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The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction

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by Mark Dice

  As Tucker’s health began to fail, he turned over his trusted source (or sources) who tipped him off each year as to the meeting’s location and dates, to Alex Jones from Love him or hate him, Alex Jones played a large role in getting major media to finally cover the Bilderberg Group meetings in the early 2000’s. In 2006 he traveled to Ottawa, Canada after being tipped off that was where they were going to meet, and Alex Jones has announced the location every year since and has been able to get a growing number of supporters (expanding from a few hundred in 201211 to over 2000 in Hertfordshire, England in 2014) to meet outside the hotel to peacefully protest and raise awareness about the meetings.12

  With Alex’s huge audience and massively popular website, it became impossible for the Bilderberg Group to hide anymore, and now in the last few years they quietly admit when and where they are meeting through their simple website In 2011 the massively popular news site, the Drudge Report, first posted links to Infowars articles and some European papers which covered the event.13 This was basically the dam bursting since the Drudge Report has a tremendous influence on what topics people talk about, and is the homepage of many reporters and political analysts in the United States.14

  Jim Tucker talks to a group of protesters about his adventures tracking Bilderberg.

  Alex Jones speaks to the protesters outside the 2012 bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia.

  Tax Returns

  I have been able to obtain several recent years of Bilderberg’s IRS filings since they are registered as a 501c3 “charitable foundation” certain financial information must be made available for public inspection—if you know where to look.15 I discovered they operate under the business entity “American Friends of Bilderberg” and the documents show that in 2008 they received $645,000 in contributions to fund their annual meeting, with money coming from Goldman Sachs ($25,000), Microsoft ($75,000), Henry Kissinger ($20,000), David Rockefeller ($50,000) and other wealthy donors. The 2009 returns show the Washington Post newspaper donated $25,000.16

  Under the “Summary of Direct Charitable Activities,” the forms list the organization’s goals as “Organizing & sponsoring conferences which study & discuss significant problems of the western alliance [and] collaborating on the Bilderberg meetings held in Europe & North America.”

  The expenses on the 2008 and 2012 documents (when they met in the United States) are listed as approximately $900,000 per year, which covers renting out the entire hotel for three days, paying the private security forces and compensating local police for the extra man-hours, the catering companies (or hotel restaurants) to feed them, and presumably for paying the travel expenses of members and attendees. There is most likely a European entity that functions as a counterpart to “American Friends of Bilderberg” that is used to pay the bills when the group meets in Europe because the recent forms I have been able to obtain show the expenses drop to around $100,000 per year when the group meets outside the United States, and then jump up close to one million dollars in the years they meet in the U.S.17

  The documents list James Johnson as the treasurer, who is also the chairman of Perseus, a merchant bank and private equity fund management company based in Washington D.C. with offices in New York and an associated advisory firm in Munich, Germany.18 The name Perseus comes from Greek Mythology and is the demigod who beheaded Medusa. James Johnson was once the Chairman of the Executive Committee at Fannie Mae [The Federal National Mortgage Association]; and before that he was a managing director at Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest investment bank in the U.S. (which failed during the economic crisis of 2008).19 He’s also on the Board of Directors for Goldman Sachs and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.20

  I have personally been to the offices of Perseus in Washington D.C. seeking a comment on the documents, which I held in my hand during my visit, and as soon as I mentioned “Bilderberg,” James Johnson’s secretary said they have no comment, ordered me to leave, and slammed the door. A video of this encounter is posted on my YouTube channel, The person listed on the forms as the accountant is Robert T. Foldes of Leon D. Alpern & Company, and when I called them, the secretary confirmed they handle the taxes for American Friends of Bilderberg but declined to give me any further information. I have published some of the financial records on where you can download the PDFs if you want.22

  Politicians Silent

  Attendees of the meeting agree to the Chatham House Rule, which is an anonymity policy created by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (nicknamed Chatham House) which is an elite think tank established in 1920 in the United Kingdom that analyzes and promotes their international political policies. The Chatham House Rule basically means that people in attendance are forbidden from discussing who attended and may not attribute any specific statements made by anyone in attendance at any time in the future. It’s basically a “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” kind of oath.

  The rule is supposedly in place to facilitate frank and honest discussions about any controversial topics which people may not want to go on the record about due to the political or personal consequences of letting their true feelings be publicly known.

  Chatham House is essentially Britain’s counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations in America, which sounds like a committee in Congress, but is in fact a private organization that serves up its political propaganda on a silver platter to the elite politicians and journalists who are members. While some politicians will acknowledge their affiliation with the CFR—admitting anything about the Bilderberg Group is a whole other story.

  Barack Obama

  As Election Day in 2008 approached, then presidential candidate Barack Obama ditched the reporters traveling with him on his campaign so he could attend a secret meeting which his press secretary Robert Gibbs refused to give any information about.23 It just so happened the Bilderbergers were meeting at this same time. As is common during the approach of a presidential election, reporters from major media outlets travel around the country with the candidates to give continuous coverage of their every move, and in June of 2008—on the same day the Bilderberg Group was meeting in Chantilly, Virginia (about 30-40 minutes outside of Washington D.C.)—reporters found out that Obama had ditched them after they were all stuck on a flight which they were told he was scheduled to be on with them.

  “Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair [Obama and Hillary] when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane,” the Associated Press reported.24 Not only was he not aboard the plane, as everyone was led to believe he would be, but his campaign literally trapped reporters on the flight so they couldn’t follow him.

  “Why were we not told about this meeting until we were on the plane, the doors were shut and the plane was about to taxi to take off?” one reporter asked, confronting Obama’s spokesman Robert Gibbs on the flight about what had just happened. The confrontation was caught on camera by one reporter and can be seen on YouTube.25

  Gibbs replied, “Senator Obama had a desire to do some meetings, others had a desire to meet with him tonight in a private way, and that is what we are doing.”

  Another reporter asked, “Is there more than one meeting, is there more than one person with whom he is meeting?”

  “I am not going to get into all the details of the meeting,” Gibbs replied.

  Of course, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to assume Obama was meeting with the Bilderberg Group, who usually schedule their event within a short driving distance from Washington D.C. every election year.

  Hillary Clinton

  When Hillary Clinton was running for president in 2008, someone asked her about the Bilderberg Group at an event when she was at a campaign stop in New Hampshire. It was a brief encounter that happened when she was shaking hands with people in the crowd, and the person who asked her videotaped
the interaction and posted it on YouTube. “What’s going on at the Bilderberg meeting and what are you guys talking about up there?” he asked, in a polite and sincere tone.26

  Hillary cackled, “Ha ha ha. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” The man responded, “Why are they such top secret meetings?” To which she answered (looking like a kid with their hand caught in the cookie jar), “Sir, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” and then she turned from him and walked away.27

  How could she have no idea what he was talking about? How could one of the most politically connected and powerful women in the world not know what the Bilderberg Group is or what they do? It’s ridiculous to believe that she isn’t intimately aware of them and was obviously playing dumb so she wouldn’t betray they them by acknowledging they exist.

  After being the First Lady during her husband Bill Clinton’s presidency in the 1990s, Hillary went on to become a senator in New York and then Secretary of State during Barack Obama’s first term as president; and at the time I’m writing this book, is running for president again in 2016. Since her college days, she has carefully plotted her political career and has long hoped to become the first female president of the United States.

  In 1969 she wrote her senior thesis on Saul Alinsky, a left-wing extremist who detailed his subversive tactics aimed at creating a New World Order in is 1971 book Rules for Radicals, which he literally dedicated to Lucifer in the foreword. For years the Clintons were able to have the 92-page thesis sealed, and it wasn’t made public until someone leaked it in 2007.28 The president of Hillary’s alma mater, Wellesley College in Massachusetts, approved sealing the thesis at the Clintons’ request under the bizarre new rule that any senior thesis written by a president or first lady of the United States would be sealed, but the work of every other alumni was publicly available for anyone who wanted to read them.29

  Bill Clinton

  When Bill Clinton was out campaigning for his wife Hillary in 2008, a protester in the audience began making a scene and shouting about his little known meeting with Bilderberg Group in the early 1990s causing Clinton to try to defuse the situation by saying, “This is the deal folks, all these people that are paranoid about the world come and scream at me everywhere.”30

  The protester kept shouting him down while he tried to speak, forcing Bill to plead with him since security hadn’t yet been able to reach the man in the middle of the crowd to usher him out. “You said you would go if I answered the question right? All right here’s the answer. I happened to be in Europe then on my way to Russia, I was invited to go to Bilderberg by Vernon Jordan, a friend of mine, and a genuine hero of the civil rights movement. And to the best of my knowledge, NAFTA was not discussed by anybody in my presence. I was talking to people from Europe who did not give a rip about NAFTA. Now goodbye. Thank you.”31

  According to leaks, NAFTA—the North American Free Trade Agreement, was a Bilderberg idea and they were instrumental in getting the treaty drafted, which was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1993, merging Canada, the United States and Mexico into one trilateral trading bloc, reducing or eliminating tariffs and other trade barriers.

  Before attending Bilderberg in 1991, Bill Clinton was a virtually unheard of governor of the small and little noticed state of Arkansas, but those in the Establishment caught notice of his silver tongue and his lust for power and thought he would be the perfect puppet to promote their policies as president. They don’t call him “Slick Willie” for nothing. Bill Clinton’s ability to lie convincingly and cleverly use vague language to avoid painting himself in a corner is unmatched by most politicians.

  At a different Hillary 2008 campaign event when Bill Clinton was speaking, another heckler began shouting at him, this time about the Bohemian Grove—a less formal, sort of Bilderberg camping trip and secret elite men’s retreat held every summer. Once again, trying to appease the protester who completely derailed his speech, Clinton responded, “The Bohemian Club? Did you say Bohemian Club? That’s where all those rich Republicans go up and stand naked against redwood trees right? I’ve never been to the Bohemian Club but you ought to go. It’d be good for you. You’d get some fresh air.”32

  His comment about Republicans “standing naked against redwood trees” refers to the common practice of Bohemian Grove members openly urinating on the side of trees or in the bushes while hanging out deep within the club’s 2700-acre redwood forest in Northern California where the world’s most wealthy and well-to-do men meet for a private party every July.33

  Video of Clinton’s confrontation is on YouTube if you’d like to see it, and if you’re not familiar with the Bohemian Grove or would like to read an in depth analysis of this truly bizarre “Bilderberg in the woods,” I encourage you to pick up my book Inside the Illuminati: Evidence, Objectives, and Methods of Operation in paperback from or download it onto your tablet or e-reader from any major e-book store.

  Senator Barbara Boxer

  In June 2012 just one day after the Bilderberg meeting came to a close that year, my friend Luke Rudkowski, a YouTube producer and founder of We Are Change, happened to spot California Senator Barbara Boxer inside the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington D.C. in the press area giving an interview. Of course we took the opportunity to try to get a statement from her on Bilderberg as soon as her interview was over. A video of this confrontation is available on YouTube.34

  Both Luke and I walked up to her with our professional-looking handheld wireless microphones as she was making her way down the hall and asked in a polite tone, “What are your thoughts on the important Bilderberg meeting that happened this weekend?” She immediately turned to one of her assistants who was with her and said, “Zack, do you want to make a statement?”

  Boxer’s Assistant: “Sure. Why don’t you just give us a call (handing me his business card) and we’d be happy to get you a statement.”

  Me: “We’d like your statement right now. The Bilderberg meeting happened and [there was] no major media or press coverage. Just one statement about the Bilderberg meeting.”

  At this point she enters an elevator and when I tried to follower her inside, her aid blocked me and she said it was for “Senators only.”

  Me: “Why no comment on the Bilderberg meeting?”

  Boxer: “Do your job and call my office.”

  Me: “Do your job and answer a question please.”

  As the door is closing she says “Thank you very much. Thank you so much.” Luke Rudkowski kept holding the door, causing it to retreat back into the wall for a few seconds and preventing the elevator from moving.

  I continued to press her. “The Bilderberg meeting just happened this year…”

  Boxer: “Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Just call the office. Thanks a lot.”

  At this point, one of her two aids exited the elevator to block us and prevent Luke from holding the door open any longer, and then it finally closed and she escaped. I did call her office just like her assistant asked, and left a message, but nobody ever called me back. Go figure.

  Ben Bernanke

  Independent journalist Luke Rudkowski, who has confronted countless powerful politicians on a variety of issues using his own unique style of ambush journalism, once asked Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke face to face for a comment on Bilderberg at a black tie event in New York City, but Bernanke refused and turned away.35

  Luke: “Hey Ben, just really quick. What did you do at the 2008 Bilderberg meeting?”

  Ben: “I’m not doing any press today.”

  Luke: [Repeating his question again] “I mean what did you do at the Bilderberg Group?”

  Ben: “I’m not doing any press today.” [turns away]

  David Rockefeller

  One quote floating around the Internet attributed to David Rockefeller senior, a longtime Bilderberg attendee and financier, is, “We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have atten
ded our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”36

  He allegedly made this statement at the Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden Germany in 1991 and the comments were printed in several right-wing French newspapers but its authenticity is uncertain and disputed.

  What is not disputed, however, is David Rockefeller’s admission in his own memoir which he published in 2003, that, “For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”37


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