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A rose grows in weeds a-3

Page 19

by Saxon Andrew

Tag could feel her excitement and he planned to talk with Danielle about Rose hearing his thoughts even when she wasn’t in his mind. Their daughter was showing more and more psychic ability every time he saw her. She would soon be six and she was so far ahead of where he had been at her age. Unlike him, she seemed to fully understand her skills and how to use them. He thought for a moment and remembered that he didn’t even know he was psychic until he was seven years old after a game of hide and seek. Rose had the benefit of two parents that knew they possessed psychic ability and Tgon-Gee, who made it clear to anyone that would listen that she had an aura stronger than anyone that had ever been seen by the Glod. Tag left the bridge and went to his room and thought about what to do about the Plant’s attack. As long as they controlled everything inside the jump limit, their numbers would overwhelm his ships. Perhaps Dorg and Mikado had come up with an idea. He hit his com and said, “Captain Ron-Dar, please schedule a meeting with Admirals Dorg and Mikado for tomorrow morning.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Tag went to his room and lied down on his bed. He closed his eyes and thought about his wife and looked forward to seeing her. He fell to sleep immediately.

  Rose smiled and went back to her toys. She had helped her father relax with soothing psychic pulses and stayed with him until he went to sleep. “Now where did I leave my tea pot?” she thought. She looked at one of her stuffed bunnies and it got up and left the room to look for it. She giggled and checked on her mother briefly to see if anything interesting was happening. Her life was full and she enjoyed every minute of it.

  Chapter 18

  Tag, Mikado, Chen, and Dorg were sitting in the library at the castle on Ross discussing possible strategies on how to attack the plant ships at the new planet being harvested. Leila came in and said, “Please excuse me for interrupting your meeting but I have two scientists that want to speak with you about the Algean frequency ships.”

  Tag looked at her and said, “Send them in.” He looked at Dorg and he just shrugged and nodded.

  Gerald Nelson and Anita Lea entered the room and Anita said, “Please excuse the interruption and I apologize for Colonel McAllister not being able to come but we think we might have a way to get around the Plant’s dampening frequency.”

  All four of Humanity’s military leaders sat straighter in their chairs and Dorg said, “Please tell us what you have.”

  Anita turned to the old scientist with her and said, “This is Gerald Nelson who is one of our top scientists on jump mechanics. He has made a discovery that you might find very interesting.” She sat down and looked at the scientist.

  “Gentlemen, I had a meeting with the Director, Misty Nicole, who wanted a way to get around the Plant dampening frequency and quite frankly, I had no answers for her. I had to explain in basic language how our star drives operate and she posed a question that took me by surprise. She asked me what the frequency was for null space that our ships go thru to jump.”

  The four officers looked at each other and all of them immediately could see where the conversation was headed. Tag said, “Tell me you found out.”

  Gerald smiled and said, “We did. I find it totally remarkable that no one had ever asked that question before and it took someone that really knew nothing about jump mechanics to ask the simple question that took our knowledge to an entirely new level. We discovered that null space has no frequency.”

  Mikado looked puzzled, “How does that help us?”

  Gerald turned and opened his display and looked at them with a smile and said, “Because the Plant dampening frequency prevents a star drive from resonating. To jump into null space all you have to do is set the screen of the ship to not resonate at any frequency; that ship will then jump into null space and stay there. Since the Plant dampening field is designed to prevent resonating of a Star Drive screen, it should actually make it easier to make a screen resonate at no frequency.”

  Dorg looked grim and said, “Have you confirmed that it is the size of an atom and if you have, what happens to the ship that goes in there?”

  “Yes, Admiral, it is the size of an atom and it rejects rather forcefully whatever goes in instantaneously.” Dorg raised his shoulders and Gerald continued, “The no frequency screen of the ship is immediately stripped upon emergence into null space and the resonance of the screen surrounding an object inside the null screen is where the object will jump.”

  Tag looked puzzled and said, “Why don’t you explain how you think we can use this.”

  “We have to use two screens on our ships. The outer screen will instantly go to no frequency at the same moment that the inner screen will be set to resonate at whatever point of emergence the ship needs to appear. They must be set with no less than one tenth of a second between the settings. The no frequency screen must energize first which will throw the ship into null space. It takes about two tenths of a second to fully leave normal space and that is when the second screen will be activated inside the outer screen so that when the first screen is stripped in null space the ship will then appear at the coordinates of the second screen.

  Chen cocked his head and asked, “What happens if the second screen isn’t activated?”

  Anita looked at the group and shook her head. “The object in null space with no screen when the first is stripped will be destroyed totally; normal atoms cannot exist in null space. The best we have been able to determine is that all the atoms of the object will be totally stripped, broken apart, and equally distributed thru out the universe which may account for the random atoms scattered throughout space. The only thing that prevents it from happening normally is a resonating screen. Without a frequency for normal space to send the object, well, you don’t want to be on a ship that finds itself in that predicament.”

  “Have you tried your idea on a real ship?” Tag asked.

  “Yes we have and it works. We have not tried it inside a jump limit with an Algean dampening field operating but we would like for you to allow us to send a ship to see. All of our estimates point to it being able to jump in and out of that environment.”

  Chen said, “I will take my ship in.” The other three started to object and Chen said, “Gentlemen, you all out rank me and are much more valuable to the war effort. You know it only makes sense for me to do it.”

  There was silence and Tag said, “Maybe, but we’re going to do this so that whoever goes in stands a chance to escape if anything goes wrong and also try to get the Plants to strengthen their position in hopes that it does work. We will attack the Plant Fleet at the new planet just outside the jump limit on the planet side of the sun. That should draw their ships to our location. I’m sure the frequency ships will be broadcasting and the Plant ships on the sun side should jump around to our side to support their main fleet. Once we see them arrive, that is when we will jump in to the sun side away from the planet and try the new screens.”

  Dorg looked at Tag and said, “How many ships will you use in the attack?”

  Tag thought a moment, “How many Megas do we have?”

  Dorg pressed a button on his com and said, “We have about 45,000.”

  “That’s how many we will jump in. I also want them all slaved to my ship so that when all of the Plant ships jump in from the other side of the planet and God knows from where else, we can jump to another location to keep from being surrounded. At that point the Admirals will take command of their ships for coordinated attacks. If we are successful in our fleet action then I suspect the Algeans will build up their numbers at this planet so that if this new screen technology works we can deal a huge blow to their numbers. We will only fight long enough for Mr. Nelson to make his trial and then we all jump away.”

  Dorg looked at Chen and said, “You make a good argument about how valuable we are, however, the same thing holds for you. You command half our fleet and we need you available for the fleet action. We will send Captain Tresk in his ship Short Sword to make the jump with the new screen.”

  Chen started to
protest but Tag held up his hand nodding, “I agree with Admiral Dorg. Tresk will make the jump. You need to lead your fleet.” Chen sat back down and looked at Mikado who was also nodding.

  Chen leaned back and picked up his bag of popcorn and said, “It’s probably going to be more fun with the fleet anyway.”

  Everyone laughed and Tag said, “How long before you can have the ship ready Mr. Nelson?”

  “Ten days, Mr. Gardner.”

  Tag looked at Dorg and said, “Better get your ships moving; we have a party to attend. Let’s send out invitations for four months from now so our Admirals here can get their fleet maneuvers sorted out and the new weapons installed on the ships. I want every ship to know their part in the upcoming mission.”

  Dorg smiled and said, “I’m sure it will be a blast.”

  Tag and Danielle were sitting in their bedroom on a couch cuddled up under a blanket. The bedroom was more than fifty yards wide and had a huge fireplace in front of the couch. It was primarily for visual effect because the temperature was controlled by Coronado Solar Panels. Danielle liked to keep the room cool so a fire would be just right. Tag held her close and thought to her, “Danielle, Rose heard my thoughts in another galaxy without my directing them at her.”

  Danielle sat up and looked at Tag. “What did you think that she heard?”

  “I was thinking that I missed you and her very much. She immediately thought back to me that she missed me, too.”

  Danielle thought a moment, “Do you remember that you told me you could sense anytime someone was looking at you when you very young?”

  “I can still sense it.”

  “Well perhaps our daughter can sense anytime someone thinks about her. It’s not a far cry different from what you can do and if I’m right, she’s listening in right now since we’re discussing her, right Rose?” Danielle thought.

  There was a pause then a very contrite Rose thought back, “Yes Mommy. I don’t mean to listen but I hear anything you say about me.”

  “Why don’t you come downstairs and join us, honey,” Danielle thought at her.

  Tag could hear her running down the steps and suddenly she turned the corner and ran and jumped into her father’s arms. “I’m sorry Daddy.”

  Tag looked at Rose with a smile, “Darling, you are what you are. It would be like being angry if a normal person were in a room and everyone was talking about them then getting angry because they were heard. You are blessed with talents that no one else has and I worry about where they might lead you.”

  Danielle looked at him with a stern look on her face but Tag continued, “I once had someone tell me that I had the power to defeat anyone I fought. He went on to say that it was a good thing that I did not go looking to use my talents but only used them when absolutely necessary. Do you understand what I’m telling you Rose?”

  Rose lowered her head looking into the fireplace and was silent. Danielle started to speak but a look from Tag silenced her. They sat there for what seemed to be a long time then Rose lifted her head and said, “You worry that I will use my talents to hurt others just because I can. I also know that my talents are like yours and Mommies only they are stronger and without really meaning to, I could hurt someone badly; just like you did to Eric in school.”

  Tag was startled but then remembered that he had invited Rose to look at his memories when she was three. It was amazing that she remembered that particular memory. “Yes, Darling, I actually hurt Eric before I knew I had the talent for violence. Unlike me, you know you have those talents so you remove any excuse if someone is hurt. Do you remember what I did after I hurt Eric?”

  “Yes, Daddy, you never won another fight. You refused to hurt your opponents.”

  “Now tell me honestly, Rose; what do you think about what I’ve just said to you.”

  Rose looked at her mother and Danielle could see trouble in her little girl’s eyes. “Daddy, you and Mommy have gentle loving hearts. You only hurt those who want to hurt you, Mommy, or me. I also have a loving heart. I have known nothing but love from you, Mommy, Leila, Tgon-Gee, Dorg, Kosiev and all the others I’ve had in my life. One thing I have that you did not have is enough talent and control to avoid a fight. I will only hurt those who try to hurt my family or my family of worlds.”

  Danielle asked, “Your family of Worlds?”

  “Yes Mommy, the Stars Realm’s enemy is my enemy.”

  Tag looked at Danielle and said, “I have no doubt that she will follow you as Queen of the Stars Realm. It’s good she’s developing a protective attitude toward her future subjects.”

  Danielle looked at Tag and said, “It’s too early to be so serious. She’s only five and she should enjoy her childhood.”

  Tag looked at Rose and said, “Why don’t you ask her what she finds to be the most fun.”

  Danielle looked at Rose and Rose smiled and said, “I love listening to you make decisions about how people will live in peace and harmony and then seeing everyone scramble to follow your wishes. I sometimes look at the worlds you rule and see how much the people love you. I hope someday they will love me as much. I also love playing with my teapot and bunnies.”

  Danielle burst out laughing. “I guess you are enjoying your childhood. Do you also have my ability to see the truth in various situations?”

  Rose hesitated then said, “Yeesssss.”

  Danielle arched her eyebrows, “Why do you say it that way?”

  “Well, do you remember the Yrwset representative that was in here three days ago asking for credits to build a dam on their northern continent?”

  Danielle said, “Yes, I do remember.”

  “Well, the dam is already built. They really want the money to build a town near the dam.”

  Danielle looked at Rose and said, “How do you know that?”

  “I looked at his planet when he was speaking to you and saw the dam. I did not look in his mind.”

  Tag looked at Danielle and said, “Perhaps she could help you. Maybe she could let you know when she see’s deception. I suspect she listens in on you all day.”

  Rose lowered her head and said, “I’ll stop if you want me to, Mommy; I just find it so much fun to watch all the things you do every day.”

  Danielle laughed and said, “No honey, you keep right on watching and if you see anything that you think I should know; send me a thought.”

  Rose jumped into her mother’s lap and said, “Oh goody, this is going to be so much fun.”

  Tag looked at his wife and daughter and thought to them, “Both of you are born to rule; together you’ll be amazing.” Both of them curled up into Tags arms and he held them close as they sat and watched the fire.

  Four months later Cade and Anita were on board the Megaship Short Sword talking with Commander Tresk and his jump officer. Cade pointed to the jump console and said, “The new system is not greatly different from the old one.” He then pointed to a switch in the middle of the console and said, “This switch determines which system you’ll use. Pushed forward, it operates just like you have always used it. Just enter the coordinates and you’ll jump to whatever location you’ve chosen once the star drive is engaged. However, if you pull the switch toward you, then the new system becomes active. You will still enter the coordinates you want to jump to but the system will automatically produce two screens with the first one taking you into null space and the second one turning on just before you leave normal space. Once you enter null space the outer screen will be stripped away and you will be ejected from null space to the coordinates you used for the inner screen. Do you understand?”

  Tresk looked at the two engineers and said, “Why do you need to go to the Plants fleet to test this? Can’t you just do it right now?”

  Anita shook her head and looked Tresk in the eyes, “Commander, the whole idea of developing this screen is to enable our ships to jump inside the jump limit while the Plants are using their frequency ships. The only way to truly test it is to do it while those ships are b

  Tresk looked at the console and said, “What happens if it doesn’t?”

  “Nothing,” Cade said. If it doesn’t work you can’t jump inside the jump limit or jump out. You’ll just stay where you are.”

  The jump officer then asked, “What if it allows you to jump in but then won’t work coming out?”

  Cade smiled, “That’s why you’re going to make two jumps; one just a short distance inside and back out of the jump limit and another all the way into the inner system and back out if the first one works.”

  Tresk shook his head and said, “Well, I’ll be the first to let you know if it works.”

  Anita laughed, “Commander, we’ll know as soon as you do, we’re going with you.”

  Tresk just looked at the two scientists, “I guess that means you have outstanding confidence in the system. Well welcome aboard, we’ll be leaving as soon as Admiral Mikado and Admiral Chen get their fleets sorted out. Officer Nerha, please take these two and show them to their quarters.”

  The Algean Leaders swayed in the gentle breeze on their home world looking up at the bright red sun. They had their feet solidly placed in the golden soil tasting the nutrients. One of the Algean scientists approached and stood beside the soil waiting for the leaders to notice. The Eldest Leader broke his attention from the sun and said, “Have you been able to determine how the Strangers have been able to find us?”

  “No, Leader, we have not. Some of us think that perhaps they managed to place a device on the hull of one of our ships but close inspection has not turned up anything. We will continue to look but I think they must have some form of technology that we do not possess. One of our junior scientists postulates that they might be doing it with psychic skills but again we have no evidence to support that view.”

  The Eldest Leader swayed and said, “Have any of our psychics ever been able to do what he is postulating?”

  “No, Leader, we have not. I just think we have tried to come up with any idea because we just can’t explain how they keep finding our harvesting operations. Doing it psychically is just pure conjecture.”


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