Dogfight: How Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Revolution
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ABC television network
adrenaline, patent on
airplane pilots
All Things D conference
Alsop, Stewart, Jr.; Kindle; 1-Click buying method of
AMC cable network
Amelio, Gil
America Online (AOL)
Andreessen, Marc
Android phones; advantages over iPhone; Apple’s lawsuits against makers of; Apple’s lawsuit against Samsung over; app store for; Brin’s suggestion for; demo video of; design update for; development of; Dream prototype of; Droid; flexibility of; given to Google employees; Google applications on; Google’s acquisition of; and Google’s making of consumer electronics from scratch; Internet and; iPhone unveiling and; iTunes and; Java and; Jobs and; Jobs’s attacks against; Jobs’s demand of removal of features from; Jobs’s meeting with Google executives on; keyboard on; launch of; Motorola and; Nexus; number of models of; number of people on team for; Page and Schmidt’s differing visions on; Page’s suggestion for; profitability of; rise in popularity of; rumors about development of; secrecy surrounding development of; separateness and tension between Google and; software for; Sooner prototype of; switching from iPhone to; and syncing to computer; and syncing to servers; T-Mobile and; T-Mobile G1; touchscreen on; unlocking feature on; unveiling of; Verizon and; ways to download content on; wireless carriers and; YouTube on
Angry Birds
Apple; in ad sales business; Advanced Technology Group at; advertising of; Android phone makers sued by; antitrust case against; AT&T’s contract with; boards of directors and advisers intertwined with Google; Cingular’s deal with; closed-platform approach of; Facebook and; Fadell’s joining of; Google’s battle with; Google’s partnership with; growth of; iAd; iBooks; iChat; iMac; Internet radio service of; iOS platform of; iPad, see iPad; iPhone, see iPhone; iPod, see iPod; iTunes, see iTunes; Jobs-less era at; Jobs’s return to; Macintosh; Maps; Microsoft as enemy of; Microsoft sued by; Motorola and; Newton handheld computer; Open Handset Alliance and; platform of; politics at; profits of; Quattro Wireless acquired by; Samsung sued by; Schmidt on board of directors of; SEC and; size of computing platform compared with Microsoft; slide-to-unlock feature of; speculation about tablet development at; stock price of; sweatshop labor criticisms of; T-Mobile and; TV; as wireless carrier
Apple OS X; iPhone and
apps; for Android devices; iTunes store; makers of
Arrested Development
AT&T; Apple’s contract with; connection problems of; customer dissatisfaction with; GO Corp. and; iPhone and; Microsoft and; Open Handset Alliance and
Atkinson, Bill
Atom Films
Auletta, Ken
Ballmer, Steve; and Google’s hiring of engineers away from Microsoft
baseball players
Beard, Ethan
Bell, Alexander Graham
Bell, Mike
Bell Atlantic
Benchmark Capital
Benton, Dan
Bessen, James
Best Buy
Beust, Cedric
BlackBerry; Storm
Bloomberg Businessweek magazine
books; digitization of; downloadable; see also e-books and -readers
Borchers, Bob; iPhone development and; in iPhone instructional video; iPhone unveiling and; iPod and; Jobs and
Bowen, Gordon
Branch, John
Brin, Sergey; at Android launch; Android suggestion of; car of; iPhone of; Jobs and; telephones and
Bronfman, Edgar
Brooks, James L.
Brown, John Seely
Bucher, Tim
Burning Love
Burton, Tim
Business Insider
Business 2.0
Caballero, Ruben
Calveley, Peter
Campbell, Bill
capacitive touch technology, see touchscreens
Carey, Chase
Carr, David
Carr, Robert
Carter, Troy
CBS television network
cell phones; bandwidth of; carriers for, see wireless carriers; chips for; lack of standardization of; Motorola’s invention of; music on; processor chips in; sales of; software industry for; switch to smartphones from; see also smartphones
Chan, Wesley
Chatterjee, Shuvo
Christie, Greg
Chrome software by Google
Chrome Pixel
Cingular; Apple’s deal with; Rokr and
Columbus initiative
computers, personal; cost of; desktop; iPad and; laptop, see laptops; mainstreaming of; sales of; tablet, see tablets
Condé Nast
Consumer Electronics Show
content distribution engines
convergence; on iPad; mergers and; Microsoft and; television and
Cook, Tim; on Apple v. Samsung verdict
Creative Artists Agency (CAA)
CSR plc
Cue, Eddy; iPad and
Curtiss, Glenn H.
Dadich, Scott
Daily Show, The
Danger, Inc.
Dashboard by Apple
Dell, Michael
DeSalvo, Chris; iPhone unveiling and
desktop computers
Diamond v. Diehr
Digital Equipment
Diller, Barry
Discovery Channel
Doerr, John
Doll, Evan
Doren, Kevin
Duarte, Matias
e-books and -readers; Brightline; iBooks; iPad; Kindle
Economist, The, magazine
Eisner, Michael
Ellison, Larry
Emanuel, Ari
entertainment industry: Silicon Valley and; see also movies; music; television
EO tablet computer
Eustace, Alan
Evo 4G by HTC
Facebook; iPhone and
Fadell, Tony; Apple joined by; Forstall and; Forstall compared with; iPod and; Jobs and; Nest company of
Fiore, Mark
Firefox Internet browser
Flash by Adobe
flight control
Ford, Henry
Forstall, Scott; in Apple v. Samsung trial; Fadell and; Fadell compared with; Grignon and; iPad and; Jobs and; in meeting with Jobs and Google executives on Android; stomach ailment of
Fortune magazine
Fortune 500 companies
Fox network
Galaxy smartphone
Game of Thrones
Ganatra, Nitin
Gates, Bill; convergence and; and Google’s hiring of engineers away from Microsoft; iPad and; iPhone and; Jobs and;
Macintosh and; tablets and
General Magic
General Motors (GM)
GO Corp.
Google: ads; Android acquired by; Android phones of, see Android phones; as antitrust target; Apple’s battle with; Apple’s partnership with; and Apple v. Samsung; boards of directors and advisers intertwined with Apple; book digitization and; bus fleet of; business model of; campus of; cars banned by; Chrome; Chromecast; Chrome Pixel; cloud of; companies purchased by; competing projects at; consumer electronics made from scratch by; culture of; deadlines and; “don’t be evil” mantra of; DoubleClick purchased by; engineers at; engineers hired away from Microsoft by; Glass; GrandCentral Communication acquired by; Gundotra at; information sharing at; iPhone and; Jobs’s attacks against; Jobs’s threat of patent-infringement lawsuit against; Maps, see Google Maps; marketing and; Microsoft and; Microsoft Office substitutes; Motorola purchased by; News; Nexus, see Nexus; Now; number of projects at; Open Handset Alliance of; open-platform approach of; Oracle v. Google trial; platform of; Play store; Plus; politics at; profits of; rumors about phone development at; Samsung’s relationship with; Schmidt’s role at; search, see Google search; separateness and tension between Android team and; smartphone applications; stock price of; telecom industry and; unused voice and data transmission lines purchased by; venture capitalists and; Verizon and; Viacom and; Voice; voice search; wireless carriers and; Yahoo! and; YouTube, see YouTube
Google Maps; Android and; on iPhone; raw data from
Google search; Android and; on iPhone; on Sidekick
Go On
Gore, Al
gorilla glass
Gosling, James
Gould, Gordon
GrandCentral Communication
graphical user interface
Gray, Elisha
Grignon, Andy; career of; competitive streak of; on Forstall and Fadell; iPhone development and; iPhone launch and; Jobs and
Guardian, The, newspaper
Gumstix boards
Gundotra, Vic; at Google; Google Voice and; Jobs and; at Microsoft
Hand, Learned
Hawkins, Jeff
Heinen, Nancy
Hertzfeld, Andy
Hewitt, Joe
Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Horowitz, Ben
Horowitz, Steve
Hotelling, Steve
House of Cards
Howe, Elias, Jr.
HTC; Apple’s lawsuit against; Evo 4G; Microsoft and; Nexus; One & Co. acquired by; in Open Handset Alliance; Sense; T-Mobile G1
Huppi, Brian
Hurwitz, Mitchell
Ingle, Laura
Intel; Microsoft and
Internet; Android and; Apple’s radio service; broadband; bubble; smartphones and
Internet browsers; Chrome; Mosaic; Netscape
In the Plex (Levy)
iOS software by Apple
iPad; and Apple v. Samsung; convergence of media on; cost of marketing; criticisms of; development of; e-books on; HBO GO; Hewitt on; iPhone and; Jobs’s unveiling of; laptops and; magazines and newspapers and; mainstreaming of; as media consumption device; mini; navigation on; personal computer business and; price of; public reaction to; as revolutionary product; sales of; screen size of; slide-to-unlock feature on; start-up companies sparked by; sweatshop labor in making of; television and; touchscreen on; user expectations of
iPhone; advertisements for; amount spent on development of; Android phones’ advantages over; Android Sooner phone compared with; antennas on; appearance of; and Apple v. Samsung; app store for; AT&T and; Bell and; Bing on; boot loader for; Borchers and; brushed aluminum model of; connection problems of; cost of marketing; development of; dominance of; Facebook and; Forstall/Fadell war and; Google and; Google Maps on; Google search on; Google Voice and; Grignon and; hype surrounding; improvements to; iPad and; and Jobs’s demand of removal of features from Android; and Jobs’s reluctance to build phone; Jobs’s unveiling of; Jobs’s vision for; launch of; limitations and flaws of; mass production of; memory in; model 3G; model 3GS; model 4; model 4S; model 5; movie viewing on; OS X and; patents on features of; preparation for launch of; price of; problems with prototypes of; profitability of; prototypes of; radios in; as revolutionary; sales of; screen material for; screen orientation of; screen size of; secrecy surrounding development of; Siri in; size of; slide-to-unlock feature on; sweatshop labor in making of; switching from Android to; touchscreen on; 2G network for; Verizon and; YouTube on
iPod; Borchers and; Fadell and; iTunes and; mini; Motorola and; nano; sales of; shuffle; success of; Touch
Isaacson, Walter
iTunes; Android and; app store; bookstore; iPod and; monopoly power of; Motorola and; Nexus 7 and; non-Apple devices and; 1-Click buying method and; syncing to computer
Ive, Jony; iPad and
Java programming language
Jha, Sanjay
Jobs, Steve; Android and; Apple advertising and; Apple-Google partnership and; Apple investors and; Apple’s closed-platform approach and; AT&T and; Borchers and; Brin and; Bucher and; cancer of; and challenge to Apple’s dominance; credit for innovations taken by; death of; and decision to build phone; entertainment industry and; Fadell and; Flipboard and; Forstall and; Gates and; Google and Android attacked by; Google Voice and; Grignon and; Gundotra and; iconic status of; inner circle of; iPad development and; and iPad’s impact on industry; iPad unveiled by; iPhone antennas and; iPhone as envisioned by; iPhone development and; iPhone 4 and; and iPhone-Google partnership; iPhone instructional video and; iPhone unveiled by; liver transplant of; in meeting with Google executives on Android; Page and; patent-infringement lawsuit threatened against Google by; patents and; product announcements of; return to Apple; Rokr and; Rubin and; Schmidt and; and secrecy surrounding iPhone development; technology as viewed by; Verizon and; wireless carriers as viewed by
journalism; magazines, see magazines; newspapers
Junipero Serra Freeway
Justice Department, U.S.
Kamangar, Salar
Kaplan, Jerry
Kay, Alan
Kearney, Phil
Kessler, Eric
Kleiner Perkins
Koh, Lucy
Kordestani, Omid
Lady Gaga
laptops; Chromebook Pixel; iPad and; netbooks; price of
Laser: The Inventor, the Nobel Laureate, and the Thirty-Year Patent War (Taylor)
Lee, Bob
Lemley, Mark
Leopard version of Apple’s OS X
Levinson, Arthur
Levy, Steven
LG; Voyager
Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus 1-2-3
Lynton, Michael
Mac mini
Macworld; Jobs’s unveiling of iPhone at
magazines; Atavist
Malone, John
Mansfield, Bob
Markoff, John
Marvell Electronics
McCann advertising agency
McCue, Mike
McElhinny, Harold
media; books, see books; convergence and, see convergence; magazines, see magazines; movies, see movies; music, see music; newspapers; television, see television
Media Rights Capital
Microsoft; antitrust trial against; Apple as enemy of; Apple’s lawsuit against; convergence and; decline in relevance of; DOS; Google and; and
Google as antitrust target; Google’s hiring of engineers at; Gundotra at; HTC and; Intel and; Internet Explorer; iPad and; media holdings of; Netscape vs.; Office; Open Handset Alliance and; size of computing platform compared with Apple; Surface; tablets; telecom investments of; Tellme Networks acquired by
Microsoft Windows; Macintosh and; on smartphones; on tablets
Miller, Andy
mobile phones, see cell phones
Monday Night Football
Moonves, Les
Mosaic Internet browser
Moss, Tom
Mossberg, Walt
Mossoff, Adam
Motorola; Android and; Apple and; Apple’s lawsuit against; Google’s acquisition of; iPod and; iTunes and; patents of; Razr; Rokr and
movies; Facebook and; Netflix and, see Netflix; television as threat to industry; watching on iPhone and iPad
multitouch technology, see touchscreens
music; iPod and, see iPod; iTunes and, see iTunes; piracy and
National Football League (NFL)
NBC television network
NCR 3125
Netflix; House of Cards
New Girl
News Corp.
Newsweek magazine
Newton handheld computer
New York Times, The
Nexus smartphone; One; Q
Nino PDA by Philips
Nokia; N-Gage; Open Handset Alliance and
One & Co.
Open Handset Alliance (OHA)
Orlando Project
O’Shaughnessy, Brian
Otellini, Paul
Outside magazine
Page, Larry; Android as viewed by; at Android launch; Android suggestion of; car of; at conference; iPhone of; Jobs and; limelight avoided by; telephones and
painting on a tablet
Palm; Open Handset Alliance and; PalmPilot; Treo
Paramount Pictures
Parker, Sean
Parker, Trey
patent lawsuits; Apple v. Samsung; Bell v. Gray; Gould v. Townes; Singer v. Howe; Wright brothers v. Curtiss
patent pool
patents; on adrenaline; on’s 1-Click buying method; on Apple’s slide-to-unlock feature; on drugs; on flight control; on iPhone features; Jobs and; on laser; Motorola; number of applications for; on rubber molding; searching database for; on sewing machine; on software; and speed of technology advances; on telephone