Relics of Camelot

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Relics of Camelot Page 39

by L. H. Nicole

  Ever so carefully, Aliana shifted Guin so she was half lying against her as she hugged the redhead tightly. “Dagg!”

  Her guardian wrapped himself around her shoulders, his claws and wings clinging to her. If this was going to be anything like when Titania sent her back to Camelot, this trip could end up hurting…a lot.

  “Are you prepared?” Silzik’s voice was like booming thunder in the night.

  “Yes…Silzik you need to know—”

  “No.” His glowing eerie eyes turned down to her. “I appreciate what you wish to do, but you have to understand that someone knowing their future, what is to happen to them, can be a dangerous burden to bear. Igraine knew her future, and fortunately had the wisdom to understand what it meant and what she had to do. I fear I do not have that same resolve.”

  Aliana nodded, understanding. She didn’t know hers either, not anymore. She had thought she did when she read that fake paper saying she had to die to stop Mordrid, but now she knew the truth, that the queen had the true paper…and that the Underlord was right when he said her destiny was still being written, that her future was not set yet.

  “Safe journey,” the Dragon said as his power exploded out and surrounded them in an unbreakable cocoon. The magic fizzled before searing pain gripped her, ripping the three of them from Camelot, away from the family Guinevere had grown up with and back to the family Aliana had been building for herself since this strange quest started.

  Weight returned and all pain vanished as she came back to herself. Aliana looked around, found herself on her front lawn still clutching a moaning Guin, whose wound was bleeding worse than ever.

  “Help! Anyone, please!” she cried out, hoping the others had returned from their own journeys. She could still feel her own weakness and never hated the cost of using magic more than she did in that moment.

  The front door flung open so fast and hard it smashed into the side of the house. Aliana looked up and saw Galahad frozen on the porch. He vanished, and then his arms closed around her, his solid muscular chest pressed tight to her back. Dagg rushed from her shoulders, landing on the ground to inspect their friend’s condition.

  “You are home.” He looked from her to Guin. “We should have known.”

  Before she could ask, Dawn came charging out of the house with Lacy and the other knights and Pixies. The guys froze, just as Galahad had as the two girls fell to their knees beside Guin and Aliana. Flora was hot on their heels, zooming through the yard toward them.

  A smile broke over her face, a real smile for the first time in ages. “I am so happy to be home, but I need you two to heal her. She’s been poisoned with something we don’t know and I have no magic to save her with.”

  “Then let’s see if we can help,” Lacy said, placing her hand on the bleeding wound.

  Dawn placed her hands over Lacy’s. “Thank god Merlin taught me some of his healing magic!”

  “I can help too!” Flora pulled a small vial from around her neck. “Pixie dust,” she explained to the wide-eyed girls. “It’s able to heal any poison.”

  Lacy took the bottle with one bloody hand, thumbed off the stopper and poured the glittering powder onto the wound.

  The knights all circled around. Everyone but Lancelot and Merlin.

  Dawn’s leafy, pulsing purple magic flared, along with Lacy’s liquid moonlight magic, both swirling together under their hands and around Guin.

  Their dying friend started coughing so hard her body shook. Aliana tightened her hold; Galahad’s own arms gripped Guin’s shoulders helping to hold her still until the fit passed. The blood that had been spilling, staining Guin and the girl’s hands, faded into nothing.

  The magic ebbed and disappeared. Both Lacy and Dawn fell back on their butts, gasping for air and wiping the sweat from their brows. Percy swooped in immediately, cradling Lacy against him. Both Owen and Wade supported Dawn.

  “Guinevere?” Arthur asked, kneeling, inspecting the now healed wound. “Guin?”

  Aliana held her breath as Galahad released his grip, his hands briefly touching her hips before he pulled back a fraction.

  Guin moved in her arms and groaned, stealing Aliana’s focus from Galahad and his bond to her.

  Her rich brown eyes fluttered open. Everyone breathed sighs of relief, some hooting with joy. Aliana couldn’t hold back her giggle as Flora danced around in the air like a pop star.

  “Guinevere!” Arthur cupped his dear friend’s cheeks, his own eyes misty as he looked up to Aliana. “You’ve brought her back to us.”

  She laughed, her aching body filled with relief and joy. She had finally managed to save one of her friends’ lives.

  Guin sat up gingerly. She hugged Arthur before the king helped her get to her feet. Aliana remained where she was, even though her muscles were aching to be stretched. Galahad offered his hand to her. She looked at it, then to him, felt her eyes widen with so many emotions she didn’t know what she was feeling.

  Bracing her hands on the ground, she got herself to her feet. Dagg hovered at her side, his reassuring magic brushing against her sensitive skin.

  Guin cleared her throat. “Someone is going to need to explain to me what is happening here and where in Camelot we are.” She looked around. “Where are Lancelot and Merlin?”

  “They’ve not yet returned,” Galahad said, his voice controlled and calm. “And the explanation is going to be hard to understand at first.”

  Arthur went to Aliana. “Welcome home.” His voice was low and gruff and she could see the pent up passion sparking in him. She hugged him, his morning dew smell calming her taut nerves.

  She pulled back, only to have Dawn and Lacy steal her away into a group hug. This time a few of Aliana’s tears did leak out as she gripped her best friends and sisters tightly. “Thank you!” she whispered to both of them.

  “No need,” Lacy insisted.

  Dawn squeezed a little harder. “We always have each other’s backs.”

  Aliana giggled and pulled back, swiping away her tears.

  Dawn winked at her. “And now I don’t have to kick your butt for falling to that rat ass Mordrid’s poison.”

  They broke out in roaring laughter. Wade came to them, pulling Aliana from the girls and swung her around in big hug. “It’s good to have you home, Lia.”

  He set her down only to have Owen sweep her into his arms next. “You scared the bloody piss out of me, cousin. Don’t go off like that again, yeah?”

  She nodded against his shoulder and pulled back to exchange hugs with all the other knights and Pixies. She whispered her thanks again to Flora.

  Everyone turned, making their way to the house. Aliana shivered as a cool wind blew past them. Fear returned. “How long have I been gone?” How long did they have until the eclipse?

  “Christmas is in a week,” Wade told her, walking between her and Dawn.

  Aliana stopped dead. “WHAT?”

  “That’s what we said,” Lacy told her with a grin. “We only just got back from the Isle a few days ago.”

  Owen piped up. “We’ve been back for almost a month, from Avalon.”

  “You all remember everything now?”

  Leo nodded, a content smile on the Scot’s face. “Yes, lass, whatever blocked our memories of you in Camelot have been fully lifted.”

  “That was Silzik.” She glanced up at Arthur. “Your mother sent him to us to return me home and help save Guin’s life.”

  Exhaustion started to set in again as they climbed the stairs to the front door. Aliana stumbled into Arthur, the king steadying her as she closed her eyes and leaned into him. “I’m so freaking tired I could sleep for a year or two.”

  Everyone chuckled, and it was a wonderful sound to hear after so much pain and death. Her world tilted as Arthur scooped her up in his arms. “I’ll take you to your room. You need to rest.”

  In that moment she felt her emotional anxiety float away. Maybe it was because of his strong, warm arms; or maybe it was because she was
deliriously tired and it felt like the world was finally giving her a moment of peace. Aliana nestled her heavy head against his shoulder as he addressed the others. “Lacy, Dawn, please see that Guinevere gets settled. I’ll be back down shortly so we can plan our next move. Hopefully Merlin and Lancelot will return soon from Olympus with the good news we need.” He smiled fondly at Guin. “I know we have good news for them.”

  Aliana let her mind drift as the girls followed Arthur up the stairs, pulling Guinevere into their room after opening the door to Aliana’s room for the king.

  He kicked the door closed, laying Aliana down on her bed, his warm hand brushing her hair aside. She felt a real smile creep onto her lips as she turned her sleepy eyes to him. It felt so good to not worry about her feelings for a few minutes; she decided to enjoy it while she could.

  “Thank you, Arthur.” She sighed, snuggling into her pillow as the bed dipped.

  Arthur leaned over her, his face hovering inches above hers. Aliana sucked in his scent and let her eyes roam over his delicious upper body. Her heart fluttered as his face descended closer, his left arm braced by her head, the other stroking through her hair. She felt ghost-like strings weaving around and through them. The same golden threads she had felt when she had kissed him awake, and when they had kissed on the beach by her house. She was drowning in the bond that was only theirs.

  His fingers touched her neck lightly before hooking around the leather cord that held the Pendragon pendant. He ran his thumb over the pendant, then took her hand from him and placed it in her palm. “I didn’t tell you the whole story behind this pendant.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This has been in my family for generations. My mother said the Golden Dragon forged three of them. One for him, one for his son and one for his daughter. They are meant to give the wearer a link to the one who gifted it to them. My mother gave this to me when I was five and started to train as a knight.”

  “Then you should have it back.” Aliana went to remove it, but Arthur stopped her. He held her hands between his, brought them to his lips, brushing feather light kisses on her curled fingers, his eyes never once leaving hers.

  “I gave it to you as more than a token for you to wear during the games. My mother always told me, the person I gave this to should be the person who holds my heart. You’re the only person I have ever considered giving this to. My heart tells me you’re meant to have this. I have faith that things will work out for us.” He closed her fingers around the pendant that was now hers.

  Aliana looked at the beautiful thing in her hand. How many times had she told him to listen to his heart and to have faith? Now he had it, and he was certain about his feelings for her. The golden strands she had felt for so long with Arthur weaved a tighter net around her heart, drawing every bit of her closer to his own soul. She had only realized she loved him before she was taken by Mordrid and then thrown back into Camelot. Seeing Arthur as he was, as a king confident and sure, she had only fallen even more in love with him.

  Then she remembered. “Do you remember Delphina clearly now?”

  Surprised by the sudden change of subject Arthur’s head jerked up. “What?”

  Aliana sighed, hoping her heart wasn’t about to break into shards again. “You remember her now, right? Your ghost girl you always said you thought you loved but couldn’t remember. At least you couldn’t remember her besides her green eyes.”

  He shook his head, a confounded half smile on the corner of his mouth. “I have never forgotten Delphina. Not for a moment.”

  Aliana frowned up at him. “But…you never mentioned her…you said the woman you couldn’t remember had green eyes.” She huffed in confused frustration. “I know you care for her, have had an intimate relationship with her.”

  He shook his head, twisted a finger around a lock of her hair. “A relationship I clearly remember telling you was over long before you came to Camelot.”

  She looked away from him. “But your green eyed ghost girl…”

  He cupped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, turned her face back to his. “Is you.”

  Her entire being went stock still at his husky confession. She felt like a stalked animal again, and this kingly Dragon was about to swoop in to claim his stunned prize. “What?” She wasn’t sure if he heard her whispered gasp when he remained just as still, watching her like he was afraid she would bolt. Too bad she couldn’t do much more than suck in breath.

  “When you awoke me in that cave, do you remember what I said?”

  She remembered all right. She remembered him touching her cheek gently and her lips. The way she had leaned into his touch, not understanding why she felt so connected and safe with a virtual stranger.

  “It is you,” he had whispered.

  Slowly, the realization hit her, but she was scarcely able to believe it.

  “From the first memory of you in Camelot, I knew for certain you were the girl I was dreaming of for so long. Despite my memories of you being taken, my heart would never forget you. Nor would my soul.”

  Her tired heart stuttered. “I’m not really sure what to say.” She touched his cheek lightly. “I care for you. Very much so.”

  Arthur leaned his cheek into her touch. “I didn’t tell you this to force a decision from you. I simply needed to tell you. As for what to do, you listen to your heart,” he said boldly. “You taught me that.” He took her hand, kissed the palm, his eyes still holding hers.

  Aliana’s eyes fluttered again, as she tried to stay awake. She liked having Arthur this close; she wanted him to kiss her again, like he had in Camelot.

  He laughed huskily. “You do realize you said that out loud?” he whispered, bringing his lips close enough to brush teasingly on hers. Their inflamed eyes locked fiercely as he rested his forehead against hers, both breathing heavily. She could read every emotion he was feeling. He made no move to hide his passion, his love for her. His desire. The golden strings of their bond tickled against her skin. He pulled back, his lips sweeping her cheek like a butterfly’s wings. The sweetness of the moment remained even as he sat up, moving slowly.

  “I need to go, before I lose all sense and self-control.” He traced his fingers down her cheek.

  Her hand tightened around the pendant still between them. Aliana felt so relaxed, so safe and warm she fought to keep her eyes just barely open.

  “Do not regret what my mother sacrificed to save you. I don’t, and I know she didn’t either.”

  Those were the last words she heard from him as she finally fell into a deep sleep.


  Aliana had not yet returned when those last memories of Aliana and Mordrid and the Spear…I am grateful we were already home, and that she was not, when they hit. Remembering her almost death…all the control I’ve found, maintained, almost shattered. I had forced myself to think without the red haze of my emotions and realize that meant she was going to be home soon. My memories, after that battle, were clear, no more holes or blank spots. After she wakes we will have to explain that when we got to the temple that protected the box, it had already been taken, its protectors mutilated. At least we possess it now.



  Aliana took a short breath, lifted her heavy eyelids, her tongue touching her dry lips. The buzzing, deep and even, grew louder. With a small moan she turned her head to see Dagg curled up on her other pillow, his wings settled against his body, his tail curled around him like a cat. His ears twitched as he took another snoring breath.

  A smile broke out on her face. She rubbed her hand over her sleep-fogged eyes and looked around her moonlit room. Why wasn’t she in her room at the castle? Reality came back to her. She was finally home, back in Charleston, in her own time.

  A glass of water sat on her nightstand. She grabbed it and drank it down greedily. Her cottony mouth now less annoying, she slid from the bed, careful not to wake her sleeping guardian. She was still dressed in her
stained, ripped clothes from Camelot. She shuddered and grabbed a pair of jeans, fresh undergarments and a graphic T-shirt before dipping into her bathroom. The running water from her shower felt amazing as she scrubbed herself clean two times.

  As great and wonderful as Camelot was, Aliana didn’t think she’d ever willingly give up modern plumbing again. Not that she’d had much of a choice this time. Testing the strength of her magic, Aliana opened her senses and felt the flowing magic of the water element. It trickled through her, trailing little rivulets over her body as the water slid over her magic ruby.

  When she finally stepped out of her steamed filled bathroom, Dagg was still asleep. Shaking her head she went back in and peeked into Dawn and Lacy’s room through the connecting door. Percy was wrapped around Lacy, almost possessively, in a bed that was too small for the giant knight. Dawn’s bed was empty, un-slept in judging by the unwrinkled covers. Where was she? Maybe she had made up with Wade while she was in Avalon.

  Aliana closed the door quietly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping couple.

  It felt so good to be home, back in her own house, with her own bed and clothes. She glanced at her bedside clock. It was five a.m. Sunrise would be soon. She grinned and grabbed a light wrap sweater and headed down the stairs. She had a thought to wake Dagg, but he needed as much rest as she did.

  Her stomach grumbled. She made a beeline to the kitchen to grab a morning snack. Estrelle was humming as she zipped around the kitchen, preparing what looked to be fresh cinnamon rolls and coffee cakes. The rarely seen redheaded Pixie smiled at her when she saw her standing in the doorway.

  Her dragonfly-like wings shimmered as she fiddled with the hem of her brown dress. “Welcome back.”

  “Thank you, Estrelle.” Aliana inhaled the smell of baking sweets. Her stomach rumbled again, loudly. Both girls broke out laughing. “You wouldn’t happen to have anything I can munch on until breakfast is ready do you?”


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