“To Europeans, Rice Brings Mitigated Hope of Harmony,” New York Times, November 20, 2004
“Transform America, One by One,” editorial by Condoleezza Rice, Birmingham News, May 22, 1994
University of Denver Clarion, October 9, 1972
University of Denver Graduate School of International Studies brochure
“Uphill Battle to Improve Status of Women on the Faculty,” Stanford University News Service press release, March 12, 1997
“U.S. Intelligence and the End of the Cold War,” a speech given by George Bush at Texas A&M on November 19, 1999
“Uterine Fibroid Surgery; Rice to Undergo Procedure,” Newsday, November 19, 2004
“Velvet-glove Forcefulness,” Stanford Report, June 9, 1999
Washington’s Famous Atlanta Address of 1895, as posted on the Booker T. Washington National Monument web site (nps.gov/bowa/tuskin.html)
“Welcome Back, Professor Rice,” REES Center for Russian & East European Studies Newsletter, Spring 1991
“West Wing Story: America’s Favorite Bushie,” Newsweek, August 1, 2001
“The White House Blinks,” Buffalo News, March 31, 2004
“Why We Know Iraq Is Lying,” New York Times, January 23, 2003
“The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women,” Forbes, August 20, 2004, (www.forbes.com/2004/08/18/04powomland.html)
Blackman, Ann, Seasons of Her Life: A Biography of Madeleine Korbel Albright (New York: Scribners, 1998)
Bush, George, All the Best, George Bush: My Life and Other Writings (New York: Scribners, 1999)
Bush, George and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York: Knopf, 1998)
Clarke, Richard A., Against All Enemies (New York: Free Press, 2004)
Dobbs, Michael, Madeleine Albright: Twentieth Century Odyssey (New York: Holt, 1999)
Eskew, Glenn T., But for Birmingham (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997)
Kean, Thomas H. and Lee H. Hamilton, The 9/11 Report (New York: St. Martin’s Press, August 2004)
Kegley, Charles W. and Eugene Wittkopf, American Foreign Policy (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996)
Montview Centennial Book Committee, The Spirit of Montview: 1902-2002, 2001
Morgenthau, Hans, Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Peace and Power (New York: WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1985)
Parmet, Herbert S., George Bush: The Life of a Lone Star Yankee (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2001)
Prados, John, Keepers of the Keys: A History of the National Security Council from Truman to Bush (New York: Morrow, 1991)
Rice, Condoleezza, The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army, 1948-1983 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984)
Rosenthal, Joel H., Righteous Realists (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1991)
Rotundo, Anthony E., American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era (New York: Basic Books, 1994)
White, Deborah Gray, Ar’n’t I a Woman? Female Slaves in the Plantation South (New York: Norton, 1999)
Zelikow, Philip and Condoleezza Rice, Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997)
George Barth
Paul Brest
George Brinkley
Albert Cannella
Deborah Carson
Margaret Cheatham
Jim Copland
Jack Davis
John Ferejohn
Karen Feste
Jason Galie
Dmitri Gerasamenko
Rev. Richard Hutchison
Rev. William Jones
Pam King
Robby Laitos
Gail Lapidus
Mark Wateska
Sr. Sylvia Pautler
John Raisian
Clara Bailey Rice
Betty Richardson
Therese Saracino
Juliemma Smith
Darcy Taylor
Margaret and Russ Wehner
vi “Henry, sorry to tell you this . . .” “The Status of Women in International Affairs Professions,” Women’s Foreign Policy Group web site (wfpg.org)
1 “education evangelists” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
1 “Daddy, I’m barred out of there now . . .” “Is There Anything This Woman Can’t Do?” George magazine, June 2000
2 “rock-star big . . .” “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999
3 “She is, all agree, an immensely appealing person . . .” Ibid.
3 “Condi is one of those happy-go-lucky kinds of people . . .” Interview with Karen Feste
3 “I’m a really religious person . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
3 “I think I’m above average . . .” Ibid.
5 “The presidency is not just . . .” “Condi Rice Can’t Lose,” Time, September 20, 1999
6 “Here was this slip of a girl . . .” “Condoleezza Rice: George W.’s Realist,” World Policy Journal, Winter 1999
6 “One of my first phone calls . . .” Ibid.
For further information on the book titles, please see the Sources section on page 245.
7 “tells me everything I know about the Soviet Union” “Rice: A Russophile with Bush’s Ear,” MSNBC web site (www.msnbc.com)
7 “Some of the most dramatic and epochal events . . .” A World Transformed, by George Bush and Brent Scowcroft
8 “Governor Bush was very impressed” “Bush’s Foreign Policy Tutor,” The New York Times, June 16, 2000
8 “He’s really smart—and he’s also disciplined . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
9 “I don’t get seasick . . .” “Bush’s Secret Weapon,” Salon.com, March 20, 2000 (www.salon.com)
9 “What about relations with Russia . . .” Ibid.
10 “When we talked about it . . .” Interview with Deborah Carson
10 “I like to be around her . . .” “Bush’s Foreign Policy Tutor,” The New York Times, June 16, 2000
11 “a close confidant . . .” “Compulsion to Achieve,” The New York Times, December 18, 2000
11 “I’ve respected him from the first time we talked . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
11 “I grew up right there in Birmingham with Vulcan . . .” “Bush’s ‘Vulcans’ Iron Out Foreign Policy,” Birmingham News, June 30, 2000
12 “I don’t try to do it all myself . . .” Ibid.
12 “can explain to me foreign policy matters . . .” “Compulsion to Achieve,” The New York Times, December 18, 2000
12 “She has an extraordinary ability to be clear,” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
12 “One of the things that is appealing . . .” Ibid.
12 “She is a novel commodity . . .” “People in the News Profile: Condoleezza Rice,” CNN.com web site (www.cnn.com/CNN/programs/people/shows/rice/profile.html)
13 “I may not be able to tell you exactly . . .” “Condoleezza Rice: George W.’s Realist,” World Policy Journal, Winter 1999
13 “As an executive . . .” “Academics Start to Line up Behind Presidential Candidates,” Chronicle of Higher Education, May 28, 1999
14 “Governor Bush has not spent . . .” “Condi Rice Can’t Lose,” Time, September 20, 1999
14 “I’ve been pressed to understand . . .” “Compulsion to Achieve,” The New York Times, December 18, 2000
15 “America must build effective missile defenses . . .” “New Leadership on National Security,” speech by George W. Bush, posted on the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation web site May 23, 2000 (nuclearfiles.org/docs/2000/0523newleadershipbush.html)
16 “He’s always been surrounded by strong, smart women . . .” “Bus
h Campaign Turns to Big Gun—His Mom Barbara Bush Leads W is for Women Tour,” Baltimore Sun, October 20, 2000
17 “George W. Bush . . .” Rice’s Speech at the Republican National Convention, August 1, 2000
17 “Anybody who really knows me . . .” “Condoleezza Rice Interview,” About.com web site (uspolitics.about.com)
17 “I actually think . . .” “Dream Job for Rice: N.F.L. Commissioner,” The New York Times, April 17, 2002
18 “‘You make me sound like a tyrant!’ . . .” “Compulsion to Achieve,” The New York Times, December 18, 2000
18 “She’s got this quiet demeanor . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
18 “both very upbeat and very down to business . . .” Interview with Paul Brest
19 “I am a very deeply religious person . . .” “The President’s Prodigy, Vogue, October 2001
19 “Dr. Rice is not only . . .” “Rice called a Good Fit for Foreign Policy Post,” USATODAY.com website, December 18, 2000 (www.usatoday.com)
20 “This is an extraordinary time . . .” “Compulsion to Achieve,” The New York Times, December 18, 2000
20 “I, Condoleezza . . .” Title 5 U.S. Code 3331, Oath of Office, U.S. Code as of 01/23/01
21 “Advisors such as Rice and Kissinger . . .” “How Many Heads Does the Prime Minister Have?” New Presence: The Prague Journal of Central European Affairs, Spring 2002
21 “I will remember the sound advice . . .” All the Best, George Bush: My Life and Other Writings, by George Bush
22 “one of the single most important positions . . .” Keepers of the Keys: A History of the National Security Council from Truman to Bush, by John Prados
23 “The multiethnic part [of American society] . . .” “Dream’s Focus Fundamental for Leadership in 21st Century,” editorial by Condoleezza Rice, Birmingham News, April 23, 2000
24 It could be the opening moments . . . “Condoleezza Rice: Defying the Stereotypes,” Birmingham News, January 22, 2001
25 “Knowledge must be acquired . . .” Fifty Years in the Gospel Ministry , by T. G. Goud, online text at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries “Documenting the American South” (docsouth.unc.edu/church/ steward/steward.html)
25 “Around 1918 . . .” Rice’s speech at the Republican National Convention, August 1, 2000
26 “My grandfather asked . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
26 “My family has been Presbyterian . . .” Ibid.
27 “I can see him even now . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
27 “He really was a person who believed . . .” “Rice Turns her Focus to Family,” Birmingham News, March 19, 2001
27 Strong parallels run between Condi’s paternal . . . “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
28 “civilizing agent . . .” Washington’s Famous Atlanta Address of 1895, as posted on the Booker T. Washington National Monument web site (nps.gov/bowa/tuskin.html)
28 “habits of thrift . . .” Ibid.
28 “Albert Ray worked three jobs . . .” “Transform America, One by One,” editorial by Condoleezza Rice, Birmingham News, May 22, 1994
29 “As a matter of fact . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
29 The term Jim Crow . . . AFRO-American Almanac web site (toptags.com/aama/docs/jcrow.htm)
30 Nurses: No person or corporation . . . “State Black Codes National Parks Service,” web site (www.nps.gov/malu/documents/jim_crow_laws.htm)
31 “Always remember . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
31 “They had broken the code . . .” Ibid.
31 “If you take the time to learn . . .” “Transform America, One by One,” editorial by Condoleezza Rice, Birmingham News, May 22, 1994
32 “Our grandfathers had this indomitable outlook . . .” Ibid.
33 “Dr. Love was absolutely committed . . .” Interview with Betty Richardson
34 “Angelena was very beautiful . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
34 “the very picture . . .” “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999
34 “So I should have . . .” “Political Punch in a Package of Charm,” Financial Times, February 26, 2000
34 “I don’t know too many American families . . .” “People in the News Profile: Condoleezza Rice,” CNN.com web site (www.cnn.com/CNN/programs/people/shows/rice/profile.html)
34 “They wanted the world . . .” Ibid.
36 “My parents . . .” “Profile: Condoleezza Rice,” BBC News Online, September 25, 2001 (news.bbc.co.uk)
37 “They simply ignored . . .” “People in the News Profile: Condoleezza Rice,” CNN.com web site (www.cnn.com/CNN/programs/people/shows/rice/profile.html)
37 “I had parents who gave me . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
37 “It was a very controlled . . .” “A Steely Southerner,” Newsweek, August 6,2001
38 “My mother played . . .” “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001
38 “So she said . . .” Ibid.
38 “Condi’s always been so focused . . .” “Aunt G.’s Favorite Niece: Condoleezza Rice,” Virginian-Pilot, March 14, 2002
39 “They didn’t play . . .” Interview with Juliemma Smith
39 “Condi learned how . . .” Ibid.
39 “My mother was stunningly beautiful . . .” “Honored to Have the Chance,” Boston Globe, December 21, 2000
40 “My sister always knew that . . .” “Aunt G.’s Favorite Niece: Condoleezza Rice,” Virginian-Pilot, March 14, 2002
40 “I knew my baby . . .” Ibid.
41 “waiting for what seemed like hours . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
41 “[She] wasn’t an outdoors child . . .” Ibid.
41 “What in the world . . .” “Condoleezza Rice: Defying the Stereotypes,” Birmingham News, January 22, 2001
41 “Condi doesn’t belong to us . . .” “Honored to Have the Chance,” Boston Globe, December 21, 2000
42 “I’m waiting for my instructions . . .” “A Steely Southerner,” Newsweek, August 6, 2001
42 “John and Angelena were the perfect parents . . .” “There IS a Doctor in the House,” In the Black, Summer 2001
42 “I remember when I was about ten . . .” “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001
42 “I think I was the first black student . . .” Ibid.
43 “I grew up in a family in which . . .” “Compulsion to Achieve,” The New York Times, December 18, 2000
43 “It wasn’t as if someone said . . .” “A Steely Southerner,” Newsweek, August 6, 2001
43 “My parents were very strategic . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
44 “I remember the woman standing there . . .” Ibid.
44 “She just could not understand” “Condoleezza Rice: Defying the Stereotypes,” Birmingham News, January 22, 2001
45 “I don’t remember . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
45 “You don’t want to go to Kiddieland . . .” Ibid.
45 “My parents had to try to explain . . .” “Academic Style: Stanford’s New Provost Brings a Different Perspective to Campus,” Chicago Tribune, August 15, 1993
45 “The Rices were kind of joyless . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
46 “He was a big man . . .” Interview with Margaret Cheatham
46 “John’s scouts made up one . . .” Interview with Reverend William Jones
47 “this fine young man . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post,
September 9, 2001
47 “My dad was a football coach . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
47 “When I grow up I’m going to marry . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
48 “It was music with my mother . . .” University of Denver Graduate School of International Studies brochure
48 “Condi was always interested in politics . . .” Interview with Juliemma Smith
48 “We almost always stopped on college campuses . . .” “Honored to Have the Chance,” Boston Globe, December 21, 2000
48 “Figure skating was . . .” “West Wing Story: America’s Favorite Bushie,” Newsweek, August 1, 2001
49 “the year of all the bombings . . .” “Honored to Have the Chance,” Boston Globe, December 21, 2000
50 “The police would show up . . .” Interview with Pam King
50 “I have a sort of pure . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
51 “Those terrible events . . .” “Soviets Face Hard Choices in Arms Control, Rice Says,” Stanford University News Service, December 2, 1983
51 “It’s too hard to get there . . .” Interview with Pam King
51 “When integration occurred . . .” Ibid.
52 “We all lived within range . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
53 “The white power structure . . .” Interview with Jack Davis
53 “My father worked downtown . . .” Ibid.
53 “challenging our way of life” “Connor Behind Bill Banning ‘Rides,’” Birmingham Post-Herald, August 25, 1961
54 “With firemen brandishing their hoses . . .” “Dogs, Water Used to Halt Negro March,” Montgomery Advertiser, May 4, 1963
55 “My father was not a march-in-the-street preacher . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
56 “I remember a slight sensation . . .” “In Race for White House, the ‘Cult of Condi’ Plays Growing Role,” Los Angeles Times, May 28, 2000
56 “I remember more than anything the coffins . . .” “Honored to Have the Chance,” Boston Globe, December 21, 2000
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