Seducing Her Beast

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Seducing Her Beast Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You know what I’m doing.” She folded her arms over her breasts.

  He stood in front of her then he pushed the jacket she wore to the floor. Wayne ran his hands from her back down to her ass. He squeezed the plump flesh, relishing her squeal of delight.

  One squeeze and his glance was all it took before she began clawing at his clothes. His shirt was torn with the buttons flying everywhere. Wayne ripped her dress from the breast down to the waist. Neither cared as their hungry movements destroyed the clothes in their path.

  He pushed her into the middle of the room. The electric fire gave the feel of real flames. The soft rug provided a suitable bed. He knew there wasn’t going to be any easy loving tonight. The desperation he felt would only be satiated by a hard fucking. He’d been away from her for a few days, but to him it felt like years.

  They went down to the floor. Wayne took the brunt of the force with Lily on top of him. He sank his fingers into her hair watching her eyes glaze over as he fisted the length then pulled her down to kiss her.

  “I want you,” she said.

  He didn’t give her a chance. With one swift turn he laid her under him, his lips sealing the deal. He plunged his tongue into her mouth taking possession of her lips.

  Her moans were absorbed by him. Wayne took every moan and whimper as he kissed her. When her body became supple under him, he pulled away.

  Wayne gripped her hips then spun her until she was on her knees in front of him. He ran a hand over her back and ass.

  She whimpered.

  “I promised you I’d do this.” He raised his hand and brought it down on the side of her ass.


  Lily yelped. She didn’t try to get away as he raised the other hand landing his palm on her other cheek.

  Wayne slapped her ass, bringing out the blushing pink colour. His cock stood out, long and thick. He saw her pussy dripping with her cream. Her cream soaked the entrance of her pussy.

  “Do you like me spanking this ass?” he asked.

  She yelped as he spanked her with three slaps of his palm.

  “Yes.” She cried out pressing her ass back against him.


  “I love your hands on me, Wayne. Fuck me, please.”

  He didn’t need any more persuasion. Wayne took hold of his length then ran it up and down her creamy slit. He tapped her clit with the head of his cock. She whimpered.

  When she began to move over the head of his dick, he pulled away from her clit. Wayne didn’t want her climaxing too soon. He wanted their moment to last longer. The fire between them was burning brighter than ever before.

  Wayne watched as he pressed the tip of his cock inside her cunt. His length disappeared. With each inch inside her, he felt her squeezing him. She was already milking his cock for his cum.

  He held onto her waist. Her hips flared out supporting his hands. Wayne loved her shape. He never feared his strength with her. She was his everything.

  His grip tightened as he slammed inside her.

  Their cries echoed off the walls.

  Chapter Six

  Lily moaned as his cock thickened inside her. She wanted more of him. Her ass was on fire from his spanks. She didn’t know what was happening to her. Her body felt on fire for him. The need for him to take her hard consumed him. She loved the grip he had on her waist and hips. The lack of control showed her Wayne needed her as much as she needed him.

  She pushed back onto him.


  “I didn’t say you could move. You wait for my instruction.” He rubbed her ass soothing out the burn.

  He knelt behind her, his hard cock penetrating her pussy. He didn’t move.

  She needed him to move.

  Her pussy was on fire. She felt the tightening of her inner walls. They were uncontrollable.

  “Please, Wayne. Fuck me.”

  “When I’m ready. A few days away from each other and you’re begging for it.” She heard the joy in his voice.

  Lily got angry. His hands on her hips were no longer there. She pulled off his shaft, turned on her knees to face him then slapped his face. “How dare you?” She raised her hand to strike him once again. Wayne caught her hand in his.

  She glared at him as the hurt struck her heart at his words.

  “You hurt me,” she said.

  Wayne cupped her face tilting her head back. She stared into his eyes seeing the hurt within his own eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” He leaned down capturing her lips. This time there was no fire or violence. He kissed her with so much tenderness that the tears fell with ease.

  “How could you leave me?” she asked.

  “I thought I was ruining your life, Lily.” He held her close. She felt the length of his cock pressing against her stomach. His arms surrounded her. She wept feeling his body wrapped around her.

  Lily didn’t know how she was able to cope with the thought of him leaving.

  “You never ruined my life, Wayne. Have you forgotten what my life was like before you came into it? You gave me the world, a family, and my father the strength to leave my stepmother.”

  Wayne picked her up in his arms and walked over to the couch. They lay together with her in his arms.

  The passion was still shining brightly between them. However, the problems between them couldn’t be settled by a quick fuck in front of the fake fire. She stared at the false flames from the electric fire lighting up the whole room. The lights on the Christmas tree twinkled in the corner. She found the tears falling from her eyes harder than before.

  “Don’t cry, baby. I love you with my whole heart.” Wayne wiped each tear from her eye. Lily wished she could close off her feelings as quickly as he did. She wasn’t made like him.

  “Yet you were going to leave me. Were you really going to give me a divorce?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “I thought it would be easy. Richard refused to represent me. I was so happy before I left, but I thought I was right.”

  “You don’t need to live up to your reputation with me, Wayne. To the outside world you may be the ‘Beast’, but I know differently.” Lily took his hand in hers. They’d gone through so much together. The children, the business world, and the media. The press didn’t like her because she refused to get drawn into their world. She loved her husband and was more than happy being a mother and wife. The corporate world wasn’t for her.

  She recalled the betrayal she had felt when he’d called in a few favours to get her a recording contract. He really believed she had a decent voice. Lily loved singing, but doing it for a living, she didn’t want to do.

  Why was it so hard for people to believe she was happy with her life?

  Lily got off the couch. She wanted to be with him, but sexually she’d gone off. There was too much between them to allow sex to interfere.

  “Where are you going?” Wayne asked.

  “I can’t do this.” She gathered his shirt from the floor and put it on before walking into the kitchen.

  He followed her in after putting on a pair of briefs. She was thankful for him covering up.

  Lily opened the fridge and pulled out some bacon and eggs before going into the pantry to grab a tin of tomatoes. Cooking always helped to clear her mind. Her hand shook as she snipped some bacon into a frying pan. She glanced at her wedding ring. The small ring suddenly felt so heavy on her finger. She never thought her wedding band would feel so odd on her finger.

  “Don’t,” he said, covering her hand with his.

  She pulled away from his touch to wash her hands. While the bacon sizzled she put the oven on to heat up.

  “I’m not leaving you again, Lily. I swear.” He came up behind her. She saw his reflection in the glass of the oven.

  “I don’t know that, Wayne. I don’t know anything anymore.”

  She moved away from him to open up the can of tomatoes and poured them into the pan. Lily stirred the tomatoes adding some salt and pepper.

  What was
wrong with her? She felt odd. In the past Wayne always made it up to her.

  Why did she doubt him?

  You never expected him to leave you. You always put your faith in him, and he ruined it by leaving you.

  Lily shook her head. When the pan bubbled with the sauce she cracked two eggs into the dents she’d made in the sauce, then transferred it to the oven.

  “Lily, stop and talk to me,” he said.

  She glanced at him and then at her ring.

  “You gave me this ring and told me to sign a prenuptial agreement that pretty much sold my soul to the devil. I was blackmailed by the Beast.” She chuckled recalling the way he’d been when she was twenty-one and her family were in need of money.

  “Lily,” he said. She didn’t wait for him to add more.

  “But you were so sweet and loving. I know we’ve had our ups and downs over that recording deal and stuff. When are you going to realise that all I want is a family? How can I be any clearer? You didn’t ruin my life then, and yet now in one move, you did.”

  And she knew it was down to his one move that made her so hesitant.

  “I don’t know what to say to make it up to you,” he said.

  Lily wasn’t listening. She removed her engagement ring and wedding band.

  “Don’t do this, Lily.”

  She shook her head.

  “I think we need to do this.” Lily took his hand and opened up his palm. “This is not a divorce. I love you, Wayne, with all my heart. I want you to take these as I have a solution.”

  Lily smiled as she thought about the problem between them. They were happy together, and she didn’t want to lose any of that. She gave a little chuckle as he squeezed them in his palm.

  “I don’t want to take these from you, Lily. I made a mistake.”

  “And you can rectify it. You feel you rushed things between us, right?” she asked.

  He nodded his head. She knew he hated admitting it. Their romance wasn’t the most conventional, even though she loved the possessive way he’d claimed her. He’d seen her, wanted her, and then found every means to try to claim her for his own.

  “What do you want me to do?” he asked.

  “Seduce me, court me. Do everything you wanted to do in the beginning but were too impatient to wait for,” she said.

  “And when do you want them back?” Wayne glanced down at the rings. His shoulders were slumped. She hated seeing him like this, but she knew it was the only way to get what they both wanted.


  Wayne didn’t like seeing her finger empty. He regretted leaving her the moment he’d woken up after getting completely blind drunk with the whisky in his apartment suite. She was smiling at him, which gave him hope that he’d not completely destroyed their future.

  “I love you, Lily.”

  “I know.”

  He reached for her wrapping his arms around her. Her supple body moulded against his so perfectly. Wayne didn’t want to let her go.

  “I was an idiot.”

  “I know, and now you get to make it up to me. We get to have the seduction a bit backwards.” She pulled away to look at him. In all of his forty-four years, he’d never doubted a single decision. His instincts were always right, and he rarely got anything wrong. This doubt he’d felt over Lily and their marriage had been wrong.

  He couldn’t get over how quickly he’d almost lost her.

  “I could have killed John tonight,” he said.

  “Why? He’s our friend.”

  “No one else puts their hands on you. You’re mine.” He stroked her cheek. “I don’t know what I’d have done if I lost you.”

  “Maybe, you need to stop going with your gut when you think of me and start thinking with this.” She tapped his heart. “You can’t lose me, Wayne. I’d never have gone with John. He knows that. I know he cares about me, but love will never be on the cards.”

  She leaned up and kissed him. “I look forward to your seduction.”

  “Aren’t you a little worried?” he asked.

  Lily shook her head. “I’m a little excited about our future. You’re not leaving, are you?” she asked.

  Wayne shook his head. “This is going to be one strange courtship.”

  “The kids have missed you,” she said, turning her back to him. He watched her open the oven to grab the saucepan of bubbling tomato and eggs.

  He loved this dish. It was the meal she always made when they were alone together. Wayne went to grab some of the semi-stale bread to dip into the bubbling yolks. Lily made it to perfection. They sat at the dining room table. Wayne pulled her into his lap, took a chunk of bread and dipped it into the oozing egg. He fed it to Lily watching her eat. Wayne got so much enjoyment out of her pleasure for food. He loved to eat with her. There was something intimate about being seated together closely and eating or feeding each other. Lily dipped some of her bread then turned to feed him. He took the bread staring into her eyes as he did.

  It wasn’t the most romantic or elegant food, but to him in that moment it was perfect. He cupped her waist as he dipped bread into the pan. It reminded him of all the times they’d stayed up together. Or when her father took the children, giving them some time alone. Wayne had paid for a nanny, but Lily didn’t like the thought of a stranger taking care of her children. Their close friends and her father were fine.

  Wayne wouldn’t argue with her as long as he got her at the end of the day. He stroked her waist while they finished their egg and tomatoes. The food was delicious.

  His mind was racing with all the thoughts of seduction. For too long he’d been wanting their beginning to be better. Now was his chance to give her the start in their relationship that she deserved.

  “That was delicious,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m taking you to bed. I’m not going to do anything. I need to hold you.”

  “I’d like that.”

  She took him by the hand, and together they walked up to their bedroom. Wayne gazed at the bed and saw she hadn’t slept in their bed.

  “I slept in with Layla. I couldn’t bear to be in this bed without you.”

  “I’m so sorry.” He captured her lips with his own. “I’m only going to give you good memories from now on.”

  Wayne picked her up in his arms then carried her to their bed. She chuckled when he dropped her on the centre of the bed.

  He climbed over her, pulling the sheets over the pair of them. Wayne wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her neck and shoulder. His pelvis rested against her ass. He gave a moan as she wriggled her ass on his cock.

  “That’s not fair,” he said.

  “We’re courting, but that doesn’t mean we can’t play.” He kissed her neck and licked a path up to ear.

  “Is that an invitation?” he asked. Wayne moved down to cup her naked mound. She moaned. All of his good intentions went out of the window. “You’ve got to tell me to stop, Lily.”

  Wayne was holding on by a thread.

  Chapter Seven

  Lily knew she shouldn’t let it go any further. She’d meant every word she’d said to him downstairs. Giving them a chance to seduce and court each other should get past all of their problems. Her finger felt bare without her rings. She hoped they could get over this lull between them sooner rather than later. His touch stirred her blood. She wanted to change the memory of their last time in this bed.

  She got up on the bed and straddled his waist.

  “We can certainly play, but for tonight, I’m in charge.” The shirt she wore was pulled off her body. His boxers covered his cock, and that was how she wanted it to be for a little bit. Wayne reached up to cup her breasts. She moaned when he squeezed her nipples between his fingers. They were always so sensitive. The pleasure shot straight to her pussy. She felt her slick juices coating her pussy. Her clit was swollen, and she rubbed her slit over the ridge of his cock.

  Their moans combined.

  “You’re going to kill me woman,�
�� he said.

  “You’d die happy.”

  Wayne sank his fingers into the length of her hair. She’d kept it long ever since they’d met. He loved her hair. He’d told her many times. “I love your hair,” he said.

  Lily chuckled.


  “I was just thinking about how much you love my hair. The length of it.”

  “You’re amazing, Lily. I never left for anything other than my own stupid beliefs.”

  “Shush,” she said, covering his mouth with a finger to his lips. “You don’t need to talk about anything else.” She kissed his lips feeling the strength of him underneath her. He ran his hand over her back and cupped her ass. She cried out as his fingers squeezed the flesh of her ass.

  “I wanted you to fuck me so hard,” she said, recalling his hard penetration down the stairs earlier.

  “All you need to do is ask, Lily. I’m all yours.”

  “Actually, I love having you under me. I feel powerful. You have to do as you’re told,” she said.

  “You’re in charge?” he asked.


  “So, I can’t do this.” Wayne pushed his hand between them running two fingers along her clit then down to her pussy. The move was so quick that Lily didn’t have time to protest. All she was able to do was push herself onto his fingers. Her tits bounced as he pushed his pelvis up.

  “You’re not fair.”

  “Seduction isn’t fair, baby. Not when I want to get what I want.” Wayne pulled on her hair making her arch her chest up to him. This is what she’d missed. His playfulness. All the time he’d been worried about their beginning, he must have forgotten how important their future could be.

  Lily rode the wave with him enjoying the sensations his touch created. She closed her eyes when he caressed her nub. The intense pleasure consumed her with need. There was a time when she would have been embarrassed to be open with him. Not anymore. Wayne accepted her the way she was. She looked forward to his seduction. Wayne could be really sweet when he wanted to be.

  She smiled and decided to fight fire with fire. Moving one of her hands away from his chest, she reached behind her to stroke the thick length of his cock.


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