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The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction

Page 8

by Mark Dice

  7 The Observer April 7th 1963

  8 Tucker, Jim – Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary page 231

  9 Tucker, Jim – Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary page 218

  10 The book was unfortunately out of print the last I checked, but used copies were available on

  11 The Guardian “Bilderberg 2012: protesters hail their hero, Alex Jones” Ryan Devereaux (June 3rd 2012)

  12 NPR “Bewildered by Bilderberg” by Linton Weeks (May 21st 2014)

  13 The Guardian “Bilderberg 2011: The curtains are drawn” by Charlie Skelton (June 9th 2011)

  14 Washington Examiner “Drudge is the nation's news homepage, top driver to Fox, NYT, Politico” by Paul Bedard (April 9th 2015)

  15 2008 IRS Form 990-PF OMD No 1545-0052

  16 2009 IRS Form 990-PF OMD No 1545-0052

  17 Usually they meet in the United States every four years, typically in election years, although this has not always been the case.


  19 CBS News “The Case Against Lehman Brothers” by Steve Kroft (August 19th 2012)

  20 See my previous book Inside the Illuminati, Evidence, Objectives, and Methods of Operation for a detailed analysis of this and other Bilderberg affiliates.

  21 YouTube: Mark Dice Visits Bilderberg’s Secret Office in Washington D.C. (June 2nd 2014)

  22 Visit and then click the link to “Articles by Mark” and you’ll see another link to the Bilderberg’s Tax Returns listed where you can download the PDFs from several different years.

  23 YouTube: Robert Gibbs Lies to Press on CNN avoids disclosing Bilderberg Meeting

  24 Associated Press “Clinton and Obama hold secret meeting” by Beth Fouhy and Nedra Pickler (June 5th 2008)

  25 YouTube: Robert Gibbs Lies to Press on CNN avoids disclosing Bilderberg Meeting (posted by user 911isalie on February 26th 2009)

  26 YouTube: Did Hillary Clinton Attend the 2006 Bilderberg Conference? (Shot November 8th 2007) Posted on YouTube by user jamartellxiv on November 17th 2011

  27 YouTube: Did Hillary Clinton Attend the 2006 Bilderberg Conference? (Shot November 8th 2007) Posted on YouTube by user jamartellxiv on November 17th 2011

  28 ”Reading Hillary Rodham’s Hidden Thesis” by Bill Dedman (5-9-2007)

  29 Ibid.

  30 YouTube “Bill Clinton admits to attending 1991 Bilderberg Meeting” (March 2008)

  31 Ibid.

  32 YouTube “Bill Clinton gets asked about the Bohemian Grove club that he and other elites attend” (uploaded October 2011)

  33 See the section on the Bohemian Grove in my previous book Inside the Illuminati: Evidence, Objectives, and Methods of Operation.

  34 YouTube: Senator Boxer Confronted on Bilderberg Group by Mark Dice and Luke Rudkowski from We Are Change (posted June 6th 2012)

  35 YouTube: Ben Bernanke Confronted by WeAreChange (posted May 13th 2011)

  36 This quote is unverified and its authenticity is disputed.

  37 Rockefeller, David - Memoirs page 405

  38 “Launch of the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies with Vice President Dick Cheney” (February 15th 2002)

  39 YouTube “Hillary Clinton addresses the Council on Foreign Relations, admits CFR runs the government

  40 YouTube: “Ron Paul talks about the Bilderberg Group” (posted August 16th 2008)

  41 YouTube: “Ron Paul talks about the Bilderberg Group” (posted August 16th 2008)

  42 Ibid.

  43 YouTube: Rand Paul before endorsing Romney on Bilderberg and Goldman Sachs posted by WeAreChange (June 8th 2012) Interview with Rand Paul by Luke Rudkowski.

  44 John R. Rarick, Congressional Record, 92nd Congress, 1st Session, Wednesday, Volume 117, No. 133, 15 September 1971, pp. E9615-E9624

  45 Eisenhower memo from March 11th 1955

  46 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making Preface page xiv

  47 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making Preface page xiv

  48 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making Preface page 265

  49 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making Preface page 265

  50 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making Preface page 277

  51 Rothkopf, David - Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making Preface page 285-286

  52 Domhoff, William - The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruling-Class Cohesiveness page 86

  53 Domhoff, William - The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruling-Class Cohesiveness page 92

  54 Domhoff, William - The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruling-Class Cohesiveness page 93

  55 Domhoff, William - The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruling-Class Cohesiveness page 110

  56 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club. A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) Page 156-157

  57 Phillips, Peter - A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club. A Doctoral Dissertation (1994) Page 138

  58 The Guardian “Who Pulls the Strings?” by Jon Ronson (March 10th 2001)

  59 Quigley, Carroll – Tragedy and Hope page 950

  60 Quigley, Carroll – Tragedy and Hope page 324

  61 “Leaked 1955 Bilderberg Docs Outline Plan For Single European Currency” by Paul Joseph Watson (May 8th 2009)

  62 BBC Radio 4 Investigation “Club Class” by Simon Cox (2003) Audio available here:


  64 BBC Radio 4 “Club Class” with Simon Cox (2003) - Around 9 minute mark -

  65 BBC Radio 4 “Club Class” with Simon Cox (2003) - Around 9 minute mark - (at approximately the 11:15 mark)

  66 Pastor, Robert - Toward a North American Community: Lessons from the Old World for the New page 115

  67 New York Times “Cashless Society? It’s Already Coming” by Damon Darlin (November 28th 2014)

  68 The Economist - “Get Ready for the Phoenix” (January 9th 1988) Volume 306 pages 9-10)

  69 The Telegraph “The secret society that ties Bush and Kerry” by Charles Laurence (February 1st 2004)

  70 New York Times “THE 2004 ELECTION: THE PROCESS; Aide in the Selection of a Running Mate Recalls, 'We Never Got to a Short List’” by Jodi Wilgoren (July 7th 2004)

  71 Ibid.

  72 Tucker, Jim - Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary page 57

  73 Quigley, Carroll – Tragedy and Hope pages 1247-1248

  74 The Iraq Resolution or the Iraq War Resolution (formally the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002) enacted October 16th 2002

  75 Tucker, Jim - Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary page 9

  76 CNN “Report: No WMD stockpiles in Iraq” (October 7th 2007)

  77 CNN ”Fake Iraq documents 'embarrassing' for U.S. by David Ensor (March 14th 2003)

  78 Washington Post “Bush Reasserts Hussein-Al Qaeda Link” by Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank (June 17th 2004)

  79 Washington Post “Keeping the U.S. First; Pentagon Would Preclude a Rival Superpower” by Barton Gellman (March 11th 1992)

  80 Rebuilding America’s Defenses by the Project for the New American Centuary page 51

  81 Washington
Post “10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free” by Jonathan Turley (January 13th 2012)

  82 Seattle Post-Intelligencer “New Poll: A Third of U.S. Public Believes 9/11 Conspiracy Theory” by Thomas Hargrove (August 2nd 2006)

  83 USA Today “Bush's joke about WMD draws criticism” (March 26th 2004)

  84 Fox News Channel “Glenn Beck Program” (June 2010)

  85 YouTube: Sean Hannity: What Bilderberg Group (Call made January 29th 2009 and posted to YouTube on February 2nd 2009.

  86 YouTube: Michael Savage now admits Bilderberg Group is in control of the economy, the media, and White House.

  87 YouTube: Michael Savage admits Bilderberg put Obama in Power

  88 The Wall Street Journal “Clear Channel, Limbaugh Ink $400 Million New Contract” by Sarah McBride (July 3rd 2008)

  89 Rush Limbaugh Transcript from August 20th 2010 (Posted on

  90 Rush Limbaugh Transcript from August 20th 2010

  91 YouTube: Alan Colmes: Bilderberg Group a Conspiracy Theory

  92 YouTube: Alan Colmes & The Bilderbergers (posed by bricksquad305 on June 23rd 2012)

  93 YouTube: Dennis Miller show crashed by Bilderberg truth (posted August 11th 2009)

  94 “Why do we embrace conspiracy theories?” by Fareed Zakaria (May 6th 2011)

  95 Ibid.

  96 Ibid.

  97 CSPAN: Gart Hart calls for the use of 9/11 to carry out a New World Order (Available on YouTube)

  98 CNBC in February 2009 - video on YouTube.

  99 Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein - The Final Days second Touchstone paperback edition (1994) Chapter 14, pp. 194-195

  100 Senate Report (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) (February 17th 1950). Revision of the United Nations Charter: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Eighty-First Congress. United States Government Printing Office. p. 494.

  101 Norman Cousins Global Governance Award in 1999

  102 Reuters “U.S. states' pot legalization not in line with international law: U.N. agency” (November 12th 2014)

  103 National Post “Supreme Court upholds Canada's hate speech laws in case involving anti-gay crusader” by Joseph Brean (February 27th 2013)

  104 BBC Radio 4 “Club Class” with Simon Cox (2003) - Around 9 minute mark -

  105 CNBC “Cashless society: A huge threat to our freedom” by Scott A. Shay (December 12th 2013)

  106 The Guardian “Mobile payments: the brave new cashless future” by Christer Holloman (March 3rd 2015)

  107 Washington Post “What’s in your wallet? Probably not cash” by Jonnelle Marte (May 12th 2014)

  108 Bloomberg “Citi Economist Says It Might Be Time to Abolish Cash” by Lorcan Roche Kelly (April 10th 2015)

  109 The Telegraph “How to end boom and bust: make cash illegal” by Jim Leaviss (May 13th 2015)

  110 Ibid.

  111 Airline Reporter “More and More Airlines Become Cashless” by David Parker Brown (May 28th 2009)

  112 The Washington Post “Highway seizure in Iowa fuels debate about asset-forfeiture laws” by Robert O’Harrow Jr (November 10th 2014)

  113 CNBC “Police cash confiscations still on the rise” by Mark Fahey (May 19th 2015)

  114 Chicago Tribune “Highway robbery? Texas police seize black motorists' cash, cars” by Howard Witt (March 10th 2009)

  115 Consumerist “Credit Cards To Sell Your Buying History So Online Advertisers Can Target You More Precisely” by Ben Popken (October 25th 2011)

  116 NATO Response Force/Very High Readiness Joint Task Force: Fact Sheet

  117 CNN “Robot exoskeleton suits that could make us superhuman” by Matthew Ponsford (May 22nd 2013)

  118 CNET “HAL-5: The exoskeleton robot 'to suit you’” by Elizabeth Armstrong Moore (March 15th 2011)

  119 Time “2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal” by Lev Grossman (February 10th 2011)

  120 Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability (Volume 3 of Air Force 2025) page 35

  121 Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability (Volume 3 of Air Force 2025) page 35

  122 Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability (Volume 3 of Air Force 2025) page 38

  123 Washington Times “Gearing up for robot wars” by Bill Gertz (April 8th 2015)

  124 Computer World “AI Researcher Says Amoral Robots Pose a Danger to Humanity” by Sharon Gaudin (March 7th 2014)

  125 Mashable “Elon Musk's secret fear: Artificial Intelligence will turn deadly in 5 years” by Adario Strange (November 11th 2014)

  126 Cnet “Elon Musk: 'We are summoning the demon' with artificial intelligence” by Eric Mack (October 26th 2014)

  127 BBC “Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind” by Rory Cellan-Jones (December 2nd 2014)

  128 Washington Post “Bill Gates on dangers of artificial intelligence: ‘I don’t understand why some people are not concerned” by Peter Holley (January 29th 2015)

  129 Washington Post “Apple co-founder on artificial intelligence: ‘The future is scary and very bad for people’” by Peter Holley (March 24th 2015)

  130 Fox News “Gun makers facing new limits urged to relocate” (March 31st 2013)

  131 YouTube: Cass Sunstein: "The Second Amendment: The Constitution's Most Mysterious Right” Speech at University of Chicago Law School (Posted June 20th 2013)

  132 Washington Post “Supreme Court affirms fundamental right to bear arms” by Robert Barnes and Dan Eggen (June 29th 2010)

  133 Mediaite “Rapper Ice-T Defends Gun Rights After Colorado Shooting: ‘The Last Form Of Defense Against Tyranny’” by Andrew Kirell (July 23rd 2012)

  134 Boston Globe “UK gun control offers model for US” by Anthony Faiola (February 17th 2013)

  135 “Piers Morgan Admits He Wants UK-Style Gun Ban in the States” by Matt Hado (May 3rd 2013)

  136 The Daily Caller “Holder in 1995: ‘Really brainwash people’ to be anti-gun” by Matthew Boyle (March 18th 2012)

  137 Politico “The Bilderberg Group's media men” by Dylan Byers (May 21st 2012)

  138 CNN “Fareed Zakaria GPS: Is it Time To Correct the Constitution?” (June 20th 2011)

  139 Xinhua “Innocent blood demands no delay for U.S. gun control” (December 12th 2015)

  140 Forbes “U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms” by Larry Bell (June 7th 2011)

  141 Business Insider “PROFESSOR: The World Is Overpopulated By 5 Billion People” by Sanya Khetani (April 27th 2012)

  142 PBS - Charlie Rose - Interview with Ted Turner (April 1st 2008)

  143 Ibid.

  144 Population Research Institute “Abortion Pushing UN Population Fund has Record Number of Donors” by Terry Vanderheyden (January 13th 2006)

  145 Holdren, John – Ecoscience page 787-788

  146 Holdren, John – Ecoscience page 786-787

  147 Holdren, John – Ecoscience page 837

  148 Holdren, John – Ecoscience page 837

  149 Wired “The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center” by James Bamford (March 15 2012)

  150 CBS News “Smile! You're On Casino Camera” (February 26th 2001)

  151 TechDirt “Hotels Get Facial-Recognition Sales Pitch” by Carlo Longino (February 19th 2009)

  152 Time “Face Recognition Technology Comes to Malls and Nightclubs” by Jerry Brito (December 12th 2001)

  153 ABC News “Biometrics Used to Detect Criminals at Super Bowl” by Vickie Chachere (February 13th 2002)

sp; 154 Guardian “Trapwire surveillance system exposed in document leak” by Charlies Arthur (August 13th 2012)

  155 Ibid

  156 Ibid

  157 TechDirt “NSA Whistleblower Ed Snowden: From My Desk I Could Wiretap Anyone: You, A Federal Judge Or The President Of The US” by Mike Masnick (June 10th 2013)


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