Seducing Her Beast

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Seducing Her Beast Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  He growled. The noise made her nipples pucker and ache for his tongue. The briefs he wore obstructed her touch, but she got what she wanted when he let go of her hair.

  “You’re a witch,” he said.

  “No, not a witch.” She leaned down to kiss his lips. “I want you.” The need rose inside her as she moved down his body to claw at his briefs. Together, they pulled them from his body. His cock stood straight up in a thick pulsing line.

  She circled the base then move to the tip and back down again. Lily licked her lips. She knew the small action would drive him wild with need.

  “Lily,” he said. She knew from the tone of his voice he was warning her. With a smile on her lips she straddled his pelvis. The length of his cock lay between her slit. She felt the tip peeking out of the top. His whole length rubbed along her clit.

  “I’ve got you right where I want you,” she said.

  Lily smiled pressing her breasts against his chest. Wayne kept growling as he tried to capture one of her tits. She made sure she was out of his reach.

  “You’re going to drive me insane.”

  “I know, but we’ll both be a lot happier for it.” She chuckled when he caught her arms and spun her underneath him.

  “You’ve given me permission to seduce, and I intend to take full advantage.” He went to kiss her lips. Lily turned her head. She gasped when he bit down on her neck, sucking in her flesh.

  He’d leave a mark, and she wanted him to. His lack of control gave her hope. She sank her fingers into his hair then pulled on the strands she caught. He eased up to claim her lips.

  Lily did the only thing she could do. She submitted to him. Wayne took over like she wanted him to. He kissed down her body until he tongued her slit. She cried out when he denied her release. Her orgasm rode the edge of painful ecstasy.

  Wayne denied her release. She watched as he took his cock in his hand then pushed inside her wet pussy. He changed position so that his back was against the head board. Lily sat in his lap with her legs wrapped around his back, pressed against the board. She stared into his eyes. Even as she sat in his lap with his cock buried deep inside her, Wayne was larger than her in everything.

  She felt closer to him as he enfolded her with his arms, his lips brushing against hers. His cock pulsed making her close her eyes with a moan. He moved her hair out of the way. She never understood why he loved her hair when he always ended up pushing it out of the way.

  “I love your hair because I get to be near you. I can wrap the length around my fist and pull. Also, it drives you crazy when I pull on your hair. I’ve felt your cunt soak at the sting.”

  “How did you know what I was thinking?” she asked.

  “Because nothing ever changed between us, Lily. You’re still the woman I fell in love with,” he said.

  “I’m older now.” She’d never thought of her age as an issue before. She was thirty-three years old. It had been twelve years they’d been married. “Do you think we surpassed the seven year itch?”

  “I’ll never get bored of you, baby. I was a jerk. I can admit that. I want you to have your rings back,” he said.

  Lily shook her head. “Not until you’re satisfied that I’m happy being your wife.”

  “I just think you can be so much more.”

  “I don’t want to be.”

  “Kiss me. I want your lips on mine,” he said.

  “You’re changing the subject.” She gasped as he leaned in and captured a nipple between his lips.

  “I’m not changing the subject. My cock is buried inside you. I can feel every pulse and squeeze of your pussy. It is driving me crazy. I can think. Everything else can wait. I have you in my arms, and my seduction doesn’t have to remain out of the bedroom. I’m going to take full advantage.” He grabbed her hips moving her along his shaft.

  Lily could do no more than take the ride with him. He pushed inside her, moving harder. His cock pushed against her cervix. The depth made it hard for her to catch her breath. She wanted to pull away and slam back down on him. The pleasure drove her more than ever.

  She cried out when he moved. Wayne pulled out of her body before she’d gotten chance to climax. She growled in frustration.

  He got off the bed then patted the end. She crawled to him. Wayne shook his finger. “Crawl back showing me your ass.”

  Turning away she slowly crawled to the edge of the bed. Seconds later she felt him press the tip of his cock into her core. There was nothing else she could do. Wayne took over. His hands on her hips guided her onto his shaft. He pushed in. Her pussy was slick with her own juices, making it easier for him to penetrate her.


  Wayne took full advantage of his wife. He knew exactly what would drive her crazy. She whimpered when he caressed her ass. He couldn’t believe how much Lily enjoyed their kinky play. They’d experimented with so much over the years. He’d never encountered any feeling about the seven year itch.

  She was everything he needed. No other woman entered his mind. Lily was all the woman he needed.


  Wayne slapped her ass feeling her juices coat his cock deep inside her pussy. There was nothing he wouldn’t do. He leaned over to the drawer at the side of his bed. They’d been experimenting with anal play before he acted like an asshole and left her.

  Out of all of his ideas, leaving her out of guilt from the years he’d taken from her had been his stupidest idea yet. He hoped he never had to see her with another man. The sooner he got his rings back on her finger the better he’d be.

  He grabbed the lubrication he’d stored there. Wayne shook his head when he thought about what he’d almost lost. Whatever had caused his desertion, he’d make sure to always speak with Lily about what she wanted.

  Wayne knew he didn’t want to end up like his parents, off somewhere only happy with another beer inside them. He never wanted to live that life. Waking up surrounded by whisky bottles had been a wake-up call to him. Followed that with the reality of her having a meal with John and he’d been ready to lose it.

  He knew he’d have to thank Richard for intervening. If his friend hadn’t refused to represent him, he might have already gone through with it all. He ran his hand over her back feeling her quiver. Her cunt tightened around his shaft.

  Wayne squirted a generous amount of lubrication onto his two fingers. Lily let out a squeal as he pressed his two lubricated fingers to her anus. Her pussy tensed around him. He waited until she relaxed. When her pussy loosened he pressed the tip of one finger into her puckered hole.

  Her hands fisted in the sheets around her head. “If you want me to stop tell me now.”

  She shook her head.

  “It feels tight at first. I love it when you do this. When you push me to the limit. Please, don’t stop.”

  He chuckled pressing his finger until she’d taken him to the knuckle. Her pussy contracted around his dick. Her slick juices covered his cock. He pulled out of her pussy to see her juices leaking out.

  Wayne moaned and pumped his cock in his fist. At the same time he pumped his finger into her ass watching her take more of him with ease. He wanted his cock inside her ass so bad.

  Their experimentation had never gotten as far as anal sex. Lily pushed back against him. Were they ready?

  “Do you want me, Lily?” he asked.

  “Yes, please, Wayne. Make this ache stop,” she said.

  Grabbing the lubrication Wayne squirted plenty over the length of his cock. He used the last bit in the tube pressing the tip into her ass as he made sure she was more than prepared for his cock.

  “Let me know if this hurts at any time. I promise I’ll stop.”

  “I trust you,” she said.

  Perspiration beaded his forehead. He didn’t want to hurt her. Taking the head of his cock in his hand Wayne pressed the head to her tiny virginal hole. He couldn’t offer her any reassuring words.

  Their needs were the only thing that mattered to him. He pressed inside. The
tight muscles of her ass fought with him. Wayne didn’t know if he’d be able to press forward without hurting her. Lily took it out of his hands as she pressed backwards taking the head of him past her tightness.

  They both moaned.

  Wayne lost his temper. He slapped her ass hard. “Don’t ever do that again. I could have hurt you.” He slapped her again for good measure.

  All he got was a moan of pleasure. Lily liked his punishments too much. He got his emotions under control.

  Once he was under control he stared down at where his dick was halfway inside Lily’s ass and lost it again. It was the most erotic thing he’d seen. They’d had sex in their cars, on the counters, and in front of mirrors, but staring down at his cock in her ass beat all of them.

  Chapter Eight

  Lily bit her lip to stop herself from crying out. He felt so big, and she couldn’t believe his cock was in her ass. She took a few deep breaths burying her head in her arms. Her pussy was on fire. Her ass felt full. They’d been experimenting with anal sex. She loved it when he touched her. It always felt forbidden to her.

  She never knew it could be so exciting or feel wonderful. There was a slight edge of pain to the pleasure, but it didn’t mask how wonderful she felt. His hands landed on her hips. His touch was almost bruising as he pushed the last few inches of his large cock inside her.

  Unable to contain her pleasure any longer, her cries echoed off their bedroom walls. She closed her eyes to stop herself from pulling away or reaching to take more. The intensity of sensation was too much for her to bear. Her mind was all over the place, and all she could do was feel.

  He pushed the last few inches inside her then held still. She was thankful for the time he was taking. It was like he was taking her virginity all over again.

  “I’m all in, baby. How does it feel?” he asked. He ran his hands all over her back. His touch soothed her nerves. Her whole body was shaking. She didn’t know the answer to his question.

  “I don’t know,” she said.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  She shook her head. It was the only part of herself she was sure of. “Would it help if you saw my face?” he asked.

  Lily thought about it. The sensations were so intense. She wanted to share it with Wayne.

  “Yes,” she said, nodding her head.

  “I’m going to have to move you, Lily.”

  She nodded her head again then followed him as he moved her up the bed. He didn’t pull out and followed behind her. She didn’t know how he did it, but he settled behind her back spooning her, his cock still deep inside her. He cupped her cheek turning her to face him. Wayne leaned over, loving her with his whole body.

  “I love you, baby. Forever and always.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes as he began to move within her. It was kinky, erotic, and so damn sweet that she didn’t where she ended and he began. He knew what to do. His hand moved down her body while his other hand held hers. Lily felt alive with his hands on her. One caressing and the other kept her grounded.

  His hand moved down to her thigh then around to cup her pussy. She stared into his eyes. He leaned down to claim her lips. Lily gave him everything she had. Her love, her heart, and soul. She moaned underneath him. Their connection felt stronger than before. His fingers slipped between her pussy as he thrust inside her ass.

  Lily squeezed his hand and used her other hand to prop herself up so she could face him.

  “You’re so wet,” he said, teasing her clit between his fingers.

  “Only you do that to me.” He returned her kiss pushing his fingers deep inside her pussy to coat his fingers with her juice. Wayne used his slicked fingers to tease and stroke her clit. The tightening began in her tummy and worked up all over her body.

  His pace didn’t slow. He held her close as their passion threatened to swallow her whole. Wayne kept her firmly within his grasp. She squeezed his hand as her orgasm overcame her. The sensation of her orgasm was a tidal wave as every nerve ending felt ready to burn from the fire Wayne was building within her.

  Lily didn’t know what to do. She felt like she was floating with no hope of finding ground.

  “I’m here, baby. I’ll never let you go. I’m all yours. Give it to me, Lily,” Wayne said. He kissed her head. Wayne provided her with an anchor that was far more real to her than anything else. He’d always be her white knight. The man she could trust. She stared into his eyes, and the years melted away.

  Her orgasm crashed through her threatening to send her out to sea with no way to return. Like so many times before, Wayne was there to catch her. Unlike all the other times, Lily knew there wasn’t going to be anything else to come between them.

  His own growl of completion echoed round the room. She felt his pulse and the wash of his cum inside her. His hold didn’t stop. He kept her close even though she knew it was hard for him. They collapsed together on the bed. Her heart pounded inside her chest and threatened to escape.

  All through the chaos of emotion there was only one person who held her. The only person she could ever give herself to completely. Wayne, her beast, had his hands wrapped around her, holding her close.

  She stared at him. The only two who existed in the world were them. She felt so alive with him. Twelve years of being together felt insignificant.

  He stroked her cheek. She scented her arousal but didn’t care. Wayne consumed every part of her. He’d taken every part of her. Her entire virginity was his to possess. She had never felt so happy.

  “I’m going to take care of you,” he said.

  She nodded her head. Words evaded her. He picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. She didn’t know where he got the strength to lift her weight, but he did it. Lily put it down to one of life’s miracles.

  Wayne took her hand while he ran a bath. He added some soap to create bubbles. When the water was nice and warm, he helped her in.

  Neither spoke a word as he picked up a sponge and began to soap her body. He washed her back and cleaned her ass. He was tender and sweet. All the while he kept a hand around her waist. He was always touching her in some way.

  She needed his touch more than she needed to take her next breath.

  Once they were both cleaned, Wayne let the water out, wrapped her in a towel and helped her out of the bath.

  Lily stood while he dried her body. He kept his eyes on her at all times, never leaving her alone for a second.

  When they were done in the bathroom, he lifted her in his arms with one arm supporting her back and the other under her knee. She didn’t protest. All she did was wrap her arm around his neck.

  He laid her in the bed and got in behind her. Unlike before she was content to feel him behind her without having sex. What she’d just felt would stay with her for the rest of her life.

  Wayne stroked her hair as the minutes began to pass. No words were needed.

  Her eyes began to droop as sleep claimed her. She closed her eyes feeling content. For the first time since Wayne had come to her life she really knew what it meant to feel safe and protected.

  “I love you, Lily. I’ll never stop.”

  She smiled. His words were whispered against her ear. The soothing tone of his voice made her heart melt. She felt him grow lax as sleep took him. Lily closed her eyes and fell to sleep. She didn’t dream. Her heart and world were content.


  Wayne stared at his wife. She looked so peaceful. The sun was coming up. He wanted to go and make her some tea, but he didn’t want her to think he’d left her like before. Wayne stroked her face and waited for her to wake up.

  He felt part of her. Their lovemaking had been so passionate the night before. He wanted to smack himself for ever doubting their time together. Lily didn’t want a different life. He was so stupid to have thought otherwise.

  Lily moved, and in the next instant she opened her eyes. He smiled down at her. “Morning, baby.”

  “You’re still here.”

else would I be?” he asked, pleased he had made the right decision in staying.

  “I don’t know. You think some crazy thoughts sometimes. I can’t always keep up.” She stretched.

  Wayne moved the sheets out of the way so he could see her body better. He moaned at her ripe tits and flushed skin. She was addictive to him.

  “You can’t keep thinking that. I’ve pawned the kids off for long enough. I’m going to start walking them to school.”

  He smiled even though his mind was on the sex. It was the weekend, and Scarlet and Richard would be bringing back their kids. Blake and Harry were the best of friends. Nothing would keep them apart.

  “Christmas is coming. I’m going to take some time off work and spend time with you. I think it’s time we got together and began to get this house festive. I know the tree is up and some decorations but not everything. I’ve been lax in my department.” Wayne stroked her belly.

  “You’d really do that?” she asked.

  “I’d love to do it. Do you remember our first Christmas together?”

  “Where you walked in when I was singing?” Lily smiled placing her hand on top of his.

  “The very one. This is going to be a great year for us,” he said. Wayne felt it, too. “I know I made a mistake, but I’m going to make it up to you.”

  “I know. I look forward to wearing my rings again.”

  Wayne chuckled. He had an idea for the rings. “I’m going to go and make you some breakfast for a change, and I’m going to clean away the breakfast dishes. Will you be okay to get ready and meet me downstairs in half an hour?” he asked.

  “Are you going to phone Richard?” she asked.

  “Yes. We’ll have this weekend together as a family, and next week we’ll prepare for Christmas. I’ll phone and make sure work understands I’ll be taking a Christmas vacation.” He leaned down, kissed her lips, then got out of bed. Wayne knew her gaze followed him out of the room.

  First, he went down to the laundry room and grabbed himself a pair of pants before going into his study to make a call. Wayne phoned work first and ordered his secretary to cancel all of his meetings or to get someone else to cover for him. Once everything was done he phoned Richard. He knew Tony had already taken Opal away. The lucky bastard didn’t have children to worry about. Wayne loved his kids, but he wished he could spend more time with Lily.


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