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Relics of Camelot

Page 41

by L. H. Nicole

  The others! Guinevere! Excitement poured through her. She looked to Arthur, the good news ready to fall from her tongue. Arthur shook his head ever so slightly.

  She frowned, her brow knitting together, silently asking why not.

  “He’ll need to see her to believe it.” His words were a quiet whisper. He was probably right. Arthur knew Lancelot best.

  Galahad finally set Vira down, kissing her forehead lovingly. The teen’s bright smile made Aliana’a heart soar. Vira stood on her tiptoes, kissed Galahad’s cheek, then dashed toward Aliana.

  Vira barreled into her, both girls almost falling to the ground as they hugged like long lost sisters. “I am so glad you are alive!” Aliana whispered before pulling back.

  “I know, I’ve got a lot to explain,” the teen said with a shy smile. “Merlin and Lancelot told me everything that’s happened since—” she shrugged “—you know.”

  Aliana let the girl go as Arthur pulled her into a tight hug. “We’ve missed our favorite little sister more that I can say, Sophvira!”

  A flush broke out over her cheeks before she kissed the king’s cheeks. “I’ve missed all of you!”

  They broke apart. Aliana looked to Galahad, who had been watching his sister and king, his blazing emotions searing her straight to the bone. Her heart galloped again. A large part of her hesitation of being with Galahad was because she had blamed herself for what had happened to his sister; what did this mean for them now? Nothing, she reminded herself. I need to figure out who I am first, and if what is between him and me and Arthur is even real.

  Lancelot broke through her reverie. “We should head up to the house, wake the others, and explain everything.” The knight went to Arthur. “We found more than Sophvira in Olympus. We know who the Atlantian is.”

  Arthur’s eyes hardened. “Who?”

  “We can explain all at the house, sire.” Merlin clapped his hand on Arthur’s shoulder. “For now, we should not linger in the open.”

  Galahad wrapped his arm around his sister and steered her toward the house.

  Sophvira looked back at Aliana. “Merlin said we are at your house?”

  Aliana nodded. “Yeah. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  They made it to the house, Flora and Dagg awaiting them, hovering by the back door. Both pairs of magical purple eyes widened when they saw Vira. “Who is this?”

  “Flora, meet my little sister, Sophvira.”

  The Pixie’s eyes widened even more. Aliana hid a giggle behind her hand imagining Flora’s eyes bugging out like a cartoon characters.

  The Pixie zoomed up to Vira. “I’ve never met a Pixie before! I’m Vira.” Her blue eyes swung to Dagg. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, DragonLord.”

  The small silver creature grinned broadly. “My lady, it is I who am pleased to see you again. I regret not getting to know you better in Camelot.”

  Straightening her shoulders, Vira curtsied. “A pleasure,” she said, giggling.

  Flora’s face lit up, her wings fluttering faster. “I can tell we’re going to get along great! And wait until you meet Dawn and Lacy!”

  “Don’t get carried away, Flora,” Merlin cautioned. “Go wake everyone, we have a lot to discuss.”

  The Pixie zoomed through the house, leaving a trail of yellow magic in her wake.

  Aliana touched Vira’s shoulder, drawing the girl’s blue eyes from the fading trail of magic. “Are you hungry? Estrelle was making breakfast when I came out earlier.”

  Vira nodded ecstatically. Galahad led her inside, his gaze lingering on Aliana for a long second. Ignoring the fluttering of butterflies in her chest she turned to Lancelot, Dagg settling himself on her shoulders.

  Both he and Merlin stopped when she held out her hand. “You two have your memories back now, right?”

  Merlin nodded. Lancelot’s face turned stone hard but he nodded too. She thought back to the night she had heard him playing the piano, a sad ballad he had written for his lost Guinevere. The night she learned why he really left Avalon and Arthur.

  “You’re not the only one with a surprise visitor.” She watched his eyes scrunch together as he tried to figure out what she meant. She barely contained her smile when she felt the presence of the others coming toward the back door. “I was riding with Guin, remember?”

  The knight and Merlin went completely rigid.

  “Then you know what happened to her?” Lancelot’s words were little more than a choked plea.

  The back door opened and everyone came pouring out. Lacy and Dawn were still dressed in their pajamas, Percy and Wade holding them. The guys all broke out in wide smiles. Even Lacy and Dawn looked relieved to see the two knights home safely. Then the crowd parted as Galahad and Vira came back out.

  Lancelot’s jaw fell open, his eyes zeroing in on the redhead that was dressed in a pair of Dawn’s jeans and a black T-shirt. “Guinevere?” He looked like he was seeing a ghost, one that tortured him as much as it thrilled him.

  Guin’s brown eyes misted over, a small sniffle escaping her. “Yes, my love. I’m here.”

  They both ran forward at the same time, meeting each other halfway as everyone watched the happy reunion. He cupped Guin’s face in his hands and kissed her like a starving man at a banquet. The redhead buried her hands in his raven hair and pressed herself flush against him and kissed him back with everything she had.

  Even without opening her magic senses Aliana could see the bright flares of pale blue and white glowing light that burst from them. Their souls mate bond, she realized, wiping a happy tear from her cheek.

  The two broke apart, both panting, Lancelot resting his forehead against Guin’s as their eyes locked on each other. Her fingers brushed the sharp planes of Lancelot’s face before trailing down his chest. His own were wrapped tightly around her, holding her to him like he would never let her go again. They stood there looking at each other like nothing else existed in the world.

  Aliana finally looked away, as she remembered feeling like that with both Arthur and Galahad. She looked to Lacy and Percy, the blonde hugging her southern knight, tucked in his arms. Happiness warred with her own longing as she watched Dawn place a loving kiss on Wade’s cheek, as the playful knight held Dawn against his chest.

  She dropped her eyes again before they could wander to Galahad or Arthur. She had made her decision, now she had to live with it.

  Merlin cleared his throat. “Not to spoil the lovers’ moment, but we have much to discuss.”

  Lancelot shot him a nasty glare as Guinevere giggled, resting her head against her souls mate’s chest.

  Arthur grinned, patted Lancelot’s free shoulder. “He is right. You two can continue your reunion privately. Later.”

  The guys chuckled. Wade whistled a cat call. Dawn and Lacy shared a knowing look with Aliana when she finally looked up. Aliana wiggled her eyebrows, setting aside her own jumbled feelings.

  Everyone started making their way inside, Lacy and Dawn leaving their knights’ arms to come to her side, Vira trailing behind them.

  Aliana closed the patio door after everyone entered, the girls all hanging back a second, with Galahad as his sister’s shadow.

  Aliana grinned realizing Galahad was probably going to be hovering around his little sister a lot. Not that she could really blame him. “Vira, meet my best friends, Lacy and Dawn.”

  The teen nodded, a bright smile on her face. “Merlin and Lancelot told me about you two.”

  Lacy raised a brow. “Well that couldn’t have been good!”

  Vira broke out in laughter. “Maybe a little. Lancelot seemed a little worried I would get into trouble with all of you!”

  Dawn’s cat-ate-the-canary grin had Aliana’s spirits lifting. “Stick with us kid, we’ll make sure you go down the right path of trouble making!”

  “Dawn,” Galahad said sternly.

  The girls laughed at his solemn face and crossed arms. Shaking her head, Aliana led them all into the kitchen where Sabine had magicall
y enlarged the kitchen to fit the two extra diners.

  Lancelot sat next to Guin, his arm draped around her shoulders. Lacy and Dawn took the open seats between Percy and Wade. The rest of the guys were seated in their usual spots.

  Aliana gulped, realizing she was going to be in her normal seat between Galahad and Arthur, Vira on her brother’s other side. Not wanting to let on anything was wrong she sat quickly and grabbed a steaming cinnamon roll from the plate in front of her. Sabine and Estrelle had outdone themselves, making enough food to feed an army, but with the way the knights packed away the food, it seemed like they were feeding an actual army.

  Dawn’s voice broke into her mind. “Lia, what’s going on?”

  “Yeah, you look like you’re waiting for a firing squad or something,” Lacy added.

  “I’ll explain later, guys.” She shut down the conversation as Dagg used his magic to fill his own plate next to hers.

  “So where are we going to start with all this?” Dawn asked, swallowing a bite of eggs.

  Wade frowned eying his girlfriend and sister. “Why don’t we start with a full explanation of the stunt you two pulled with the Well of Realms.”

  Vira perked up. Aliana bit back a smile. The teen was so going to be corrupted by the three of them. But she had a sneaking suspicion the teen was more mischievous than she had ever let on in Camelot. Especially if she was already friends with the trickster. She remembered seeing Vira with a person she thought was Puck.

  Aliana cleared her throat. “They were helping me destroy the Spear of Hel.”

  “It’s not that we doubted you would find the Well,” Lacy said. “But we didn’t know that the Well’s waters were the same as the time mirrors. And we thought this was a way to bring her home.”

  “Even before we all set out on our journeys, Lace and I had been having weird dreams about needing to find Lia in Camelot.”

  “And once we found the Wells…we just knew we had to do it.” Lacy offered Arthur an apologetic smile. “We were afraid you guys would stop us if we told you our plans.”

  “You weren’t wrong,” Owen said.

  “But if you had explained everything, we would have helped you,” Wade said. “I think we’ve all learned our lesson from the last time we tried to control your actions.” Several of the guys, including Galahad, agreed.

  Aliana stopped mid-chew, her eyebrows nearly shooting off her face. Did they all really just admit that? “Well I’ll be damned.”

  “You act like you didn’t already know they all regretted their actions.”

  Aliana pursed her lips at Dagg. “I wouldn’t have been able to use my magic without them.”

  Merlin nodded but he looked like he was haunted by the memory. And why wouldn’t he be? He had lost Morgana in that battle. “It was fortunate they were there to help. I only wish I had realized what was happening at the time.”

  “The guys already know.” She looked to Lacy and Dawn. “But you two don’t know yet. I found my birth parents. I know who my father is.”

  Dawn’s hazel eyes grew big, Lacy’s mouth fell open. “Who?” they demanded together.

  “General Alaki, son of the Underlord, and Death himself.”

  Dawn and Lacy looked at each other, then her, then back at each other. Aliana couldn’t remember a time when both of her friends had been so speechless. It wouldn’t last long.

  “I’ll fill you in on all the details later. But the Underlord—” she shook her head “—my grandfather…gave me one boon.”

  “That’s a hell of a thing to not mention,” Merlin mumbled.

  An embarrassed flush crawled up her neck. “It wouldn’t have made sense if I told you back in Camelot.”

  Arthur placed his hand on her shoulder in a show of support. “Let’s move on.”

  Grateful, she continued, “I used it to ask that General Alaki, my father, and his army of death fight with us when we finally face Mordrid, Viviane, and Morgana in battle.”

  The silence around the table was thicker than pumpkin soup.

  Aliana looked around the table feeling more out of place than ever. “Someone please say something!”

  Lacy clapped her hands together, her stunned stupor disappearing. “Dude, you’re a double princess!”

  Dawn’s lips twitched with glee. “Does that mean you now have a three-headed dog for a pet too?” Dawn winked at Dagg.

  Happiness bloomed in her; leave it to the smart mouthed girls to break the heritage ice.

  With a rueful smile on his face, Arthur spoke up. “I also had a private audience with the Fae queen. She came to me before we left. She has also pledged her Fae army to our cause, when the final battle comes.”

  Reassured relief was on all the guys’ faces.

  Galahad spoke up too. “Princess Varaness has also said she will speak to King Oberon about his Elf army once again fighting with us. She also commands a smaller army that she has promised would stand with us even if her brother’s army won’t.” Galahad touched Aliana’s arm ever so lightly. “J’alel among them. He insisted I tell you that.”

  Aliana’s grin widened.

  “You really are the key we need to defeat Mordrid, cousin,” Owen said.

  Leo nodded. “Not only did you find the map but you secured us the aid of the strongest army in all the realms, lass.”

  “All lives eventually answer to Death,” Merlin added. “With him on our side, many others will rally to us. Even those who may have been tempted or even already promised to side with Mordrid in the final battle.”

  The relief pouring through Aliana was like a weight off her shoulder. She looked around the table, grateful for all the support of her friends. Her family.

  “This is all very good.” Leo rubbed his chin. “We are gathering the support we are going to need, but all of this will be for naught if we do not have the Grail of Power.”

  “I have the map.” Aliana held out the ruby set atop her right hand. It glowed as she imagined the map in her other hand.

  “Amazing!” Vira gasped.

  Aliana handed it to Arthur. “I have no idea how to use it. I haven’t really even had a chance to look at it.”

  Arthur unfolded the wide parchment with time-ravaged edges. Everyone leaned in to see what secrets the magic document contained.

  “It’s blank!” Owen stated when no one else did.

  Leo took it from the king’s hands, held it up before turning it different angles and up to different lights. “Strange,” he murmured before passing it to Merlin.

  The Druid ran his hand over it, everyone watching with rapt attention. “Very strange indeed.” He looked up, met Arthur’s questioning frown. “This will take some time, the magic used here is not one I have ever felt before. I will need some time to study it.”

  Aliana’s brows shot up. A magic Merlin knew nothing about? Was that even possible? Then again, she existed. No one could explain her magic, or had ever seen anything like it.

  “That does not frame our next piece of information in a favorable light.” Lancelot pulled Guinevere closer to his side, her fingers tangled with the hand he had wrapped around her shoulder. “We found the identity of the Atlantian we believe may know the location of the Grail.”

  “Who?” Lacy asked, perking up in her chair.

  “He was seen in Olympus by Lancelot and another student. Thanks to Lady Nimuah, we knew who to look for. Puck.” Merlin and Lancelot both looked at Sophvira.

  Galahad straightened from the relaxed position he had been in, his eyes alert and on the defense. “Why are you looking at my sister like that?”

  Aliana wanted to know too, but she already had a kernel of a suspicion. If they had seen Puck in Olympus, and she had seen him in Camelot with Vira…The servant girl, Clara, had said Vira would receive gifts from an unknown person, trinkets and jewelry. And Vira had known more about the Manticore attack than she should have, lied right to her when she said she had gotten it out of Galahad.

  Aliana could put two and two to
gether. She looked at Vira who had seemed to take an interest in her cold eggs, a light flush on her face.

  Guin placed her free hand on Vira’s arm. “Sophvira?”

  “When I was in Olympus, it was Puck who led me to the temple where Sophvira—” he kissed Guin’s cheek “—and Guinevere’s bodies were. It was he who put me through what I believe was a test to prove that I had changed, proven myself a loyal and true knight again. When I chose Sophvira, I felt the strain, the magic that had been my punishment for leaving you in Avalon, lift. I can even recall all the entrances to Avalon now. I hadn’t been able to before. It’s strange that the Fae queen would have used that test, and had Puck be the one to administer it.”

  Aliana sat back in her chair stunned. There was more to the story, but for now, she was content to know that he had found his release. It couldn’t be a coincidence that it happened just as she saved Guinevere though, could it? She rubbed her temples. This was all getting very. Very. Very. Confusing.

  “That’s wonderful, fantastic news, mate!” Owen raised his juice glass to Lancelot.

  The guys all followed, the girls grabbing their own glasses in salute.

  Vira pushed her plate away. “I know Puck, I’ve known him for over three years…well, three years for me, I think.” She looked at her brother from under her lashes. “I’m sorry I never told you.”

  Galahad frowned, his dark brows pinching together. Aliana watched the surprise, hurt, even anger and worry on his face. He finally took a deep breath. “There is nothing we can do about it now.”

  Aliana blinked rapidly. What was going on today? It was one miracle after another! From the covert looks Lacy and Dawn shared with her, they thought the same.

  Vira smiled at him. “When I first met Puck, he was trapped. He never told me how, but he got caught up in some kind of magical trap. Because I wasn’t magical, I was able to free him.” She looked at Aliana with a hopeful expression. “He said he owed me a life debt, I told him I just wanted a friend.”

  Galahad sucked in a barely audible breath. Guin looked to Lancelot with a sad glint in her brown eyes.

  “Clara said you would receive gifts from an unknown person. It was him, wasn’t it?” Aliana wanted her suspicion confirmed.


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