Broken Wolf: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (The Blue Mountain Wolf Pack Book 2)

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Broken Wolf: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (The Blue Mountain Wolf Pack Book 2) Page 6

by Emma Dean

  Bonnie took a sip as well and then handed it back as she sat down on her mattress next to Amelia, leaning against the pillows and the wall. “Before anything else I just wanted to apologize for not believing you and about being a total bitch about it all. I honestly thought they were some kind of cult who’d brainwashed you. The real situation is still scary, but…I understand it better now.”

  Amelia chugged the wine and passed it over. She opened the bag of gyros and handed one to Bonnie. “Apology accepted. It’s not like it’s a normal situation. You were just looking out for me.”

  She shook her head and looked down at the gyro, feeling sick to her stomach again. “It’s not just that. When I was a teenager I ended up hospitalized. There were a lot of people in the psych ward that had things like schizophrenia. They truly believed these crazy things and I just thought that maybe you were sick. It happens later in life sometimes.” It was weird to admit all that to Amelia, but they were best friends. It was weirder they didn’t know each other’s pasts.

  “Also,” Bonnie said, forcing herself to take a bite. “I inherited a ton of money when my parents died and I shouldn’t have told you I couldn’t open our own publishing company. I just didn’t want you to lose everything you’d saved.”

  Amelia snorted. “Yeah I figured it was something like that. Not many people in their twenties can afford a Land Rover, a maid, and interior decorators. Not to mention the shoes you buy are hundreds of dollars a pair if not more.”

  Bonnie smiled and took another bite, but it wasn’t sitting well so she pushed it away.

  “Do you not feel well?” Amelia asked, eyeing her and the food.

  She shook her head and drank some more of the wine. “I haven’t really been feeling well since I left Kai’s house,” she admitted.

  It wasn’t just the pain in her chest now, it was nausea too.

  “Shane told you about the mate thing?” Amelia asked carefully.

  Bonnie nodded, getting a bad feeling.

  “Kai told me that when a mate has been recognized or they’ve had sex, the mate bond starts to form. Usually they can smell their mate, or I guess a mate since one party has denied the bond before…anyway it causes physical pain until the bond has been accepted or rejected unless you are with your mate.” Amelia shrugged and finished her gyro. “I don’t really understand the finer details yet since this literally just happened, but yeah. That’s probably why.”

  Bonnie sighed and ate more of her gyro. Just enough she wouldn’t lose any weight. She refused to go down that road again. Once she started freaking out about food and weight it was hard to come back.

  “I don’t know what to do about that,” Bonnie admitted. “I told Shane yesterday I didn’t want the mate bond.”

  “Did you mean it?”

  No she didn’t fucking mean it, obviously. Bonnie glared at Amelia and grabbed a cookie.

  “Well that’s probably why you don’t feel better.” Amelia did that little snort laugh of hers and went for a second gyro.

  “Have you shifted yet?” Bonnie asked, genuinely curious as she watched her friend eat more food than she ever ate in one sitting.

  Amelia shook her head. When she swallowed she glanced at her watch. “Apparently the first time has to be on a full moon because of magic or some shit. I’m still learning all these crazy rules, but I am registering with the pack this week and filing our mate bond with Kai.”

  “Is that like shifter marriage?” Bonnie asked. The whole idea was so weird, but also kind of hilarious especially since Amelia had sworn to become an old maid.

  “Kind of, I don’t really want to talk about it yet,” Amelia said, starting her third gyro. “What I do want to talk about is Shane. Do you like him, love him? If you don’t want in on this world that’s fine, but you have to deny the bond or it’s going to make you really sick. Then I need you to consider registering with the pack as a human so we can protect you.”

  Bonnie blinked. Well, that was a lot to take in.

  “Sure, I’ll register with the pack. But I’m still not happy you’re leaving Portland.”

  Amelia sighed and started peeling off her only jacket. No coat, scarf, or gloves despite it being January. Then she lay on her back, hands clasped over her tummy. “It’s not like I’m happy about it either, but I finally feel like I’m moving forward, like I’m doing something with my life other than standing still and just…existing.”

  Bonnie felt bad about that. “I know I don’t know a lot about what happened before, but I really am happy that you’re happy. I’m just also sad I’m getting left behind,” she admitted. “Which is totally selfish. I want to support you one hundred percent. I just haven’t decided what I want to do about the publishing company yet.”

  “Yeah it’s a lot to be completely honest. That plus my condo and wrapping up my life here…” Amelia trailed off and then looked over at Bonnie. “You should go out with Shane on a real date and then decide if it’s something you want to pursue. I could convince Kai to let Shane stay here and oversee everything in Portland until you know for sure. I can also hold off on making any permanent business decisions until you give me your final answer.”

  Instantly Bonnie started crying. Just having the option for more time was a relief. “Thank you,” she said, throwing her arms around Amelia’s neck. “I know how hard it is for you to wait on other people.”

  Amelia laughed and pushed her off. “And thank you for telling me about the hospitalization. I don’t need to know details, but if you ever need help or think you’re relapsing call me. Even if it’s in the middle of the night.”

  That only made Bonnie want to cry more, but she wiped the tears from her face and smiled. She hadn’t lost Amelia. They were just going through a transition period and it was fucking hard. Normal people didn’t have to deal with werewolves—shifters, but they did go through life changes. She was just glad it seemed like they would come out of this stronger.

  “So…are you like, engaged to Kai?” Bonnie asked, grabbing another cookie.

  “Well, he officially asked as a human so I guess I am. Wants to take me ring shopping, the weirdo.” Amelia blushed and grabbed a cookie too.

  “O.M.G.,” Bonnie screeched. “Let him, and pick out the biggest one. Make him take you to like Cartier or something.”

  Amelia laughed and rolled onto her stomach. “I keep putting it off because it seems crazy to me. But it’s not like I have to worry about my family or anything, so I should probably just let him.”

  “He seems to love you, from what I can tell. I’m glad you found him,” Bonnie told her.

  “Anyways, go out with Shane. Text him and tell him to plan a date for tomorrow. Gives you time to find something cute to wear.”

  “I’ll probably just buy something new,” Bonnie admitted, eyeing the boxes.

  Amelia snorted. “There’s my girl. Now, pick a time to register with the pack. And keep your big mouth closed on all things paranormal. I don’t want anyone picking on you or anything like that until you’ve been aligned.”

  Bonnie nodded and took a sip from the wine bottle. She wasn’t really ready to ‘align’ but it was probably a good idea when there was god knows what else out there.

  “If you text him now, I’ll even go shopping with you,” Amelia told her.

  She sat straight up at that. “Holy shit, are you serious?” Amelia had never let her take her shopping. “I get to buy you anything I want?”

  Amelia groaned. “Yes, I suppose as long as it’s something I’ll actually use or wear.”

  Bonnie jumped up and grabbed the closest box labeled ‘clothes.’ “Sexy lingerie it is! Let’s do this!”

  Thank god Amelia was stubborn as fuck. Bonnie was so grateful she’d barged into her condo like Bonnie had into Amelia’s life all those years ago. Sometimes a person needed a rough shove.

  Bonnie would give Shane a chance, and she’d take time off to really decide what she wanted to do. Because she would never really lose Amelia, b
ut she was the only family Bonnie had left. Would it really be so bad to take that leap into a business partnership?

  She supposed it would probably be a good idea to figure out what she wanted with Shane first. Otherwise that could be awkward if she had to see him all the time if she denied him as a mate.

  But what made her nervous was that she didn’t think she’d want to deny the bond. Bonnie knew she had a soft spot for guys like Shane and he was damaged – just the way she liked them. Not only that he was such a gentleman…yup, she was definitely going to end up sleeping with him again.

  She sighed. She should probably buy some sexy lingerie too.

  Chapter Nine


  Shane was early, of course, and she wasn’t even ready yet.

  Bonnie had texted him the day before like she’d promised Amelia, and Shane had responded immediately instead of four hours later like most guys did. He told her he’d love to go out with her and that he’d plan the entire date. It was a bit intimidating how he’d just taken control of everything – like he’d been planning it for a while.

  But no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get him to reveal what he had planned. Shane said wear ‘something comfortable’ and Bonnie had no idea what the hell that meant so of course she only had her hair and makeup done.

  What was she supposed to wear?

  Out of everything she’d bought ‘something comfortable’ hadn’t been on the list.

  “Are you almost ready?” Shane asked from downstairs.

  She’d answered the door in her pajamas because at the very least Bonnie could figure out what she should wear based on what Shane had on. Except he looked the same as he always did. Winter boots, jeans, and a thermal shirt.

  What the fuck were they going to do on this date?

  Bonnie picked out her winter boots, and the sexiest pair of jeans she had. “Are we going to be outside much?” she yelled down.


  Okay, then she needed layers.

  “Why is it so cold in here?” Shane asked. His voice was much closer this time which meant he was probably on the stairs.

  Bonnie was so nervous about this date. She’d felt nauseous the entire day and night before, but the moment she opened the door and saw Shane she instantly felt better and was suddenly starving. It was hard not to read too much into that.

  “Are we going to be eating?” she asked.

  “Bonnie, what are you even doing in there?” Shane asked from outside her door.

  “Don’t come in! Are we gonna eat? I’m hungry.”

  “Yes, we’re eating first. Wear something warm that you can walk around in for a long time. No heels.” There was a pause and Bonnie slipped a long-sleeved shirt on. “Can I come in?” Shane asked.

  She should say no, but Bonnie was already dressed…

  “Yeah, you can come in now.”

  Shane opened the door and looked around before stepping in. “Your condo is a disaster.”

  “Is it messing with your OCD?” she asked, scrounging through her ‘winter’ box.

  “Yes, but we won’t be here long. This is why it’s taking you forever to get ready isn’t it?” Shane looked at one open box and all the clothes covering every surface, including the shopping bags from the day before.

  Bonnie had spent way too much money on lingerie for her and Amelia, but it had been totally worth it. And she was pretty sure Kai was going to thank her for it later.

  “That and you won’t tell me what we’re doing or where we’re going.” Bonnie glanced at him and then grabbed basic black everything. There was no point in being fashionable if they were going for functional.

  Shane looked up and nodded when he saw what she had in her hands. “That’ll be fine. I’m driving.”

  Bonnie grabbed her purse and followed him out of her room and down the stairs. She was insanely curious to know where he was taking her. What would someone like Shane pick for a date? Obviously it wasn’t going to be dinner and a movie, although he did say they were going to eat. It was still early though. It would be a lunch date and that kind of didn’t count in the dating world.

  “Where are we going?” she asked again, locking her door. Shane took the stairs without answering her question and Bonnie sighed before following him.

  “We’re going to walk first. I parked my truck a few blocks away and we’ll eat there,” he told her, waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

  Bonnie’s breath caught when he looked up at her and her stomach fluttered. Damn those blue eyes of his. There was definitely something between them.

  She wanted him bad. That hadn’t changed since she’d first laid eyes on him. And she’d known he had some kind of baggage. Bonnie just hadn’t realized how extensive that baggage would be.

  He had issues, but he also came from this world she still didn’t know if she wanted anything to do with. Amelia had assured her she could register with the pack as a human and never have to worry about it ever again. She could live her life as a normal human if that’s what she wanted.

  And that was the problem.

  After having her eyes opened to the paranormal world coexisting right alongside hers, she would always be wondering. Bonnie would rather know everything she could so there were no surprises. What if someone was a witch or a shifter? As a human alone in the world she would have no idea until it was too late.

  It made her paranoid to think of living like that.

  Bonnie needed to let herself seriously consider this mate thing, because she really liked Shane a lot – despite everything. She was attracted to him like she’d never been to anyone else before. Shane was complicated and just enough of a bad boy she practically drooled over him.

  The reformed bad boy or the bad boy who was only nice to her, was her personal weakness. But too many times she’d made the mistake of going after the wrong one. Bonnie needed to find out which one Shane really was.

  “I think you’ll like what I have planned,” he told her, watching as she came down the stairs. “And just in case you’re wondering you look gorgeous, but I’m sure you knew that already.”

  Bonnie smiled and pulled on her coat, scarf, and gloves as they walked into the front desk area of the condominium. The place had full amenities including its own gym which was one of the main reasons she’d wanted it. It would be a lot easier on Bonnie and Amelia to just go there instead of the place down the street from the publishing house.

  “Is there a gym in La Grande?” Bonnie asked, linking her arm with Shane’s.

  It wasn’t just a test to see his reaction. His body was so much bigger than hers and he was a great buffer against the cutting wind. She couldn’t wait for it to warm up already.

  Shane didn’t look at her as they left the building, but he didn’t react to her closeness either. “There is, but Kai also has a fully equipped gym in the main house, though most of our cardio is running through the forest.”

  Bonnie smiled as she imagined him running through the forest naked. He’d have to at some point before or after he shifted.

  The sun was bright in the sky, but there were storm clouds on the horizon. It was supposed to rain again, which had the chance of turning into snow if it stayed cold enough. That meant more snow in the mountains.

  She didn’t particularly enjoy winter because it kept her inside so much. There were plenty of winter sports but it was a lot more dangerous to go hiking in the winter than the summer. It really limited her activities and time outside.

  As a wolf that wouldn’t be an issue. Bonnie glanced at Shane who wore nothing but his long-sleeved thermal shirt. He didn’t even bother trying to fit in with everyone else. She kind of liked that.

  “So, what should we talk about?” Bonnie asked. “It’s not like this is a normal date.”

  “Well,” Shane said as they crossed another street. “I like to work on motorcycles. Kai and I tend to do those the most. We do a lot of custom jobs. I can also work on cars and trucks, but I prefer trucks if I have
to do that. Why did you become an editor?”

  Bonnie shrugged, remembering the barbecue when Amelia had been asked the same question. “I love to read. A good book can change someone’s life. It did for me. So I just want to be able to do that for someone else.”

  Then Shane stopped and looked down at her. For a second she thought he might kiss her and it left her wanting when he didn’t. “We’re here,” he said.

  Bonnie looked up in surprise to see they were at Voodoo Donuts. She laughed at the tourist attraction. “Don’t tell me you guys own this place too?”

  “Definitely not,” Shane said, leading her to the line. “But I’ve always wanted to go here and try a little bit of everything. Do you like donuts?”

  Bonnie smiled and stepped closer to him so she pressed against his warm side. “I do.”

  “Tell me about your parents,” Shane said quietly, wrapping an arm around her so she was even warmer. It made her melt inside – how he was always so aware of her, careful, and chivalrous.

  It had been long enough it didn’t hurt to remember her parents anymore. For what had felt like forever the pain had been crippling, but she’d always managed to push through it and keep going. Bonnie had been lucky to meet Amelia when she did. Something in her had recognized another lost soul who needed help.

  The two of them had latched onto each other with such remote intensity. Neither of them really wanted to get into the details of their pasts, but they were ready to ride or die for each other in the here and now regardless of what had happened before.

  Bonnie was so glad she had some of that back. Amelia wasn’t going to abandon her.

  “When I was nineteen,” she murmured. “They were driving home from their monthly trip into the city for supplies they couldn’t have delivered, a movie, and a bit of shopping. It was raining that night and they were t-boned by a drunk driver. My mom died instantly and my dad made it a few hours at the hospital until he just…faded away.”


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