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Bloodfeather Page 13

by Linz Lenay

  He lifts his head up, but I still can't see his face clearly, with the hood up and hat low on his forehead. Now that he's not pressing me down with his chest I have a bit more movement and use what little I have to headbutt his nose and chin, the only bits of his face I can make out. It surprises him and he lets go of my wrists, stepping back, letting me loose. I turn to run back out to the street, but I don't get far before he's tackles me and my head bounces off the asphalt, blurring my vision and making me dizzy for a minute.

  Face to the ground, he wraps his hand around my neck and growls menacingly as he kneels over my legs to keep me pinned to the gravel. He starts to tug at my jeans, but he can't get them to move down, so he reaches under me to unbutton them. As he goes for the button, he has to lift up and I take the chance to buck my legs and fight against him.

  “Stop! You're only making this harder on yourself, Dee. Just let me have what's mine!”

  “No! Get off me! I'm not yours at all! Let me fucking go!”

  He removes his grip on my neck to put pressure on the middle of my back, and I twist my head to the side, hoping to at least get a glimpse of my assailant. Who I see shouldn't surprise me but it does.

  “Vadik.” I whisper it. His hood is back, the hat askew to the side.

  He looks at me with anger blazing in his eyes.

  “You were just supposed to go along with what I wanted. You were supposed to give yourself to me. I'm the fucking star of that team, not Gaige.” He spits out, saliva landing on my cheek as he hisses.

  “Let me go, Lex.” I state it. I don't ask or beg. I'm trying to stay calm, freaking out isn't going to keep me alive.

  He growls and goes back to trying to get my pants down, not answering me. It seems like forever fighting against him, but someone walks by at that point and I yell to them for help. Vadik shoves my face down into the asphalt as I'm yelling, The pedestrian yells at Lex about calling the police, and he tells them to fuck off, that we're roll-playing. Thankfully they don't believe him and the guy calls it in. I can't see him, but I hear him telling dispatch the location and what's happening. Vadik finally gets the hint the dude isn't playing and lets me go to charge after him.

  My body burns with the cuts and scrapes, but I ignore them to dash after Lex and stop him from hurting anyone else. I know he's larger and stronger than me, but even if I'm just a distraction until the police get here and away from my rescuer, it's worth it.

  I jump onto Vadik's back, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling back with all my weight. Bad idea. He leans into me, and we both crash to the ground, me underneath him. My rescuer then straddles Lex's legs and punches him in the face until he goes limp on top of me. I'm starting to wonder if I broke a rib, my breathing harsh, but that might just be the 180 pound hockey player on top of me. I try to roll him off me, using every ounce of adrenaline I have left in me to do it. The guy finally realizes I'm underneath and helps me get the unconscious body off of me.

  While we wait for the cops, my rescuer who's introduced himself as Shawn, sits on top of Vadik and I pick up my purse, the contents that spilled out along the alley during the scuffle, and my laptop bag. My phone screen is cracked, but I can turn it on and use Siri to call Gaige again. When he answers, laughing at whatever is being said, my dam breaks. I can't speak or do anything but sob, so Shawn grabs the phone from my hand and gives Gaige a rundown of how and where he found me before saying goodbye.

  I hear the sirens closing in as a set of strong arms wrap around me and lift me into them. I smell the woodsy and winter scent of Gaige and cling to him. My breathing is a little labored and slightly painful, but bearable.

  “I've got you, Bloodfeather. I'm going to carry you to the ambulance that just showed up and let them check you out, okay?”

  I nod and my sobs have turned into sniffles. The paramedics check me out, cleaning up my cuts and scratches, listening to my lungs, and asking me a few questions. I answer them all, watching Gaige's expression the whole time. He's concerned for me, blaming himself for not being here, and wanting to murder Vadik, who's now awake and being checked out, handcuffed in the back of a police car. Vadik isn't talking, not one word has come out of his mouth.

  I tell the medics that I'll go to the hospital, but I'd rather drive myself, looking to Gaige for confirmation. He nods and we thank the paramedics, before making our way toward his truck. A police officer stops us to ask a few questions, and Gaige lets him know that we're on our way to the hospital, that they can either have someone follow us there or catch up later. They take our information, and say they'll contact us in the morning.

  I must be really fucked in the head or have a bad concussion, because Gaige taking control like this makes me want him to take me home and make love to me before we go to the hospital. He helps me into the truck and I have to rub my legs together, because his alphaness is setting my whole body on fire.

  I watch as he rounds the hood and climbs into the cab. He stares at the steering wheel a moment, before turning to me and taking my face in his hands. He searches my eyes and I hope he finds what he's looking for because all I can do is flick my eyes back and forth between his eyes and lips. He gently kisses me, trying not to hurt me or jostle my chest, that the medics are saying sounds like a broken rib, but can't be sure until an x-ray is taken. We kiss for a few moments, lovingly, but my body is even more on fire and I would love to climb onto his lap for a quickie.

  Sadly he doesn't read my mind and pulls his lips from mine too soon. He starts the truck, turning back to me again.

  “I love you, Dasia. I'm so glad you're alright, but I'm also angry at myself for not being here sooner.” His eyes are clenched shut, his fists tightening on the wheel.

  “Gaige, I called you, but that doesn't mean that you could have prevented this. He was following me for a while, and I even tried to escape him by going into a bookstore, but I made a mistake. I should have tried calling you again before heading out the door, or tried Karter, anyone to stay on the phone with me while I walked. I could have also back tracked and gone across the street again or even back to the cafe. You of all people tell me not to live on the what-ifs. We can't change the past, only how we react to it.”

  “You're right. I lost my head for a moment. When it comes to you I can be irrational, but you're everything to me, Dasia. I want forever with you.”

  “I want that, too, Gaige. We're moving in together, but I know that's not enough. I want the white dress with our friends, the babies with your blue eyes and my dark hair, the dogs loving on them as they grow, and I want to hold your hand through it all.”

  “I was going to wait. I really was, but after today, I think it's better not to. This isn't a romantic setting or even a poem expressing my love, but I want you to marry me, Dee. Be my wife, have my babies, and spend your life growing old with me.”

  Tears spring to my eyes, my smile spreading ear to ear, and I nod erratically making myself dizzy before throwing my body at him. I kiss him quickly, but have to catch my breath, forgetting about my rib or ribs. He laughs and pulls a black box from his pocket, opening it to me and showing me a salt and pepper grey diamond with a rose gold band.

  “Oh, Gaige. It's gorgeous. I love its uniqueness.”

  He slips the ring onto my finger and it fits perfectly. I hold my hand up, cuddling into his side so we can both look at it, and he kisses my forehead telling me he loves me once more before putting the truck into gear and heading to the hospital. I strap into the center seat, not wanting to let him go.

  Most of my injuries are superficial, but I do have a cracked rib. Though the doctor said it's not broken fully, it will still hurt and feel like it is. I've been given some anti-inflammatory and lower dose pain medication, told to use a cold compress 3 times a day, avoid movement of the chest for a couple weeks before I can workout again and absolutely no wearing a bra. Gaige loves that rule, I roll my eyes and say I don't wear them unless I'm working out anyway. The male doctor and nurse both blush when I don't keep tha
t to myself.

  With nothing else to do, I'm released and my exhaustion sets in. It's only seven at night, yet it feels as though one in the morning has crept up on us without realizing it. A police officer stops us just outside of the room, hoping to talk, but Gaige notices how tired I look and shuts him down.

  “She needs her rest, we can come by the station, tomorrow after my practice is over. Until then, let her process and recharge.”

  “We should get all the information we can as fresh as possible.”

  “Listen, I get what you're trying to do, but my fiance is dead on her feet and has had a very long day. I find it disrespectful that you're pushing and it could be affecting her health. Your superior and colleagues have our information. If we don't show by three tomorrow afternoon, feel free to come by the house.”

  “Gaige, what about the home tour?” I whisper to him.

  “We'll figure out a time to look at it. Your health is more important and it's obvious we need to tell the police your side of things. I'll get a hold of Lila and see if she can show us later in the day or another time. Since I don't have a game until Wednesday, we should be able to figure things out.”

  “I have a virtual conference tomorrow, too. I told the crew that I'd get with them after the walk-throughs with Lila and I'm reporting to the GM and the charity.”

  “Don't worry about it right this minute. They'll understand and you need to rest. Let's go home, eat, and get some sleep.”

  I nod, agreeing with him and we leave the cop standing there in the hall.

  The next morning, Gaige calls Lila to reschedule our walk-through for tomorrow after practice, and texts the crew with my phone to see if they're available tomorrow morning while he's at practice to have the conference call. He calls the Basilisk's office to talk to Kyle about rescheduling for the morning, giving him a brief rundown of what happened. He doesn't tell him who it was, he'll find that out eventually from the press I'm sure. Mr. Drude is going to contact Fertile Dreams and let him know about the changes. He takes care of everything while I sleep in, since I was up and down all night in a dream land and reality. The pain came and went, but was bearable about twenty minutes after I took some ibuprofen.

  When I wake up, Gaige is kissing me, just home from practice and semi-freshly showered. I smile as I look up into his beautiful blue eyes, and just appreciate him.

  “What, Miss? You're giving me that look and I can't do anything about it, though the things I want to do to you are very dirty. I feel like I need to take every chance I can to get close to you after yesterday."

  “Just appreciating the view, taking you in. I'm so very lucky to have you in my life.”

  “You are. The luckiest. I'm the shiz.”

  I laugh so hard that I start coughing and the pain returns. He immediately looks horrified and grabs the ibuprofen beside the bed along with the bottled water I kept there overnight.

  “Do you need the pain medicine? I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking.” he scowls at the bed.

  “Stop. I love laughing with you, and your cockiness is attractive, do not stop being yourself just because some asshole decided he couldn't take no for an answer. I'll be fine. There is something you could do for me before we head down to the station, though.”


  “I'm going to take a quick shower, will you grab the ice pack from the freezer for when I get out?”

  I was too tired last night to do anything but fall into bed after we grabbed some light food from this all-night health food place down the road from the hospital. I wasn't all that hungry, but I knew I needed the nutrients to help heal and Gaige would have forced me to eat anyway, thinking the same thing.

  “Of course. Are you hungry? I can make you some oatmeal with strawberries and bananas.”

  “That sounds delicious. Thank you, Sir.”

  He kisses me, before helping me out of bed, trying not to stare at my naked body. Last night we found out that it turns him on and enrages him. With all the bruises on my body, he wants to find Vadik and put as many bruises on him. On the other hand, he can't help how his body responds to mine, nor can I deny he lights my soul on fire with just a look.

  I toy with the idea of relieving some of the pressure he's stoked within me, but I know that will get me in trouble with him. He'll deny me an orgasm the next time we can fool around, and that's not something to look forward to, so I clean up quickly, being careful not to bend too much or strain my chest.

  I dry off carefully, noticing that Gaige stands against the door frame watching me.

  “Need any help.” He offers with both heat and concern in his eyes. I didn't know that it was possible to have those two emotions coincide at once.

  “I'm okay. I am getting hungry though, so I'll be right down to eat and ice my ribs.”

  He doesn't respond verbally, just nods and continues to watch me, as though he's making sure I'm telling the truth and don't need assistance with drying and dressing. I chose a loose fitted black sweater and dark green leggings that have back pockets. They were an exciting find to a girl who loves her pockets.

  Dressed, we make our way down the steps, Gaige going in front of me in case I need the help down, I glare at him as I use the banister. I'm not helpless, I'm injured but not incapable. The oatmeal is sitting on the breakfast bar, and he grabs the ice-pack from the freezer after I sit down.

  “Want me to hold it while you eat?”

  “Don't be silly. I can multitask.”

  “What's multitasking?” He laughs, and his smile crinkles his eyes.

  It's our running joke that he doesn't believe in multitasking, yet he does it every day. Skating and playing hockey takes talent and he does both at the same time plus run through all the plays in his head. That's like the ultimate definition of the word yet he still denies it. I think he does it just to tease me and drive me crazy.

  I ignore him and take the pack from his hands, holding it to my ribs and dig into my oatmeal with the other hand.

  “When do we need to head to the station?” I ask instead.

  “I got a call from Officer Francis on my way home and she said she'd rather come here so you don't have to travel and can be comfortable. ” He answers.

  “I like her already.” I tell him.

  As I finish up my oatmeal and twenty minute icing, there's a knock on the door and Gaige goes to answer it.

  I hear talking as I pull open the freezer drawer with my foot and drop the ice pack in to re-chill. I close it the same way I open it and make my way into the living room, where a pretty blonde officer sits on the loveseat across from Gaige on the couch. They both stand when I enter.

  “Hello, Miss Ksena, I'm Melyssa Francis. I'll be handling the rest of your case for now since it coincides with another one I'm working on.” She offers her hand to me and I shake it gently, thankful that she uses her left hand so I can use my right, not jostling my ribs.

  “I'm sorry, what do you mean it coincides with another case?” Gaige pipes up.

  “Let's sit and I'll explain a bit.”

  She and I sit, and Gaige offers her a drink, remembering his host duties.

  “I'm fine for now, thank you. There was a woman that came down to the station yesterday after an incident on her campus to give us the details of an ex-boyfriend harassing her. The guy just so happens to be the same one who attacked you. I'd like you to give me all the details that you can. What you were doing before, where you were heading, how he attacked you, everything that you can remember.”

  So I do. I start with meeting up at the cafe with my team, how long I spent there, that Gaige dropped me off, that I messaged him when I left, the creepy feelings I had walking to Karter's apartment, the bookstore, the attack, how I figured out who he was, and the guy who stepped in.

  “So what you're telling me is that you knew your attacker?” She asks, polite but professional.

  “Yes, he plays for the same team as Gaige, the Portage Griffin's hockey team. He was friendly until I turned
him down at a brunch we had here. Ever since then, his attitude has changed and I've avoided him if I can. There have been a few comments from him when we've had to see one another, like at the Charity Ball the other night, but I didn't think anything of it, beyond him being sore that I wouldn't give him a chance or cheat on Gaige.”

  “Gaige, have you heard anything from Mr. Aleksandrov that would lead you to think he's capable of harming your girlfriend?”

  “Fiance. And no. Me, yes. He attacked me in a game and spewed a few things about her and was upset that she's with me and keeps turning him down. He hasn't acted on it off the ice though, since he was slapped with a few fines and told to get his act together if he wanted to keep playing by the DPS. All of this is public knowledge if you know where to look for it, so I'm not breaking any codes.” He clarifies at the end.

  “So he's violent, just hasn't shown it toward Dasia.”

  “I honestly don't know how he is off the ice, I haven't associated with him since that one brunch when Dasia and I got together a few months ago outside of work. We see each other during practice and games, sometimes during events, but that was the one and only time he's was at a Sunday brunch at my place. Even though he's been invited many times he usually just makes an excuses and doesn't talk to anyone if he shows up to other player's place. He hangs out with the other rookies, but I'm more of a coworker than a friend to him.”

  “Dasia, have you had any interactions with him, prior to you and Mr. Rozen dating?”

  “None. I just started as the Basilisk's public relations head this season. Before this I wasn't in the same conference as them so we wouldn't have crossed paths. Same with Gaige, though we met outside of hockey.”

  She takes a look at her notes and there's a few moments of silence, Gaige excuses himself to make me a cup of tea.


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