Restart (The Revival Series)

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Restart (The Revival Series) Page 9

by Claire Thake

  Ryan passed Leah the roses and she smiled and went to retrieve a vase from the kitchen. Not finding one she grabbed a tall glass and used that instead, to make sure they were standing in water.

  “Kids in bed?” Ryan asked, making Leah jump as he appeared behind her in the kitchen, and she hadn’t heard him approach her.

  “No, err they are sleeping at Carrie’s, with Tyler. The three of them have been inseparable since we got here, they are hardly even arguing.”

  “Wow, the country air must be doing them some good then,” Ryan chuckled.

  “Would you like a drink?” Offered Leah, she felt strangely nervous, as if they were on a date rather than being a married couple. She retrieved the last bottle of wine from the fridge and waved it at him.

  “Looks good, here let me open it why you get the glasses.” Leah passed the bottle to Ryan, who popped the cork, whilst she grabbed the glasses from the cupboard, and then he poured wine for them both.

  Sipping from the glass, Leah glanced nervously at the floor, not knowing what to say to Ryan.

  “Shall we go in the living room?” Asked Ryan. Leah nodded and they both made their way and sat on the sofa, Leah curling her legs underneath her.

  “God Leah, you have no idea how good it feels to not have to worry about work for a few days. I will go back Friday morning, so you can have Saturday with Carrie before you come home Sunday. I will even take the kids back with me if you want me to.”

  “That sounds great if you are sure?”

  “Of course, I am, it’s good for you two to catch up without having to worry about the kids getting in the way.”

  Leah sipped her wine and felt very confused; this Ryan that sat in front of her was the Ryan she had married, the Ryan who thought about her and did things to make her and the kids happy, not the grumpy character she had seen for the past year who was too preoccupied to notice if they were upset, or needed him.

  Ryan moved across the sofa, and pulled Leah into his arms, kissing her lightly on the head.

  “I do have another motive for being here as well,” He shifted his weight forward and pulled a velvet box from his trouser pocket and turned it around in his fingers, before looking directly at Leah. “I am thinking with everything that has gone on lately that you have forgotten the date?”

  Leah quickly recalled the date in her mind and felt ashamed with herself; it had completely slipped her mind, or had it? Had she forgotten on purpose not wanting to think about it?

  “It's our Anniversary.” She whispered

  “Yep, 10 years today and I thought really we should be together to celebrate, and I got you this.”

  Ryan lifted the lid on the small box to reveal a beautiful platinum diamond ring, and Leah gasped at the beauty of it. It had obviously cost a small fortune.

  “Oh my god Ryan, it's stunning,”

  “Just like you are, it’s an eternity ring, Leah, as I want you to know I want to spend eternity with you.”

  Tears formed in the corner of Leah’s eyes as Ryan removed the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger. It fitted her finger perfectly and Ryan had obviously gone to a lot of trouble to get something so perfect.

  “I feel terrible Ryan, I don’t have anything for you, I truthfully didn’t realize the date..”

  “Leah its fine baby, I have you which is the only thing I need,”

  Leaning down Ryan kissed Leah softly on the lips, and although Leah wanted nothing more than to enjoy this moment she felt a rush of guilt flow through her, and the image of Greg. Not only did she feel guilty for cheating on Ryan with Greg, but she also felt guilty for kissing Ryan when she knew Greg was now in her life.

  Leah could not stop the tears that continued to flow down her cheeks, and although Ryan took them for tears of joy and love at how much she loved the ring, they were not tears of joy at all, but tears of guilt.

  The kiss became harder and more urgent, and Leah tried to push all her feelings to the back of her mind. She had wanted this version of Ryan for so long and she wasn’t going to push him away now she had him.

  Pushing herself up she straddled his lap, and pushed her fingers through his hair, enjoying the feel of his mouth on hers, and his hands pulling her closer to him.

  Ryan pulled away, and stared Leah straight in the eyes, before grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling it off over her head. She followed suit and began undoing the buttons on his shirt whilst resuming the kiss.

  “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom,” Leah mumbled, in between kisses.

  “No baby, the kids aren’t here and I don’t want to wait I want you right here”.


  After a shower Leah put on her grey joggers and a pink shirt and walked around the living room, picking up the discarded clothes and trying to wipe the smile from her face. Ryan appeared in the doorway wearing only a towel around his waist, watching her.

  “Don’t mind me, just admiring the view,” He said, his eyes wandering up and down Leah’s body. Leah blushed and threw his boxer shorts at him. “Maybe you should consider getting some clothes on Casanova.”

  “Now what would I want to do that for? There is no work and no kids, and I’m in the company of a beautiful woman, seems the best moment to stay naked.” Leah chuckled, and dropped the rest of the clothes in a pile by the door, and looked up into Ryan's' eyes.

  “Thank you,” Leah muttered,

  “I didn’t do anything I need thanking for, the pleasure was all mine in seeing all of yours,” Ryan answered, winking at her.

  “I don’t mean the sex Ryan, I mean for being here,” Leah chuckled, giving him a gentle shove.

  “Leah, Leah, Leah, my sweet, darling Leah, there is nowhere else I would rather be than here with you,” Ryan pulled Leah into his arms, and she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him gently.

  “Come on, help me clear up. I’m sure when the kids come back in the morning the last thing they want to see is their parents clothing all over the place and empty wine bottles,”

  “True, come on then, let's hurry so I can get that sweet arse of yours back into bed,”

  Leah awoke the next morning, with Ryan’s arm around her and the sound of his snoring in her ear, but she couldn’t feel more loved than she did at that moment. Glancing at her hand, she took in the beauty of the ring that sat perfectly on her finger.

  Squeezing out of Ryan’s embrace, she grabbed her robe and tiptoed to the kitchen, not wanting the wake him. Once in the kitchen, she made the ritual cup of coffee and sat at the table, taking small sips of the hot liquid.

  She knew then that she had been wrong, she was still madly in love with Ryan, and Greg was just a fantasy that she took too far. Once she was home she would let Greg know that things could go no further and although she felt awful with guilt, at least, she knew in her heart that she hadn’t slept with him, and that a few stolen kisses were awful but that things could have been much worse.

  Picking up her phone she opened the messages she had from Greg, and gave them a skim read, before highlighting them all and hovering her finger over the delete button and willing herself to delete them. Before she pressed the button, Ryan entered the room in just his boxers, and his hair a mess. She quickly locked the phone and dropped it into her robe pocket, smiling up at him.

  “Morning sexy! Want a coffee?”

  “I could murder one thank you,” He replied, and sat down in the chair opposite Leah’s. “I guess I’m not as fit as I used to be, I’m exhausted. Remind me I need to hit the gym more,”

  Leah stood up from the table chuckling, “You look mighty fine to me,”

  “Yes but you’re biased, you’re my wife, it’s your job to praise me,”

  It wasn’t long before the news of Ryan’s arrival had made it to the kids, and they ran into the barn and threw their little arms around him.

  “Daddy!” Screeched Emma, “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Alright Dad,” Said Ben, trying to keep his composure grown up, whi
ch made Leah smile, yet sad at the same time that her son was growing up.

  “I’ve missed you kiddos! You been having fun?” Ryan asked peeling Emma away from him and the trio sat on the sofa while the kids filled him in on everything that had been going on since they had left home, in fact, Emma went into so much detail Leah wondered if she had been writing it all down.

  “So what do you want to do today?” Asked Leah,

  “Daniel said we could go and see the tractors and he might even let me drive it, if you agreed.” Said Ben, his head flicking back and forth between his parents.

  “That sounds like fun, as long as you won’t be in the way,” replied Ryan,

  “I want to go too, but Ben says I can’t go with my arm still in plaster,” Said Emma, her little chin wobbling, as she was trying to hold back the disappointment.

  “Let me speak to Daniel and see what the plans are before we make any decisions.”

  “Yay, let’s go and speak to him now Dad, he’s just having breakfast,” Emma squealed, grabbing Ryan’s hand with her good one and trying to pull him off the sofa.

  “Well we shouldn’t disturb him while he’s eating kids,”

  “Go on, go and speak to him, and make sure it’s safe,” Said Leah, wrapping her arms around her waist. “If you don’t go now you won’t catch him as he doesn’t stick around for long.”

  “Okay, I won’t be long. Come on kids show me the way,” Ryan bent down and gave Leah and kiss on the cheek, before being guided out by two very excited kids.


  Leah leant back on Carrie’s sofa, trying to keep her eyes open. The kids and Ryan had all gone off with Daniel, for a day on the farm, and Leah was glad the kids were having some well needed time with their father.

  “Must have been some night, the state of you,” Chuckled Carrie, whilst she typed away on her laptop.

  “It was certainly unexpected, although you're not forgiven yet for keeping secrets,”

  “Oh shut up, it was a good surprise; it wouldn’t have been so good if I hadn’t. So did you manage to get any talking done?”

  Leah laughed, and looked at the ceiling, “What do you think?”

  “I would guess that it’s a no! I’m guessing with how tired you are that you didn’t do much talking at all except from maybe just ‘hello’, although I doubt I would have if anyone had given me that sparkler on your finger.”

  “It's stunning isn’t it, the boy did good,” Leah chuckled and spun the ring on her finger.

  “It’s beautiful and he must have spent a pretty penny on it. You really do need to speak to him still, though.”

  “I know, but things are so perfect right now, I don’t want to spoil them,”

  “I know what you mean, but don’t put it off for too long.”

  “In any case Caz, stop talking and get your work done so we can go out, I’m gonna try and have a nap,” Leah said, laughing and pointing her finger at her friend. Carrie saluted Leah, and rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to her laptop screen,

  Chapter 11

  By the time Ryan, Daniel and the kids came back they were starving hungry and Carrie had been working most of the day, with Leah providing a welcome distraction on the sofa in between power naps, and making coffee for them both. They decided since it had been a while since they had all been together that it was the perfect opportunity to go out for a meal.

  Carrie called up a booked a table for them all at the Carvery restaurant in town, for seven o’clock and they all piled into their cars and met up in the restaurant's car park.

  Sitting and waiting for their meals, Leah felt the wine once again going to her head, and knowing she needed food as soon as possible to absorb some of the alcohol.

  “So, was Ryan a good surprise, Leah?” Asked Daniel,

  “Of course, he was, although it was a big shock.” Said Leah, and she felt Ryan’s hand on her knee under the table, giving a gentle squeeze. She had decided to wear a dress for the evening, and the warmth of his skin on her cold legs gave her goose bumps.

  “Such a romantic gesture, though,” chipped in Carrie.

  “Don’t get any ideas, Carrie, a farmer’s wages don’t stretch to diamonds like that,” Daniel said, teasing Carrie.

  “Yeah, I can’t say that was cheap, but only the best for my wife,”

  Leah smiled at Ryan, and tried to compose herself as his hand moved up her leg, his fingers leaving a burning trail of heat behind them,

  “Gosh you two are just so sweet,” Said Carrie, grinning at them, and Ben began to make retching noises, from the other end of the table.

  “You will learn when you get older and fall in love,” Said Ryan, giving his son a stern look to stop being silly.

  “Girls aren't worth it, too much hassle.” Said Ben, jabbing his sister in the ribs, and she proceeded to shout at him.

  “Ok stop it you two now!” Said Leah sternly, straightening herself up in her chair, and moving her legs so that Ryan had to move his hand slightly.

  “Are you staying till Sunday Ryan?” Asked Daniel, just as the food arrived, and thanked the waiter, who was making his way around the table placing everyone's meals in front of them.

  “No Dan, I thought I would go tomorrow morning with the kids. That way Leah and Carrie can have some girly bonding time, without the worry of the kids, and I can have the house and everything ready for when Leah comes back on Sunday.”

  The kids both started moaning in unison until Ryan gave them a look and they both turned back to their food.

  “Aw that’s really thoughtful of you,” grinned Carrie, who winked at Leah. “Wonder what mischief we can get up to then Lee!”

  Leah chuckled and took a bite of her barbecue chicken from her fork.

  “If you two are getting into mischief then I might just have to stay,” Smiled Ryan, once again placing his hand on Leah’s knee and moving his hand up her thigh and making her shiver.

  “I’m with you there Ry!” said Daniel and high-fived Ryan across the table. Carrie rolled her eyes “Men!”

  As the night rolled on both Leah and Carrie were feeling tipsy from the wine, which Daniel and Ryan were finding highly amusing, and the kids were shattered, from all the fresh air they had from the day outside with Daniel.

  They made their way back to the farm and each family said their goodbyes with Carrie, Daniel and Tyler going to the main house and Leah, Ryan, Ben and Emma going to the barn, despite the kids all complaining they were being separated.

  “Do we have to leave tomorrow?” Grumbled Emma, as she flopped onto the sofa. Ryan scooped her up into his arms, and gave her a kiss on the head, and Leah smiled at how nice it was to see them so close.

  “I'm afraid so petal. Let's leave Mummy and Carrie to spend some time together, and if you're good I will treat you to a takeaway tomorrow night,”

  “Pizza!” shouted Ben, shrugging off his coat and dropping it on the arm of the sofa.

  “Glad to know I will be missed,” Leah teased, picking up Ben's coat and hanging it on the coat hook.

  “I will miss you, does that count?” Said Ryan, winking at Leah.

  The next morning, they all had a huge breakfast at Carrie’s including pancakes, sausages, bacon, eggs, hash browns, mushrooms and beans, and were all left feeling like they wouldn’t need to eat again for a fortnight at least.

  Leah helped Ryan pack all the kids cases into the car, and actually felt sad to let him go. She had really enjoyed the small amount of time they had spent together and felt things were finally looking up for them and maybe, just maybe that the talk wouldn’t be needed after all.

  Everyone crowded into the courtyard, to say their goodbyes, and Ryan enveloped Leah in a hug, squeezing her bottom at the same time, and Leah flushed with embarrassment as she heard the kids giggling behind her.

  “I know it’s only an extra day but I’m going to miss you.” Said Leah, holding back the tears; She felt silly for getting so emotional, but things had been so tough for so long
, and she didn’t want the feelings she had with Ryan being there to ever end, she didn’t want to go home and go back to how things were before she came to Devon, and was praying that maybe they had turned a corner.

  “It’s only an extra day, and we can carry on where we left off.” Ryan said, bending down and kissing her on the nose.

  “Sounds perfect,” Leah muttered and lifted her head to give him a gentle kiss on the lips.

  “Right, I really need to go, or I never will,” Ryan let go of Leah and ushered the kids into the car, helping Emma with her seatbelt, as she was struggling with her broken arm and Ben instead of helping his sister was laughing at her instead.

  Leah watched as Ryan drove away, and watched his car disappear into the distance, and hugged her arms around herself to keep warm. Carrie joined her and put her arm around her shoulders.

  “I can’t believe this week is almost over, it’s gone so fast.” Said Carrie,

  “It definitely doesn’t feel like I've been here a whole week already.” replied Leah, and the pair made their way over to the main house.

  Once inside, Carrie made them a coffee each and they curled up on the sofa.

  “So did you managed to have that chat? Things seemed ok?” Carrie asked, looking down and picking at a loose thread on the knee of her jeans.

  “Nope,” Leah Sighed, “But things seemed so much better that it didn’t feel necessary. It's as if he's changed back to the old Ryan, the Ryan I married, and I don’t want to jeopardize that by bringing up things which hopefully have changed now,”

  “Leah, I get what you are saying babe, I really do, but people don’t just change overnight. I still think you need to talk to him. Once you go back home, he will still have work and you will still be the one stuck at home, doing the school runs and things won't be so rosy and romantic day to day,”

  “I know that Caz, but I really think that maybe he's realized and coming here and this..” She lifted up her hand and waved the ring around, “This I think is his was of admitting he was wrong and trying to apologise. I know life isn’t all hearts and flowers but I really do think things may improve at home and until he…if he, proves me wrong, then I am going to just let things drop.”


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