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Seducing Her Beast

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by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2012 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-200-5

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Unlikely Love, 4

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  12 years after the events of

  Blackmailed by the Beast

  Lily Brown sprinkled over the last of the grated chocolate then placed the glasses of white chocolate mousse on the tray. She loved the small dinner parties she presented, which Wayne willingly attended. They were for his friends and their wives, which made everything perfect. Richard and Tony were always welcome, and so were Scarlet and Opal. She had never thought there would be so much love in her life. In the early days with Wayne she’d had her doubts. Now, she felt so much for her husband she didn’t know how she’d ever survive without him.

  They had three beautiful children, and one of them was almost a teenager. But Lily didn’t mind, and the love between her and her husband could set fire to the coldest of climates. She blushed remembering the way he’d taken her over his knee and spanked her ass several nights ago. Lily had never thought a spanking could be so erotic. She could never ask for him to slap her ass, but she craved the punishment. They were exploring some kinky stuff. At least it was kinky to her. Wayne did things to her body that left her raw and aroused for days afterwards. He was the best part of her life.

  She glanced around her kitchen at the twinkling Christmas lights she’d placed over the shelves. Christmas was a wonderful time of year. The tree was already decorated in the corner in the sitting room. Presents had been purchased and stored for wrapping later. The excitement was already building inside of her. She couldn’t wait to collect the gift she’d found for Wayne.

  Opening the kitchen door with her butt she turned to see the room had gone quiet. Wayne smiled at her as she placed the tray down.

  “You’re one fabulous cook, Lily,” Richard said.

  “Thank you.” She gave everyone their glass of mousse. Her husband caught her hand, kissing the inside of her wrist. She shivered from the electricity of his touch. It was always like this with him. However, she knew there was something on his mind. There was a withdrawal inside him. His eyes no longer sparkled as they looked at her. She knew he was thinking of something. Over the years in business he’d been named the “Beast” because of his harsh business ways. She pulled away to sit beside him. The conversation started up once again.

  “What are you all doing for Christmas?” Wayne asked.

  “We’re staying home. We’re going to enjoy the snow this year. Scarlet hates going abroad to the sunshine,” Richard said.

  “I don’t like barbeque for Christmas. I want a turkey.” Scarlet smiled at her husband.

  “I’m taking Opal to the cabin for the week. Christmas and snow with only ourselves for company,” Tony said. Lily watched the other man capture Opal’s cheek and kiss her deeply. The love between the two could not be mistaken for anything other than pure love.

  “Eww, guys, she’s still my sister,” Richard said, turning away and covering his eyes.

  “She’s my wife.” Tony kissed his woman one more time then pulled away.

  Lily chuckled then took a spoonful of mousse. She noticed Wayne swirled his spoon in the white mouse but didn’t take a bite. Her heart began to pound inside her chest. What could be on his mind? She leaned over and took his hand.

  He glanced at her waiting for her to respond.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine. This is delicious.” He gave her a smile then began talking to Richard. She didn’t mention about him not tasting the mousse. Lily wasn’t stupid. She knew there was something else going on. While the men left the room Lily cleaned away the plates, declining help from Scarlet and Opal.

  They were sweet to offer help, but she needed to do something with her hands. She knew they followed her into the kitchen. Slowly, to make sure she didn’t break anything, she loaded up the dishwasher. Anything that couldn’t go in the dishwasher she placed in the sink.

  “Are you all right?” Scarlet asked.

  Lily chuckled then stood up to face the other two women. She took a breath then stared past their shoulders to the opposite wall. It was amazing how quickly life could change. She’d been so happy in her own little world while sprinkling the chocolate that she’d forgotten about Wayne’s detachment.

  He still made love to her, but everything else was in question.

  “I don’t know. Wayne’s been distant for a little time. I try to talk to him. He cuts me off. There must be something there, or otherwise you wouldn’t have noticed.” Lily felt the tears filling her eyes. She fought with all of her might to keep them down. Wayne was her only lover, and she didn’t know what was required of her in a situation like this.

  “I’m sure he’ll talk to you about it,” Opal said.

  She smiled at the two women even as doubts filled her mind. No one knew Wayne like she did. He’d opened up to her about so much, and yet she felt so alone right now. She twirled her wedding band with her hands in the soapy water.

  The other two began to talk. She smiled, nodding her head when necessary. Her heart ached with the pain of something she knew was about to happen. She knew she couldn’t talk to her father. There was no one. Wayne had been her everything.

  She took a deep breath every few minutes when no one was looking. The air helped to clear her mind. It was Christmas, and miracles were supposed to happen during this time of year. She laughed when Opal told a joke. They were really good friends. She glanced towards the door that led through to where Wayne sat with his two friends.

  Had the love he felt run its course? She knew her figure hadn’t miraculously shrunk over the years. Lily had given birth to three children, and there was no way her body would ever be thin again. She’d always been curvy, which had seemed to drive Wayne crazy with wanting her.

  Did he want a younger model? A thinner model?

  She wasn’t a spry twenty-one-year-old woman anymore. He’d promised to love her forever. Forever wasn’t looking all that long. He didn’t want any more children either.

  All she could do was wait to find out.


  Wayne poured a generous shot of whisky into a glass. He added some ice then took a seat across from the roaring fire. Tony and Richard did the same, only they were laughing about their wives. He contemplated his problems by staring into the flames. For the last few months he hadn’t been able to get over the guilt of what he’d done. When Lily was twenty-one he’d blackmailed her into marriage. Before long she’d fallen for him, and they’d had three beautiful children together. He loved her with his whole heart. There was nothing in this world that he wanted more than her happiness.

  His problem was he wondered if he was the one responsible for her unhappiness. She had a killer voice. There were many nights he’d listened to her sing the children to sleep or sing while cooking. If she’d let him help her, she would have experienced an amazing singing career. He’d taken that all away from her when she found out she was pregnant. Wayne knew she hadn’t wanted a singing career
at the time, but what if her feelings had changed?

  When he’d first seen her over twelve years ago he’d wanted her so badly.


  Because he’d seen what he wanted and done everything within his power to get her. She loved him, and he knew that. But what if she could have a whole lot more happiness without him there? He didn’t know why he was feeling this way, only that the feelings were not going away.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Richard asked.


  “We’ve been talking about the gifts we’re getting our women, and you’re staring off into space. What gives?” Richard sat down next to him. Both of his friends had their whole attention on him.

  “Do you guys remember when I first married Lily?” They both nodded. “I didn’t give her any time to be herself. She was young and didn’t deserve what I’d demanded of her.”

  “I don’t understand,” Tony said. “You loved Lily. Why do I feel you’re going to let her go?”

  Wayne ran his fingers through his hair then looked into his glass at the dark liquid. “I’m starting to think it might be best.”

  There was silence after his admission.

  Richard began laughing. A mocking, annoying laugh that made Wayne angry.

  “I’m older than she. She’s got her whole life ahead of her. There is so much she deserves that I can’t give her.” Wayne knew he was making excuses for his behaviour.

  “So, while Tony and I are thinking of gifts along the jewellery and pampering section for Christmas, you’re going to slap a divorce on Lily? What is it going to say? ‘Sorry I’ve made you have my children and love me, but I can’t handle what I did, so I’m going to cut and run?’” Richard asked.

  “It’s not going to be like that.”

  “No, then what the hell are you going to do?” Tony asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “All this fucking doubt should have gone through your mind before you decided to go through with that fucking contract you told me to get her to sign. You wanted her so badly back then. What’s changed?” Richard got to his feet. The anger in his voice couldn’t be disguised.

  “I’ve changed. I don’t want her to wake up in her fifties and hating my guts.” Wayne slammed the glass down glaring at Richard.

  “As opposed to doing it in her thirties?” Tony asked.

  There was a knock on the door cutting off any more discussion. Lily popped her head round the door. “Sorry to interrupt. Opal and Scarlet are ready to go home.”

  Wayne ignored their glares and helped Lily escort them out to their cars. He touched her shoulders squeezing her muscles. Whenever she was close by he couldn’t do anything else but touch her. She touched his hands, her heat penetrating his body making him think of taking her to bed and making love to her.

  The need burned inside him. He knew he wouldn’t be able to resist her once he got her into their room. His cock pulsed, the tip leaking out his pre-cum. She was a temptation he couldn’t resist.

  They both waved them goodbye before walking back inside the house.

  “I’m going to go up to bed,” she said.

  “Okay, I’m going to close up the house. Wait up for me.” He kissed her on the neck then watched her ass sway as she walked up the stairs. Her ass was his.

  Wayne shut off the rooms, switching off the lights and locking up the doors. He then made his way up to his room. Lily stood in front of the mirror brushing her hair. She wore a black lace negligee that made her tits spill over the top. Her figure made him hotter than ever before. He remembered buying her the negligee. The lace curved in at the waist then pressed out over her luscious hips and full, tempting ass.

  The fabric of his pants became uncomfortable as all the blood went straight to his cock. He wanted to be inside her body. The thought of the grip of her cunt wrapped around his shaft was what drove him to pull his shirt off his body. He walked the short distance to where she stood brushing her hair.

  He took the brush out of her hands running his finger though the silky length of her hair. Wayne pressed his face against her hair inhaling every bit of scent from her.

  “Wayne?” she asked. He knew she wanted him to talk to her. What he had to say she wouldn’t want to hear. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to even consider giving her her freedom. The love he felt for her had only gotten stronger over the years. He loved her with all of his heart.

  The pain at the force he’d used at the time was killing him.

  He cut off any thought and covered her mouth with a finger, signalling for her to be quiet. “No words tonight. I only want you to feel what I can do to you.” He kissed her neck feeling her whole body shake from his touch. She was always so responsive to him.

  The straps of the negligee were in his way. He’d bought the negligee with the intention of taking it off. Wayne pushed the straps down her arms watching in the mirror as her tits popped free. They were large and filled his hands so well. The nipples were dark. He loved sucking on her breasts, and he loved watching them swing in front of him as she rode his cock.

  When she was in his arms Wayne had no idea how he’d ever be able to let her go.

  Chapter Two

  Lily watched him cup her breasts, his fingers tweaking her nipples. She moaned as the slight pain went straight to her clit. Her pussy was wet with her cream. She cried out as his teeth sank into the curve of her neck. Goose-bumps erupted on her arms. He always had the ability to drive her crazy with need.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He nibbled her neck going down to her shoulder, and then he spun her around to face him. She pulled at the belt of his pants. Wayne pushed the negligee down off her waist until it fell in a heap on the floor. He moved her hands aside to finish the removal of his pants. She watched his long thick erection spring free from the tight confines of his pants. He kicked the clothes aside before grabbing her arms and pulling her close.

  His naked body rubbed against hers. The pleasure set her on fire as he leaned down taking her lips with his. His tongue pressed inside her mouth seeking entry. Lily gave him everything. Her arms went up around his neck. Her breasts were flush against his hard, masculine chest.

  She would have felt too exposed with her naked body, but Wayne made her feel comfortable in her own skin.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too.” Lily didn’t want to think about anything else. She was in his arms. The pain and heartache she’d deal with later. Together, they’d fight whatever demons he faced.

  Lily ran her hands down his body cupping his cock in her fist. He growled breaking the contact of their lips. “You’re playing with fire,” he said with a warning.

  She smiled at him then sank down to her knees. “I love playing with fire.” He hissed when she flicked the tip of his cock with her tongue. His salty essence coated her tongue, making her want more. She loved sucking his cock and watching him lose control. There was something empowering about seeing a man lose his edge. In the bedroom they were equals on the battlefield. Whatever Wayne did to her body, she could do to his.

  “Fuck.” He cursed the moment she took the head of his penis into her mouth. She gazed up his body to see his eyes on her. His hand began stroking the hair on her head as she licked the tip of his cock, taking every drop of pre-cum as it leaked out. His fingers tightened when she took more of him into her mouth.

  “Do you like sucking my cock?” he asked.

  She mumbled around his cock in her mouth, knowing the vibrations would turn him on.

  He cursed some more, pumping his hips in time to her sinking onto his cock. Wayne’s cock filled her mouth. He was so large she always felt overwhelmed when she sucked on him.

  “Fuck, you get better and better each time.” He pulled on her hair making her stop. She let his length go with a plop sound.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to fuck your mouth, baby. I want you.” Wayne picked her up from the floor then walk
ed her back towards the bed. His gaze made it hard for her to look away. She stared at him as he pushed her down on the mattress. Lily moved up the bed until her head rested against the pillows. “I’m going to feast on you. There is not going to be an inch of this body I haven’t tasted.”

  Wayne opened her legs then pressed his stiff cock against her pussy. She moaned as the thick shaft rubbed on her sensitive clit.

  “After all this time you’re still responsive?”

  “I’m your woman, Wayne. Forever. I don’t want anyone else.” She cupped his cheek staring into his eyes and hoping he’d talk to her. Lily knew she wasn’t going anywhere. Wayne kissed her lips not saying another word. She submitted to him. There was nothing else she could do. She loved him so completely.

  He moved down her body to her breasts, and his tongue worked the tip, lathering her nipples. She cried out when his teeth sank into the tender flesh.

  “I love your tits,” he said, then did the same to the next nipple. Her tummy tightened from the pleasure of his touch. Her clitoris felt large where he rubbed his cock along her slit.

  She ran her fingers through his hair. There was still some grey at the temples, which she loved. It showed his maturity.

  He kissed down to her belly. She smiled as he spent time placing little kisses all over her tummy.

  Then he moved down opening her thighs wide. “You have such a pretty pussy.” She went onto her elbows to watch what he did. They were so connected. She felt comfortable watching him make love to her body.

  She watched him open her pussy with his thumbs. He stared down at her slit, his tongue peeking out to lick his lips as he looked. She knew she was dripping wet. His gaze and his body sent her closer to the edge without any real touch. Her fingers tightened in the fabric of the sheets as he circled her clit. She tried to watch every flick of his tongue. The pleasure coursing through her body made it harder to keep her eyes open.


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