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Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)

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by JF Holland

  Taking another deep breath, the hairs on her arms stood up because whatever the scent was it was coming from close by. There was also another smell there too, a little more faded but with it came the sense of danger. She hit the lamp at the side of her chair, plunging the room into darkness. She scooted silently out of her chair and across the now darkened room, tiptoeing towards the French windows. The moon had just begun to come out from behind a cloud, and between that and her new improved eyesight she could see fairly well in the dark now. Another new addition she'd acquired along with her sense of smell. She stopped to the side of the glass and peeked into her back garden, trying to figure out where the smell was coming from. She spotted a dark shadow crouched low to the floor, before leaping and going over the fence in one smooth, fluid leap. Her hand came up to her throat, shit. She needed to improve her safety, maybe it was now time she started to use the alarm system that was fitted to the property. She'd never felt the need for it before today, but if her head stalker had somehow become real, she definitely needed the extra advantage of security it offered her.

  Jaden jumped back up the fence in human form, over the top and had already shifted to his cat form before he landed on the other side. His top lip pulled off his teeth as his head turned to the right, whiskers twitching as he caught a scent on the breeze. Another male, a shifter had been in the area, possibly two. A growl rumbled in his throat, not a good sign. He took off, searching for the source, but the smell grew fainter, vanishing as he turned a corner. More houses, with more back gardens and lights. His tail swished in frustration, the cat more than happy to defy safety and hunt, the man more wary. Too much was at steak though, he finally had his female within his sights. Still unnamed and unclaimed but he know knew where she was, and what she looked like. It may have took him nearly 5-years, but he had her now. He'd just have to move quicker. Maybe find somewhere to rent close by so he could keep an eye on her, and again he looked towards the house next to hers.

  His head lifted again, and a rumble left his chest, more of a whine than anything. He looked around and realised there was something familiar about the area. Then taking a further look he sniffed, as in the air a familiar scent came to him. Echoes of the past hung all around him, sounds of laughter, love and anguish. A lone tear escaped the cat's eye, mixing in the midnight fur and disappearing. His whiskers twitched and ears flattening as he lay there in the grass, camouflaged beneath a tree. He closed his eyes as his past rose up and threatened to swamp him, loss a heavyweight in his chest.

  Maya held a hand up to her chest, then pulled it back and looked at it. She was expecting to see blood, the pain was excruciating. It was as if she was being crushed by the weight of grief and loss pushing down on her. She stumbled back from the French windows, security forgotten as she sat back heavily in the chair once again. Rubbing her chest with a knuckle, circular motions to try to ease the discomfort. Taking a breath she closed her eyes and sought out the source of the distress.

  'Do you need me?' Why the hell was she asking him that? The douche bag had been threatening her minutes earlier, but she felt helpless to do anything else. Unbelievably she could feel the anguish and grief surrounding and suffocating him. She felt compelled to offer him solace and comfort, she actually needed to offer them. She continued to rub her chest, frowning at the thought, and not understanding why the need was so strong.

  'Oh female, you don't know what you're offering. Do you really want me at your door now? I can promise if I do get in, the house won't be the only thing I'll be inside of tonight.'

  'Oh for fuck sake, stop with the threats. It's getting boring and I can feel your pain, so stop with the tough guy act because I'm not buying it. Do you need my help or not?' She felt his shock and then the connection was severed.

  Jaden was so confused that he didn't respond, just severed their connection. He'd never met another that could break into his thoughts. Of course, he didn't know an awful lot about mates either. He'd lost his own parents as a teenager, nearly 200-years ago. The memories he did have of them were a little murky. The clouds of time had smudged them, making them more impression than actual crystal clear memories. He remembered laughter, warmth, love and a feeling of peace and tranquillity. Safety, something he'd never even thought of when he was young, I mean his parents were shifters. They were the top of the food chain and as such, more than capable of taking care of themselves and their children. He cut off the thoughts, he was too close to the female, and she'd once again pick up on them, or at least his pain. Come to think of it how the hell was she doing that? He didn't like the idea of her being able to get in his head any time she felt like it. His body, yes, not a problem - but not his head.

  He lithely got to his feet and then turned, heading into the woods. His bike was calling him, a run on the open road would help clear the cobwebs of the past from his mind. It was too dangerous these days to appreciate a good run in cat form, so his bikes had become the next best thing. They allowed him freedom and speed, secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't be bringing attention to his kind by running - or endangering anyone by them stumbling across a pissed off, grieving Jaguar.

  Chapter Four

  Jaden, lifted his face to the last of the afternoon sun, his bike throbbing between his legs. Engine rumbling on the chrome and black Harley Forty-Eight. Not quite as loved as his other bikes but he was enjoying the power and freedom his impulse purchase had afforded him. The land and trees zooming past him as he once again moved through the countryside, leaving behind the claustrophobic feel of the city. He was still perplexed that the he hadn’t recognised the area, I mean yes nearly 200-years had passed, but surely not enough time for him to forget his roots? He'd left his little town a frightened 15-year-old as a stowaway after spending months searching for news of what had become of his family, his brother. He'd been cold, hungry and scared with not a penny to his name or anything but the clothes on his back. He'd had to grow up quick and learn to take care of himself, luckily his shifting had come early. It had given him a measure of comfort that he could at least protect himself in a world he now found himself alone in and it had also meant he could cover more ground. He'd wanted away from the area of his loss, a fresh start somewhere far away. Unfortunately he'd also learned that clothes didn't make the shift with him. He'd become adept at carrying a few belongings on him, usually in his mouth as he ran. He let thoughts of his past go, it was no good dwelling on it. He was still searching for the ones who'd took his family from him. Following leads of other murders that matched his own families, but he'd never found anything concrete. Allowing the motion of the bike to sooth him, he looked around as he moved past the outskirts of the small town. Amazed by the changes since he'd been here last, it was now more of a community. There had only been a few houses here when he was young, interspersed across the countryside, they'd lived off the land and ran in the woods and fields. The large forest had been his playground and a small community hall had been the meeting place for the locals to come together.

  He wanted another look around to familiarise himself with the layout before his meeting. He'd waited until it was heading towards dusk before setting off, as he'd had to meet someone in the bigger town earlier. Now he had the few possessions he carried with him tied to the back of the bike, and a set of house keys. It was moving day, and he preferred to move in after the light had begun to fade, thus drawing less attention to himself. He'd managed to rent the property next door to his female, stubborn woman still wasn't giving up her name, but he had other ways. The old woman who'd spoken to him on the phone worked for the letting agents who owned the house he was renting. They also owned the one attached to it next door, the one belonging to a certain Maya Rawlings. He liked her name, it suited her as it was a very feline name, it rolled off the tongue and the R in her surname had a purring quality to it when spoken.

  Jaden thought about Maya as his bike ate up the ground. How had she managed to link into him last night? That one still had him stumped. He wished th
ere was someone he could talk to about mates, but there was no one he knew. He'd mostly been a loner since he'd lost his family. He had employees, but even they didn't know him as he left that part of the business in the hands of managers. He kept tabs on his business affairs from wherever he happened to be, a laptop and internet connection were all he required to do that. Once a week he got updates - unless there was an emergency, and if that ever arose he had the funds to take last minute flights if he was needed. Not that it had happened recently, not since the Wall Street crash in 1987. At the time it had sent a shock wave through the whole hedge funding community, but that was over 30-years ago now. Now his business dealings ticked along nicely without any major setbacks. He enjoyed what he did for a living, betting on the next sure thing, it was lucrative and it allowed him some anonymity. He had people who fronted the business for him and every 40-years or so his son took over from him. Not that he had a son as he needed a moon sworn mate for that one. Only moon bound mates could produce young. He didn't have a clue how that one worked, but it did. Otherwise there'd be a shit load of illegitimate shifters running around the world now. Not all youths had control over their hormones, and not all of them practiced safe sex. They didn't need to as a shifter was incapable of getting any human diseases, actually there was very few things that could affect a shifter. He did remember some of his father's teachings. One of them being that although they weren't susceptible to disease or at risk of unwanted pregnancy - as they could only pre-produce with a mate. It was better to blend in and use protection, one less question raised, and those he didn't need. There were also very few things that could kill one of them either. Silver bullets and religious artefacts were just bullshit lies and superstition told by fanatics. Come to think of it he didn't have a clue where that particular theory had originated from. Probably someone pulling someone's leg, and it had turned into Chinese whispers. The only way to kill one of their kind was by taking the head or heart, but that didn't happen often. He cut off that particular train of thought as it just caused him pain. He had other more pressing matters to attend to at the moment, like claiming his mate. He needed to bind her to him so he could keep his immortality. Not that he was particularly worried over whether he lived or died, no. What concerned him was losing it and never being able to gain the justice and retribution he wanted for his slain family. So maybe being immortal did have some benefits because if he kept it he'd have time. Eternal time, time to hunt down every clue that would lead him to the justice he was desperate for.

  Now he was thinking along the line of mates and young, the immortality may also be the reason that only mates could produce young. Nature's way of population control. Otherwise the world would be overrun with them, and the earth only had so many resources.

  Dropping the thoughts he turned the corner as he came to the end of the tree line and there was the houses. Home sweet home, he thought as he rode into the front garden of the property that would be his home for the time being. He hit the fob that he'd attached to his keys and the garage door rose, allowing him to ride straight inside. Closing it behind him, he switched off the engine, removed the keys and his helmet and dismounted. He then placed his helmet with his spare in the carry case he'd had fitted and unclipped his rucksack and laptop bag. Searching through the keys he found the right one, opening the side door to the house which was conveniently positioned inside the garage. He hadn't looked around the property before he'd signed for the short lease. He didn't particularly care, as this wasn't going to be his permanent residence, he didn't intent to stay that long. He already had several residences based in different cities, and different countries. All he needed for now was somewhere to put his head down while he ran his mate to ground.

  He dropped his bags on the kitchen counter, giving a cursory look around the interior. It had all he needed, somewhere to store, prepare and cook food and a table to sit at. He made his way into the living room and was just passing the front window on his way to the stairs, to check out the bedrooms, when he heard the front door close to her house next door. Walking over to the window he hooked a finger in the curtain so he could see what was going on. Through the gap be saw a tall well-built man amble down the path, dark head lowered and hands thrust into the pockets of his leather jacket. He turned and waved as the door was opened again, smiling at whatever she shouted to him, before it closed again. She being his mate. What the hell was his mate doing with another male in her home? They would be having words over that. A growl rumbled in his chest as he flicked the curtain back into place, but not before he caught the other male look over his shoulder towards him. Yeah, he would be running him to the ground too, no one touched what was his. He'd spent nearly 5-years searching for her, to be pipped at the post by a pup, or whatever the hell he was. He was definitely a shifter of some kind. His eyes had that glow to them as the light from the waning sun had caught them, a definite sign of night vision.

  Jaden turned on his heel and made his way upstairs to check out his sleeping arrangements. He found the master bedroom, neat and tidy with a double bed already made up with clean bedding. The house had had a thorough cleaning, he could still smell the products used. The bathroom opposite it had a large shower cubicle, toilet and sink. That cubicle could come in handy it definitely looked like it would fit more than one inside. The whole house was clean and all traces of the previous occupant had been removed. He next checked the security system and that all the doors and windows locked securely, safety was always something he took seriously. Maybe a little something to eat and a shower would help him settle, before he went next door and frightened the life out of his mate.

  In the kitchen he found the fridge had been stocked, per his request. Hanging his padded leather jacket on the back of the door he took out a steak and other items. He pan cooked it and ate it with some steamed veg, washing it down with a tall glass of ice cold milk. Once he'd washed up and wiped down the cooker top and surfaces, he picked up his bag and went back up the stairs. A shower and change of clothes were next on his agenda. He put away the clothes he had with him, a few pairs of jeans, socks, t-shirts and some sweat pants. Underwear wasn't something he bothered with, one less item to worry about in a shift. His toilet bag went with him into the bathroom, stripping he dropped his dusty clothes on the floor and quickly showered. He padded into the bedroom with a towel slung around his hips as he put his trainers and shoes in the wardrobe with a couple of hoodies he wore around the house. Grabbed a clean pair of jeans, socks and a t-shirt, and dressed again. Slipped his feet into a pair of trainers then picked up his dirty clothes and headed back downstairs. He put his clothes in the washing machine and decided a walk would help further settle him. Maybe check what his mate was up to, so he headed out of the back door, locked up and walked down the garden. He found a gate in the fence and walked through and into the tree line heading, sniffing the air and checking for any other shifters. He'd just jumped into the tree that overhung her garden when someone came around the corner from the front of the houses. Taking a breath he smiled grimly, a rumble started in his chest and his top lip lifted on one corner, un-fucking believable, how dare she.

  Maya had waved Binks off earlier, after he'd dropped of her spare uniform for the coffee shop he ran in town. He was a nice man and had become a good friend. She'd worked for him for the last 5-months, ever since she'd moved back to this part of the country. He was a good looking man, jet black wavy hair he kept short, amber eyes, chiselled features, muscular with a trim waist. The only problem was he did absolutely nothing for her, no spark, nothing. She'd decided early on that they'd be nothing more than friends. Story of her life really, she seemed to find friends but no one she connected with. She'd never settle down at this rate, but he seemed to feel the same way about her. He treated her more like a sister than a single female. Come to think of it, she'd never seen him with a woman, not even flirting with one. Maybe he and Sam were partners in more than just the coffee house. Oh well, to each their own. She was still extremely fo
nd of both of them.

  She was feeling a little antsy now he'd gone. Maybe a run through the woods would help burn off some energy. She'd taken to it doing it the last couple of weeks, being outside amongst the fresh air and trees relaxed her. It also helped her sleep as the recurring nightmares had really begun disturbing her, well them and the voice. If he was here he'd kept quiet since last night so hopefully he'd either make himself known, or he would now leave her alone. She wasn't sure which scenario she preferred, and that was a little unsettling. What was it about him that attracted her? He could be rude and aggressive but she'd also seen a gentler more vulnerable side to him too over the years. Was he the reason she wasn't attracted to anyone else? That truly was a disturbing thought that she'd been pining away for a disembodied voice, someone who may or may not be real. Someone who had told her he'd make her a slave to his body, she actually shivered at the thought of that one. What the hell was wrong with her? She should be screaming and running in the opposite direction, not hoping that he was real.

  Changing into shorts, trainers and a t-shirt, Maya put her hair into a high ponytail and opened and locked the front door. She took off running, noticing that the curtains had moved position in the house next door. The young woman that had been living there hadn’t stayed long, not even long enough for her to learn her name. They'd moved in the new tenant quickly, she'd only moved out the day before last. Letting the thought go, she watched the sun disappear as she headed towards the path that led to the tree-line at the back of her property. She began to relax, enjoying the burn in her muscles as she jogged along at a sedate pace. She loved the feeling of freedom running gave her, the open spaces and the smell of the earth beneath her feet. She'd just gotten into the tree line when she was roughly grabbed from behind. She jolted to a stop and was turned, her body slamming into the solid mass of the chest now before her.


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