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Condi Page 23

by Antonia Felix

  When Condi’s parents instilled in her the belief that she could one day be president of the United States, they prepared her to become a person who could make a mark on the world. Did John Rice ever imagine that his “little star” would one day be dubbed “the most powerful woman in the world,” or did Angelena Rice foresee that her musical prodigy would play at the Kennedy Center, introduced by the First Lady of the United States? They may not have imagined these specific events, but John and Angelena Rice did not put limits on their own dreams, nor on those of their daughter.

  In fifty years, Condi has become a Renaissance woman in the truest sense of the word, accomplished in more than one field as artist and academic, writer and university provost, foreign policy czarina and presidential advisor. There is undoubtedly much more to come from her, and the world is watching.


  National Security Advisors, 1950-2005

  Stephen Hadley 2005-

  Condoleezza Rice 2001-2005

  Samuel L. Berger 1997-2001

  W. Anthony Lake 1993-1997

  Brent Scowcroft 1989-1993

  Colin L. Powell 1987-1989

  Frank C. Carlucci 1986-1987

  John M. Poindexter 1985-1986

  Robert C. McFarlane 1983-1985

  William P. Clark 1982-1983

  Richard V. Allen 1981-1982

  Zbigniew Brzezinski 1977-1981

  Brent Scowcroft 1975-1977

  Henry A. Kissinger 1968-1975

  Walt W. Rostow 1966-1968

  McGeorge Bundy 1961-1966

  Gordon Gray 1958-1961

  Robert Cutler 1957-1958

  Dillon Anderson 1955-1956

  Robert Cutler 1953-1955

  James L. Lay* 1950-1953

  Sidney Souers* 1947-1949

  *Executive Secretary of the National Security Council


  Major Events in the Life of Condoleezza Rice

  November 14, 1954 Born in Birmingham, Alabama

  1965 First black student to attend music classes at Birmingham Southern Conservatory of Music

  1969 Moves to Denver, Colorado, and attends an integrated school for the first time

  1971 Graduates from high school; finishes first year of university

  1974 Graduates cum laude from the University of Denver

  1975 Receives M.A. in government from the University of Notre Dame

  1981 Receives Ph.D. in international studies from the University of Denver

  1981 Assistant professor of political science at Stanford University

  1984 Publishes Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army, 1948-1963 (Princeton University Press)

  1986 Publishes The Gorbachev Era (with Alexander Dallin; Stanford Alumni Press)

  1986-1987 Special assistant to the director-Joint Chiefs of Staff position at the Pentagon through Council on Foreign Relations Fellowship

  1987 Promoted to associate professor of political science at Stanford

  1989-1991 Bush administration posts as director of Soviet and East European affairs, special assistant to the president for national security affairs, and senior director for Soviet affairs at the National Security Council

  1991 Joins Boards of Directors at Chevron, TransAmerica Corporation, Hewlett-Packard

  1992 Gives address at the Republican National Convention

  May 1993 Promoted to full professor at Stanford

  September 1993 Named provost of Stanford University

  1994 Elected to the Board of Trustees at the University of Notre Dame

  1995 Publishes Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft (with Philip Zelikow; Harvard University Press)

  1995 Joins Board of Directors at J. P. Morgan

  1999 Joins Board of Directors at Charles Schwab

  July 1999 Steps down as provost of Stanford; foreign policy advisor for George W. Bush’s presidential campaign

  2000 Gives address at the Republican National Convention

  December 2000 Named national security advisor by President-elect George W. Bush

  January 2001 Sworn in as national security advisor

  April 2004 Testifies before 9/11 Commission

  January 2005 Sworn in as Secretary of State



  “Academic Style: Stanford’s New Provost Brings a Different Perspective to Campus,” Chicago Tribune, August 15, 1993

  “Academics Start to Line up Behind Presidential Candidates,” Chronicle of Higher Education, May 28, 1999

  “Adviser Condi Rice,” Denver Post, August 2, 2000

  AFRO-American Almanac web site (

  “American Dream Must be Delivered to All People, Rice says,” Stanford University Campus Report, June 19, 1985

  “August 1: Bush’s Secret Weapon,” web site, August 1, 2000 (

  “Aunt G.’s Favorite Niece: Condoleezza Rice,” Virginian-Pilot, March 14, 2002

  “Beyond the ABM Treaty,” The Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2002

  “Bush Advisor Speaks of Faith’s Deep Roots,” Denver Post, May 5, 2000

  “Bush Campaign Turns to Big Gun—His Mom Barbara Bush Leads W is for Women Tour,” Baltimore Sun, October 20, 2000

  “Bush, Gorbachev Hold Malta Shipboard Summit,” World News Digest, December 8, 1989

  “Bush Look, The,”, February 28, 2001 (

  “Bush on a Revenge Mission,” The Independent (London), April 26, 2003

  “Bush’s Foreign Policy Guru,” web site (

  “Bush’s Foreign Policy Tutor,” The New York Times, June 16, 2000

  “Bush’s Secret Weapon,”, March 20, 2000 (

  “Bush’s Tutor and Disciple—Condoleezza Rice,” New York Times, November 17, 2004

  “Bush’s ‘Vulcans’ Iron Out Foreign Policy,” Birmingham News, June 30, 2000

  “Can’t Testify, Condi Insists,” Daily News, March 29, 2004

  “Casper Selects Condoleezza Rice to be Next Stanford Provost,” Stanford University News Service press release, May 19, 1993

  “Chevron redubs ship named for Bush aide,” San Francisco Chronicle , May 5, 2001

  College Acquaintance Recruitment Experience (CARE) brochure, University of Denver

  “Commander in Chief’s Visit Sets Aircraft Carrier’s Crew Abuzz, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 2, 2003, (

  “Compulsion to Achieve,” The New York Times, December 18, 2000

  “Condi Rice a rare woman in world affairs,” Denver Rocky Mountain News, December 18, 2000

  “Condi Rice Can’t Lose,” Time, September 20, 1999

  “‘Condi’ Rice: Presbyterian with faith, political mettle,” The Presbyterian Layman, November 22, 2000

  “Condoleezza Rice,” BusinessWeek online, February 11, 2002 (

  “Condoleezza Rice: Defying the Stereotypes,” Birmingham News, January 22, 2001

  “Condoleezza Rice: George W.’s Realist,” World Policy Journal, Winter 1999

  “Condoleezza Rice Farewell,” Stanford Report, June 16, 1999

  “Condoleezza Rice Interview,” web site (uspolitics.

  “Connor Behind Bill Banning ‘Rides,’” Birmingham Post-Herald, August 25, 1961

  “Containment,” New Republic, February 5, 2001

  “Contributing to CREES,” Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies web site (

  “Dean’s Awards for Distinguished Teaching, 1992-93,” Stanford University News Service, undated press release

  “Dogs, Water Used to Halt Negro March,” Montgomery Advertiser, May 4, 1963

  “Don’t Attack Saddam,” Wall Street Journal, August 15, 2002, (

  “Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses President’s Nati
onal Security Strategy,” October 1, 2002, White House online, (

  “Dr. Condoleezza Rice Talks About her Career as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs,” National Public Radio, “Tavis Smiley,” October 28, 2004

  “Dream Job for Rice: N.F.L. Commissioner,” The New York Times, April 17, 2002

  “Dream’s Focus Fundamental for Leadership in 21st Century,” editorial by Condoleezza Rice, Birmingham News, April 23, 2000

  “Dysgenics, Geneticity, Raceology” by William Shockley, Phi Delta Kappan, January 1972

  “End of the Cold War: Challenge for U.S. Policy,” The Commonwealth , December 6, 1991

  “Excerpts from White House Letter on Rice’s Testimony,” New York Times, March 31, 2004

  Fifty Years in the Gospel Ministry, by T. G. Goud, online text at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries “Documenting the American South” (

  “For Condoleezza Rice, National Security by Day and Brahms by Night,” The Wall Street Journal, April 24, 2002

  “For Rice, A Daunting Challenge Ahead,” Washington Post, December 18, 2000

  “Forces: U.S. & Coalition/Casualties,”, December 8, 2004, (

  “Fox News Sunday” August 27, 2000, online transcript from eMediaMillWorks

  “The Friends of George,” New York Times, November 17, 2004

  “From ‘Not College Material’ to Stanford’s No. 2 Job,” The New York Times, June 23, 1993

  “From ‘Splendid Isolation’ to ‘Fruitful Cooperation’: The Harriman Institute in the Post-Soviet Era,” Columbia Magazine, Summer 1996

  “Gender Politics, ” web site (

  “GOP Star to Skip Convention,” Washington Post, August 7, 2004

  “Gorbachev Era, The,” The Commonwealth, June 13, 1988

  “Honored to Have the Chance,” The Boston Globe, December 21, 2000

  “How Many Heads Does the Prime Minister Have?” New Presence: The Prague Journal of Central European Affairs, Spring 2002

  “How White House Planners Kept High-risk Journey Secret to the End,” Ottawa Citizen, November 28, 2003

  “In Race for White House, the ‘Cult of Condi’ Plays Growing Role,” Los Angeles Times, May 28, 2000

  “Iraq: US/UK/Spain Draft Resolution,” February 24, 2003,” posted on The United States Mission to the European Union site, (

  “Is There Anything This Woman Can’t Do?,” George magazine, June 2000

  “Josef Korbel’s Enduring Foreign Policy Legacy,” Washington Post, December 28, 2000

  “Leaders for a New Millennium,” Financial Times, December 28, 1995

  “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001

  “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001

  “Memorandum Submitted by France, Germany & Russia on Iraq Weapons Inspections,” February 24, 2003,, (

  “Messenger to Moscow,” Time, August 6, 2001

  Minutes of Stanford University’s Senate of the Academic Council, May 13, 1999 (

  “‘Moral case’ for deposing Saddam,” BBC News online, August 15, 2002, (

  “National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice Chosen for Special NAACP Image Award,” Associated Press web site, February 24, 2002 (

  Naval War College announcement posted on web site (

  “New Army for a New State, A,” Time, September 16, 1991

  “New Faces of U.S. to the World, The,” Christian Science Monitor, December 18, 2000

  “New Leadership on National Security,” speech by George W. Bush, posted on the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation web site May 23, 2000 (

  “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002

  “Overview of the Enemy: Staff Statement No. 15,” National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States, June 16, 2004, (

  “Partnership: A History of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, The,” NASA web site (

  “People in the News Profile: Condoleezza Rice,” web site (

  “Perspectives,” Newsweek, May 3, 2004, as posted on, (

  “Pick for National Security Adviser has DU Ties,” Denver Rocky Mountain News, December 17, 2000

  “Political Punch in a Package of Charm,” Financial Times, February 26, 2000

  “President Discusses Growing Danger Posed by Saddam Hussein’s Regime,” September 14, 2002, White House online, (

  “President Nominates Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State,” White House press release, November 16, 2004, ( )

  “President’s Prodigy, The,” Vogue, October 2001

  “President’s Remarks to the Nation,” September 11, 2002, White House online, (

  “Press Briefing by Dr. Condoleezza Rice,” February 24, 2003, White House online, (

  “Press Conference by Vice President Dick Cheney,” White House online, March 17, 2002, (

  “Profile: Condoleezza Rice,” BBC News Online, September 25, 2001 (

  “Promoting the National Interest,” Foreign Affairs magazine, January /February 2000

  “Remarks by the National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, to the Conservative Political Action Conference, February 1, 2002, as posted on the NATO web site, February 1, 2002 (

  “Report of the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender-Integrated Training and Related Issues to the Secretary of Defense,” December 16,1997 (

  “Rice: A Russophile with Bush’s Ear,” MSNBC web site (

  “Rice Appointed to Urban Renewal Authority,” Intermountain Jewish News, May 26, 1978

  “Rice called a Good Fit for Foreign Policy Post,” web site, December 18, 2000 (

  “Rice Hitting the Road to Speak,” Washington Post, October 20, 2004

  “Rice Holds the Line,” Time, April 8, 2004, online edition, (

  “Rice on Front Lines as Adviser to Bush,” The New York Times, August 16, 2001

  “Rice on Students, Tough Decisions and her Oil Tanker,” Stanford Magazine, May/June 1999

  “Rice Quits Post,” Stanford Daily, March 14, 1991

  “Rice Says Bush, Putin ‘Moved Forward,’” U.S. Department of State International Information Programs web site, July 22, 2001 (

  “Rice Shapes Bush’s View of the World,” Cox Newspapers Online, November 15, 2001 (

  “Rice to Step Down in June after Six Years as Provost,” Stanford Report, December 9, 1998

  “Rice Turns her Focus to Family,” Birmingham News, March 19, 2001

  “Rice: War Stories No Teaching Tool, But Role Playing Works,” Stanford University Campus Report, October 28, 1998

  “Russia’s Bold Challenge,” Time, January 14, 1980

  “Sawislak to appeal denial of tenure to Advisory Board,” Stanford Report, April 1, 1998

  “See George. See George Learn Foreign Policy,” Newsweek, June 18, 2001

  “Sharon smitten with Rice,” Denver Post, February 5, 2001

  “Soviets Face Hard Choices in Arms Control, Rice Says,
” Stanford University News Service, December 2, 1983

  “Stanford Cuts Budget Third Straight Year,” San Francisco Chronicle , November 11, 1993

  “Stanford Provost Condoleezza Rice Appointed Hoover Senior Fellow,” Hoover Institution Newsletter, Summer 1999

  Stanford University Campus Report, April 1, 1992

  Stanford University News Service press release, December 2, 1983

  Stanford University News Service press release, June 18, 1984

  Stanford University News Service press release, May 10, 1996

  “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999

  “State Black Codes,” National Parks Service web site (

  “Status of Women in International Affairs Professions, The,” Women’s Foreign Policy Group web site (

  “Steely Southerner, A,” Newsweek, August 6, 2001

  “Stillman College: A Glance at the Past,” Stillman College Archives, 1974

  “Take Small Classes, Experiment, College Frosh Told,” Stanford News Service bulletin, October 1993

  “Testimony of Condoleezza Rice Before 9/11 Commission,” New York Times, April 8, 2004, transcript posted on, ( cceca23&ei=5070)

  “Thanksgiving Surprise Raises Stakes for Bush,” Seattle Times, November 29, 2003

  “There IS a Doctor in the House,” In the Black, Summer 2001

  “Timeline of the Iraq Uranium Allegations,” ABC News online, (

  Title 5 U.S. Code 3331, Oath of Office, U.S. Code as of 01/23/01


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