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Seducing Her Beast

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “No sponge?” she asked.

  “No, my hands are perfect for this.” He soaped his hands then started at her back, rubbing the soap against her skin. Her eyes closed as he moved to the front. He cupped her breasts, thumbing the nipples.

  She took the soap from him doing the same with his body. They made love while soaping each other’s body. Wayne didn’t want to pull away, but the water was growing cold. He didn’t want her to end up poorly over Christmas.

  He lifted her off his cock then stood to get out of the bath. She followed him taking a towel and drying his body as he dried hers. Wayne took her hand walking her backwards, naked into their room. Her eyes were on his. Their hands pressed together. When they were closer to the bed he pulled her close. Her breasts smashed against his chest while her hard nipples poked against him.

  “You’re mine,” he said.

  “You keep saying that. Do you have any doubt?” she asked.

  “None. I like saying it.” He kissed her lips then he pushed her to the bed. She chuckled reaching for him. He went to her willingly, loving the way she wrapped around him.

  This is how he wanted his life to be. He wanted to have a family but fall in love with the woman in his arms every night. She smiled up at him, and Wayne knew that is what he wanted for the rest of his life. Lily in his arms no matter what.


  Lily felt a change inside Wayne. She didn’t understand what the change was; she only knew it was there. He took her face between his hands, and then she didn’t care about the change inside him. Wayne kissed her deeply. His tongue licked along her lips seeking entry into her mouth. Lily gave him everything. She opened up, submitting to his kiss.

  His hands moved from her face to her neck then down to her breasts. His fingers teased her nipples. She felt the pulse of his touch between her thighs. The slight pain from his fingers pinching the tips shot straight to her clit. The sensation of pain and pleasure mingled together inside her body making it hard for her to think up a reasonable response.

  She sank her nails into his back to try and hold on to something. He didn’t let up his attention on her breasts. His lips moved down to her neck. Her collarbone and neck had always been sensitive. Wayne took advantage. He licked and nibbled her neck. Goose-bumps erupted all over her body. Her clit grew larger as the pleasure turned into a blistering inferno. She couldn’t think past what he was doing.

  Lily wanted his cock inside her. She wanted his lips on her tits and neck. When she thought she couldn’t bear it anymore, Wayne moved down claiming one of his nipples between his teeth. She cried out, the pleasure going straight to her pussy. Lily felt her cream leaking out of her vagina and dripping down to her ass.

  His other hand went from her breast down to her pussy. Lily felt his fingers open her slit then slide a finger along to her clit. The small action of his finger sent her hurtling over the edge. Every part of her nerves was alive with so much tension. One tiny stroke on her clit was all she needed. Wayne covered her mouth to muffle her screams. Lily felt taken over when her orgasm hit.

  Her screams stopped, but Wayne kept on going. He grabbed his cock, and Lily watched as he stroked the tip along her slit. The mushroomed head was covered in her juice. She should be embarrassed, but she was too far gone to care about propriety. Lily stared down in fascination as his large shaft slowly began to fill her. She licked her lips knowing what he tasted like on her tongue.

  She’d meant every single word. A baby wouldn’t upset her. She loved Wayne and adored having his children.

  He pushed all the way to the hilt inside her. She gripped Wayne’s arms to keep herself steady. Wayne tilted his hips pushing deeper still. Lily felt the power of him between her thighs. He lifted up and out.

  “Look at us, baby,” he said.

  She glanced down. His cock glistened with her own cream. He was thick, hard, and perfect. Her eyes closed as he slammed inside her. She didn’t have time to take a breath before he started a pace as he plunged inside her.

  Lily held on as he increased his thrusts. The headboard hit the wall behind. She moved her hands up to hold onto the wooden headboard. Wayne leaned over her to grab the headboard as well. He stared down into her eyes then thrust inside her.

  Lily gasped as the position they were both in sent him hitting her cervix at such an angle and depth that he stroked her G-spot then hit her cervix all in one.

  She didn’t know what to do other than hold on to his body. He took over. The power of his thrusts took her breath away.

  He moved the angle so she was lying on the pillows with her hands still holding the headboard. Wayne had the dominant role, and she knew he was about to go faster. There was the desire and lust in his eyes. She pushed up to meet him for every thrust. The strength of him startled her. She didn’t have any other choice than to hold on.

  “I want you to come for me, baby.”

  “I can’t,” she said.

  “Yes, you will.” He let go of the headboard with one hand. In the next moment she felt his hand on her clit. She shook her head. There was no way she could come again. Wayne had other ideas. He caressed her nub as he plunged inside her pussy.

  She didn’t think she’d be able to climax again. However, the plunging of his cock and the touch of his fingers was all it took to hurtle her over the edge. Lily cried out within seconds. Wayne let go replacing his hand with hers. He held onto the headboard and then pounded inside her. Lily felt the pleasure take over.

  Wayne stared down at her, and she looked at him as her release consumed her.

  “I’m coming, too, baby.” He changed the angle, and within seconds his face lost all shred of control as he came apart. She felt the pulse of his orgasm inside her, his cum exploding in her pussy.

  Chapter Twelve

  The following morning Wayne left Lily in bed, took the kids to school, and then phoned the jewellers about his gift. He’d been planning it for the last few days and wanted it to be special to her. Wayne knew she didn’t find jewellery exciting, but he was hoping his plan worked.

  He put the kettle on then went to call Richard. Tony refused to talk to him. He was spending his Christmas in a secluded cabin somewhere. Wayne wondered how his friend would be if he got Opal pregnant.

  Richard answered on the tenth ring. “Hello.”

  Wayne heard screaming in the background. “I take it everything is going well.”

  “Scarlet organised for the kids to be off school early, and they’re too excited about the big man coming. How are things in your world?” Richard asked.

  “Better. Much better. We’re talking, and I think I’ve finally gotten past some personal crap.”

  “The shit with your own parents?”

  Wayne nodded his head then realised his friend couldn’t see him. “You could say I’ve been awakened.”

  “That’s good. You’ve been married to Lily for awhile now. You needed to finally wake up to what you’ve been missing,” Richard said.

  “And you’ve done that already?” Wayne didn’t see his friend slowing down.

  “I don’t have as many hours, and when I’m close to retiring, I will be. I don’t need the money, and I do it for pleasure. Scarlet and the kids are my reason for living. It’s nice to know you’ve found that same kind of happiness.”

  Wayne felt happier for talking to his friend about his decision. “I want to take Lily out on a date.”

  “A date?”

  “Yeah, you know, the roses and flowers kind of date. We never got the chance to date, and I want to do something special with her before Christmas. She took me skating. I loved it.” Wayne couldn’t believe he was asking his friend how to date his own woman. It was ridiculous.

  “You did rush the marriage proposal. Wow, I haven’t skated on the ice in years. I think I’ll take Scarlet out later. You could take Lily to the movies.”

  “The movies?”

  “Don’t mock it. I didn’t mean a movie theatre. I meant a drive-in. If she didn’t get o
ut much when she was younger I bet she never made out at the back of a drive-in movie theatre. Take her out and show her a good time in the back of your car.”

  Wayne considered it and decided it would be good for them. He didn’t know where they’d find the time. With Tony and Richard away they couldn’t rely on them to babysit. He finished his call with Richard then put a quick call in to her father.

  “What have I done to have my son-in law get in touch?” George asked.

  “Nothing. I want to know if you’ll watch the kids. I want to do something special for Lily, and I was wondering if you’d watch the children for me.”

  There was silence on the other end. Wayne waited for an answer finding his temper growing. “You’d help Lily if this was reversed.”

  “You’re not my daughter, Mr. Brown.”

  “No, I’m your son-in-law, and I love your daughter. I want to do something special for her. Please, look after the children for me. You’ll be here for Christmas, and I want to make this work.” Wayne pleaded with the man and realised he really wanted to make it work.

  “Seriously? You’ve never been into Christmas. I don’t think you’re going to start now.”

  “I’ve changed, George. Give me a chance. The same chance your daughter has given me.”

  “You leave her again and I’m getting a shotgun,” George said.

  “You won’t need to come chasing me. If I leave her again I’ll bloody shoot myself. Is that a yes?” Wayne asked.

  There was a sigh followed by some rustling. “When do you need me?”

  “Friday night. I think it will be perfect to take her out on Friday.”

  “I’ll be there. Do you want me to take the kids back home with me, or do you want me to stay over there?”

  Wayne thought about it for a few minutes and decided on the latter. “Then we can discuss what’s happening around Christmas.”

  George agreed and then hung up. Wayne smiled then made a tea to go wake up his little star.

  Lily was still asleep. He put the cup of tea on the dresser and then climbed on the bed. The moment he settled over her, she began to stir.

  Her eyes opened. She stretched, and her smile lit her whole face up like a Christmas tree.

  “Good morning,” he said.

  “Good morning. What time is it?” she asked.

  “A little after ten.”

  “What?” She jerked up in bed almost knocking him out. “Why didn’t you get me up? I need to get the kids ready and everything.”

  He pressed down on her chest pushing her to the bed.

  “Wayne, stop it. We can’t fool around.”

  “Stop worrying, baby. You don’t need to worry. The kids are at school.”

  “You took the kids to school?” Wayne nodded his head.

  “Did you remember to feed them?” she asked.

  “Stop being a minx. I fed them some cereal and toast. I don’t think they liked it, but I think they liked riding in daddy’s car.” He leaned down and kissed her neck. Her scent invaded his senses making him moan with wanting.

  “You mean to say, we’re in this house all on our own?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  “All alone and you’re only just getting me up now.” She caught his tie and began pulling him down.

  “I had some stuff to take care of. Also, I have a surprise for you Friday night.”

  “A surprise? Do I get to see it now?”

  “Stop tempting me.”

  She pouted. Wayne chuckled.

  “Well, if I don’t get to find out what my surprise is, can I at least get something else?” She raised her eye brow while her hand moved to his crotch.

  “You’re a little wanton vixen.”

  “And that is exactly why you love me.”

  She pulled him down to her, and Wayne went willingly.


  Lily was excited. Wayne had told her to dress casually, and she’d seen him in a pair of blue jeans and black shirt. He looked so damn hot. Wayne always looked so good to her. She pulled out her nicest pair of jeans that moulded to her curves in all the right ways. Lily grabbed one of his white shirts. She folded the arms then tied the end strips of the shirt.

  A quick glance in the mirror and comb through her locks and she was ready. Her father was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs.

  “What do you think?” she asked, giving him a twirl.

  “You make me wish I could go back in time and change the way I treated you.”

  She saw the tears in George’s eyes. “Dad, you don’t need to be like that.” Lily went to him straight away. Her arms circled his neck as she pulled him in for a cuddle. “Stop worrying. I’m happy.”

  “He’s treating you well?” he asked.

  Lily recalled the way he’d made love to her the other morning. Wayne set her body on fire with so much need she didn’t know how she managed to get through. “I’m happy, dad. Wayne is perfect. Thank you for watching the kids,” she said.

  “It’s a pleasure.”

  Wayne came out of the room looking perky. “I’ve tried to settle them, but I think hot chocolate before bed was not the best idea.” Lily saw her father glare at him, which only made her chuckle.

  “I’ll see you later, dad.” She kissed his cheek then followed Wayne out of the door.

  “What was up with him?” Wayne asked opening her door for her.

  “He doesn’t like you or trust you since that morning when you up and left me.” Lily kissed his cheek then got into the car. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise. I’m never going to live that down, am I?” he asked.

  “Leaving me?” He nodded his head getting in the opposite side of her. “Nope, it is the first time that the almighty Wayne Brown was wrong. You’ll be living it down for years to come.”

  She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He started the car. She felt the engine purr to life.

  “You look gorgeous. Is that one of my shirts?” he asked.

  “Yes, I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  “I don’t. You look amazing and hot.” Wayne pulled out of the drive and began down the road. She didn’t know where he was going, and she loved the anticipation of wondering where they were going.

  “You’re being all mysterious.” Lily circled her wedding bands smiling at how comforting the weight of the rings felt on her finger.

  “I’ll give you a clue.”

  “Oh, a guessing game. I’m ready.”

  “Some couples go there on dates,” he said.

  “Wayne, that can be anything. We went to the ice rink, and that can be a date for some couples.” It was dark, and she didn’t see too many landmarks to show where they were going. He reached between them and took her hand.

  “This is where I would have taken you on a date if I’d waited.”

  “Okay, I’m getting more excited now. I don’t want to guess.”

  They drove in silence for several moments. His fingers stroked hers. She stared down to where their hands lay. His hands were larger than hers. She loved the feel of them on hers. His larger body always made her feel safe.

  “We’re almost there. Do you like sweet, salty, or buttery popcorn,” Wayne asked.

  “We’re going to the movies?”

  “No, we’re going to the drive-in.” He pulled in, and she saw the big screen in front of her.

  “I’ve never been to one of these,” she said.

  “I know.” He drove towards the back. Once he parked the car, he got out checking his wallet. “You might want to get comfortable in the back. I’ll be back in a second.”

  Lily climbed into the back and waited for Wayne to get back.

  She checked around her to see other couples pulling up in their cars. It wasn’t as busy as she thought it would be. It was cold, and she knew Wayne would need to turn the car on at some point if the heat left the car.

  Lily didn’t know how long she waited until Wayne got back into the car. He handed her
a pot of popcorn and a milkshake carton.

  “I was talking to a couple of the guys serving, and they reckon they’ll be closing early because of the snow forecasted for tonight. They believe this will be it until the New Year.” Wayne shut the door rubbing his hands.

  “Is it cold out?”

  “Very icy. I need you to help me warm up.” He held his hands out to her. Lily wrapped her own around him and tried to warm him up.

  “This is lovely,” she said.

  “We’ll see how we feel in a few hours when it is snowing or freezing our assess off,” he said.

  “I don’t care. This is perfect.” She took a piece of popcorn and popped it in her mouth. “So why the movies?”

  Wayne moved their popcorn and drink onto the back ledge. “Because, it is perfect for this.” He reached across to her and hauled her over his lap. Lily giggled as he placed her legs on either side of him. “Making out.” He sank his fingers into her hair and pulled her down for a kiss. She closed her eyes enjoying his touch on her skin.

  “I’ve never made out in the back of a car.”

  “I’m pleased to be your first in everything, Mrs. Brown.”

  “Happy Christmas, Wayne.”

  “Happy Christmas, baby.” He cupped her head bringing her down for him to kiss. Lily didn’t fight it. She wanted him to consume her. This was their real first date. She looked forward to many first dates.

  His hand went from her hair down to her back. She smiled against his lips. “Are you wanting to go further?”

  “I wish we could, baby, but I think that would be indecent exposure or something like that. Our lawyer would kill us if he had to leave his wife to come and bail us out,” Wayne said.

  “We pay enough to call him away.”

  “There are some things even friends would never forgive.”

  They chuckled. Lily knew Scarlet and Wayne would get annoyed with them for spoiling their fun. With the number of children they had, Lily knew their time together was precious.

  “I think they have their own issues to figure out,” Lily said.

  “Scarlet isn’t scared about more children, but Richard is. The last two children almost killed her. I see why he’d be upset. If anything happened to you because I couldn’t keep it in my pants it would kill me.” Wayne stroked her cheek.


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