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Simple Lies

Page 5

by Amanda Bennett

  I felt her presence before I even saw her, and suddenly I knew exactly why I was feeling the way I was. She was here. I wasn’t exactly sure if she was here to see me, or if it was because she enjoyed watching the sport, but I was good with it either way. I kept a stoic look on my face the entire time I walked out towards the ring, but when I saw her hypnotic blue eyes, my façade cracked. I could tell by the look on her face that she could see how shocked I was by her being here, making me quickly change my expression. I let her get a quick glimpse of what would be a smile had I stood there longer, but then I turned and walked over to the official without saying a word.

  I wasn’t exactly sure how she was going to react to me not acknowledging her, but tonight I couldn’t let her or anyone else get in my head. Tonight I had to put all of my concentration and power behind making a name for myself in a business where it is hard to stay relevant. The official looked me over, smothered my face with Vaseline, and then into the ring I went. After seeing her face in the crowd, a whole new feeling came over me. I had more energy, I felt more alive, and I wanted to get the crowd more riled up than I ever had before. Sure, maybe I was showing off a bit because I knew she was out there, watching my every move, but it was also because I had full confidence in myself.

  As I was making my last lap around the ring, I caught sight of her and nearly tripped over myself. She looked absolutely beautiful tonight. Not that she didn’t look amazing the last time I saw her, but tonight there was something so mysterious about her, something that I just couldn’t get over. Knowing that my opponent was about to step into the ring, I turned my attention away from her, bringing all my focus and attention back into the ring.

  “In the red corner, fighting out of Durham, North Carolina…DECLAN…HEAVY HANDS…HUNTER!” I put my glove covered fist up in the air, as a mixture of booing and cheering echoed throughout the stadium.

  “And now, in the blue corner, fighting out of Honolulu, Hawaii…KAI…THE CRAZY HAWAIIAN…KEKOA!” Every single person in the place began cheering and clapping for my opponent, and I instantly knew that it was going to be a rough fight.

  The more the fans liked the other guy, the harder it was to win. Now I would have to try even harder to block out the cheering for him, and the booing for me. I bounced back and forth on my feet, waiting impatiently for the official to call us both to the center of the ring. I was just about to look back over at her, when I heard the official begin to talk.

  “Fighters to the center of the ring. Okay, I want a nice clean fight. Touch gloves.” I held mine out for my opponent, but he just gave me a shit eatin’ grin and turned around. “Alright, let’s do this.”

  Both of us fell back to our corners, getting last minute advice from our respective trainers, and then turned just as the bell rang. I kept close to the outside of the ring, not wanting to open myself up too soon, but they didn’t call this guy “The Crazy Hawaiian” for nothing. He moved in close to me, landing a few punches to the side of my gloves as I held them up in front of my face, but nothing serious. He was backing me into a corner, and I knew if I didn’t get out now, he would start dominating me.

  I took a few cheap shots at him when he let his guard down, and just as he ducked down, I quickly moved to the inside of the ring. Now I had him backed into a corner, and I could feel my adrenaline kick into overdrive. I connected with a few leg kicks, waiting for him to try and take me down, but he never wavered from his spot. We went back and forth for what felt like an eternity before the bell rang, signaling that the round was over. Even though these fights were only three, five minute rounds, they felt like ten, fifty minute rounds. My cardio was amazing, but trying to keep up with Kai was definitely pushing my limits.

  Before I knew it, my minute rest time was up and we were heading back into the middle of the ring. I came out swinging this time, landing a few good hits right out the gate, but Kai wasn’t going down easy. I held my gloves in front of my face, as Kai began his assault on me. When I glanced up for a brief second, I caught sight of her, and she looked terrified. I couldn’t help but feel for her. Obviously I had no idea what it felt like to watch someone go out and fight for no other reason than money, but I have heard some of my friend’s significant others talk about it, and it most definitely wasn’t a walk in the park for them.

  I knew if I was going to have any chance in talking to her, I needed to end this fight like yesterday. I dropped my right hand to my side, curled up my hand, and counted silently to ten as I let out a deep breath. Pulling my hand back, I put all my weight behind it as I connected with Kai’s jaw. Blood spewed from his mouth, and I could see that he was visibly shaken, so I went in for another, this time bringing up my left hand right under his chin. His head flung back, and he fell to the ground. I was about to jump on top of him and finish what I started, not giving him a chance to get up, but there was no need. The ref was holding me away from Kai, as he inspected him and called the fight.

  Something inside of me had been ignited, and I ran around the ring pumping my fists in the air. This time, I heard cheers coming from the crowd. Shock ran through me as I realized that the people who once despised me, were now cheering for me. A wide smile spread across my face, and I felt as light as air. Suddenly realizing that I needed to get out of the ring quickly, I stopped my boyish behavior and made my way into the middle of the ring where the ref and Kai were patiently waiting.


  The ref raised my arm, and then I quickly moved to give Kai a one armed hug, telling him good fight. As much as I didn’t want to talk to the commentator, I knew I didn’t have a choice. I walked over to him with a wide smile. He did his usual, congrats, and then we replayed the clip of my knockout, and then I quickly responded with a thanks to my fans. I stopped for a quick picture with my crew, and then made my way down the steps and in the direction of where I had seen her standing. As I approached the side of the stands, I noticed two empty seats where her and her friend had just been.

  I scanned the crowd around me, wondering where in the hell she could have gone too, but I couldn’t wait here all night. I took one last look around, and when I didn’t see her, I started making my way back to the locker rooms. I took my time changing, making sure that I would be leaving right around the same time as the last fighters. There were always huge after parties after the fights, and tonight, I decided that I would join the rest of my fellow fighters instead of doing my own thing like I usually did.

  A little while later, I found myself sitting at the bar in some new hip club, drinking by myself. Sure I had hung out with the guys for a while, and I made an appearance on the red carpet as I came in, but now I just wanted to be alone. I downed my drink, and threw some money down on the bar for the bartender. I gave a wave to a few of the guys, and made my way out to get a cab.

  “Where to, sir?”

  “The Marriot downtown please.” I let my head fall back against the soft headrest, thinking about my life and just how empty it was. I was a twenty-three year old bachelor, and UFC fighter, but outside of that, I had absolutely nothing. I had a house in a different state that I could barely call home, a cousin who I haven’t spoken to in three years, and a mom who was too proud to let anyone know who she really was. I hated to admit it, but I was lonely and for once in my life, I didn’t want just a fling. “Can you stop by the liquor store first please?”

  “Sure thing.” The cab driver replied before pulling over a few seconds later.

  “Keep the meter running, I’ll be quick.” I ran into the liquor store, grabbed a bottle of Tequila, and then slammed some money down on the counter before running back out. When I got back into the cab, I could see the disapproving look on the cab driver’s face, but I chose to ignore it. He could judge me all he wanted, but I would always judge myself more.

  A few minutes later, we were pulling up the hotel. I threw a wad of money at the driver and thanked him. I got out of the cab stumbling, but managed to make it to the
elevator doors without falling. When they chimed open, I quickly drug myself inside, and pressed the blurry number twenty-one. Before the doors could close, a small feminine hand was sliding between the thick steel, causing it to reopen. I didn’t bother glancing up to see the woman’s face, and when the elevator opened on my floor, I still didn’t look up as I pushed past her to get out.

  I stumbled my way down the short hallway to my penthouse, and just as I slid the card in the door, I felt a small hand reach for my arm, causing me to flinch. When I turned, all I saw was a sea of blonde. Her hands slid up my t-shirt covered torso, pushing me back and into the room. Before I could say a word or even react to the fact that it was her that was standing in front of me, her lips were on mine. They were just as soft as I remembered, and they were moving forcefully against mine. Her tongue slid across my lower lip, and I quickly opened my mouth before she changed her mind and pulled away from me. I pushed my hand back through her hair, clutching the back of her head, pulling her mouth firmly against mine.

  Her hands fell to the hemline of my shirt and then she ripped it up and over my head. Her cool hands fell to my exposed chest, outlining every muscle with the tips of her fingers. When her fingers reached the top of my waistband, I shivered beneath her touch. She made me feel things I had never felt before, and as much as I wanted to ask her a million questions, I chose to let her continue sexually assaulting me. My hands fell below her ass, and I picked her tiny body up, wrapping her legs tightly around my waist as my lips kissed every inch of her neck, all the way down to her cleavage.

  I gently pushed her down onto the mattress, pulling back only long enough to rip her shirt over her head, and remove the amazing cock-hardening black lace lingerie from her body. I lowered my mouth to her exposed pussy, letting my tongue slide along the folds, and up and over her clit. I could taste her with every stroke, and I couldn’t help the moans that escaped my mouth. I slowly sucked her clit into my mouth, causing her body to buck in reaction to it. I sucked a little bit more, then pulled back before she could finish. I needed to feel her walls clench around my cock as I found my release inside of her, and nothing was going to stop me from getting what I wanted.



  I could feel myself ready to climax, but that feeling digressed as he suddenly pulled away. My mouth fell open in disbelief and I was about to junk punch him for being such a selfish lover, but once I saw him positioning himself at my entrance, my entire attitude changed. He slowly lowered himself onto me, his eyes never losing contact with mine as he smiled that panty dropping smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs securely around his waist, as I impatiently waited for him to push himself into me. He would slowly ease in a bit and then pull back, repeating this motion over and over again, and it was driving me insane.

  My body yearned for him to touch it, and be in it. I dug my heels into his backside, trying to force him to push inside of me, but he fought back with greater force. His tongue traced intricate shapes on my neck, as my body arched into his with complete and utter desire. Before the heated trails could go dry, he blew out just enough air onto my neck that I practically came right then and there. I was reaching my boiling point and I could no longer keep my orgasm at bay, so I did what any rational horny girl would…I decided to talk dirty.

  “I want you inside of me, now. I need you to fuck me like you’ve never fucked a woman before.” I whispered it low enough against his ear, that I could feel his cock grow harder inside of me, and without another word, he thrust himself so hard inside of me that I was worried he was going to do some damage.

  My arms clenched tightly around his neck as he forced himself in and out of me at a breathtaking pace. His thumb slid over my clit in a fast motion as he moved in and out of me, all the while watching the look on my face. I could feel myself reaching the point of no return, and I pulled his mouth onto mine as I rode out the wave of pleasure that was taking over me. I came harder than I had ever came before, and it was euphoric. My pleasurable moans echoed through the small hotel room, and his were quick to follow.

  After both of us found our release, he moved next to my side. His fingers reached out to tuck a few strands of hair behind my ear, and I closed my eyes at the small token of affection I was receiving from him. We lay there in silence, waiting for the other to speak, but when neither of us did, I began to giggle a bit.

  “What’s so funny.” He laughed.

  “The quiet.” I whispered into the dark.

  He didn’t say a word, he just lay there propped up on one arm, staring at me. It was a bit unnerving, but there was something about his look that made me feel comfortable, safe even.

  “So…are you ever going to tell me your name? I mean, it only seems fair now that you know mine.” I could hear his smile in the darkness, and it almost made me want to tell him, and not just my name, but everything. Truth be told, I liked him not knowing my name and me just learning his by chance, it’s what made things hot and mysterious and easier to walk away. I couldn’t get hurt if there were no feelings involved. So I fled.

  I pushed myself off of the bed and quickly started to get dressed. Unfortunately, he wasn’t going to let it go this time.

  “Is there a reason you don’t want to tell me your name?” He pushed.

  “It’s better this way. This way, no one gets hurt. Besides, it’s not like this is going anywhere.” I bent down for one last kiss, making sure to make it memorable, then stood to walk out. “I gotta go. I’ll see ya around.” I gathered my purse as quickly as I could, and left.

  Once I closed the door behind me, I let my back fall against it as I let out a loud audible sigh. Knowing that this was the last time I would see him was breaking me in a way that I was unfamiliar with, and I wasn’t ready to deal with feelings such as these. So I picked myself back up, and made my way outside. Just as I jumped in the cab, my phone began ringing and I quickly rummaged through my purse to find it.


  “So…what happened?” PJ’s words were laced with concern.

  “Oh…you know.” I laughed loudly and the cab driver smirked at me. “It was amazing, but it was also the last time I’ll be seeing him.”

  “Why? I seriously don’t understand you.”

  “PJ, you know Ryan and I are talking again, and he started pushing again. He wanted to know my name.”

  “Oh no! Not your name!” I could hear her fake gasp, and then her start to laugh hysterically.

  “You’re not funny, PJ. It just brings things into it that make it complicated. So no more surprising me with UFC fights, got it?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, well call me tomorrow.”


  I hung up the phone just as the cab pulled up in front of my dorm. I quickly paid him and made my way inside before I had a chance of running into anybody. Once I was safely in my dorm room, I undressed and climbed underneath the covers. That night, I had the most amazing dreams about me and Declan. Dreams that I knew would never be reality. Dreams that I would have to realize were just that…dreams.

  The next morning I found myself wandering around campus with absolutely nothing to do. As much as I wanted to call PJ, I knew that she would want to talk about last night, and I wasn’t ready to deal with the finality of all of it. Regardless of the fact that I had only ever seen Declan twice, I couldn’t deny the chemistry I felt with him. There was something about him that made me feel more like…myself. When I was with him, all caution got thrown to the wind and I was able to show him a side of myself that I had long forgotten about.

  I just finished my second cup of coffee and was tossing it in the garbage, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around hesitantly, not knowing who to expect, but hoping that it would be a certain somebody. Although, it was ridiculous of me to think that a guy who didn’t even know my name or anything about me, would somehow find me, at school where he didn’t even know I went, just so he could what…tell me how much he can�
�t live without me? Whatever!

  “Hey, Hads.” I turned and couldn’t help the look of disappointment that most likely made up my expression.

  “Hi Ryan. What are you doing here?” Ryan pulled me into a deep hug and I tried my hardest to not cringe beneath his touch.

  He pulled back a little bit, and I could’ve sworn he was going in for a kiss, but he just let go of me all together instead. “I just figured I would come by and say hi, see what you’re up to. Maybe actually get to spend some time with my girl.”

  “Oh. Well, I have a lot of work to catch up on before I head to the bookstore, but I guess we could go get lunch or something.” I left the “my girl” comment alone for the moment, because I honestly wasn’t ready to have that conversation with him. I looked up into Ryan’s sparkling eyes, and couldn’t help but smile. Maybe I needed to give him a real second chance.

  “Lunch it is then. Let’s go.” I smiled at Ryan and took his outstretched hand. This was going to be an interesting lunch, to say the least.



  I was going insane knowing that the other night was most likely the last time I would ever see her. I had never felt this way about anybody, let alone a girl whose name I didn’t even know. This was ridiculous. As I made my way to the airport, I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe she would show up to another one of my fights. I knew how girly and cheesy I sounded, but there was something about her that made me feel as though I could feel again, and that was refreshing.


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