57 “In 1952, John Rice himself went to vote . . .” Ibid.
57 “The first Republican I knew . . .” Rice’s Speech at the Republican National Convention, August 1, 2000
58 “The people there stopped eating . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
58 “a revered figure” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
58 “The legal changes made a tremendous difference . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
58 “I am so grateful to my parents . . .” Stanford University News Service bulletin, December 2, 1983
59 By the time John arrived as the new dean . . . “Stillman College: A Glance at the Past,” Stillman College Archives, 1974
60 “I don’t ever remember . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
61 “sick and tired . . .” “Acknowledge that You Have an Obligation to Search for the Truth,” Stanford Report, June 16, 2002
61 “I will never forget . . .” Ibid.
62 “DU is more aware of minority problems . . .” University of Denver Clarion, October 9, 1972
64 “That seems to be how . . . In the 1940s . . .” Interview with Sr. Sylvia Pautler
65 “All that I remember is focusing . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
65 “Now once you got out into the larger world . . .” “People in the News Profile: Condoleezza Rice,” CNN.com web site (www.cnn.com/CNN/programs/people/shows/rice/profile.html)
66 “She was very . . .” Interview with Sr. Sylvia Pautler
66 “The Sisters of Loretto . . .” Interview with Therese Saracino
67 “I was her math teacher . . .” Ibid.
67 “That was a lot of money back then . . .” Interview with Deborah Carson
68 “Poor guy. He felt sort of . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
69 “My father was fundamentally against it . . .” College Acquaintance Recruitment Experience (CARE) brochure, University of Denver
70 “I’m the one who speaks French! . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
71 “That had been my mother and father’s strategy . . .” Ibid.
71 “The truth is that I was a terrible procrastinator . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
71 “I did the reading at the last minute . . .” “Take Small Classes, Experiment, College Frosh Told,” Stanford News Service bulletin, October 1993
72 “I met eleven-year-olds who could play . . .” “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001
72 “We both became disillusioned . . .” Interview with Darcy Taylor
72 “We all entered several contests a year . . .” Ibid.
73 “murder Beethoven” “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999
73 “I decided . . .” “Dream’s Focus Fundamental for Leadership in 21st Century,” editorial by Condoleezza Rice, Birmingham News, April 23, 2000
73 “pretty good but not great . . . Technically, I can play most anything . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
73 “I went on a mad search for a major . . .” Ibid.
74 “squishy” “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999
74 “It just clicked . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
74 “I can still feel the strong sense I had of remorse and regret . . .” Stanford University News Service bulletin, December 2, 1983
75 “I really adored him . . .” “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999
75 “Condi is the kind of person who is very sure of herself . . .” “Is There Anything This Woman Can’t Do?” George magazine, June 2000
75 “Design is a way . . .” Interview with Darcy Taylor
75 “John Rice was friendly . . .” Ibid.
76 “I found my passion in the study of Russia . . .” “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001
76 “I don’t regret giving up the music career . . .” Ibid.
76 “Korbel had a way of encouraging talented people . . .” Madeleine Albright: A Twentieth-Century Odyssey, by Michael Dobbs
77 “Korbel was one of . . .” Ibid.
79 “There is no doubt . . .” Ibid.
80 “It helps to have another foreign language under your belt . . .” Interview with Jason Galie
81 “The membership of these churches got together . . .” Interview with Russ Wehner
81 “church members were asked to sign . . .” The Spirit of Montview: 1902-2002, by the Montview Centennial Book Committee
81 “He got Martin Luther King . . . ” Interview with Russ Wehner
82 “He brought an enormous . . .” Ibid.
82 “When John came on the staff . . .” The Spirit of Montview: 1902-2002, by the Montview Centennial Book Committee
82 “John was always forthright, honest, and challenging . . .” Interview with Richard Hutchison
83 “She had a beautiful voice . . .” Interview with Margaret Wehner
83 “We performed . . . the Beethoven Christ on the Mount of Olives . . .” “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001
83 In addition to his work as a university dean . . . “Rice Appointed to Urban Renewal Authority,” Intermountain Jewish News, May 26, 1978
83 “I believe that sports has a place . . .” “Rice on Students, Tough Decisions and her Oil Tanker,” Stanford Magazine, May/June 1999
84 “The University of Denver . . . ” University of Denver Graduate School of International Studies brochure
85 “Since he didn’t tell me precisely how . . .” Stanford Campus Report, June 19, 1985
86 “Culture is something you can adopt . . .” “Political Punch in a Package of Charm,” The Financial Times, February 26, 2000
87 “I’m five-foot-eight, black and female . . .” Ibid.
89 “Condoleezza came to Notre Dame . . .” Interview with George Brinkley
90 “The government gathered all those it could collect . . .” “From ‘Splendid Isolation’ to ‘Fruitful Cooperation’: The Harriman Institute in the Post-Soviet Era,” Columbia Magazine, Summer 1996
91 “Well, the job market’s a lot better . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002
91 “Most students had little background . . .” Interview with George Brinkley
92 “He understood the dark side of Russia . . .” “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999
92 “Our graduate program . . .” Interview with George Brinkley
92 “She was one of those self-driven students . . .” Ibid.
92 “She had some Russian . . .” Ibid.
93 “It was clear from the beginning . . .” Ibid.
93 “I read early on and was influenced . . .” “Condoleezza Rice: George W.’s Realist,” World Policy Journal, Winter 1999
94 “Power is the control . . .” Politics Among Nations, by Hans Morgenthau
94 “Realists insisted that the national interest could . . .” Righteous Realists , by Joel. H. Rosenthal
95 “attracted to the Byzantine nature . . .” Ibid.
95 “I am a realist. Power matters . . .” “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999
95 “Condi came to see the cold war . . .” “Is There Anything This Woman Can’t Do?,” George magazine, June 2000
95 “While she was at Notre Dame . . .” Interview with George Brinkley
95 “She and I worked . . .” Ibid.
96 “She partied quite a bit there . . .” Interview with Deborah C
97 “You are very talented, you have to become a professor . . .” “Josef Korbel’s Enduring Foreign Policy Legacy,” Washington Post, December 28, 2000
97 “Thinking broadly about the whole world . . .” “Soviets Face Hard Choices in Arms Control, Rice Says,” Stanford University News Service, December 2, 1983
97 “I realized that I liked . . .” Ibid.
97 “He was nothing but . . .” Ibid.
98 “She is one of the few people . . .” Interview with Robby Laitos
98 “That day . . .” Ibid.
98 “I remember her mother . . .” Ibid.
99 “Looking back, the school doesn’t seem a lot different . . .” Interview with Karen Feste
99 Josef Korbel had not always . . . Madeleine Albright: A Twentieth Century Legacy, by Michael Dobbs
100 “He and I were close . . .” Interview with Karen Feste
101 “contributions to transatlantic relations . . .” Naval War College announcement posted on web site (nwc.navy.mil)
102 “Dear American TV people . . .” “The Partnership: A History of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project,” NASA web site (hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History)
103 “a deliberate effort by a powerful atheistic government . . .” “Russia’s Bold Challenge,” Time, January 14, 1980
103 “I remember thinking, What did you think . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
103 “I was a registered Democrat . . .” “Honored to Have the Chance,” The Boston Globe, December 21, 2000
104 “I admired what Lyndon Johnson did for civil rights . . .” “Is There Anything This Woman Can’t Do?,” George magazine, June 2000
104 “all-over-the-map Republican . . .” “‘Condi’ Rice: Presbyterian with faith, political mettle,” The Presbyterian Layman, November 22, 2000
104 “It was the constitution and foreign policy . . .” Ibid.
104 Condi takes a ribbing . . . “Honored to Get the Chance,” The Boston Globe, December 21, 2000
104 “I’m in the G.O.P. for the right reasons . . .” Ibid.
105 “Korbel liked Condi because . . .” Interview with Karen Feste
106 “research ability” Stanford University News Service
106 “He expected a lot out of people . . .” Interview with Karen Feste
106 “He was as proud of [Madeleine] . . .” Madeleine Albright: A Twentieth Century Legacy, by Michael Dobbs
106 “It was Josef Korbel who taught her . . .” Seasons of Her Life: A Biography of Madeleine Korbel Albright, by Ann Blackman
106 “probably more liberal . . .” “Josef Korbel’s Enduring Foreign Policy Legacy,” Washington Post, December 28, 2000
107 “Our program works best for students . . .” Interview with Karen Feste
107 “There wasn’t a lot written about the subject . . .” “Pick for National security Adviser has DU Ties,” Denver Rocky Mountain News, December 17, 2000
108 “The General Staff [of the USSR] was my life . . .” “Is There Anything This Woman Can’t Do?” George magazine, June 2000
108 She had estimated that there were about 5,000 . . . Ibid.
109 “The majority of Soviets . . .” Interview with Dmitri Gerasamenko
109 “Foreigners saw . . .” Ibid.
109 “A black student . . .” Ibid.
110 “a very major player. . . . She was seriously going to marry him . . .” Interview with Deborah Carson
111 “He died of stomach cancer . . .” Interview with Karen Feste
111 On his sickbed, Korbel continued working . . . Madeleine Albright: A Twentieth-Century Odyssey, by Michael Dobbs
111 “Because of the small . . .” Graduate School of International Studies brochure
112 “I tell students, ‘If you don’t know what you want . . .” Ibid.
112 “[For years] I structured my life to be a concert musician . . .” “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999
112 “I think we all knew . . .” “Adviser Condi Rice,” Denver Post, August 2, 2000
112 “We always thought . . .” Interview with Karen Feste
113 “The understanding of arms control . . .” “Soviets Face Hard Choices in Arms Control, Rice Says,” Stanford University News Service, December 2, 1983
114 “tells me everything . . . I hope you know a lot.” “Rice: A Russophile with Bush’s Ear” MSNBC web site (msnbc.com)
114 “[The] characteristics of the Cold War . . .” “Bush, Gorbachev Hold Malta Shipboard Summit,” World News Digest, December 8, 1989
116 “They didn’t need another Soviet specialist . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001
116 “I think what struck people . . .” Stanford Report, December 9, 1998
116 “She got along well with everybody . . .” Interview with John Ferejohn
118 “It is increasingly difficult . . .” Stanford Report, October 28, 1998
118 “orderly, post hoc recreations we teach . . .” Ibid.
118 It’s interesting to watch students . . .” Ibid.
118 “It is still the most . . .” “Dean’s Awards for Distinguished Teaching, 1992-93,” Stanford University News Service, undated press release
119 “wasn’t a surprise, it was commonly known . . .” Interview with John Ferejohn
119 “Condi heard about it . . .” Interview with Paul Brest
119 Condi is not the first to make this analogy . . . American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era, by E. Anthony Rotundo
120 “It was a large lecture class . . .” Interview with anonymous
120 “Anyone who has had the good fortune . . .” “Dean’s Awards for Distinguished Teaching, 1992-93,” Stanford University News Service
121 “I will always remember . . .” Ibid.
121 “a marvelous facilitator . . .” Ibid.
121 “She treated us . . .” Ibid.
121 “for bringing enthusiasm . . .” Stanford University News Service press release, June 18, 1984
122 “her intellect and charm—charm in the profound sense . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001
123 “I was affiliated . . .” Interview with George Brinkley
124 “ill understood . . . I found them welcoming . . .” “The Gorbachev Era,” The Commonwealth, June 13, 1988
124 “I realized then . . .” “Bush Advisor Speaks of Faith’s Deep Roots,” Denver Post, May 5, 2000
125 “We walked in the door . . .” Interview with Deborah Carson
125 “They were a real couple . . .” Ibid.
126 “The opening of the Berlin Wall was as electrifying . . .” Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft, by Philip Zelikow and Condoleezza Rice
Seven: BUSH I
128 “Condi was brilliant . . .” “Is There Anything This Woman Can’t Do?” George magazine, June 2000
128 “All you have to do with the large, huge, and very frightening problems . . .” Stanford University Campus Report, June 19, 1985
130 “Television and radio play a major . . .” KQED legal department document supplied by Counsel Margaret Berry
131 “I think of people as being one of two types . . .” Interview with John Raisian
133 “a distinguished scholar . . .” “Contributing to CREES,” Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies web site (www.stanford.edu/dept/CREES/giving.html)
133 “The Stanford Alumni Association had asked Alex . . .” Interview with Gail W. Lapidus
134 “Clearly they approached . . .” Ibid.
134 “I never shall forget the day we returned . . .” “Honored to Have the Chance,” The Boston Globe, December 21, 2000
138 “Scowcroft and Baker placed a premium on cooperation . . .” Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft, by Philip Zelikow and Condoleezza Rice
138 “I had c
hosen Condi . . .” A World Transformed, by George Bush and Brent Scowcroft
139 “We went to the meetings . . .” “Welcome Back, Professor Rice,” Stanford REES Newsletter, Spring 1991
141 “Condi’s memo laid out the premises . . .” Ibid.
141 “aggressively to promote . . .” Ibid.
141 “setting our sights . . .” Ibid.
142 “it had a high concentration of families with ties to Eastern Europe . . .” Ibid.
143 “Nèmeth presented President Bush with a plaque . . .” Ibid.
143 “beacon of light . . .” Ibid.
144 “This isn’t the door you go in . . .” “Is There Anything This Woman Can’t Do?” George magazine, June 2000
145 “I think the Russians . . .” “Political Punch in a Package of Charm,” Financial Times, February 26, 2000
145 “I never have felt lonely or stressed in these environments . . .” “Honored to Have the Chance,” The Boston Globe, December 21, 2000
146 “He was right in my face in a confrontational way . . .” “Academic Style: Stanford’s New Provost Brings a Different Perspective to Campus,” Chicago Tribune, August 15, 1993
146 “I have to confess, it was hard for me to concentrate . . .” “Sharon smitten with Rice,” Denver Post, February 5, 2001
147 “would rip the heart out . . .” Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft, by Philip Zelikow and Condoleezza Rice
147 “peaceful, gradual . . .” Ibid.
147 “It was a risky move . . .” “Is There Anything This Woman Can’t Do?” George magazine, June 2000
149 “Condi was brilliant, but she never tried to flaunt it . . .” Ibid.
149 “She’s not only a person with extraordinary ambition . . .” Interview with George Brinkley
149 “It was an exciting time . . .” “Political Punch in a Package of Charm,” The Financial Times, February 26, 2000
149 “Was it inevitable that Germany unified . . .” “Star in Waiting,” National Review, August 30, 1999
150 “My colleagues were the smartest people I had ever met . . .” “Leaders for a New Millennium,” The Financial Times, December 28, 1995
150 “The most personally satisfying was working . . .” “Welcome Back, Professor Rice,” Stanford REES Newsletter, Spring 1991
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