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by Antonia Felix

  150 “Excellence describes the people that I had . . .” “U.S. Intelligence and the End of the Cold War,” a speech given by George Bush at Texas A&M on November 19, 1999


  152 “I tell my students . . .” “From ‘Not College Material’ to Stanford’s No. 2 Job,” The New York Times, June 23, 1993

  152 according to Scowcroft . . . “Bush’s Foreign Policy Tutor,” The New York Times, June 16, 2000

  152 “It wasn’t an easy decision . . .” “Welcome Back, Professor Rice,” REES Center for Russian & East European Studies Newsletter, Spring 1991

  153 “I wanted a life . . .” Ibid.

  154 “I’ve always tried to teach some of the decision-making . . .” Ibid.

  154 “The events in the Soviet Union will unfold . . .” “Rice Quits Post,” Stanford Daily, March 14, 1991

  154 “All the assumptions that I started out with as a student . . .” “End of the Cold War: Challenge for U.S. Policy,” The Commonwealth , December 6, 1991

  155 “The Soviet Army still has as chance . . .” “A New Army for a New State,” Time, September 16, 1991.

  155 “People in the Soviet Union associate Gorbachev . . .” “End of the Cold War: Challenge for U.S. Policy,” The Commonwealth, December 16, 1991

  157 “assess the current training programs . . .” “Report of the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender-Integrated Training and Related Issues to the Secretary of Defense,” December 16,1997 (

  157 “I was a principal at Menlo Oaks Middle School . . .” Interview with Clara Rice

  158 “He really didn’t like . . .” Ibid.

  158 “The three of us . . .” Ibid.

  159 “He was retired . . .” Ibid.

  160 “Those are sort of my kids . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001

  160 “Ever since I’ve been out of school . . .” “The President’s Prodigy, Vogue, October 2001

  160 “I have never accepted this notion . . .” Ibid.

  160 “Dr. Rice has participated . . .” Stanford University Campus Report , April 1, 1992

  162 “White men prove . . .” Interview with Albert A. Cannella

  162 “She’s very well connected . . .” Ibid.

  163 “business experts . . .” Ibid.

  165 “American oil companies are important . . .” “Fox News Sunday” August 27, 2000, online transcript from eMediaMillWorks

  165 “Oil companies have come a long way . . .” Ibid.

  166 “We made the change to eliminate the unnecessary attention . . .” “Chevron redubs ship named for Bush aide,” San Francisco Chronicle, May 5, 2001

  169 “Condi’s greatest expertise was on the international side . . .” Interview with Paul Brest

  171 “I was greatly impressed . . .” “People in the News Profile: Condoleezza Rice,” web site (

  172 “I did not beat around the bush . . .” Ibid.

  172 “I knew it would be somewhat controversial . . .” Ibid.

  173 “Stanford—like all universities—is in a maelstrom . . .” “Casper Selects Condoleezza Rice to be Next Stanford Provost,” Stanford News Service press release, May 19, 1993

  173 With her new appointment, Condi changed . . . “From ‘Not College Material’ to Stanford’s No. 2 Job,” The New York Times, June 23, 1993

  174 “I tell my students, ‘If you find yourself . . .’” Ibid.

  174 “I actually don’t think of this as a budgetary crisis . . .” “Stanford Cuts Budget Third Straight Year,” San Francisco Chronicle, November 11, 1993

  174 “There was a sort of conventional wisdom . . .” “Velvet-glove Forcefulness,” Stanford Report, June 9, 1999

  174 “I always feel bad for the dislocation . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002

  175 “In the first couple of years . . .” Stanford Magazine, May/June 1999

  176 “Obviously this is slow, steady progress . . .” “Uphill Battle to Improve Status of Women on the Faculty,” Stanford University News Service press release, March 12, 1997

  176 “You see 1 to 2 percent turnover rates . . .” “Velvet-glove Forcefulness,” Stanford Report, June 9, 1999

  177 “is more than outweighed by the downside . . .” “Uphill Battle to Improve Status of Women on the Faculty,” Stanford University News Service press release, March 12, 1997

  177 “Done in the right way . . .” Minutes of Stanford University’s Senate of the Academic Council, May 13, 1999 ( )

  178 “Tenure is granted to those who have achieved . . .” “Sawislak to appeal denial of tenure to Advisory Board,” Stanford Report, April 1, 1998

  179 “The argument that I have never bought . . .” “Velvet-glove Forcefulness,” Stanford Report, June 9, 1999

  179 “I think the experience . . .” Ibid.

  180 “This is something the entire university . . .” Stanford University News Service press release, May 10, 1996

  180 “I’m very proud we’re fiscally sound now . . .” “Velvet-glove Forcefulness,” Stanford Report, June 9, 1999

  180 “Condi was the provost when I was dean of the law school . . .” Interview with Paul Brest

  181 “There’s always a lot of give and take . . .” Ibid.

  182 “When we began working I didn’t know . . .” Interview with George Barth

  182 “If she got a call . . .” Ibid.

  182 “She played it very well . . .” Ibid.

  183 “Most of my students are . . .” Ibid.

  183 “We worked on that . . .” Ibid.

  184 “I now play almost exclusively chamber music . . .” “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001

  184 “I played with orchestras . . .” Ibid.

  184 “She would pay attention . . .” Interview with George Barth

  185 “Condi is very self-disciplined . . .” Ibid.

  185 “I put her through . . .” Interview with Mark Wateska

  186 “If you don’t have children who are a break . . .” “Condoleezza Rice: Driven to Achieve,” The New York Times, December 18, 2000

  186 “I get very caught up in what’s going on with the music . . .” “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001

  186 “She’s very goal-oriented . . .” Interview with Mark Wateska

  186 “As a strength coach I guess I was the low man . . .” Ibid.

  187 “He said, ‘you know . . .’” “Mad About Music,” transcript of the WNYC radio program aired on September 7, 2001

  187 “I . . . tell them that I’ve been to Europe . . .” “Academic Style: Stanford’s New Provost Brings a Different Perspective to Campus,” Chicago Tribune, August 15, 1993

  187 “I don’t suffer from Potomac fever . . .” “Leaders for a New Millennium,” Financial Times, December 28, 1995

  188 “The most important thing became to get back . . .” Stanford Magazine , May-June 1999

  188 “I’m going to take a leave from the university . . .” “Rice to Step Down in June after Six Years as Provost,” Stanford Report, December 9, 1998

  188 “We all know her real passion . . .” “Condoleezza Rice Farewell,” Stanford Report, June 16, 1999

  189 “To Condoleezza Rice . . .” Ibid.

  189 “warm grace . . .” Ibid.

  189 “She has this incredible reputation . . .” Interview with John Raisian

  190 “She has had other . . .” Ibid.

  190 “Condi is one of the brightest people . . .” “Stanford Provost Condoleezza Rice Appointed Hoover Senior Fellow,” Hoover Institution Newsletter, Summer 1999


  193 “If there is any lesson from history . . .” “Promoting the National Interest,” Foreign Affairs magazine, January/February 2000
  193 “What a weird accident” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002

  195 “Since I was a girl I have relied on faith . . .” Ibid.

  196 “If she’s doing her job well . . .” “West Wing Story: America’s Favorite Bushie,” Newsweek, August 1, 2001

  196 “I try very hard to remember that I have to be very disciplined . . .” “The President’s Prodigy,” Vogue, October 2001

  197 “I am responsible for making sure that I’ve checked things . . .” “Oprah Talks to Condoleezza Rice,” O: The Oprah Magazine, February 2002

  197 “We had gotten off on the wrong foot . . .” “See George. See George Learn Foreign Policy,” Newsweek, June 18, 2001

  197 “Using the American armed forces as the world’s ‘911’ . . .” “Promoting the National Interest,” Foreign Affairs magazine, January/February 2000

  198 “lightning brained” “For Rice, A Daunting Challenge Ahead,” Washington Post, December 18, 2000

  198 “rare ability . . . When you see her giving talks . . .” Interview with John Raisian

  198 “On a scale of one to ten in degree of difficulty . . .” “Rice Shapes Bush’s View of the World,” Cox Newspapers Online, November 15, 2001 (

  200 “A poker-playing crony of the president’s . . .” Keepers of the Keys: A History of the National Security Council from Truman to Bush, by John Prados

  200 “He should be a non-political confidant . . .” Ibid.

  200 The nation’s twentieth national security advisor . . . The first two in that position were classified as “executive secretaries”; the title “National Security Advisor” was first given in the Eisenhower administration. See the Appendix for a complete list of all former advisors.

  201 “Foreign policy is dominated by bald, graying white men . . .” “Condi Rice a rare woman in world affairs,” Denver Rocky Mountain News, December 18, 2000

  201 “The foreign policy establishment, comprised primarily by males . . .” “The Status of Women in International Affairs Professions,” Women’s Foreign Policy Group web site (

  201 “The appointment of Madeleine Albright . . .” Ibid.

  202 “High self-esteem and confidence went . . .” Ibid.

  202 “I tried to pattern myself after him . . .” Madeleine Albright: Twentieth Century Odyssey, by Michael Dobbs

  203 “He corrected her essays . . .” Ibid.

  203 “spent a lot of time . . .” Ibid.

  204 “Madeleine, I don’t know how to tell you . . .” “Lessons of Might and Right,” Washington Post, September 9, 2001

  204 “I know and like Madeleine very much . . .” “Political Punch in a Package of Charm,” Financial Times, February 26, 2000

  206 “Her touch was authoritative . . .” “For Condoleezza Rice, National Security by Day and Brahms by Night,” The Wall Street Journal, April 24, 2002

  206 “to help make sure . . .” “Condoleezza Rice,” BusinessWeek online, February 11, 2002

  207 “a bureaucratic infighter without equal . . .” “Containment,” New Republic, February 5, 2001

  208 “According to several Bush advisers . . .” Ibid.

  208 “They have a very nice, easy, friendly style . . .” “The New Faces of U.S. to the World,” Christian Science Monitor, December 18, 2000

  208 “keeping the trains running . . .” “Containment,” New Republic, February 5, 2001

  208 “She not only spends the most time . . .” “Condoleezza Rice,” BusinessWeek online, February 11, 2002 (

  209 “Her mission to Moscow was unprecedented . . .” “Rice on Front Lines as Adviser to Bush,” The New York Times, August 16, 2001

  209 “We’ve always said that we believe . . .” “Rice Says Bush, Putin ‘Moved Forward,’” U.S. Department of State International Information Programs, July 22, 2001 (online posting)

  210 “I’ve been in lots of meetings . . .” “Messenger to Moscow,” Time, August 6, 2001

  211 “As a result of hard work and determination . . .” “Beyond the ABM Treaty,” The Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2002

  211 “Tell Aunt Condi . . .” Interview with Deborah Carson

  212 “In the period starting in December 2000 . . .” “Rice: ‘No specific time, place or method mentioned,’”, posted May 17, 2002 (

  214 “We are committed to a world . . .” “Remarks by the National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice, to the Conservative Political Action Conference,” February 1, 2002, as posted on the NATO web site, February 1, 2002 (


  215 “advising the leader of the world’s…” “The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women,” Forbes, August 20, 2004, (

  216 “The President’s made it clear…” “Press Conference by Vice President Dick Cheney,” White House online, March 17, 2002, (

  216 the Iraqi leader “is an evil man…” “‘Moral case’ for deposing Saddam,” BBC News online, August 15, 2002, (

  216 “History is littered…” “‘Moral case’ for deposing Saddam,” BBC News online, August 15, 2002, (

  217 “There is a virtual consensus…” Brent Scowcroft, “Don’t Attack Saddam,” Wall Street Journal, August 15, 2002, (www.opinion-journalcom/forms/printThis.html?id=110002133. )

  218 “an explosion of outrage…” Ibid.

  218 “punish France…” “Bush on a Revenge Mission,” The Independent (London), April 26, 2003, p. 1

  218 “They believe that September 11 was…” “Bush’s Tutor and Disciple—Condoleezza Rice,” New York Times, November 17, 2004, p. A1

  219 “the orientation out of which I came…” Ibid.

  219 he stated that the “attack on our nation was also…” “President’s Remarks to the Nation,” September 11, 2002, White House online, (

  220 “Congress must make it…” “President Discusses Growing Danger Posed by Saddam Hussein’s Regime,” September 14, 2002, White House online, (

  220 “In real life, power and values…” “Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses President’s National Security Strategy,” October 1, 2002, White House online, (

  221 “Inspectors had not been given…” Condoleezza Rice, “Why We Know Iraq Is Lying,” New York Times, January 23, 2003, p. A25

  221 the document “fails to account for…” Ibid.

  222 “clearly, that particular report….” “Timeline of the Iraq Uranium Allegations,” ABC News online, (

  222 “Iraq has failed to take…” “Iraq: US/UK/Spain Draft Resolution,” February 24, 2003,” posted on The United States Mission to the European Union site, ( )

  222 “The military option should…” “Memorandum Submitted by France, Germany & Russia on Iraq Weapons Inspections,” February 24, 2003, posted on, ( )

  222 “We all continue to live under…” “Press Briefing by Dr. Condoleezza Rice,” February 24, 2003, White House online, ( )

  223 “the weather was better this time” “Commander in Chief’s Visit Sets Aircraft Carrier’s Crew Abuzz, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 2, 2003, ( )

  224 “We looked like a normal couple” “How White House Planners Kept High-risk Journey Secret to the End,” Ottawa Citizen, November 28, 2003, p. A1

  225 “Let the chips fall…” “Thanksgiving Surprise Raises Stakes for Bush,” Seattle Times, November 29, 2003, p. A1

  225 “As I was telling
…” “Perspectives,” Newsweek, May 3, 2004, as posted on, (

  225 “providing the nation…” Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton, The 9/11 Report (New York: St. Martin’s Press, August 2004), p. ix

  226 “Nothing would be better…” “Can’t Testify, Condi Insists,” Daily News, March 29, 2004, p.2

  226 “George W. Bush…failed to act…” Richard A. Clarke, Against All Enemies (New York: Free Press, 2004), p. x

  227 White House counsel Alberto R. Gonzales sent… “Excerpts from White House Letter on Rice’s Testimony,” New York Times, March 31, 2004, p. A20

  227 “Rice herself weakened…” “The White House Blinks,” Buffalo News, March 31, 2004, p. B8

  227 “The terrorists were at war with us…” “Testimony of Condoleezza Rice Before 9/11 Commission,” New York Times, April 8, 2004, transcript posted on, (

  228 “Isn’t it a fact, Dr. Rice…” Ibid.

  229 “Although Rice’s testimony produced…” “Rice Holds the Line,” Time, April 8, 2004, online edition, (

  230 “We have no credible evidence…” “Overview of the Enemy: Staff Statement No. 15,” National Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States, June 16, 2004 (.

  230 American casualties… “Forces: U.S. & Coalition/Casualties,”, December 8, 2004, (

  230 “The frequency and location…” “Rice Hitting the Road to Speak,” Washington Post, October 20, 2004, p. A2.

  230 Condi appeared so often “on the campaign trail…” “The Friends of George,” New York Times, November 17, 2004, p. A1

  231 “Of course not…” “Dr. Condoleezza Rice Talks About her Career as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs,” National Public Radio, “Tavis Smiley,” October 28, 2004.

  231 “By tradition and custom…” “GOP Star to Skip Convention,” Washington Post, August 7, 2004, p. A7


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