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Moon Sworn (The Bound Series Book 1)

Page 8

by JF Holland

  He pushed away from the doorframe and moved in to the room, the jumbled thoughts still cluttering up his head but he ignored them. Leaning down he scooped Maya up, then sat in the chair and placed her back on his knee. She stirred but as he ran a hand up and down her back, she settled against him as he tiredly let his head drop down on the back of the chair. He absently continued stroking her back as he twirled the ends of her hair around a finger with his other hand, his eyes closing. His actions were also beginning to soothe him too. He was mentally and physically exhausted and his mind still in a whirl of confusion, finally it went blank as he allowed sleep to claim him.

  He was sat in some kind of cupboard, his little arms tightly anchored around his knees as he rocked while listening to the fighting going on behind the door. If he moved his head back slightly, he could see them through the crack in the door. Daddy, well that's who mummy had said he was, he'd come to visit again, he did it every few months and each time her skin would itch just before mummy hid her in the cupboard. She heard the whack as skin hit skin and turned her face into her knees, he was hurting mummy again. She wanted to go out and tell him to stop but she couldn’t as mummy always made her pinkie promise before she sprayed her and put her in the cupboard. A pinkie promise couldn't be broken, it was a binding contract, and she had to adhere to it but she so didn't want to. She could hear mummy crying again, the sound hurt her ears and made her chest ache. Mummy was usually such a nice, happy person. She played with her and made her yummy cakes to eat and sang to her as she brushed her long hair. She loved her mummy, but she didn't know him, her daddy, and what she did know she hated, he was a bad man.

  Jaden woke up with a start, he had just had one of Maya's dreams. How come they were so in tune that they could walk in and out of the others head, how was that even possible? Like it or not, he'd have to pay Sam and Binks a visit because there was more going on here than simple mates. Either that or his dad had played it down all the years he'd been growing up. Maybe he'd meant to tell him the truth later on but hadn't had the chance? He cut that particular thought off, running a hand through his hair. He looked down his chest as he heard a light snore and smiled. Maya was stilled curled into him, her fingers now twisted in his t-shirt as if he'd drop her. The idea was preposterous, he'd been aware of her slight weight against him as he'd slept. It was her light, even breathing and stroking her hair that had put him to sleep to begin with.

  He bent forward and ran his nose down the side of her cheek, she sighed and her neck stretched backwards over his arm. It was too tempting to resist, so he nuzzled into it kissing a trail around the full length of the skin she offered and she practically purred in her sleep. He grinned against her pulse as he gave it a lick before sucking it into his mouth and watch her toes curl and had to bite back a laugh as she released her death grip on his t-shirt and stretched her arms over her head. Now that offered him even more, and he shrugged. I mean she was basically pushing them at him, who was he to refuse?

  He kissed down the valley between her breasts and then latched onto one distended nipple, using his only free arm to pinch and roll her other. His other arm was presently behind her neck. He groaned as he realised the only thing between him and her was a very thin t-shirt, she wasn't wearing a bra. He pushed the material up over her breasts to give himself unhindered access. He sucked the tender morsel into his mouth, then using his tongue he pressed it to the roof and she began to wriggle around on his lap. One of her arms dropped from over her head to him to her, as if he was going anywhere. He rolled his eyes at the thought and carried on tormenting the turgid flesh with his mouth teeth, and tongue. Licking her like a lollipop as his other hand began a leisurely stroll down her slightly rounded belly to the top of her sweat pants. His finger tracing the edge before dipping inside. No knickers, she'd been sat in front of the others with no underwear on, none. He just managed to bite back a snarl and gave her a nip in punishment, making her bottom grind into his growing erection as she moved. He groaned around her nipple, then began to suck harder as he moved his hand down her body and over her mound. Stroking over her folds before dipping inside the tight, moist heat they hid. She now began to ride his hand and he groaned again as he slowly began to manoeuver her around, so he could lower her to the rug in front of the chair. He manged it all without removing his hand from her pants, her hips still moving as he made himself at home between her thighs. Leaning on an elbow he latched back onto her nipple while he tried to figure out a logical way of getting inside her while she wore her pants. He was still wearing no shoes so scooted sideways, and using his flexible spine managed to snag a toe in the waistband of her sweatpants, and peeled them down her legs. He was rather impressed with his resourcefulness as they pooled around her feet. He was just going to sit back and take a look at what was revealed when she spoke.

  "Oh Daniel yeah, just there." Jaden froze, her nipple slipping out of his lax mouth as he pulled back and stared at her, eyes slitting as he realised her eyes were wide open. She raised a brow at him, then her eyes lowered and she purposely looked at his right hand that was still busy between her legs. Her cheeks going Scarlet as her eyes lifted to his again, her lips rolling inwards as she bit down on them. A snort came out of her nose before her hand came up to cover her mouth.

  "Daniel, you just called out Daniel?" he looked at her again and realised her eyes were laughing at him.

  "Well as you decided it was okay to get in my pants while I was asleep, I decided it was okay to pretend you were someone else." His eyebrows shot up at this, and it was his turn to blush. Maya was impressed, it also surprised her that a man, cat, Tiddles… whatever the hell he was, could be embarrassed after being on the earth for over 200-years. I mean he was old, man he was ancient.

  Jaden's eyes slit again, his nostrils flaring as he continued to play her body, and she lay there and let him.

  "Oh, I'll give you old, and Tiddles, really?" he asked as he leaned forward and took her mouth in a punishing kiss before putting a little space between them. "I'll show you exactly what an old man is capable of," he said against her mouth, his breath skimming over her tingling lips before he kissed her again. His tongue now in play as he rubbed and twined it with hers as their mouths melded, eating from each other.

  Maya stopped thinking as his tongue slipped into her mouth, her eyes sliding shut as he showed her exactly how much experience he'd gained in his time. He ravaged her mouth and her mind shut down under his talented onslaught. She couldn't grasp a single thought as he showed her exactly what he could do with his mouth as it wrought havoc on her body. She twisted and thrashed beneath him as he continued to kiss her as he played her body like it belonged to him.

  "It does," he told her against her mouth as he moved down her throat. Teasing, nipping kisses as he moved lower, stroking and caressing her skin as he moved further towards his destination. "I'm now going to show you exactly what a cat can do with his tongue," he informed her cockily as he pushed her sweats off her fully and put his mouth against her entrance. Then he drove her completely out of her mind as he sucked, nibbled, stabbed and lathed her femininity until he had to use a hand to hold her still. "Maya, I need you to take a breath," he said against her and then not giving her time to think he pushed 2 fingers deep inside her, pushing straight through her Hyman. At the same time he alternately sucked and flicked at the little bundle of nerves hiding beneath their hood. She flinched, but he continued to torment her with his tongue as he scissored his fingers, trying to stretch her. He kept up his oral assault until she relaxed again, then he slowly began moving back up her body to her mouth. Her eyes blinked open as he now lay between her spread thighs, his amber eyes slumberous as they watched her.

  "I'm sorry, but it seemed like the easiest and least painful way to do it," he apologised. He moved one hand beside her head to hold his weight off her and used the other to push down his sweats. He wrapped a hand around his own dick and used it to guide himself her entrance, being careful not to just thrust. He'd never
taken a virgin before and he hoped to God that he didn't put her off. He wasn't a gentle man by nature, but for her first time he was trying to temper himself and take into account her innocence. He was still a little startled that she'd saved herself for him and pulled back when he heard her snort of disbelief.

  "Vain much?" she asked and then hissed as he pushed forward breaching her the head of his dick now within her tight heat. He grit his teeth as his eyes held hers captive.

  "No, honest," he ground out on a groan as he gave a push with his hips, seating himself fully before he began to move within her. Gentle thrusts until she got used to him. Her bottom lip was calling him as she bit down on it, bruising the soft flesh with the abuse and he lowered his head and kissed her again. Sucking her bottom lip into his mouth and running his tongue over it to ease the sting she'd caused. He used his spare hand to pull her thighs up and around his waist, as he picked up the pace, pulling back to watch her face to check she was okay.

  "Sheesh, I'm not made of glass, move." She said nipping his chin and digging her nails into his backside before rotating her hips on him. Jaden growled low in his throat and then gave her a wicked grin as altered his angle, pulling one leg over his shoulder as he sat back on his heels. This gave him room to move, and he pressed his thumb against that bundle of nerves as he continued to move in and out of her body. Watching her chest rise and fall more quickly now, then came a little hitch in her breath as her head fell back and she undulated on him. The rhythmic squeezing of her muscles pulled him over with her and his own head went back, neck muscles straining as he emptied himself within her, then collapsed. He managed to shove himself sideways, rolling her with him so he didn't crush her with his weight. His breathing erratic and his leg muscles quaking.

  "Fuck me," he managed to grunt out.

  "Yep, I think I just did," and he laughed the sound rumbling from his chest as he pulled her over him and ran a hand up and down her back.

  "I could get used to this mate thing," he said against her hair as he slung an arm over his eyes.

  "Hmm, why?" she asked sleepily.

  "The orgasms are more intense" he told her trying to put his finger on what was different. I mean he'd screwed a lot of women over the years. He felt her stiffen and her head came up eyes slit and brow raised.

  "Really, you want to go there, now?" Jaden rubbed his arm over his eyes in frustration.

  "Shit, I keep forgetting you can pluck things out of my head. I wasn't comparing you to anyone I was trying to get my head around what's different about it. It is different, more intense, then again it will get better. Well, once you accept and become bound to me, we can actually produce sperm then and not just ejaculate." She lifted her head again.


  "I don't have all the facts Maya, nowhere near enough. I've spent too long on my own, there are certain things I remember dad telling me but not everything. The one thing I do remember him telling me was shifters can't produce young with anyone but a mate, it stops over population. The other was the way the body works, once bound that is. This," he told her picking her hand up and rubbing his thumb along her mate mark and then showing her his own. "These become complete, and fade to look more like an old henna tattoo, I suppose is the only way to explain how they'll look. The males will always be darker than the females though and once that happens it releases the sperm." He frowned at that "I have no idea why but a male's body doesn't produce sperm until he finds a mate, and is bound, everything works but that." Then he tried to blank his mind.

  "Really," she smirked looking at him, her hands resting under her chin, mischief evident in her sparkling eyes. Also the huge grin she was presently wearing was a dead give-away. "So you can't get it up once your mate is of age, for anyone but her. Interesting, what about afterwards?" Jaden desperately tried to keep her out of his head but he was tired and sated and completely useless at it. All of a sudden she'd pushed herself up and off him.

  "Arsehole, you are a complete arsehole," she spat as she made for the doorway and he managed to push himself up and try to follow her. Not an easy feet with his pants around his ankles.

  "Maya, come on be reasonable," he said approaching her as he tried to pull his pants up.

  "Reasonable, you planned on bedding me for a while to get it out of your system, then move on screwing anything in your path. Yeah, fuck you Jaden." She wasn't in her own home but it was the same layout so she took the stairs two at a time, too wound up to worry over being naked from the waist down. She tugged her t-shirt down to cover her boobs and made her way into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. He was a complete dick-head, an absolute wanker, and she wanted her head feeling for letting him inside her body. He was an animal, in more ways than one. He planned spreading it around once he'd had his fill, leaving her in the lurch once she'd gotten used to him. Well okay then, what was good for the goose was good for the gander, she could deal. I mean she had no real tie to him, she didn't have to accept the bonding she could walk away. Let's see how much he enjoyed those blue balls when he couldn’t get it up for anyone else.

  Turning on the shower she stepped inside and threw her t-shirt over the top as she began to scrub her body. Her nose wrinkling at the overpowering scent of the shower gel, at least it would get rid of his scent that was presently all over her.

  Jaden watched her disappear up the stairs, slamming his hand into the door frame.

  "Fuck," he spat. This mate thing and being able to get in and out of each other's head was a little problematic. How the hell was he meant to keep anything from her when she could just traipse through his head and pull his thoughts out whenever it struck? How did the others handle it? He didn't remember any tension between his parents. His mother was a quiet, loving, biddable woman, what the hell was wrong with his mate? Why had he thought having a mate with a little fire could be fun? He obviously wanted his head examined, maybe he should just go up there and lay down the law. He heard a snort in his head and growled.

  'Maya, if you don't like my thoughts, stay the fuck out of my head.' He snarled, showing her a mental picture of a she-cat with horns, and she threw him back an image of him with a flaccid dick and his balls swollen and dark blue. He slapped the door frame and went for the stairs, and in his agitation he leapt up them - a couple of stairs at a time. Storming down the landing he made his way to the bathroom and turned the handle, rattling it in annoyance when he found it locked, oh no she didn't. She was not locking him out of his own bathroom and her body, she was his. She had been given to him by a higher power, he'd bloody earned it after going nearly 5-years without. He was hard as steel again and his cat side made itself known demanding he make his mate submit, he was fed up enough to let him have his way.

  "Not happening baby, I hope you're ready because I'm coming in," he growled as he rammed his shoulder into the door and nearly took it off its hinges. Maya squawked in the shower as the bathroom door hit the wall, she tried to cover herself and turn off the water at the same time.

  "Now don't be doing that, I need cleaning too," he told her on a smirk as he began to strip. He dropped her too small sweat pants and stepped out of them and pulled his t-shirt over his head and then blocked the doorway of the shower cubicle as she went to get out.

  "Move," she hissed, one arm covering her breasts as she stood with her legs crossed trying to hide her sex from him as she pushed her wet hair out of her eyes at the same time.

  "Oh I intend to," he told her as he pushed her back inside with a hand on her chest and climbed in after her. Reaching out he turned on the water again, making her yelp as the cold water hit her first, but Jaden just laughed as he picked her up and held her against the wall. Her feet dangling in mid-air as he was over 6-feet and she was only just over 5-feet.

  "What the hell are you doing?" she sputtered as she wriggled trying to get her feet to touch the floor but he just grinned again as he nudged her legs apart. She wrapped hers around his waist for leverage digging her toes into the backs of his thigh
s to stop herself from falling as she grabbed onto his shoulders and tried to climb down.

  "Ah, ah, ah," he told her as he lifted her slightly and slammed home. She hissed at the invasion of her body, her back slamming into the cold tiled wall behind her with the force he used.

  "You can't do this, I'm pissed off at you, get the fuck off me. I swear I will scream the house down," she threatened. Jaden didn't like the thought that he was maybe forcing this on her, that she didn't actually want him, the thought of taking what wasn't offered freely actually made bile rise in his throat. He may enjoy sex but it was always consensual, the thought of anything else was abhorrent and her thinking that about him didn't sit well. He went to pull out, put her down and back off, but she adjusted her legs to get a better grip on him and he heard her sigh. Her head coming to rest under his chin and he heard her heart beat pick up, he was unsure what to do next so he listened to her thoughts. She didn't feel threatened by him, she was just pissed off with him, but he'd already known that. He'd never meant for her to hear his thoughts or be hurt her by them, to be honest he wasn't used to having to guard his thoughts from anyone. He couldn't bring himself to apologise for them though either, it just wasn't in his nature so she was just going to have to learn to deal with him, bad manners and all. He was what he was, and he would not justify his thoughts to her or anyone else. This mate thing had been shoved on him too, and he was going to have to adjust to her as well. Logically he knew it wasn't her fault that she was not what he'd expected, and yes while a nice malleable woman would be easy, he knew for a fact that he'd be bored with her within weeks if she was. Maya, she wasn't that though, even after everything she'd been through she gave as good as she got. She was dangerous to his peace of mind because she stimulated his mind and kept him on his toes - and that plain scared the shit out of him. He would need time to adjust to the situation now he'd found her and learn to take another's feelings into account but it would take time. He was moody and bad tempered but that was just him, he'd been on his own for too long to be any other way, but now he needed to learn to mix, and to talk. He needed to find answers, someone was out for his mate and he needed to find out why? And while her being killed would solve the binding issue and all it entailed, he didn't want that solution. He found he rather liked having her around, so someone had better have answers to his questions, he needed to learn more about their kind. In the meantime though his cat was edgy, someone had threatened his mate too, and he had an excess of energy but he couldn't run because he couldn't afford to leave her without protection. So she was going to have to deal with his moody arse and find another way to appease both man and cat until they could figure out this mess. Until then he was sticking to her like glue, a hand in a glove, and talking of gloves, he savoured the fit of her body, and rotated his hips. He needed Maya back to giving him shit, he needed her passion and her fire.


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