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Well Hung Over in Vegas: A Standalone Romantic Comedy

Page 26

by Kimberly Fox

  His brother Nick is out of jail after serving six months in a minimum-security prison for stealing just over three million dollars from the company. He found God while behind bars, returned the money to Mack, apologized to everyone, and has been living in Ghana ever since, volunteering his time to help set up hospitals.

  “I would never miss this,” Jason says. He glances at Emily and smiles. “I’m really glad I came.”

  Emily squeezes my arm as her cheeks turn red. “I have to get the bride into wardrobe,” she says, smiling at the handsome millionaire in front of her. “I’ll see you on the dance floor.”

  Jason never takes his eyes off her. “I can’t wait.”

  She pulls me away and squeals when she’s out of his earshot. “He’s so cute!” she says, glancing back over her shoulder. “He’s still looking at me!”

  “It is a wedding,” I say, grinning as I see hearts in her eyes. “You never know what’s going to happen.”

  At that moment, I see a thick cloud of smoke drift out from behind the library in the distance and then Mack comes shuffling out with my parents behind him. Yup. You never know what’s going to happen. Especially when my parents are at a party.

  “Mom! Dad! Other Dad!” I shout, waving at them. They spot me and hurry over, trying to act like they’re not stoned, which makes them look even more stoned.

  “Dahlia!” Mack says, giving me a hug. I’m happy to say the man has loosened up in his retirement and is having a lot of fun. He comes and visits along with Kirsten every few weeks, and we’ve gotten really close. He’s always good for a laugh or an interesting conversation, and his business advice can’t be beat. “I hear you’re marrying my son!”

  “I always wanted to marry rich,” I say with a playful shrug. “It will probably last one week before I divorce him and take all of his fortunes.”

  “One week with you, my dear, is worth all of the fortunes in the world,” he says with a warm smile.

  “Ahhh,” I say, giving him a hug. He really is the best father-in-law.

  “I’ll let you get ready,” he says, letting me go. “I want to get a front row seat.”

  I smile as he hurries away, and my parents step up to congratulate me next. I’ve been seeing them a lot more lately, and it’s actually been nice. They helped me see that I couldn’t keep pushing away love for a career, and I’m so glad they did. Having Tyler and Mia is better than any career in the world.

  “Will you two walk me down the aisle?” I ask, getting choked up as I ask them.

  I’m going to be the talk of the town if I get walked down the aisle with my father wearing that tie-dye shirt and with my mother in her burlap skirt, but I don’t really care. I want them to be a part of this.

  “Of course,” my father says with a smile. “We’re not missing Burning Man to sit in the crowd.”

  “We just have to go change first,” my mother says, pulling my father away with a grin. “We’ll see you at the start of the aisle.”

  Get changed? It must be a wedding miracle.

  I head into the tent with Emily and shake my head in disbelief when I see my wedding dress hanging inside. It’s stunning. A beautiful white sheath dress with a deep v-neck that is delicately detailed with lace and delicate beads.

  “It’s gorgeous,” I say, taking it in my hands and running the long flowing skirt over my trembling fingers. “He knows me so well.”

  “He sure does,” Emily says. “I tried to help him pick it, but he insisted that he knew exactly what you would want.”

  “Well, he was right,” I say, swallowing hard. I try it on and it fits perfectly.

  “Wow,” Emily gasps when she sees me wearing it. “I think I’m a lesbian now.”

  “I think I’m going to marry this dress instead of Tyler,” I say, staring at it with unblinking eyes. “It’s perfect.”

  “I still like your first wedding outfit better,” Emily says with a chuckle, “but this is a close second.”

  “Think Tyler will like it?” I ask, turning around with a gulp.

  “I think he’ll love it,” she says with a wide smile. “Now let’s do your hair and makeup.”

  “All of the guests are waiting outside,” I say, feeling a flutter in my stomach. “We don’t have time.”

  “This is me you’re talking to,” Emily says, pulling out a box full of hair and makeup products. “I sleep in until twenty minutes before I have to come to work. I’m a master at doing hair and makeup ridiculously fast.”

  Ten minutes later, I look like I should be on the cover of a wedding magazine. Emily heads out to let Tyler know we’re ready, and I just stare at myself in the mirror, so thankful that I have a man who would do all of this work just to make me feel special.

  Tyler makes me feel special every day of my life, and I don’t want to know where I’d be without him.

  “We’re ready for you, Mrs. McMillan,” Emily says, popping her head into the tent. “Ready to get married?”

  “This time, yeah.”

  I should be nervous, but I’m not. Marrying Tyler is nothing to be nervous about.

  Soft music starts playing through the park as my parents meet us at the tent.

  “No way,” I say with my mouth hanging open. My mother is in a beautiful red cocktail dress, and my father is wearing a slick tuxedo. “You guys look so… normal,” I say with a laugh.

  “I wanted to get dressed up for my daughter’s wedding,” my father says with a smile. He points to his bow tie, which is made from tie-dye material. “But I still have to keep a little bit groovy.”

  “I love it,” I say with a nod. Really, I do.

  “Beautiful dress, Mom,” I say, admiring her dress. She looks stunning in it. I’m guessing she didn’t make this one.

  “It’s so tight,” she says, squirming around. “But I’m glad you like it.”

  “I love it,” I say, offering them my arms. They hook their arms around mine as Emily brings us to the aisle.

  The entire town is here, sitting on the chairs, standing on the grass, sitting in the trees, but I only have eyes for Tyler. He’s looking ravishing, standing under the flower-covered archway dressed in a tuxedo. My chin trembles as we stare at each other with pure love in our eyes.

  The music changes, and for the first time, I notice the string quartet playing by the huge weeping willow tree. He thought of everything.

  “I’ll see you up there,” Emily says, giving me a wink as she starts walking down the aisle.

  Jason is up there too, standing next to Tyler as his best man. I’m sure Emily notices him looking because she starts swaying her hips a little more as she approaches them.

  All heads turn to me and everyone stands up as the quartet begins playing the Bridal March.

  I take a deep breath, holding onto my parents as we start walking forward. I never take my eyes off of the man I love, so it comes as a surprise when I arrive under the archway and see Drunken Asian Elvis standing there ready to marry us for the second time.

  He’s wearing his rhinestone-covered onesie and looking odd without a bottle of alcohol in his hands.

  “This is incredible,” I whisper to Tyler when I arrive. “You are incredible.”

  “You deserve this every day,” he whispers, staring into my eyes. “You’ll never know how much you’ve changed my life for the better, and how much I love you.”

  I already know because I feel the same way.

  “You even got Drunken Asian Elvis,” I whisper, smiling up at the man who married us the first time. I didn’t think this guy was allowed to leave Vegas.

  “Just Asian Elvis now,” he says with a nod. “I’ve been sober for a month and a half.”

  I nod back at him. “The King would be proud.”

  Just as Asian Elvis is about to start the hunk of burning love ceremony, Mia explodes out of Kirsten’s arms and darts up to us.

  “Hey, Baby,” I say as Tyler scoops her up and holds her in his arms.

  “Mama, you look pretty,” sh
e says, but she pronounces pretty as preeetty. She’s so adorable.

  She’s a real Daddy’s girl, and I can see why. She has Tyler’s stunning smile and his bright green eyes. The two make a beautiful pair, and the three of us make a perfect trio.

  Tyler holds her for the rest of the ceremony while Asian Elvis sings Can’t Help Falling in Love in a thick Chinese accent and then marries us for the second time.

  “Do you, Rainbow Solstice the First, take Tyler McMillan to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”

  “You bet your rhinestoned ass I do,” I say, making everyone laugh.

  Asian Elvis turns to Tyler. “Do you, Tyler McMillan, take Rainbow Solstice the First, to be your—”

  “Yes, yes. A million times yes,” he says, looking ready for the kiss.

  “I now pronounce you the first couple to get married at The Pineapple Chapel who stayed married for more than three months,” Asian Elvis says. “And I also pronounce you husband and wife, again. You may now kiss the bride.”

  “Your Daddy has business to take care of,” Tyler says to Mia before handing her over to Kirsten’s waiting arms.

  He comes back and takes me in his arms and gives me a deep kiss that has the crowd roaring. My legs go weak, but lucky for me, Tyler’s strong arms are there to hold me up.

  “Mmmmm,” I moan as he kisses me like he’s ready to suffocate before he comes up for air.

  For some reason, Emily’s words pop into my head: some people just can’t handle Vegas.

  I’m so glad that I’m one of those people.

  Want more Tyler and Dahlia? Click here to get a free bonus chapter!

  Bonus Chapter: Dahlia and Tyler get into more trouble as they go tearing through a Casino on their drunken night!

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  Also by Kimberly Fox

  Heavy Turbulence

  “My Cockpit. My Rules.”

  Dex Jameson is an arrogant ass.

  It's my first day on the job as a stewardess working on a billionaire's private jet, and the cocky pilot is already trying to hit my landing strip.

  I've always had a thing for pilots, but this arrogant jerk is going to cure me of that.

  I can handle the looks. I can handle the comments. I can even handle the sexual invitation that he threw down between us.

  But when my boss makes us pretend that we're husband and wife during a business trip, my willpower starts to crumble away.

  I'm trying hard to stay professional.

  I'm trying my best to keep his tattooed biceps at arm's length.

  But this hot alpha pilot knows how to push all the right buttons and has all the right moves.

  Buckle up. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

  He's a Bad Boy Pilot with a filthy mouth

  She's an uptight Stewardess who plays by the rules

  Prepare for some Heavy Turbulence

  Also by Kimberly Fox


  "You need a rebound. They call me Mr. Trampoline."

  What happens in Cancun, unfortunately for my cheating boyfriend, doesn't stay in Cancun.

  I caught him on the first night of our vacation balls deep in my worst enemy: the bitchy obnoxious girl who my best friend chose to be her maid of honor instead of me.

  Now I'm stuck on this resort, in the same small room as my ex, until my friend gets married at the end of the week.

  This place is a paradise but it feels like hell.

  It's all going so wrong until I meet Ethan, the dirty talking bad boy with the body carved out of granite.

  He's going to teach me what paradise is really about.

  And it isn't sand and palm trees...

  Also by Kimberly Fox


  Cancun was hot. Belize is on fire!


  I hate him.

  How many times do I have to say that until it sinks in?

  How many times until I can get the image of his inked arms and ripped abs out of my head?

  How many times?

  Because I’m at a million and it’s still not working.

  And this filthy talking, muscular Navy SEAL who has his crosshairs set on me isn’t backing down.

  I won’t be able to stand up to his hotness for long.

  I’m ready to surrender and let him claim his spoils of war.


  The whole crew is back on the beach for Tanya and Ethan’s wedding. Book your airplane ticket now and get ready for a wild ride!

  Also by Kimberly Fox

  The Hitman’s Baby

  Nobody fucks harder than a girl that hates you. And this girl hates me. Hard. She's going to be fun.


  I hate guys like him.

  So why am I always so attracted to his frustratingly arrogant and cocky type?

  Well, his muscular, inked up arms aren't helping at all.

  I should stay away from him.

  I should leave.

  He's more dangerous than just a killer smile.

  But it's not like he'd ever untie me and let me walk out the door...


  When I want something I take it. Even if it is the boss' daughter.

  And when you're a hitman the boss is usually not someone to take lightly.

  See if I care. That pussy is worth dying for and it's definitely worth killing for.

  And there's a long line of people to kill for it.

  But now that my baby is in her belly not her father, the Russian mob, the police or the world class assassin on our heels is going to take her from me.




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