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Romance: Bad Boss: Billionaire Romance Boxed Set

Page 3

by Lex, Stephanie

  Lionel looked up at me and I got lost in his eyes.

  “I can see the honestly in there,” I said.

  “But I can only be with you if you promise to be a one-woman man. If so, I can give you forever.”

  Lionel put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. It was ponderous and spectacular. He pushed my back down onto the couch and placed his finger up my dress, gently touching my inner thigh at first, then massaging my flower and caressing my hair with his other hand. I could feel the sensation building.

  “Maggie,” he said through deep breaths.

  “I’ve never said this to anyone, but I want to marry you. I will be a one-woman man to you. You are so beautiful.”

  I lifted my dress over my head and began pulling off his shirt. He continued massaging me till I was dewy, and I fondled the button on his jeans.

  “Please make love to me, Lionel,” I said.

  I opened the fly of his jeans and he pulled himself out so he was full and primed in my hands.

  He brought his head down to my legs and started kissing the inside of my thigh. His kisses worked their way inward until he was licking inside me.

  I lightly moved with the motion of his head, swaying my hips to reach my breaking point, and it didn’t take long for me to come.

  “I like how you sound when you finish,” he said.

  He raised his head up and placed his body on top of mine as he guided himself in, and I felt much looser and relaxed than I had the first time. I pulled his hand to my breast and he groped it firmly, panting rhythmically as he pushed harder.

  I grabbed the couch and allowed my head to fall back off the side, the friction of his body on mine insatiable. I heard the uncontrolled sounds of his voice getting louder as he sweated and worked on top of me.

  I started to climb again, it was intense and clenched and I couldn’t hold it back anymore. Just as I erupted, Lionel came simultaneously, his eyes forced shut as he was biting his lips in solace.

  We both caught our breath and Lionel pulled me up to his level. We were moist with movement and he kissed my forehead.

  “You feel so wonderful, Maggie,” he said. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I said. I brushed his tousled hair back. We lay on the couch together as our heartbeats slowed to a mild drumming, and I turned to face him, our stomachs touching and our eyes communicating.

  I was admiring the new shade of green I saw in his eyes. There were brighter and richer, like the first leaves of spring. Lionel’s eyes were a forest I was about to walk into without a map. I felt I could wander into those woods confidently without looking back, because I had that old saying backing me up.

  “Not all those who wander are lost.”

  Seduced By My Billionaire Boss

  Stephanie Lex

   Copyright 2015 by Stephanie Lex

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced

  in any way whatsoever, without written permission

  from the author, except in case of brief

  quotations embodied in critical reviews

  and articles.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

  person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  First edition, 2015

  Chapter 1

  Veronica was excited to start her new job at an up and coming firm that she had applied to recently. She had heard some rumors about the position though and wasn’t sure if they were actually true.

  She had been told that the man she would be working for was arrogant and at times was downright rude and disrespectful towards his secretaries, which often led to the secretaries quitting within a week of being hired.

  Veronica couldn’t imagine working in a company with so many employees and if anything she always had the personal belief that there was never a bad person, just bad habits.

  Veronica was getting ready for her first day of work and wasn’t sure what she wanted to wear since the environment seemed to be professional dress attire and she didn’t have the kind of clothing that fit the requirements for work attire.

  Luckily, she found a white sheer blouse and she could wear a black tank-top underneath it and a pair of black slacks to wear with her lucky pair of black heels.

  She showered and finished getting ready by doing her hair and makeup before grabbing her keys and heading to her car. She looked at the clock and noticed that she was running a bit behind on time and raced to work as fast as she could.

  After parking her car, she ran inside to the security desk gasping for air, “Hi, my name is Veronica Marsh and I am here to pick up my security badge,” she said quickly.

  The security guard looked through his passes and found her badge and chuckled after looking through the paperwork seeing who her employer was, “So you’re Mr. Ross’ new secretary,” he said looking her over from head to toe while Veronica gave her signature on the paper work wondering what the laughter was for.

  “All I can say is good luck and watch out,” he said, giving her the new badge and continued on with his business.

  Veronica clipped the badge to her blouse wondering what he meant by wishing her luck. She walked over to the elevator and pushed the up arrow waiting with a group of people for the doors to open.

  She climbed onto the elevator and pressed the button for the seventh floor and checked her watch. She had five minutes left before being late for work and by judging on how many lights there were lit up she was going to be late.

  One after one, the elevator emptied itself until finally she was able to get off and race to her desk outside the door of Mr. Ross’s office.

  She took her seat and placed her belonging’s underneath her desk and logged into the computer system, “This looks so bad…way to go Veronica,” she said to herself under her breath.

  After a few minutes, the office door opened and two men were walking out laughing and shaking hands, “It was good to catch up with you sir…oh, this is my new secretary Veronica who obviously is late,” said the younger of the two.

  Veronica looked up in shock at the handsome man who made the comment and then smiled at the older gentleman who had his hand stretched out to her, “Nice to meet you Veronica,” he said with a wink of his eye.

  “It’s nice to meet you sir” Veronica said blushing after what her boss had done, the two men parted ways and her boss walked into his office not saying a word. “Are you coming?”

  Mr. Ross yelled from inside his office making Veronica jump as she reached for her pen and pad of paper, “Yes sir Mr. Ross” she said as she ran into his office.

  “First off, don’t call me Mr. Ross because that is my father’s name, you can call me Henry and secondly, you are late,” he said staring at her as if she had committed a crime.

  Veronica couldn’t help but stare as he stood there in his office looking like Clark Gable. He had dark slicked black hair and was wearing a tailored suit that fit him very well.

  You could tell that he was very fit and his cool blue eyes stared back at you as if they could peer through your soul, “Yes Mr. Ross…I mean Henry. I’m sorry I was late sir.

  It took me a little longer to get here than expected,” Veronica said nervously as she had her pen and paper at the ready. “I don’t care what your reasoning is for being late, I want you here on time and ready every day. Do you understand me?” Henry said beginning to live up to the standards that people had warned her about.

  Veronica nodded her head and raised her pen to her paper as her boss began to give her his agenda and errands she would have to run.

  “My dry cleaning needs to be picked up by one, I have a woman coming over tonight for dinner so I need you to pick out some candies or chocolates since you women are pretty much all the same, and I have a lunch date with the Vice President of the company so make sure you have a table reserved at his favorite restaurant and that should be all for now,” Henry said without even giving her a glance.

Veronica turned and walked out of her boss’ office and sat back at her desk looking over the to-do list and was shocked at what he had said to her about getting his lady guest a gift.

  Chapter 2

  Women were definitely not the same even when it came to gifts, even when it came to Veronica herself. Veronica was an educated woman who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and was only working this desk job because she needed to save up for a place to stay while she looked for a job in her field of work.

  But if there was one thing that she knew it would be that she wasn’t going to let it get to her even if he used his intimidation techniques to get rid of her.

  Veronica did as she was told and made her first stop to pick up her boss’ dry cleaning which happened to be nothing but his boxers. The second stop was picking up some chocolates and wine.

  Veronica looked around the store and grabbed a cheap bottle of wine that had a fancy name and a box of chocolates that wasn’t over kill in size but was small enough to complement the type of girl who would even consider dating a creep like her boss, more than likely for his money of course.

  Veronica made her way back to the office imagining how the date would go. He would probably throw his money in her face while she pretended to be stupid and act like he was the most interesting person in the world.

  Then if she was the one he would marry her to make babies and she would take advantage of his money and eventually leave him after a kid or two and take him for as much as she could get, which probably wouldn’t amount to much since he’d have her sign a prenuptial agreement before marrying her.

  Veronica parked her car and made her way to the elevator when she saw the same security guard working earlier that had given her badge, “Very funny by the way,” she said giving him a smile as he laughed along with her watching her walk to the elevator and giving her another wink of his eye.

  The doors to the elevator opened and again she waited with the bag of his pressed drawers and the fixings for his date later that night anxious to get back to her desk to complete her list of tasks that she was given by her boss.

  Veronica walked through the crowd of people and sat down at her desk, dropping off her belongings before knocking on her boss' doors with the first half of his demands.

  “Enter,” his voice commanded behind the door. Veronica opened the door and walked into his office with a straight face, not saying a word, “Is my lunch scheduled yet?” he asked while looking straight at his computer screen, hardly acknowledging her presence.

  “Not yet, I just returned from running your first set of errands, Henry,” she said placing everything down on his desk. “I can’t believe this, we leave for lunch in an hour and there is no reservation made…what a typical woman, takes all the time for herself,” he said looking over at Veronica.

  “I only did what you told me to do,” Veronica said in her defense.

  “No excuses,” he said firmly.

  “First you were late to work embarrassing me…in front of my boss even, and you keep making excuses about taking too much time to finish what I’ve told you to do,” he said beginning to raise his voice.

  Veronica glared at her boss and waited for him to finish, “I was going to take you on the upcoming business trip to Oregon with me but with all the mistakes you’re making, it might just be your job” Henry said with a smirk on his face.

  Veronica began to panic because she really needed the job and like she said before she wasn’t going to let him win the battle of wits that easily.

  “What is it I need to do to keep my job and make you happy?” she said doing her best to sound needy, her boss smiled and opened a drawer pulling out a stack of papers with the word contract at the top of it.

  “All you need to do is sign this contract and I will take you with me to Oregon,” he said holding out a pen for her to grab and sign the papers with.

  Chapter 3

  She looked at the pen and then the papers and took a deep breath and grabbed the pen and signed the papers, leaving her initials where he pointed noticing that the smile never left his face, which only told her that she really needed to watch him during this trip because who knew what he was going to pull.

  Once the papers were signed, she began walking out of the office hoping that what she did was right, “Oh Veronica, never mind about that lunch date.

  We leave tomorrow at 10AM tomorrow morning. I will pick you up at your house. Find something decent to wear because what you have on just isn’t going to cut it,” Henry said trying to be encouraging but instead pushing Veronica over the edge.

  “Look Henry, I am your secretary and you hired me to do this job for you. Women after women have passed through these halls working for you because you are arrogant and think that you can just treat everyone like they are below you. I am not below you. I have a degree in psychology and I am just trying to get a place of my own.

  If anything all you have done is bullied me and made me feel like nothing until now…now I feel like a sex object after signing some contract for you. What was that by the way?” she asked her boss, wondering what she had done.

  Her boss smiled at her and began to laugh, “It was a year contract binding you to work as my secretary, so you can’t quit” he said laughing, “This all means nothing. Everything you just said doesn’t matter,” Henry said watching Veronica leaving the office.

  “I’m leaving” Veronica said truly upset that her boss didn’t care or have any feelings about what she had said so far.

  “That’s fine with me but realize you are coming with me to Oregon tomorrow,” he said shaking his head.

  “I used to believe that there were no bad people, that everyone had a good side to them and the only bad in a person was just bad habits but you proved me wrong on that as well,” she said, beginning to tear up before walking to her desk to grab her belongings and heading home.

  She pulled into her driveway and slammed her car into park as she felt the tears slide down her face and onto her hands that were placed in her lap.

  Veronica couldn’t believe that her boss had treated her so badly and made her sign a contract that committed her to a year of working with him, and he was using it to get her to go to Oregon with him.

  Veronica walked into her house and threw her keys on the table as she tossed her coat and purse onto her couch and went up to her room and took a shower. She couldn’t help but try and wash the disgusting feeling of her boss off of her.

  The horrible thing about all of this was that she couldn’t help but think about how handsome he was with his dark hair and bright eyes.

  After her shower, she went into her room and began looking for clothing to go to Oregon that her boss would deem suitable for their business meetings they were going to attend.

  She found a black dress that had a deep cut in the front, allowing an enticing view of her chest and picked a pair of red heels that she could wear with the outfit along with a pearl necklace.

  Veronica continued picking a second outfit and saw a grey pencil skirt that fit the curve of her hips and waist well while choosing a white button up blouse that she could wear and show some cleavage as well with a pair of black heels that she could wear.

  If there was anything that she was going to do it was show Henry how much of a woman she was and put him in his place. Veronica packed a small bag with her clothes and headed to bed for the night, feeling very strong for the next day.

  The next morning, Veronica woke up very early and prepared her visual assault on her boss. She put on her black dress and makeup, doing her best to look almost pinup in style and slid her heels on, running her hands over the curves of her calves that were freshly shaved and smelled sweet after rubbing lotion on her skin.

  Veronica curled her hair and pulled it back into a ponytail with liberty rolls to shape her face. Finally, she felt like she could stop traffic. Veronica smiled as she looked at herself over in her full length mirror and realized that she was hot enough to stop tr
affic, therefore her boss was toast.

  After grabbing her coat and purse, she heard a knock on the door and walked over with fierceness in her step and answered the door to her boss who was turned away from her.

  “Hello Henry,” she said catching his attention. “Look we have to hurry so get your stuff and….” Henry said as he turned around only to see his secretary standing there looking like a new woman, “We have to go,” he said finishing his sentence as he looked her over from head to toe.

  “Let me grab my bag,” Veronica said and walked over leaving her boss with his eyes wide in shock at the front door and grabbed her bag and walked to the door, closing it behind her and locking the door.

  “Would you like me to get your bag,” he asked softly, “I got it,” she said and walked over to the black limo waiting with its trunk open.

  Veronica felt like she was on top of the biggest mountain in the world and climbed into the open door sliding into the back seat of the limo, commanding attention from anyone in her presence.

  “We’re going to be late sir,” said the limo driver bringing Henry’s attention back to the task at hand. He walked over to the limo and climbed into the back of the limo and sat next to Veronica who sat with her legs crossed as she played with her pearl necklace.

  Chapter 4

  “We have a lot to deal with. When we get to the business meeting with a possible new account, the man’s name is Jacob Harden and like his name, he is a real hard ass. We can’t screw this up,” was all Henry said as he watched Veronica place her pearls into her mouth and then pulling them out, distracting him.


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