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Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Sara Anderson

  While Ash swept up the glass from the two cars that had crashed head-on, he thought about his recent conversation with Logan. While he respected Logan’s wishes to not bring Emily into their world, Ash found it hard to keep his distance.

  Emily was his mate—he knew it the first time he saw her. He’d been angry with Logan for a time, but anger didn’t solve anything now. He needed a way to find Emily and bring her home. He was sure Logan would claim her now, and if Emily felt the pull as strongly as he did, he would mate her, as well.

  Fate wouldn’t give him the desire to life-mate with a female unless they were fated mates.

  As hard as it was to stand back and let Logan have Emily to himself, Ash knew that there was little he could do. Emily was not a shifter and she was oblivious to the supernatural races.

  One of the firefighters, Chelsea, walked up to Ash. He wasn’t a stupid guy and knew she liked him. While she was beautiful, he loved Emily. He may spend his life alone, but he could not imagine touching a woman other than Emily.

  “Hey Ash. Some of us are headed to Smokey’s for beer, pool, and barbecue, are you in?”

  Ash shook his head. Even if he wasn’t exhausted, he knew Chelsea was interested in him. The last thing he wanted was to lead a nice woman like Chelsea along. She was a beautiful woman and had a great personality, but the fact was Emily had his heart. He still hoped she’d come back and he’d have a chance with her.

  Logan hadn’t been ready to let go of his fear and admit that they were fated mates before, and Ash believed Logan would now. Logan had learned the hard way that sometimes while trying to protect those you love, you lose them.

  Even though he’d been angry at Logan for driving Emily away, he also understood why he’d done it. Ash’s cell phone went off and he saw the number of his Alpha, Marcus, across the screen.

  “Yes, Alpha,” Ash said as soon as he hit the green icon.

  “Ash, are you off duty yet?” Marcus asked.

  “Today is the end of my forty-eight-hour shift, and I should be done by six this evening.”

  “Good. Do you have plans this evening?”

  “No, just to head home. What do you need?”

  “It is time for some training, and our territory is hosting it. I need to make sure the lodge is well stocked with food and there is plenty of bedding. I will provide the pizza and beer for anyone that comes and helps Derek and myself.”

  “I will be happy to help out, Alpha.”

  “Good, we will see you later, then.”

  * * * *

  Ash put the last bit of groceries away in the lodge’s massive restaurant kitchen. Lycan enforcers could eat their own weight’s worth of food for breakfast alone. Logan worked quietly beside him on the checklist.

  Ash glanced over at him and debated bringing Emily up again. She wasn’t his, and never had been. Logan had been the one to meet her and then begin a relationship with her. Ash had just felt the pull but had respected Logan’s wishes to keep Emily safe from their life. After internally debating for a moment, Ash dove in. “Did your search this week find anything?”

  Logan shook his head. “No, not anything I can follow through with. There are Emily Mullenses all over the continent. I can’t go from South America to Canada chasing names when my first obligation is to the pack.”

  Ash nodded. “I know.” He felt the weight of missing her. Sure, their relationship had been platonic, but he loved her. The guilt of not pushing Logan weighed on him at that moment. It had been easy to blame Logan, but he had his own part to play in losing their fated mate.

  Logan turned to Ash. “Dylan Marshall from the McAllister pack in Texas is coming. I am going to ask him to fill in for me once the training is over.”

  Ash tilted his head and nodded. If Logan meant what he thought he did, then there was no way he was letting his closest friend go alone.

  “I am going to start looking for Emily. I will go to every address and see if it’s her. When I find her, I am bringing her back, willing or not.”

  Ash smiled. “It’s about time. I will be happy to come with you.”

  Logan nodded once and Ash knew it was settled. Once they got their training with southern pack enforcers done, they were going to bring their fated mate home.

  * * * *

  Emily set her laptop aside, thankful to be done with that very long day. The calls for tech support had been never-ending, and every one of them had been complicated. Jackson had been happy while she answered calls over her laptop, but she loved it when she could set it aside and give her complete attention to her baby boy.

  Her apartment had come furnished, and thankfully it had a nice rocking chair. She sat down and read to Jackson as he made sounds and wiggled.

  Emily didn’t think a two and a half month old should be as vocal as Jackson was, but he developed faster than the books suggested he would.

  “You must be a genius, sweet boy.” Emily kissed his head and continued to read the book about shapes and colors. Once Jackson began sucking his fists, Emily put the book aside to feed him. “Are you a hungry, baby?”

  When she glanced at the time, she noticed it was a getting close to Jackson’s bed time. “Let’s get you changed into your warm jammies, and then we’ll have your supper.”

  After changing him, Emily lifted her shirt and sang as Jackson stared at her and drank down his supper. Eventually, his eyes grew heavy and then his lips went lax around her nipple, and she was able to snap her bra back into place and burp him.

  Carefully, Emily got up and laid him down in the small portable crib next to her bed, and then she picked up her own book. The heroine had a secret baby, and it reminded her so much of her own situation. If it weren’t for Facebook groups for single, pregnant moms, she’d have died of loneliness. Emily didn’t see a happily ever after in her future. If anything, she saw a lot of anger and rejection. She’d dug herself into a hole, and she didn’t know how to get out of it now.

  Despite her interest in the book, Emily’s eyes wouldn’t stay open. Jackson was finally sleeping for longer stretches, sometimes all night, yet she still felt as exhausted and run-down as she had her entire pregnancy. Her doctor ran blood work just to be sure, but it was all normal. Her doctor just chalked it up to her unusually difficult pregnancy, the morning sickness that kept her from eating well.

  No one else in the group had the extreme exhaustion, hunger, and morning-sickness cycle she’d gone through. She’d spent weeks in the hospital before doctors had induced her early because the hell her body was going through had turned life-threatening.

  Her baby was here and safe now though, and she couldn’t imagine her life without him already. It was stunning that he’d only been here for a couple of months. It had gone by in a blur of exhaustion as her body healed while she cared for a newborn.

  Even though it was only seven in the evening and she’d had a nap, exhaustion took hold, and Emily didn’t get far into her book before her eyes closed and a familiar dream started.

  The room was dark, hiding most of the carnal activities. Thudding music filled the air as sounds of hands slapping flesh and cries of passion tried to distract her, but Emily concentrated on pleasing her Master, Logan. She knelt at his feet as he sipped his beer and talked to the other Masters who had come to fetish night at the bar, Sinister. It wasn’t a club as much as it was a night that catered to those in the lifestyle. It wasn’t nearly like the club she’d heard about that was an underground BDSM club in Chattanooga. You had to know someone to get an invitation, and those who had been said security there was extremely tight. Word was that every deviant act imaginable happened there, and the secrecy was warranted.

  Logan picked up a butter cracker and topped it with cheese spread and a piece of sausage, and then he lowered it to her. Emily opened her mouth and closed her eyes as the cracker and the flavors of the cheese and meat exploded on her tongue.

  “Eat well, pet. You’ll need the energy.”

  Emily glanced up and saw the raw
lust burning in his eyes. Her pussy throbbed in time with the music as Logan’s hand caressed her head. Emily leaned into his caress and smiled at how complete he made her feel. She’d never once felt as if he didn’t have her care and safety at the center of his thoughts.

  Logan helped her up once she’d finished the last cracker and pulled her close to him. The fire burning in his eyes melted Emily’s core and turned it into liquid heat. She saw a yellow tinge to his eyes and blinked, but it was gone.

  “What is wrong, pet?” Logan’s voice sounded a little gravely to her, and his face appeared to have a fine layer of hair. When Emily concentrated on it, it all vanished though.

  “Nothing, Master. The lights are playing tricks.”

  Logan’s smile was slow and sensual. “Did you like what you saw?”

  Surprisingly yes, she did like it. The thought of Logan sprouting hair turned her on more than she already was. “Yes, Master.” Emily glanced over and saw Logan’s roommate and best friend, Ash, watching her. There was an unmistakable huge bulge in his jeans as he watched them. Emily imagined herself between them for a moment before licking her lips and turning her attention back to Logan. If he knew she lusted after his roommate as well, he’d punish the hell out of her at best or dump her crazy ass at worse.

  Logan moved a strand of her hair that had come out of her hair tie. “Good. Let’s get out of here before I get us arrested for indecent exposure. I rented us a room next door.” He took her hand and led her out of the bar. It was busy out on the street, but they wouldn’t be driving. Sinister was next to a chain hotel that they’d used before. It beat driving home to Wolf Creek after they played on kink night at Sinister.

  Anticipation lit up Emily as she followed Logan’s lead. They entered the lobby and then the elevator. They ended up at the last room on the third floor, just like Logan liked. When Logan opened the door, Emily walked in first with Logan following her. She noticed the straps on the bed that Logan had attached to restrain her, and the flogger, plug, vibrator, and lube sitting on the desk. Her heart pounded as she thought about the screaming she was about to be doing.

  “Strip, pet,” Logan ordered in that hard Dom voice that made her knees grow week.

  “Yes, Master.” Emily quickly shimmied out of the short leather skirt and spider-web leggings. The top was little more than a leather bra. When she reached for the back to unhook it, Logan’s hands stopped her.

  “Let me,” Logan said as he unclasped the leather and cupped her breasts. He stroked his thumb over her nipples and brought them to tight buds, and then he pinched them.

  Emily closed her eyes and moaned as the pain went straight to her clit. She felt a tinge of guilt that she wished Ash was here dominating her as well. God help her, she also wanted Logan’s roommate. That wouldn’t go over well.

  “Stay with me, pet.” Logan turned her so she faced him and lowered his head to suck her nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard, making Emily’s insides quake at the sensation as he sucked and nipped at her nipple. He then pulled a jeweled clamp out of his pocket and placed it over her balled nipple.

  Emily hissed at the pain and tried to rub her clit against Logan. She was so close to coming, and only needed a little bit more to go over the edge.

  “Do not come!” Logan said as he flicked her nipple with his finger.

  The pain was searing for a moment, making Emily cry out, but then it morphed into searing lava in her core.

  “I’ll try, Master.”

  “If you come, I will keep you on the edge all night long.”

  Emily moaned as Logan began playing with her other nipple. He would do that, too. He had just enough sadist in him that her screams and begging for release would only make him smile and give her a lecture on being a good girl who listens to her Master.

  He clamped on the second clamp, and Emily bit her lip and counted by tens, imagined her mother having sex with one of her nasty-looking druggie friends…anything to keep from coming.

  “Good girl,” Logan whispered as she panted for air, and she backed away from the cliff that would lead her to a night of begging to come.

  “Thank you, Master.” Emily felt the warmth of Logan’s approval fill her heart, and it had been worth it to deny herself to please him.

  Logan pulled her against him, and his lips covered hers in a demanding kiss. Emily had no choice but to allow him entrance, and she opened her mouth to him. His tongue swept in and claimed her.

  Her hands fisted in his shirt as heady mixture of pain and lust engulfed her. Logan’s muscular body made her feel tiny and helpless. If she decided to say no, he could easily force her, not that she’d ever tell her Master no. All of the feelings made her knees feel weak, and her mind quieted as Logan became the center of her thoughts.

  Logan lifted his face to just millimeters above her and stared into her eyes as if he was gauging her reaction to him.

  “You’re so beautiful, Emily.”

  Emily stroked her hands over his chest. I love you so much, Master, was right on the tip of her tongue, but she refused to say it. Logan had been pulling away from her lately. She felt he was hiding something big from her, and thought he no longer cared, except when they played together.

  “Thank you, Master,” Emily said instead.

  “Let’s get you settled.” Logan led her to the bed and pulled her arm to the leather restraints. Her clamped nipples pressed into the bed as he arranged her to have her ass and pussy accessible while keeping her restrained. Every little movement sent a blast of fresh arousal through Emily. Logan hadn’t even touched her and she was already whimpering.

  “Logan,” Emily whined with a slow moan. Her body felt ready to combust.

  “Don’t come. Your reward will be worth the wait, pet.”

  It would be. Emily had done this before. Different toys and tied down to different furniture, but still forced to hold her orgasm until Logan allowed it. She’d been sex drunk more than once with him after going to the bar.

  Emily felt the cool lube on her back entrance, and then Logan pushed the plug into her. The sting and burn soon faded once it was settled in, but then he’d turned on the vibrator function for it.

  “Oh god,” Emily panted as the vibrations seemed to stimulate her past her endurance to not come.

  “Very pretty.”

  The first stinging strike nearly sent her over the edge. Emily gritted her teeth and fought the orgasm. “Please,” she hissed without unclenching her jaw.

  “Soon,” Logan said and kissed the back of her neck lightly. Shivers of delight coursed through her. Logan’s approval filled her soul with light and renewed her determination to not come until he gave her permission.

  The rhythmic slap of leather against her skin lulled her to a near dream state, and the pain embraced her in a sexual fog that engulfed her body. Every little move pulled at the nipple clamps, which added to her pain and pleasure.

  The rustle of clothing made Emily open her eyes. She saw the shadow on the wall pull his shirt over his head, and then she heard the sound of a belt coming loose before Logan pulled down his zipper.

  “Master,” Emily whispered. This was it. He’d finally let her come.

  “You wait until I tell you to come, pet,” Logan warned as the head of his massive cock pushed against her entrance.

  Emily closed her eyes. “Yes, Master.” She prepared for the sting of Logan pushing into her. He always stung a bit without a plug. She moaned as his cock shifted the plug in her and pressed into her oversensitive nerves.

  “God, you are so tight, Emily.”

  Emily moaned and nodded in agreement. She felt her walls stretching to accommodate Logan’s large girth, but the pleasure was so intense she had to pant.

  He sank balls-deep into her, and his body pressed against the red stripes left by the flogger. He pulled out and thrust back in, searing a path of blinding pleasure as his cock moved.

  “Come, pet,” Logan said as his hand moved under her and stroked her clamped nipple

  Emily’s mouth opened and she felt searing bliss engulf her. Waves of orgasmic ecstasy swamped her as she screamed. Somewhere between her screams, she heard Logan howling. The animalistic howl added to the frenzy, and it renewed the pulsating orgasm.

  Logan grabbed her hair and pulled her head back as his hips pumped into her pussy. “Don’t stop, pet. Come again.”

  Emily’s body writhed, which pulled her hair more and gave her the sting of pain she craved with sex. Now that he finally allowed her to come, she couldn’t stop. White-hot pleasure surrounded her and pulled every last bit of pleasure from her. She opened her eyes to see Logan’s hand braced by her head. Fine tan hair coated his arm and hand, but surely that was a trick of the light and her orgasms.

  His fist grabbed the blanket and his cock swelled before he growled out his own release. His cock pulsated within her, and she felt his hot semen brand her as his.

  Logan let go of her hair and collapsed over her, using his arms to brace himself just enough to keep from crushing her.

  “I love you,” Emily choked out as tears rolled down her face. Logan tensed and kissed her cheek.

  Emily’s eyes opened as the last of her dream-induced orgasm faded. Her fingers were still in her own silk folds and drenched with her own nectar. She groaned as she realized she’d had the dream again. She was sure that was the night Jackson was conceived. They’d quit using condoms when she went on the pill, but she’d not taken it at the exact right time for a couple of days. It had obviously been enough to allow her to get pregnant, or it was fate.

  Jackson was meant to enter her life, because after that night, Logan had drifted away from her. She could always tell he was hiding a large part of himself from her, and that hurt. Was he embarrassed of her? His grandma was sweet, but she often had a worried look when she thought Emily wasn’t looking. One day she’d overheard his grandma ordering him to reveal the truth or let her go, but to stop playing games. Was she a game to him?


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