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Bloodfeather Page 14

by Linz Lenay

  “Is there anything I'm missing? It seems to me there is, since the only connection between you and the other victim are Mr. Aleksandrov.”

  “I'm unsure, since you haven't mentioned the other woman, but my assistant mentioned having an issue with an ex-fling yesterday. She told me he had been waiting for her at her car and that campus security had to notify the police. Her name is Moriah Larson.”

  “That's the name of the woman who came in yesterday. That's definitely a connection I'm missing. There has to be more, but I'm not sure you can give me the information, I'll have to contact Ms. Larson again. Thank you for your time, and congratulations on your engagement. I'll be in touch. In the meantime, I suggest filing a restraining order. Unfortunately, you'll have to come down to the station for that, even though I've marked it in my notes.”

  “I'm unsure how that will work with Gaige and Vadik being on the same team and working together.”

  “As far as I'm concerned, he'll be in a holding pen. Judge hasn't set his bail yet.”

  I nod at her and tell her that we'll discuss it and let someone know.

  “What do you think?” I ask Gaige, meeting him back in the living room, my tea now sitting on the coffee table.

  “Honestly? I think that restraining order isn't going to do anything. Vadik is a loose canon after this incident and a piece of paper isn't going to stop him from anything he wants. Would it be good to have on file, yes, but again it won't keep him from trying to get to you if he thinks that you're owed to him. It was hard hearing everything for a second time and I hate that I wasn't there. I am in awe that you tried everything you could to fight him off, though. I have one badass fiance.”

  “You do. But I knew crying and begging him wasn't going to help. I yelled for help when I saw the opportunity to get it, knowing that he had me pinned so that I couldn't fight back anymore.”

  He fingers the bite mark on my shoulder, a hardened look on his face. He's contemplating, choosing his words carefully, but the look isn't toward me. No, if I know anything about the man I love it's that he's calculating the issue and trying to solve the problem on his own. He's searching for solutions in that big brain of his. I wish I could fear for Vadik, but after yesterday I have no sympathy for him. Whatever happens to him, he deserves.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Lila finishes showing us the fifth house of the day and I hear a happy sigh escape Dasia's lips. We're standing in what would be the main bedroom, me in the middle of the room, her staring out the big bay window into the large backyard. I can see in her face that she's planning on where to put things and what she wants to change. The smile hasn't left her face since we saw the master bath. There's a two person shower stall with a large Jacuzzi tub in the corner, all stone encased. That was the final piece to her happy list of things she wanted in our home. A tub big enough for two, a shower stall, a bay window, large enough yard for both dogs to run and children to play, a big basement to make into a gym, a kitchen and dining room to host the team or at least half of it, and plenty of natural lighting.

  The first house we looked at was in a great location with a lot of things nearby, but it was only a two bedroom, no basement, barely a yard, and the bathroom made us claustrophobic. The second house, wasn't much better, neither was the third. The fourth was promising, but it was so secluded that we'd have to drive twenty minutes to the highway, and another fifteen to a grocery store of any kind. The only things close by were a school and a gas station, which isn't ideal, even if it was doable.

  This house was only ten minutes from the highway, there's a Whole Foods and Aldi's also ten minutes away. The school is fifteen, and there's a vet and hospital close by, as well. The price doesn't matter, I would buy Dee the house of her dreams, but we're getting a great deal on this one, and there's very little work to be done to it. There are a few steps that need to be replaced on the front and back porches, the shutters need to be repainted, and there's a board that needs replacing in the fence.

  “So what do we think?” Lila asks softly, not wanting to interrupt Dasia's thoughts.

  “This is the one.” Dee says turning to look at me for confirmation. I nod at her, watching her beautiful smile brighten even further, making her whole body glow.

  “Let's start the paperwork so we can figure out a timeline, so we can get in here.” I say to Lila, causing her to smile wide as well.

  We follow her downstairs and out the door, letting her lock up, then follow her to her office. We fill out all of the appropriate paperwork, find out the family selling wants a quick sell and came down on the original price, so we can be moved in within the next two months.

  After crossing all our t's and dotting all the i's we head to a plant-based taco house we saw on the way in.

  Back at the house, stomachs full, we pack up what we can of my house, getting things out of the way now, knowing that my schedule will be back to busy next week, and by the time we're ready to move in, we'll be in the playoffs. Dasia has already looked into a few different moving companies, pricing around for the best deal and most efficient work, knowing there was a chance she'd be doing it alone.

  Once the team makes it into the playoffs, that's the focus. We eat healthy, we avoid partying, we focus on hockey and nothing else. Practice, footage, plays, strategies, ice time, games, repeat. The WAGs really get the shaft during the playoffs, because we spend so much time at the arena or traveling. There are some guys who even stay at a hotel away from their women and families so they can focus better on their game play. That's also the time when relationships are truly tested, because if she stays after playoffs, she's a keeper. I've seen women break up with my teammates because they couldn't handle the solitude, were unable to handle being cut off from their guy because he's switched his focus from her to the ice.

  I've never had a girlfriend during playoffs, things with Baily broke off before it was time to go, and there aren't really playoffs in high school hockey. I've been alone for every trip toward the cup so having Dasia will be my first relationship during this time. I have faith that we'll make it through just fine. She's already dealt with my travel schedule, and she knows the drill. She's already mentioned making sure I have a fully stocked green fridge and giving me my space. She offered to sleep at her place, since it still hasn't sold, but I told her that was stupid since there's nothing there anymore, everything being in storage.

  We work quickly and efficiently, mainly her handing me empty boxes and labeling everything because she's still injured and I refuse to let her stunt the healing process. Before we know it, both our stomachs are rumbling ready for a late dinner. Dee whips up a quick protein oatmeal with fresh fruit and maple for us before we turn in for the night, me holding her ass as she lays across my chest, the only way she's able to fall asleep.

  The weeks go by, Dasia heals and things go back to mostly normal. Lex was let out on bail, but he's been put on the healthy scratch list until things are taken care of and asked to just train on his own time. I was there with the Coach and both Karter and Ty who are my assistant captains, on the request of Dan Sybils our general manager. Dan wanted Lex to feel as though he could turn to any of us to help him with the “problems” he's having. I was good and didn't roll my eyes the whole time he was talking. No, I waited until after the meeting was over with and I was in my truck. If it had been my choice, I wouldn't have gone.

  Dasia did go down to the station and file a restraining order, but the judge made it clear that if she were at a game and he was playing, that she would need to stay in the WAGs suite, because of the circumstances where they're both in the hockey world. That was taken care of with his being benched, but he's required to attend home games for support. Those games he's been told to sit in the stands instead of the family box.

  It's the week before playoffs start and we were able to move our things into the new house, but we're not closing for another two weeks. Lila was able to sell Dasia's place last week, and we'll start getting mine
ready too rent out after we officially own the new place.

  “Where do you want this loveseat, Dee?” Karter asks, holding one end while Drew holds the other.

  “Oh! In the sun room, please.”

  She's directing us guys with the furniture, while she entertains Rae and Alice, Jack Norton's daughter. Jack is actually pretty cool, now that he realizes I'm not going anywhere and that I'm not out to play games with Dasia.

  Jack and I are carrying in the sectional pieces for the living room, when Storm shows up. She got stuck at work, so she offered to bring dinner when she got out. The little ones scream in excitement when they see she's holding brick-oven pizzas from our favorite place.

  Alice and Rae have become very good friends, and even exchanged addresses so they can be pen pals. The two six year old girls were so excited when Dee suggested the way to keep in contact, that they danced in the kitchen.

  “Uncle G! May I have some Veggin!” Rae asks me.

  “I told her that she had to ask you since it was what you normally order.” Storm says from the breakfast bar where she's setting up the pizzas, while Dasia grabs plates and silverware for the girls.

  “Well since you asked so nicely, I think that's a big yes. Plus who doesn't love that pizza?”

  “Dude. What are we talking here? I've never eaten from this place, tell me all the options we got here.” Jack chimes in.

  “There's only one pizza worth eating from these options, and that's the Veggin.” I tell him.

  “Hey, my Kitchen Sink pizza is amazing and so worth driving down here on a Sunday so I can have the leftovers at work all week.” Storm says.

  “The pie she's referring to has everything from multiple meats to veggies, all on a cauliflower crust. The Veggin is Vegan and so much better, plus protein without all the junk in between. I do admit that the majority of Plate It's pizzas are healthy, though.”

  Dasia gasps mockingly at me.

  “Did you just admit that Storm is right? Are you well? Did you strain something carrying in the furniture?” Dee laughs.

  “Ha. Very funny, Miss. You know I can be nice, especially when it's your best friend.” I go to her, wrapping my arms around her waist, bringing her back to my front as she laughs at me.

  “Ah, so it's just you playing nice.”

  “Wolf in sheep's clothing, baby.” I say with a wide grin.

  She laughs and buries her head in my chest.

  “Gaige, have you ever considered wearing a bra? Seriously, if you get any thicker or more defined, your cleavage is going to be bigger than mine. And I have C cups. Not like Dee here with her pretty B titties. We should compare the two. Dee, G, bedroom now, cleavage challenge!”

  “Storm, did you do shots on the way over here? You know how I feel about drinking and driving.”

  “No. I'm genuinely curious which of you has the better cleavage.”

  “Obviously I do.” I tell her, smiling over Dasia's head.

  I feel Dee shaking with laughter throughout her whole body.

  “He really does. He works hard for it, I'm just glad my boobs are perky and my booty is firm.”

  “Sorry, Dee. You got a nice ass and all, but Gaige's is phenomenal.

  “You've lost your flipping mind, Storm.” Dasia tells her.

  “Oh, come on now Bloodfeather, don't be upset because my peach game is better than yours.” I tease her.

  She twists around to lock eyes and gives me a glare. I'm unafraid though, since she knows I'm teasing.

  “Well I guess you won't be getting this peach for a while since it's not good enough for you.”

  “I didn't say it wasn't good enough. You're booty is amazing, and I admire it as often as I can, mine is just firmer and better.”

  She can't keep up the glare and busts out laughing, resting her forehead against my chest. I tighten my hold on her, kiss her crown, and take in the moment.

  It's been seven months since we started this crazy whirlwind together, and though there have been a few hangups and we aren't perfect, I wouldn't trade this for the world. Next week will be a true test of our relationship, with me changing focus to training harder and getting the cup, but I have faith that we will make it work because we both want this. I go after what I want, and I grab it with both hands. I've taught Dee to grab her own happiness and let go of her insecurities. She hasn't doubted us since the beginning and we're better off for it.

  “Hey, quit thinking about sex over there you two!” Karter breaks into my thoughts.

  “Dude! Little ears!” Storm and Jack whisper yell at him.

  Dasia and I don't react, we just look to the girls who are chattering in their own conversation, not listening to us adults. We get to eating and talking about where the rest of the stuff will be going, now that we're almost done bringing things inside. Really all we have left is to unpack some boxes. Dee already filled our dresser and closets with our clothes and shoes, saying they were important to have out first, then she worked on the kitchen and bathrooms. She also made sure all my gym equipment was set up in the basement.

  So what we have left is books and the sun room, which is really just putting cushions on the furniture and tucking blankets into the storage box. We were pretty lucky to get an enclosed porch with a fireplace similar to the one I had at my old place. I honestly believe that a fire place would be the first thing Dasia bought new for the house if it hadn't come with one. She's spent many a night and some days out in front of it and I knew she would miss it, had we not found this home.

  I thank the guys and Storm for coming to help, and I make sure to thank Rae and Alice for keeping Dee company, too. I've always felt that the more we show children how to react or not react to something, the better the person they will become. I'm also proud as hell that they helped me finish off both Veggin pizzas that Storm bought. She knows that I can eat a whole one on my own and that Dasia will steal a slice or two, but so did Storm and Jack. Karter stuck with his Kitchen Sink and took the remains home since no one else touched it. Dasia and Storm also had slices of the Avocado Chive with the cauliflower crust.

  Once everyone has left, we lock up and Dee collapses on the love seat in the living room. I turn off the light in the kitchen and make my way to her, picking up her legs to lay them over my lap as I sit down.

  “It was a really productive day. I'm so glad we got this all done before you start playoffs. Not that I can't do it without you, but it's a lot easier with all of our friends instead of working around games, training, and having some stranger come in and do it for me. Lets face it, Storm and I could probably move all the furniture, but it would take us all day and we'd still have to unpack all the boxes another day.”

  “It was, and I'm glad too. I'm also glad we were able to pre-sign all the documents for the house in case I'm traveling when things are ready to go.” I take her hand and kiss the back of it. Things have really been working out in our favor lately. Karter asked when I thought the other shoe was going to drop, but I told him there's no room for thinking about what-if's. I'm focused on the good, which includes the upcoming playoffs, being with Dasia, and being happy.

  Dee has been having the same outlook. She was excited to get back to working out once she was healed and even back to the office, since they told her to work remotely until she was fully healed. Moriah did all the physical things, like meet with vendors, with Dasia on video chat, and make sure all the events went off without a hitch in person, reporting to Dee throughout the nights of whichever thing was happening. Thankfully she only had to miss a few of them, since I know she really wanted to be there for the events.

  I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Dasia straddles my lap.

  “Well, hello there, Miss. What are you up to?” I smirk at her.

  “Oh, you know. Just trying to show my handsome fiance my appreciation and how much he turns me on with just being present.”

  She kisses my cheeks, just below each ear, my jaw, then at last my lips. They're all sweet and gentle, until I'm kissin
g her back. I devour her mouth, putting my all into it, showing her with actions how unglued she makes me. I can't control myself now that she's let the beast out.

  I pull her top off, then lean her back onto the black suede ottoman, following so I'm above her, my weight pressing into her. She moans and I swallow the sound. I make my way down her neck to her nipples, kissing them each, while tugging her leggings down and off. It's at times like these, I truly appreciate the lack of panties she has.

  I kiss her mound before lifting her legs up and placing her feet on the ottoman, opening her completely for me. She grabs onto her ankles, knowing I would ask that of her next.

  “Good girl.” I reward her with a long lick from her rosebud to her clit. She moans loudly, making my cock ache for her, but not yet. I want to savor this.

  I make a few more passes with my tongue, slowly to tease her, then I suck on her clit. When I have her squirming, I brush my index over her back entrance, pressing just a little. Her body responds in kind, pushing back against my finger, the tip entering her and making her gasp in delight. I rub in a circular motion, letting her body control the pressure, until she's writhing and begging me.

  “Please, Sir. Please.”

  “Please what, Miss?”

  “I need more. I don't know. I just need!”

  So I give Dasia more by pressing my finger into her ass to the first knuckle. She sighs in happiness, but when I wiggle the slightest bit, her moan comes from deep within her throat. It's one of the sexiest sounds I've ever heard and I almost come right then, but I aim my focus on her clit and making her feel good.

  When Dee comes, it's with her whole body. Her feet curl so she's balanced on the tips of her toes, her hands are squeezing her ankles, she presses her mound up into my mouth. Her whole body tenses, and her mouth opens in a silent scream, no sound, just eyes squeezed shut and mouth open wide.


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