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Secret Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 2)

Page 18

by Jill Downey

  “Tyler said he’d take me for a ride on his motorcycle sometime and that he’d show me how to hunt crawfish!”

  Ty, seeing Faye’s distress, looked suspiciously at James Bennett. Eyes narrowed, he said, “Where’s Jess?” He scanned the crowded poolside and said, “Faye, where is he?”

  He searched her face taking in her glassy eyes. “He left.”

  “He’d never leave us here. He’s probably waiting in the truck. I’m going to go find him.”

  “I’m coming with you. Griffin, Ella, please give Kyle and Mom our best, and please offer our apologies for running off so quickly.”

  Finn’s shoulders slumped in disappointment. “You’re leaving? But you just got here.”

  Ty crouched down and put his hands on Finn’s tiny shoulders. “Listen bro, I’ll see you again. You’ve got to practice those tricks I showed you with your puppy then report back to Aunt Faye. She’ll give me the low down. Maybe Faye can bring you around the bar to see me sometime soon.”

  Finn just nodded his head staring glumly at the ground.

  “Hey, give me a fist,” Ty said as he raised a clenched fist toward Finn. His irrepressible grin returned as he bumped his tiny fist against his newfound friend.

  “See ya bro. Be good,” Ty said.

  “See ya bro. Bye Aunt Faye.”

  “Finny, I’ll see you soon.” Faye said.

  “Okay. I’m sorry you’re sad Aunt Faye. Tell Jesse goodbye for me.”

  Fighting back tears she said, “I will.”

  They found Jesse waiting for them back in his truck, seat tipped back, music blaring, sunglasses concealing his eyes.

  “Hey,” Faye said quietly as she climbed in beside him.

  “Back so soon?”

  “Jess, I’m so sorry.”

  “Not your fault.”


  “Drop it for now,” he said, his voice tight and controlled.


  His jaw clenched, his words clipped and grim as he said,


  Tears shimmered in Faye’s eyes, and she quickly swiped the back of her hand across them then turned to stare out her window.

  Tyler stayed silent in the back seat, arms folded across his face, lips pressed tightly together.

  The ride home was the longest fifteen minutes of Faye’s life. Her heart literally ached. Before getting out of the truck she tried one last time to get through to Jesse, “Jess, I never should have agreed to the party. I know how cruel my father can be.”

  His face devoid of expression, Jesse waited for her to exit the vehicle.

  She slipped out of the truck and ran inside. She stood in the foyer her back against the door. When she heard the truck peel out, she slid slowly down to the floor and buried her face in her hands, her body racked by sobs.

  “That was salty bro,” Ty said.

  Jesse ground his jaw and stared mutinously ahead.

  “Did you see how shook she was?”

  “I think you heard me earlier, but just in case you missed it, shut the fuck up.”

  “Look you knew that party was going to be suspect, and her father’s nothing but a tool, but Faye? Now, we both know Faye is a different story.”

  Jesse blew out a deep breath, “Look Ty, I need some time to think. Have you ever had someone emasculate you? Talk about ‘shook’. Well, I’m shook.”

  “Hey man, you and Faye are tight, don’t let him get to you.”

  “Her father didn’t say anything that I haven’t already wondered about myself. He just brought up my own doubts.”

  “Look, the dude is a noob. You heard him throw shade at me…”

  Jesse snorted, “Yeah the ‘dumpster dive’ was epic.”

  Ty grinned, “I was kind of proud of that one myself.”

  “I just need a little time.”

  “Don’t take too much time… man, her sad eyes, it slayed me.”

  Jesse pulled up to Ty’s mobile home park entrance and sat looking straight ahead, “Listen, I know it might be a stretch for you to get where I’m coming from, but I don’t want anything from Faye or her family. Call it pride, ego, whatever the fuck you want to call it, but that was the most insulting thing I’ve ever had to sit through. And it was Faye’s dad. I don’t want to come between her and her family. I’m not that guy.”

  “All I’m sayin’ is Faye should have a say in this too. Later.” Ty hopped out of the truck and disappeared through the row of trailers.

  Jesse put it in gear and at the last minute headed for his parent’s house. He needed the comfort of his family and a dose of reality. I drew the winning number in the parental lottery. He felt a pang of guilt remembering the look on Faye’s face when she’d climbed into his truck.

  He knew it wasn’t her fault her father was an overprotective asshole; he’d make sure to let her know that. But family was such an important part of his life, he couldn’t imagine moving forward in a relationship without her family’s blessing. Her father would never approve of him. He’d never fit in with the billionaire lifestyle and truth be told, he was proud of it.


  Jesse walked into The Pelican the next day and found Faye in her office hunkered over some spread sheets. His eyes hungrily roamed over her and he hesitated before knocking. Taking in her pale face and dark circles beneath her eyes, his chest felt hollowed out. He tapped the door frame and she looked up startled.

  She sucked in her breath, “Jesse!”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Faye about yesterday… I’m sorry I wasn’t able to talk to you. I just had to have some space.”

  She leaned back in her chair. “I know.”

  “I’m going to take a few days off from here, Stan needs me at the job site. The timing’s good. I’ll still be able to get the kitchen finished by the end of the week in time for the grand opening Saturday.”

  “Jess…I…please don’t let my father ruin this for us. He’s already taken so much, I couldn’t bear to lose you because of him.”

  “Faye, its complicated. I’m not abandoning you here. I’ll still bartend on Saturday; I’ll finish the kitchen…we’ll just have to give things some time.”

  “I understand,” she said.

  “I don’t think you can, really. It’s not your fault Faye. Maybe if I were a different person, less prideful, I’d see it differently. I’m working on it.

  Plastering a fake smile on her lips she said, “Take whatever time you need. I don’t blame you for running as fast as you can away from my family’s baggage. You’d have to be a superhero to take it all on.”

  Jess bowed his head, “I’m not running Faye. But I’m no superhero, that’s for sure. I wish I were a guy that takes everything in his stride, that lets stuff just slide off my back, but I’m not.”

  “I’m too much trouble…high maintenance, isn’t that what you guys would say?”

  “You’re about the furthest from high maintenance of any girl I’ve ever known. Faye don’t do this to yourself. You didn’t do anything wrong!”

  She turned her face away before saying quietly, “Then why does it feel like I’m the one being punished?”

  Jesse squeezed his eyes shut. “Faye, all I’m asking for here is a little space to get my head on straight. As a guy, I’m conditioned to think of myself as the bread winner, the protector and provider. I know that makes me sound like some Neanderthal, believe me, I’m disappointed as hell in myself. I thought I was coming to terms with the juxtaposition of our situation, until I realized I’d just buried it…never really dealt with it at all.”

  “I’d walk away from it all…to be with you…money, wealth…it all means nothing to me.”

  “I believe that, I know that about you. I’m the one with the problem and I’m sorting it out. Give me time, that’s all I’m asking for right now.”

  She lifted her shoulder in a half shrug, “I don’t have much of a choice.”
br />   “I’ll be back tomorrow, Wednesday at the latest.”

  She raised her chin, then said, “I hope you find that clarity you’re looking for. It takes courage for a man to walk beside his woman instead of always leading the way.”

  Jesse winced. “I guess I deserve that. Faye, when you put it that way, it makes me sound like the most pathetic bastard on the face of the earth. I want you to understand, my family is everything to me. I don’t want to be the one that comes between you and yours.”

  She gave a mirthless laugh, “I’m afraid that there isn’t much to come between with me and my father. I’m sorry Jess, I know that wasn’t fair to imply you lack courage. Go, do your thing. Get your answers. I won’t try to stop you.”

  Jesse turned and quietly left the room. Seeing her blue eyes filled with pain would haunt him. He had done that to her. Damn. Why did love have to be so complicated?

  “Hey Faye, I just passed Jesse. Is he coming back?” Ty asked.

  “In a couple of days. He’s got to catch up on some things at his own business for a change.”

  “He loves you. You know that don’t you?”

  Faye smiled sadly, “I’m not so sure about that. More importantly, what they don’t tell you in the romance novels is that sometimes love isn’t enough.”

  “It’s enough. It takes courage is all.”

  “Ty, how did you get to be so old?”

  He looked away, then back at her, “Faye, don’t give up on Jess. He’s one of the good ones. He’ll get it.”

  She sighed, “I hope you’re right.”

  “Should I start filling the coolers?”

  “Yes, then if you’d go pick up some extra ice at the beverage dock to tide us over until Friday’s delivery, that’d be great.”


  “And Ty?”

  He turned and raised an eyebrow. “You are one of the good ones!”

  He grinned, “Faye, you’re so extra.” Then he left her sitting there trying to figure out exactly what he’d meant by that. She’d have to download a slang app onto her phone to keep up.

  Jesse and Stan leaned over the drafting table, studying a blueprint. Jesse scratched his head then said, “I triple checked this floorplan, there has to be a mistake, the electrical layout included all the extras for a theater room.”

  Stans brow furrowed as he ran his finger across the sheet, “Yep, there it is,” Stan said pointing to those details. “We fucked up on our end. Sorry Jess. That’ll cost us two extra days of work, but at least we caught it before the customers did.”

  “Yeah, no biggie. Otherwise, everything else seems to be humming along.”

  “I miss our bromance is all,” Stan said grinning.

  “You’re coming to the grand opening on Saturday, right?”

  “Yep, we all are. Wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Great…or as Ty would say, dope.”

  “Ty working out then?”

  “Real well. He may be joining our crew when all is said and done. He’s a natural. He’s been helping me out. Saved me from pulling the crew away from you.”

  “On the job training from the best. We can use him, that’s for sure.”

  “Let’s head over to the site and tell the guys the bad news about the do-over.”

  “Sounds good. I’d like you to look over the model home; it’s about ready to display.”

  Jesse rolled up the blueprint and wrapped a rubber band around it before stuffing it back into his backpack. “I’ll follow you on the bike.”

  “Okay see you there.”

  Jesse was satisfied with the way the projects were moving along. There was always some glitch. This electrical snafu was minor in the scheme of things. He didn’t know how he’d manage without Stan.


  Tyler came in with an armful of local tourist guide periodicals and excitedly thrust one at Faye.

  “Look who made the front page!”

  Faye squealed when she saw the photograph of the three of them perched around the statue. She tried to push aside the ache in her chest remembering that day, when things were still good between her and Jess.

  “Let’s put some of these on the table right next to Sasquatch,” Faye said.

  “Wait till Jesse see’s this. Speaking of…is he coming in today?”

  “As far as I know. That’s what he said the other day.”

  “So the schmuck hasn’t called you?”

  “Nope. I wasn’t expecting him to.”

  The door opened at that exact moment and Jesse stepped through. A wave of longing hit Faye. Jesse’s eyes blazed with raw hunger and he only had eyes for Faye.

  “Look what the cat drug in,” Ty said dryly.

  Jesse nodded at Ty then walked toward them. “Faye.” His eyes searched hers intently.

  “Hey Jess.”

  “I’m back.”

  “I see that.”

  Clearing his throat, Tyler said, “Maybe I’ll go take the trash out.”

  Jesse reached for her hand and turned her palm up before planting a soft kiss in the center. “Forgive me Faye.”

  Her palm tingled where his lips had just been. “I do, but damn you, nothing has changed.”

  “I just needed to process the whole thing.”

  “Feels different when it’s on the other foot doesn’t it Jess? We could have worked through it together.”

  His voice was tight with pent up emotion. “I know, I realize that now. But that’s what I’m trying to do now. Faye, I don’t want to lose you, ever. I don’t give a fuck if your father approves or not.”

  “You hurt me Jess.”

  “I know I did. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m embarrassed at the way my father handled himself.”

  “I didn’t handle it so great myself. I let him get to me. Maybe you’ll never be able to understand…I’m not sure I completely understand myself, but he managed to find my weakest spot and attack me there. It was sudden and unexpected. I was trying to wrap my head around the posh surroundings…felt completely out of my depth, then he went all in. Hit me right in my gut.” He gave her a lopsided grin, “At least Ty was spared, that’s some consolation.”

  “He would have probably been next, if we hadn’t left. I hate the way you just disappeared on me, but I shouldn’t have left your side.”

  Jesse pulled Faye into his arms and buried his nose in her fragrant hair. “You’re right. I need you right by my side,” Jesse kissed her softly.

  Faye melted into his body, parting her lips. She brushed her fingers across the smooth skin of his neck then ran them through his hair. She closed her eyes as he planted tiny kisses all over her face.

  “Mm you smell so good.” His tongue licked her bottom lip before sucking it gently into his mouth. Her pulse fluttered as his tongue flicked against her lips.

  Faye took his hand and led him back to her office. She closed the door and locked it then turned to stand on her tiptoes, kissing him softly on the lips. His eyes were warm pools of honey as he slipped his hands under her shirt. Faye opened her mouth inviting him to deepen the kiss. Her knuckles grazed his toned belly as she snuck her hand down the waistband of his jeans, smiling when she found him fully erect.

  She walked him backwards until his knees were up against the club chair and with a tiny push he plopped down. She straddled his lap and smoothed her palms up his chest. She could feel his hardness between her legs and rubbed against him. She tore her mouth away to quickly drag his shirt over his head. She licked his bare skin, her fingertips rubbing his nipples until he groaned.

  His eyes were heavy lidded with desire as he watched her remove first her top then her bra. His pupils dilated seeing her naked breasts. He reached for them gently massaging and kneading, driving Faye crazy with want. He pulled on her nipples and she bit down hard on her lip to keep from crying out. Leaning forward he put his open mouth between her breasts, he licked and kissed his way to her nipple, then latched on and pulled and sucked until she was squirming in ab

  “Stand up,” he said.

  She stood in front of him while he pulled her pants down, kissing her soft mound through the silk panties before tugging them the rest of the way. He held her hips steady while he nuzzled her center and dipped his tongue into her sweet spot. Her hands gripped his broad shoulders as she through her head back, biting her bottom lip in fiery passion. He inserted two fingers inside while his tongue continued its onslaught. She was on the brink of surrender when he pulled away. She cried out, “Don’t stop!”

  He kissed her belly then stood up to remove his pants. “I want to come inside of you, I want to feel your orgasm…your tightness throbbing against me.”

  He slid on a condom then sat back down pulling her with him. She rubbed her hot wet core against his large erection until, voice hoarse with passion he said, “Faye now!”

  She slowly took him inside her and rode him. He filled her completely, snug around his hardness, she gripped him with her taut thighs as she lifted her pelvis up and down. He felt so good inside of her. He pressed his thumb against her clit with one hand while teasing her nipple with the other. She could feel his shaft penetrate deeper with every thrust.

  She watched his beautiful face as his body suddenly shuddered in climax. His jaw tightened, his gaze never leaving her face, his eyes liquid amber and hot with desire. She sat down fully onto his shaft and wiggled her pelvis against him until she was overcome with her own powerful rush of sensation. Wave after wave tore through her as she collapsed against his chest panting.

  She felt his lips in her hair as he tenderly brushed it back from her face. He cupped her bottom with his other hand. She could feel him throbbing inside of her and the smell of sex heavy in the air. It was sensual and erotic, and she never wanted to move. They lay motionless, spent, except for the rapid rise and fall of their chests which slowly returned to normal.

  Jesse felt a possessiveness he’d never experienced before. Fiercely protective…and the only way he could describe it was primitive. Mine! With her long sensuous body melting into his, he didn’t want this moment to end. He could feel her breasts pressed against his chest and her breath against his skin. He never wanted to let her go. He put his knuckles under her chin and tipped her head back gazing at her kiss swollen lips. So sexy.


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