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Sentinel's Rise: Book 1 - The Watcher and the Sentinel Series

Page 17

by Yvette Bostic

  They teleported once again, this time arriving just outside the small village at the base of the mountain. Dead bodies littered the streets, but their deaths were caused by sharp blades, not disease.

  “Have they left no one alive?” Eva asked. “I feel like we’re the only ones left.”

  “We’re not,” Stephen said, his hand resting on Eva’s shoulder. “There were a few survivors outside of Rio, and there will be some here as well. We just have to find them.”

  “Stephen’s right, Eva,” Mikel added. “Let’s spread out but stay in small groups. I suspect the demons have already moved on, but I’d like to make sure there isn’t anyone still in hiding.”

  Mikel took two warriors with him and the rest split into smaller groups. It took less than twenty minutes for them to reconvene at the center of town. There were no survivors.

  They moved north through three more villages only to find the same carnage. The demons were leaving no one alive. They’d spent the entire day traversing the rolling hills, only to confirm Mikel’s fears. Did the Overlords plan to annihilate humanity? It seemed so. As the sun fell to the west, Mikel called his group to halt.

  “Let’s go back to Santuario and see if anyone else has had better luck.”

  Mikel’s group trickled out of the portal room. The warriors crossed the courtyard towards the barracks, and Stephen and Eva headed towards her house. Mikel looked in the direction of the arena, but it was empty. Did that mean Darian and Seraphina were training elsewhere? Or would Eva find them at home? Should Mikel go looking for them? He shook his head and went back into the tower, figuring he could find them after checking in with the Runemaster.

  He found Raphael tinkering with the HAM radio. It had remained silent since the last transmission telling them of Rio’s fate, and the knot in Mikel’s gut grew.

  “Any word from the other groups?” Mikel asked, startling his friend.

  “No, you’re the first to get back,” Raphael said, turning back to the radio. “I don’t know if this thing’s broken or if there isn’t anyone on the other end.”

  “We spent all day traipsing across Romania but found no survivors,” Mikel said, not able to conjure any relevant remark for Raphael’s frustration.

  The Runemaster stopped what he was doing and looked at Mikel. “That’s not good.”

  “No, I was hoping to find a small pocket of people.” Mikel pulled his hand through his hair and rubbed his face. “But Europe is so small. It would be easy for the Csökkent to place their bombs close enough together to cause massive amounts of damage. I didn’t think the demons would’ve had enough time to reach all the rural areas, but apparently, they did.”

  Mikel dropped into one of the chairs and pulled the map towards him. His marker rolled across it, and he grabbed it before it fell from the table. He drew an X through all the towns they’d searched.

  Raphael’s eyes grew wider with each mark he placed on the map. “Did you find any demons during your search?”


  The Runemaster pulled out a chair and sat down. “Is it possible the demons in Romania moved through the rural areas ahead of the bombs?” he asked. “Do you think Orin was summoning them?”

  “I checked Orin’s castle several times over the last few years for the number of demons living there,” Mikel replied. “There was never more than a dozen.”

  “But a dozen demons would do a lot of damage against a small village who cannot protect themselves.” Raphael placed his finger on the location of the castle. “Once Orin and Victoria were summoned, the demons were likely given the command to kill everyone.”

  Mikel put his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands. “You’re right, of course.” He lifted his head and looked at his friend. “I’ve never seen so much death, Raphael. How did we not see this coming? How did the Csökkent get the materials to make this many bombs, with that toxin, and no one noticed? And how did they place them all over the world right beneath our noses?” His voice rose with each question, but he knew they had no answers. “All the lives we swore to protect are gone."

  Chapter 26


  “Raphael!” Fran’s voice boomed through the tower.

  Mikel and Raphael both jumped to their feet as the door slammed open.

  “Mikel, thank God! The demons are burning Calais. Adalina and her warriors are keeping them from gaining the ferry to England, but she needs help.”

  “How many demons?” Mikel asked, rushing from the room and towards the warriors’ barracks.

  “At least one hundred are storming the port, but there were more throughout the city.” Fran’s voice trembled as she followed him across the courtyard.

  Mikel threw open the doors to the barracks and was relieved to find a half dozen more warriors in addition to his own ten-man team. “Everyone who is strong enough to fight, come with me now. We’ll be facing at least a hundred demons on the shores of Calais. Bring the weapons that suit you best.”

  The men in the room jumped into action as he knew they would, and Mikel left to find Stephen and Eva.

  “Fran, is Darian’s cottage still intact?” Mikel asked.

  “No, it was burned to the ground. But that area of town is empty, so you won’t be seen if you arrive there,” she replied.

  “Take the warriors to Adalina. I’ll send Stephen and Eva to the cottage.” He stopped in the middle of the courtyard and looked at the young Frenchwoman. “I’ll try to bring Darian and Seraphina as well, but regardless of their situation, I’ll be there within minutes.”

  “Okay, I’ll pass the word as soon as I get there.”

  “Be careful.”

  He watched Fran run back to the barracks, and he turned towards Darian’s home. He pushed the door open without knocking and stepped inside. It was only a matter of time before they found the demons, but he hadn’t expected a group that large. Why hadn’t Adalina retreated as she said she would? He had to assume her reasoning was dire. She knew better than any of them the extent of her suffering if they had a repeat of their loss at the Citadel.

  “Eva! Stephen!” he bellowed. “We’re leaving in two minutes.”

  He heard muffled sounds from the back of the house and shook his head.

  “Kids,” he mumbled, not at all amused.

  Stephen stumbled into the hall, pulling a shirt over his head. He opened his mouth, then quickly closed it.

  “Adalina’s team needs help, now,” Mikel said. “Go to the cottage in Calais, and follow the sounds of fighting. The demons are trying to take the ferries across the bay into England.”

  “Wouldn’t they already be there?” Eva asked, emerging from her room. She was already dressed and buckling the shoulder harness for her daggers.

  “All I know is what Fran reported a few minutes ago. I’m sure we’ll figure it out when we get there,” Mikel replied. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  He left the two of them in the house and ran back towards the tower. Raphael met him in the courtyard.

  “I’ve already summoned Darian,” Raphael said. “I assumed you would want him here.”

  “Thank you, my friend. I was just on my way to make that request.”

  A few moments later, Darian and Seraphina emerged from the tower’s doors. Relief mixed with Mikel’s anxiety. Would they be ready? Had Seraphina tried to accept her bond? He’d find out soon enough. They needed Darian in this fight.

  “What happened?” Darian asked.

  “The demons are in Calais and trying to take the ferry port,” Mikel replied. “Adalina is holding them, but according to your scout, over a hundred demons are climbing down her throat.”

  Darian looked at Seraphina, and she nodded. Mikel noticed the determination on her face, the way she stood taller and more confident than she had just ten hours ago. He hoped she was ready.

  “Is the cottage still there?” Darian asked, handing one of his daggers to his Sentinel.

  “No. Fran said it’s gone,” Mikel re
sponded. “I’ve already sent my group there, regardless. I assume you’re coming as well.”

  “We are,” Darian replied and turned to Raphael, holding up his other dagger. “Raphael, ask the blacksmith to make another pair of these.”



  They arrived at the smoldering ruins of Darian’s cottage. Mikel noticed the Watcher’s eyes narrow and his jaw clenched several times. The cottage was gifted to Darian by a friend many years ago. Mikel could only imagine his anger at the destruction.

  They rushed towards the port, and within a few minutes, the trio found their first demons. A group of five marched quickly towards the warehouses flanking the east side of the port. Anger filled Mikel’s heart at the sight of their blood-covered weapons, and he summoned his sword. Everything evil in the world started with these creatures and their master. Every difficult time in his, every pain and loss was because of them. He leapt towards the nearest demon and sliced through its thick neck with ease. Taking advantage of his momentum, his blade arced towards the next demon, removing its arm.

  The remaining monsters finally noticed him and reacted, but not before Darian joined the fight. Two of the three demons rushing at Mikel collapsed to their knees, howling in pain. Darian appeared behind one of them, the long blade of his dagger emerging from the demon’s eye.

  Mikel barely dodged the third monster as it swung a large dual-bladed axe towards his head. He ducked and extended his blade of light, slicing through the axe’s handle and sending the dual head flipping through the air behind him. The demon roared, swinging his clawed fists at Mikel’s face. The sword of light pierced the creature’s heart, and it fell to the ground.

  Seraphina’s cry of triumph distracted Mikel again, and he turned to see her forcing her own dagger into the other demon’s back. It reached around with one clawed hand to grab her, but her shield flared to life and smashed its grasping claws. Darian appeared in front of the demon and sliced its neck, black blood pumping from its throat as it fell to the ground.

  Mikel stood perfectly still as he watched Seraphina staring at the dead monster at her feet. Everyone reacted differently in this situation, and he hoped she wouldn’t panic. She pulled her gaze from the demon and looked at Darian. The Watcher held his hand out to her, and she placed her trembling fingers in his.

  “This is only the beginning,” Darian said. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “I’m okay. That was terrifying, and I might be freaking out just a little bit, but I’m okay.”

  Darian didn’t release her hand as they moved closer to the battle ahead. Mikel allowed himself a small smile and followed the newest bonded pair. Darian had done what he could not, which was how it should be. Her Watcher gave her confidence and purpose.

  Chapter 27


  The closer they got to the docks, the louder the sounds of battle became. Darian stopped at the edge of a building and pushed Seraphina against the wall. Mikel fell in line right behind her.

  “Mikel, I’ll leave you to do what you do best,” Darian began. “Seraphina and I have been working on a strategy I’d like to try, but it will kill everything in its wake. So, we need to ensure that none of our people are in the area.”

  “Not a problem,” Mikel replied. “I’ll leave you two here and fight my way to the nearest group of warriors. I’ll make sure we draw their attention.”

  Darian watched his leader move gracefully around the corner of the building. The first group of warriors was not far. Eva’s silhouette skipped between the demons, leaving a bloody trail behind her. Mikel bellowed an incoherent cry and leapt into the fray, a trail of light floating in its wake.

  He followed the movement of the fifty demons standing against Mikel’s group. The warriors started circling to the north, drawing the demons with them and leaving the creatures backs to Darian. The bloodied men barely held a defensive line as they inched farther away. He needed to act quickly.

  The Watcher turned to his Sentinel, her wide eyes were lost on the horde of demons.

  “Just like we practiced,” he said, trying to draw her attention away from the battle.

  Her hands still trembled, and he saw the fear in her eyes.

  “We can do this,” he said a little louder, but she wasn’t seeing him. He could almost feel her fear consuming her. “Seraphina, look at me!”

  He put both his hands on the sides of her face, and her tears fell across his fingers. What could he do to bring her back? He pulled her face to his and pressed his lips against hers. He aimed for soft and tender but ended up with urgent and demanding. She immediately kissed him back with the same urgency, but only for a second. He felt her shield bloom against his chest, and she slapped him with her other hand. He took several steps back, putting space between them.

  “How dare you?!” she yelled.

  He rubbed his cheek. “You’re welcome. Are you ready to save our warriors from a gruesome death?”

  She bit her lip and wiped the tears from her face. “That was dirty,” she murmured. “You could have just hit me.”

  “You would be mad either way, and I prefer to fight against those.” He pointed at the swarm of scale-covered flesh. “Not you.”

  He turned his back to her, so she couldn’t see the smile creeping across his face. He pushed his thoughts away from the feel of her willing lips on his and held his hands out in front of his body. A wall of blue flame sprung to life. He widened the distance between his hands, and the wall grew. Sweat instantly coated his body, and he turned his head towards his Sentinel.

  “Your shield, my lady.”

  She took her place next to him and mimicked his stance. Rather than a wall of fire, she created a wall of light. Pride for her accomplishment filled him, and his smile grew at her furrowed brow as she pushed her light against his flames. The two walls mingled, his blue flame dancing around her light. Shoulder to shoulder, they rushed the horde of demons. When they heard the first cries of anguish, Darian skidded to a stop.

  “Now!” he yelled. “Be sure your shield collapses around as many as possible!”

  Darian dropped his hands to the pavement at his feet, watching the flames blanket the group of demons in front of them. Seraphina waited for the flames to fall and mirrored his action. Her shield crushed the smoldering monsters between them and Mikel.

  The four demons that escaped the wall of death fell quickly to warriors’ blades. A cheer erupted from Mikel’s group, echoing across the open space. Their leader’s sword of light pierced the air above them, then he turned and moved his team beyond another building and closer to the port.

  “It worked,” Seraphina murmured.

  “Yes, it did,” Darian replied, rising to his feet.

  “And I didn’t panic.” She looked over at him as she stood. “Okay, maybe a little. But I’m certain I can do it again without freezing up.”

  He refrained from smiling at her admission. “Good! Let’s go.”

  A few minutes later, they followed the same path Mikel took through the buildings. The port opened in front of them and Darian heard Seraphina’s sharp intake of breath. His own heart nearly stopped. More demons than he could count swarmed towards a small group of men and one woman.

  Mikel’s team charged into the left side of the demon army, making a direct route to Adalina’s dwindling group. Seraphina’s fingers grabbed his, and a sense of urgency pulsed through him.

  “They’ll all be killed, won’t they?” she asked, her voice trembling. “The demons on the left will completely overwhelm them. Why don’t they teleport back to Santuario?”

  Darian scanned the port, wondering the same thing. Movement from one of the ferries caught his attention, and he realized it was leaving the dock. He looked closer and saw hundreds of men, woman, and children crammed on the fleeing boat. More people pushed their way onto the next ferry, trying to escape with their lives.

  “Look at the ferries.” Darian drew her attention towards the water
, and her expression changed from fear to sadness, then to anger.

  “We should do something about the left flank,” she said.

  “I agree.” Darian pulled her forward between the two buildings, avoiding the crumbling walls. “We’re going to use the same technique, but it won’t be quite as effective this time. There are too many demons for us to catch them all.”

  They stopped at the edge of the building, and Darian took a quick look at the army in front of them. He turned back to Seraphina and grabbed her other hand.

  “I want to separate as many of them as we can from the main group. Our wall should take out forty or fifty in the back. As soon as they’re down, we’re teleporting to Adalina.”

  He watched her face as he spoke. He could still see her fear, but her determination kept it at bay.

  “Do not get separated from me,” he said, squeezing her fingers.

  “I have no desire to be left alone in the middle of that,” she replied.

  Darian rolled his eyes as they moved away from the cover of the buildings. “Like I would leave you.”

  Chapter 28


  Sara walked towards the demon army, glued to Darian’s side. Terror did not describe the feelings racing through her. The little bit of confidence she gained from destroying the last group of demons faded when she saw the overwhelming odds before them.

  “I will not freeze up,” she whispered. “I will not freeze up.”

  She continued to repeat it in her head when Darian glanced at her with one eyebrow raised. He still held tight to her left hand, and she let him. It helped to calm her frazzled nerves, but her heart continued thumping against her chest. She wondered how the demons didn’t see her and Darian approaching from behind, but she wasn’t about to complain. If they did suddenly notice them, their plan would be ruined.

  “Let’s do this,” Darian whispered as he stopped behind a shipping crate a dozen yards from the demons’ backs.


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