66 right now. After my mom read this romcom called The Mother Road by Meghan Quinn, she just had to go. I also tell him how Storm may as well be my sister. We've been friends forever, going to the same schools, minus medical, and living in the same towns most of our lives. She's been my rock since my parents started traveling when I graduated high school. She practically lived with me growing up because her parents had very busy schedules, her mom being a nurse and her dad being a surgeon. I've been her rock, too. When she wanted to quit medical school, once she started rotations, I talked her out of it and brought her coffee and donuts every time she got off a shift.

  “We're each other's person. She even mentioned this morning how she already approves of you and I need to 'jump on that'.” I laugh at her silly half hungover speech this morning before she left for home.

  “I'm glad to hear that, now that I know your background. I feel like if I were to propose, she'd be the one I'd have to ask, not your dad.” He chuckles out.

  “I think my dad would just be happy to find out I'm not going to be a nun or lesbian. I didn't have my first boyfriend until my first year of college, and he was very metro. He had more hair care products than I did and spent at least an hour getting ready for anything always making us late for something. We lasted all of 7 weeks, and I broke it off. We hadn't even had sex, how sad is that? My next boyfriend was a Science Major and even though he was good in bed, I never understood anything that came out of his mouth, so after two months we ended things mutually. I've dated here and there, but those two are my longest relationships and nothing to really write home about.”

  “I can't say I've had any better luck. I had a long term girlfriend in high school, she followed me to college, but when I got drafted she started acting weird. After five years of being together, she decided that I wasn't good enough for her. She broke things off and started dating one of my teammates. I was a professional on the ice and in the locker room, but I avoided them anywhere else. If we had a family day, I was on the other end of whatever it was; table, ice, room, I asked to be seated as far away from them as I could. I dated here and there, but nothing serious. Two years later, they broke up because the baby they were having wasn't his. I feel like she did me a favor after that happened, like I dodged a divorce and disaster. A year after, Gary and I were traded, separate teams, thankfully. I've been with the Griffins for 5 seasons now, and was promoted to Captain the last two. I'm doing great professionally, but I've felt something was missing in my personal life. Last night I didn't feel that way.”

  I look up at him and I know exactly what he's talking about. Storm has been my family more than my parents have since I went to college, and now I have the team, but there was always that puzzle piece I couldn't find. He's right. I feel like I finally found that missing piece.

  “I know the feeling.” I smile at him and leave it at that.

  The rest of our skate is discussing the little things that seem irrelevant, but never are when you think about knowing someone. Our favorite movies, colors, TV show, animals, food, sweets, drinks, all of our quirks. It's amazing what you can learn about someone within an hour.

  The time is winding down for the meet-and-greet to be over, so I glide over toward the team, and he follows. Everyone gathered, looks at him like he's dirt on their shoe, but says nothing.

  “How's it going boys? Fans treat you well? Get any phone numbers this time, Hawks?”

  Most of them grunt at me, but Gavin Hawks, our back up goalie skates closer to me.

  “Actually, since you're dating players now, I was hoping to get yours.”

  “Fat chance. Don't be an asshole. We met last night at Kilted Rose and I didn't even realize he was a player until today when I looked at the roster. So you all can just go pound ice and get over it. I like Gaige, and up until you heard whatever, you did too. Nothing has changed other than we're going to get to know each other and see how things go. Take it and shove it.”

  I'm so angry that I skate off without Gaige toward the doors. I'm supposed to stay and make sure the fans had a good time as they leave, but I'm too pissed to do my job properly. I wobble over to where my boots sit below the goalie chair, not far from the door, and yank my skates off. After getting my boots back on, I start to storm away from the ice. I need a cold drink to cool down. Before I get far, someone gently grabs my arm. I look back and see a purple tie, so I look up into the blue eyes of the guy I'm starting to care for.

  “Hey, do you want to get out of here?”

  “That's where I was headed before you stopped me. I guess you could come with me, as long as I'm not getting you in trouble.”

  He nods and I tell him to meet me at my car, in the back lot, after he switches his skates out.

  We drive in silence until we get to this little diner that I frequent during that time of the month. They have the best desserts and milkshakes in town. A girl could get fat and go broke here, which is why I only stop in on occasion. I'm so upset with the boys. I thought we had built a trust, but it feels like they don't have confidence in my choice of guy. Then again, this is the first guy that I've really brought around that I'm into, even though it's only been six months. There's been a few dates that brought me to games, thinking they could impress me because of my tattoo, but them they end up just trying to get locker access and don't call again. They aren't the right type for me, whereas Gaige is already there. Before going in, I turn to him to apologize.

  “I was serious before. I didn't know you were on a team until I got the roster this morning. This is my first big PR gig, and all my other jobs and internships were in the central division. I wouldn't have run into you unless we were going for a cup and you had been pulled down to the minors. I did get home a lot, especially to watch games. I was a little shocked, but didn't think it was fair to you if I said something before the game because I was worried about being a distraction. Well I guess I was fucked either way, because the boys acted like angry toddlers o
n steroids.”

  “I get why you didn't say anything before the game. If the roles were reversed, I'd have done the same thing. You can't control other people's reactions to something. I also can see where they're coming from. I was an ass to my sister's boyfriend for the first few months, just because he was a new person in her life and I want to protect her from any hurt. He took it like a man, and he came to me after a couple of months and we talked. I also smashed his nose in and told him that would be silk sheets compared to what would happen if he hurt Sari.”

  “Thank you. Hearing it from someone else helps, especially when that someone is the punching bag. I still feel like they don't trust me, but hopefully I can show them I know what I'm getting into and they'll accept it... eventually.”

  With that, I get out of the car and show him into the diner to get a booth. Thankfully with it being 10:30 at night, it's not packed. A few people here and there who look like regulars, but that's it. We grab a corner booth far in the back, tucked away from prying eyes, he sits beside me on the curve, while I sit on the outside.

  “Hey D! What's wrong girl? I just saw you two weeks ago, it can't be that time already.” Polly, the owner, Elton's, wife comes over to us. Polly and I met about a month after Storm and I moved here. She told me all about her husband's diner when I asked her for recommendations on the town, and that started Storm's and my monthly visit. What, we're best friends, so are our cycles. Anyway, Polly kind of became our surrogate mom, always asking about our classes, jobs, how we were doing in general. She genuinely cares, too. I can remember when Storm and I got the flu, and it was our week to come in, she showed up at our place with enough food to feed an army. All kinds of soups, crackers, ginger ale, tea, and two stuffed dragons in Basilisks jersey's. She and her husband are big fans, too, always having the game on the TV when it airs, and going to home games when they can.

  “Rough night, but I also wanted to treat my friend to the best dessert in the state.” I finish with a smile.

  “Ah, I see. Yeah the boys played like shit. And that poor Rozen fella. I love our boys, but the refs were playing favorites tonight. He wasn't doing anything but playing a good game. I have half a mind to put them all over my knee.”

  This makes Gaige bust out laughing, which dominoes to me.

  “Yes, they all got a talking to, if you couldn't tell by the third period. Polly, I'd like you to meet my friend, Gaige.”

  Her eyes widen when he extends his hand to her and kisses her knuckles. If she wasn't happily married, I think she'd be trying to run away with my man right about now. Where did that come from, my man? Is he mine? I think I'd like him to be.

  “I'm so sorry. Where are my manners!? It's very nice to meet you, young man. Any friend of Dasia's is family here. What can I get you?”

  He tells her to surprise him, he doesn't have any food allergies, and that he'll have water. I order my favorites, the caramel pecan roll with a glass of ginger ale. We chit chat a bit about random things while we wait for our dessert, Polly only interrupting to set our drinks down and telling us it won't be long for the rest. When she brings them out, I see she's chosen her famous apple cinnamon crumble paired with Elton's homemade honey lavender ice cream. She and I both wait for Gaige to take his first bite and I'm a little embarrassed of my reaction. He moans, I moan then squeak catching myself. Polly smiles huge and gets back to the other customers, a handful more of people coming in.

  “This is amazing. I wonder if I can talk her into shipping me a box and carton of this to my place.”

  He polishes off his plate, offering me the last bite when I offer him a bite of mine. I'm hoping he was enjoying his dessert too much to have noticed my slip of noises, but I'm not that lucky. He watches me finish the last of my roll with heat in his eyes. They're so dilated that I can only see a strip of emerald on the outside of his pupils. Once we finish off our drinks, I walk up to the counter to pay and Polly refuses me a check. Saying it's on her for being so rude. Gaige insists on paying, so when she doesn't budge, he just slips a hundred dollar bill out of his wallet, placing it in the tip jar. She goes to pull it back out and he grabs my hand, pulling me out the door laughing.

  It's raining, so we scurry to the car. When we're inside, we're both still laughing like little kids.

  “You know she'll get you back for that. She'll find out where you live and that dessert you want? It'll be hand delivered at no cost.” I giggle.

  “It was worth it. Thank you for bringing me here. I can tell she cares for you like family.”

  “Well, she is. She kind of adopted Storm and I when we moved here. Met her at the farmers market down the street, and we just clicked. She knows our parents aren't fully there, so she tries to help where she can. We're lucky to have her.”

  He cups my cheek and pulls me to meet him halfway, kissing my lips gently. When I open my mouth, he slips his tongue in. Now I've kissed before, but this is different. I've never felt a kiss all the way to my toes, sending electricity to shoot everywhere inside. I throw my hands into his hair and tug a little to get a better angle. When he moans, I'm a goner. I jump over the console and straddle his lap. It's our first sort-of date and I'm dry humping him in the front seat of my Mazda CX-5, but in this moment I don't care. He makes me feel things I've never felt before. The hand that was on my cheek is now in my hair, and the other hand is also being a gentleman, placed on the center of my back. He's the first to pull away, making me whimper.

  “As much as I would love to keep going, It's not the right time. We just met and I don't want to take advantage of you, Dasia.”

  I put my forehead against his and nod, trying to catch my breath and find the strength to move back to the driver's seat. He gives my lips a peck, then my forehead. I climb back over the console and start the car before strapping in. The windows are fogged and a blush rises to my cheeks. I back out of the space and head toward his hotel.

  “When do you go back home?”

  “We leave first thing in the morning. We'll have a mid-morning skate, then we play the Centaurs tomorrow night. The Basilisks have a night off, yeah? If you want, you could come down. We get two tickets and mine usually go unused, unless family is in. Tig usually comes toward the end of the season, and Sari uses one of them once a month, while she's up visiting Gran.”

  “Yeah, they do. They're leaving tomorrow afternoon to play the Firebirds. Thankfully I'm not required to go with them unless it's something for charity. I'd love to go, but would that be weird?”

  “Not at all. Most people won't even know who you are or that you're using my ticket. The only ones that will know are the other team's families, and they won't judge. Just don't wear your Basks jersey.” He ends on a smile.

  “Alright, I'll come down. I can probably have Storm check on Monster so he's not left alone for more than 6 hours. She'll probably enjoy getting away from her roommate for a bit anyway.”

  “Do you think she'd stay the night?”

  “No, she'll have work first thing in the morning and her apartment is right next to the clinic. Besides, she would need Monster to cuddle with her because she thinks my house creaks too much, like it's haunted or something and he refuses to abandon my bed when I'm home, even if I'll be getting home late.”

  “I was kind of hoping you'd stay the night. With me?” His eyes look so hopeful, it makes me want to cave instantly, but I need to think about my pup's needs too. “How does Monster do with other dogs? You could come down early and leave him with Sweetie and then this way he'll at least have company during the game. My teenage neighbor usually checks on her while I'm away.”

  “Okay, but I'm not to blame when my pup corrupts yours. You'll have to message me your address and let me know when you'll be home from practice so I can plan it out. I'll just need to be back by noon on Tuesday for a meeting.”

  With a plan in motion, I drop him off at his hotel with a sweet kiss. He tries talking me into coming up for a snuggle but I know he's bunking with Karter. He kisses me once more,
a kiss that makes my toes curl, before heading up to his room.

  I head home and pack for the following night, a smile never leaving my face, even as I feel myself fall asleep to dream about Gaige.

  Chapter Four


  The following afternoon, I wake from a shortened pregame nap so I can wait for Dasia. Sweetie hasn't left my side since I arrived home from practice, which is normal for her when I come home from away games. It didn't make sense for the team to go to their respective homes, then come back to the arena, so Coach had planned our skate for when we got back from Lykan. Sweetie, my Weimaraner, was a rescue and although she still has a few abandonment issues, she does well with my neighbor, Kit. When I'm home Sweetie clings to my heels and takes advantage of the time she has with me. Right now I'm enjoying one of the few warm days left of the season on my front porch swing, with Sweetie lying on my feet that are stretched across the newly replaced wooden boards.

  I bought my house a little over two years ago, finally wanting a place to settle down while I had a contract under my belt. I had been on a year to year with the Griffins before they finally offered up a five year contract. The day I signed the papers, I started looking for a home. Living in an apartment was fine, but I wanted room to grow, room to do my own thing without having to check with a landlord.

  This place had been on the market for a few years without selling and I was able to talk them down to a reasonable price with the repairs it needed. The plumbing and heating was outdated, the basement was half finished. The previous owners were trying to remodel things themselves and ran out of money, so they decided to sell and find a home that was already built to what they wanted. Their loss was my gain. My dad had his own carpentry business, and he taught me all sorts of things growing up before he passed. So with some help from other contracting businesses on things I couldn't do myself, like the basement plumbing, and heating updates, I've been slowly making this into a home I can be proud of.


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