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Secret Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Jill Downey

  They both saw movement out of the corner of their eyes as someone joined them in the aisle. Faye dissolved into another fit of laughter.

  “You are so bad,” Faye said gasping for breath.

  “Well if it isn’t Jesse Carlisle as I live and breathe.” A sultry southern drawl interrupted their intimacy.

  Jesse stiffened. “Kelsey! What are you doing here?”

  “Picking up some tools. Why haven’t you been returning my calls? I’ve missed you and we need to talk.”

  She suddenly took a good long look at Faye and her eyes widened in recognition. Faye was shocked to see the bartender from The Yacht club, and even more surprised that she seemed to know Jesse and it appeared that she knew him quite well.

  Kelsey’s eyes narrowed as she looked Faye up and down. Before Jesse could make any introductions, Faye grabbed his hand and practically drug him along behind her. “We have to hurry, remember, Ty’s coming, and I don’t want him to find everything locked up.”

  Kelsey put her hands on her curvy hips and opened her mouth to say something, but before she could get a word out, Faye interrupted her, and laying heavy on her own southern accent she said, “You have a real nice day. Come on Jess. Bye now.”

  Jesse gave a half shrug and apologized, as he was being hauled away. “Hey, we’re kind of in a hurry. Sorry to run off like this.”

  When they got to the door section, Jesse cocked his head to the side and said, “What the hell was that all about?”

  Faye’s eyes went round, “What was what about.”

  “That little scene back there.”

  “Scene? What scene?”

  “You know damn well what scene I’m talking about.”

  Relying on the old adage that the best defense is a good offense she went for it. “You two seem to know each other quite well. Why is she calling you and why haven’t you returned her calls? Just who is she to you?”

  It worked! As she watched him squirm, Faye felt just the tinsy-tiniest twinge of guilt right before it was swallowed up by relief.

  He stuck his hands in his pockets and narrowed his eyes. “She happens to be my ex. Her names Kelsey. We split over a year ago. Nothing’s going on between us. I’m not returning her calls because she’s obsessed with getting back together with me and I’m not interested.”

  Faye’s strategy backfired, the relief short-lived, as she grappled with this new threat. She crossed her arms over her chest as she was gripped by a different emotion…jealousy.

  “Keeping secrets already?” she accused. Girl you better quit while you’re ahead. Isn’t your own lying the whole reason you’re even having this stupid discussion in the first place?

  “Faye are you serious right now? Having an ex-girlfriend is hardly keeping a secret.”

  “What about the phone calls?” Now that she was on a roll, she couldn’t seem to stop herself. “She’s beautiful. Quite the bombshell. I wonder how you can even look at me after being with someone like her. She looks like every man’s fantasy.”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose, “I can’t believe this.”

  “Believe it.” She set her jaw stubbornly completely forgetting her own deception. She’d honestly never felt jealous over a man before. It was gut-wrenching. Her stomach cramped and she felt slightly nauseous.

  “Let’s pick the damn door and get out of here,” she said.

  “Fine by me,” he said between gritted teeth.

  The ride back to the bar was thick with tension. Faye sat turned away from Jesse her arms crossed, staring silently out the window.

  “You know you’re being unreasonable, right?” Jesse said.


  “Look, we broke up after I found out she had another guy on the side. Does that make you feel any better?”

  He saw her shoulders soften out of the corner of his eye.


  “She might be every other guys’ fantasy, but she’s not mine. My dream girl is sitting right next to me acting as stubborn as a mule.”

  She finally turned and looked at him. He reached over and tweaked her nose. “I’ve had a dance or two with the green-eyed monster, and it’s a dance with the devil.”

  “I’m not jealous.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Yes, I’m just surprised that’s all.”

  “Well since you’re not jealous I guess you don’t need me to tell you how sexy and beautiful I find you. How I go to bed every night with you on my mind and wake up every morning rock hard thinking about you.”

  She tentatively reached for his hand and he took ahold of hers and brought it to his lips. “You don’t ever have to worry about another woman. I’m a one-woman kind of guy. And you’re it for me.”


  “Here we are.” They pulled into the parking lot and he jumped out and went around to open her door.

  “I’m sorry, sorry for a lot of things,” Faye said hugging him tightly around his hard body.

  He kissed the top of her head. “Ain’t no big thang. Let’s get this door hung and leave that shit behind.”

  That evening as Faye lay in bed going over her list for the following day, she glanced over at the vase of roses and remembered that she’d never thanked Jesse. She’d have to do that first thing. She had changed her mind and decided to ask Ty work evenings this week. She wasn’t afraid to admit that she felt nervous to be there alone. His new shift would begin at five. He was young and didn’t mind the later hours, so it worked for him.

  Memorial Day Weekend would be here before she knew it. So much to do before the grand opening. The deck was almost ready. Jesse would start on the kitchen renovation right away. He was confident he’d be able to get the kitchen up and running before the big weekend. She almost couldn’t believe it.


  It was Saturday and Jesse had sent her out in his truck to get some supplies from the hardware store. The list would test the patience of a saint for sure. A half-dozen different sizes and shapes of screws. Who knew? She pulled one from the tiny plastic bag and held it up to the picture on the front of the bin full of screws. Nope, too long. She was going to have to find a clerk to help or she’d end up having a meltdown.

  She finally tracked someone down and he was able to fill the order. Then on to the opposite side of the store to pick up some fittings for the kitchen sink. Glancing at her watch while waiting in line she sighed. What a waste of time. A whole hour had passed.

  She got back to the bar and was getting out of the truck when Jesse ran out to greet her. He held up a scarf.

  “Close your eyes. I’m going to blindfold you.”

  She put a hand on her hip, “What have you been up too? Did you just send me on a wild goose chase Jesse Carlisle?”

  He grinned, “Who moi? Turn around.” He slipped the scarf over her eyes and tied it behind her head. Taking her hand, he said, “Come with me.”

  She followed him until he stopped and said, “Keep your eyes closed til I say different.” He removed the scarf and said, “Okay you can open your eyes now.”

  She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh my Lord! I’ve pictured this a thousand times in my head, but it never looked this good!” Her eyes sparkled as tears threatened to spill out. She walked around the deck, touching every table and chair as if making sure they were real.

  “I don’t know what to say. It’s everything I wanted. It’s perfect!”

  “You really like it?”

  “I love it!” She threw her arms around his neck and planted a wet kiss on his lips.

  “I still have a few finishing touches to do to the bar, but I’d say as soon as you’ve got the help you can open up out here.”

  “Can you help me bartend tonight? We can try it out. Ty will be here to help and to bus tables. And we do make a good team behind the bar.”

  “I’m in. It can be a test run.”

  “You’ve got to promise to show me some of your fancy bar moves.”

; Jesse grinned rakishly, “I’ll show you, but full disclosure…it took many broken bottles to get to the master level I’m currently at.” He glanced at his watch, “Now I’ve got to go to a job site and meet with Stan. I’ll catch up with you later.”

  “I’m in a daze over how beautiful it looks out here. Thank you, Jesse.”

  “You’re my girl, right?”

  Her throat tightened, moved by his goodness. “Yes.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose, “Be good. I’ll see you this evening.”

  She twirled around in excitement then quickly punched in Maddy’s number. “You’ve got to come over to the bar immediately.”


  “It’s a surprise.”

  “On my way.”

  Maddy shook her head in amazement. “You know this guy is head over heels in love with you right?”

  Faye hugged herself. “I hope that’s still true after he finds out who I really am.”

  “I can’t believe you. You’ve had weeks to fess up.”

  “I swear every single time I’ve tried something derails me.”

  “No excuse.”

  “After we get off tonight, I’ll tell him. He’s helping me out behind the bar, so I’m sure I’ll spend the night with him.”

  Maddy said, “Maybe you should soften him up first and wait til after the mind-blowing sex.”

  “Ha! You’re coming tonight right? I’m having the DJ back again for another night of karaoke torture.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it. With the two of you behind the bar they might decide to film you guys in a reality show. I can see the tag line now, ‘If you like Southern Charm then you’re gonna adore Love Southern Style.”

  Faye threw her head back and cackled, “That would be one boring show.”

  “Have you watched any reality TV lately? Girl, it would check all the boxes. I’m sure we’d have a hit on our hands.”

  “Get out of here, I have work to do. See you tonight.”

  The inside of the bar was packed and overflowing to the outside deck. Faye had nabbed Maddy to wait tables and she and Jesse were cranking out drinks faster than a hot knife through butter. Ty was coming out of his shell and bantering with the customers as he mopped off tables and cleared the empty glasses and bottles.

  Jesse’s mom had sent a ton of Chex mix over with him and they couldn’t fill the bowls fast enough. As quickly as the jerky and chips were going, she knew she’d do well once the kitchen was open. She was equal parts thrilled and terrified by the speed at which things were moving.

  She glanced over at Jesse who was laughing with a customer as he showed off his juggling skills with three liquor bottles. His exhibition was drawing a crowd around that end of the bar and she stopped what she was doing to watch. He was so damn beautiful it took her breath away. She had earlier observed him handling the bottles with flair and showmanship, but this was another level. She clapped her hands along with the rest of the crowd when he finally finished with a flourish and took a bow.

  He glanced over at her and winked, and her body pulse kicked up a notch. How had she gotten so lucky? She didn’t deserve this man. He was everything that was good. She was falling hard, and she knew that if she hit the ground it was going to be a brutal landing.

  She turned back to her customers and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. There sat Dave. His piercing dark eyes scanning the room with an intensity that implied he was looking for something or someone. Why the hell did he have to pick her bar to drink in? When he noticed her staring at him, he tipped his red ball cap and winked. Faye wiped her hands off on her apron and went to take his order.

  “Hey Dave, the usual?”

  “How about a Coors draft.”

  “Got it.”

  Jesse looked over and his jaw tightened. He strode purposefully over to the guy and said, “FYI, I’ve got my eye on you. If there’s even a hint of trouble, I have no qualms about kicking your ass out. Got that?”

  The guy held his palms up in mock surrender, “Hey, I thought there were no hard feelings, I did apologize.”

  “I’m just saying, check yourself.”

  Faye walked up and placed the frothy mug of beer in front of him, “It’s okay, Jess.”

  He glared at the unwelcome guest and said, “It’d better be.” Jesse wasn’t happy about it, but he backed off and went back to his end of the bar.

  The crowd had thinned somewhat now that the DJ had quit. Everyone caught up with their tasks and took a much-appreciated breather. Ty came out from the back carrying a case of beer and set it down in front of the cooler.

  “Thanks Ty.” Faye said, then watched as Ty’s eyes went wide and his face drained of color. “Ty? Is something wro…” She didn’t even get the sentence out before he turned and rushed out from behind the bar into the back room.

  “Jess, I’ll be right back I’m going to go check on Ty.”

  Jesse, in the middle of serving a customer, nodded, acknowledging he had heard.

  “Ty, are you okay?”

  “I’m out of here. I’ve got to go,” he hastily threw his backpack over his shoulder and ran out the back door. Faye followed him calling out, “Wait, Ty, talk to me.”

  “Later,” he jumped onto his motorcycle and sped out of the parking lot like the devil was on his heels.


  Faye sighed wearily as she locked the door behind their last customer. She sat on a bar stool and watched as Jesse lined up the last of the freshly washed mugs. “I don’t know about you but I’m exhausted.”

  “Dog-tired. Show business is harder than it looks.”

  She had just taken a sip of beer and choked on it, her eyes dancing in merriment. She snorted with laughter. “You are quite the showman. I had no idea you were such a ham. I can hardly imagine what tales you have from your college bartending days. On second thought I’m sure I don’t want to know.”

  “I never kiss and tell.”

  “Good to know.”

  “You’re staying with me tonight right?” Jesse said.

  “Yes, I was planning on it. Hey what do you think got into Ty tonight. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.”

  “Not sure, but I’m too tired to think about it. Let’s get out of here.”

  The following morning Jesse woke up first and quietly slipped out of bed to make a donut run to the local bakery…hopefully before they sold out of their fresh baked pastries. He left a note for Faye in case she got up before he returned. He hopped onto his motorcycle and took off.

  The parking lot was empty, and he whistled happily as he entered the shop, relieved to have beat the church crowd. He placed his order with the young girl behind the counter, who cheerfully filled the pastry box with a half dozen assorted delicacies. As he stepped outside, he slipped on his sunglasses. As he walked toward his bike, he heard a familiar and unwelcome drawl, his neck muscles immediately tightening.


  He turned. “Hey Kelsey.”

  “You’re looking fine as all git-out. I miss you.”

  “Is that so. Odd, because you didn’t seem to miss me much when you were fucking someone behind my back. I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

  “That’s too bad. I suppose you think you’re above me now.”

  “Why would I think that?”

  “Oh, I don’t know…maybe because you’ve moved up the social ladder.”

  His eyes narrowed, “What in God’s name are you even talking about?”

  “Just curious…how’d a construction worker like you hook the billionaire heiress? I mean you’re gorgeous and all but…”

  “I haven’t a clue where you’re going with this.”

  “Beautiful Faye? You know Faye Bennett? The one you’re currently fucking?”

  He tilted his head, eyes narrowed. “Faye LeBlanc?”

  “Ha! Faye LeBlanc? Is that what she told you?” She studied his face, her eyes narrowing with sudden understanding. “You don’t even know do you?”

“I guess not. What is it you’re trying to tell me?”

  “That girl you were fooling around with in the back aisles of Lowe’s… I know her. She’s a member of the Yacht Club. I wait on the Bennetts all the time. I’m her brother Griffin’s favorite bartender.”

  His forehead creased. “Brother…Griffin?”

  “Yes, you mean she hasn’t brought you home to meet the family yet? Probably ashamed. Mr. Bennett would probably have a fit seeing his only daughter hooking up with a construction worker.”

  His face darkened, “Bennett as in Bennett developers?”

  “Yes darlin, that Bennett. Old money and lots of it.”

  He turned away abruptly and tossed the box of pastries in the trash can. Hopping on his bike, his motor roared as he peeled out of the parking lot. His gut knotted and he felt like puking. What the fuck? Could it be true? Griffin…he remembered meeting him at the bar that day and her introducing him as her old friend. He recalled the jolt of jealousy he’d felt rip through him that day. Fuck me. I’ve been duped. Why has she been hiding her identity from him?

  He screeched into his driveway and stomped up the stairs into his house. Faye was sitting at his kitchen island when he stormed in. Her eyes lit up… until she saw the dark scowl on his face.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  Faye reeled back as if she’d been struck. Putting a hand to her throat her face went deathly pale. “Wait Jesse, I can explain.”

  “So, it’s true? You’re Faye Bennett… Jesus.” He raked his hands through his hair. “You must think I’m the biggest schmuck on the planet.”

  Her hands were trembling as she reached for his arm, “Please listen to me…”

  He jerked away as if he’d been burnt. His voice thick with emotion he said, “You’ve got no right to touch me anymore. Got that?”

  Faye bowed her head and started crying. “My God Jesse, please don’t do this. I can explain everything. I’ve tried telling you a thousand times. It took on a life of its own. The deeper we went the harder it was to tell you.”


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