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Bitch A New Beginning

Page 2

by King, Deja

  “Man, I’m so glad you’re out of jail. I hated not being able to come see you but I stayed in constant touch with your attorneys.”

  “Genesis, we both know how the game go. When somebody’s hot you stay the fuck away. No sense in us both being locked up. Then who’s on the outside to help.”

  “I’m just glad you’re here and you look good. I see those few months behind bars didn’t put a dent in your swagger.”

  “No, but it did put a dent in my heart.”

  “Huh?” I could hear in the tone of my dad’s voice he wasn’t expecting Lorenzo to say that. I saw him hand Lorenzo a drink before continuing. “A dent in your heart, I had no idea you were that serious with somebody. What happened, she couldn’t handle things when you got locked up and b alked up ailed on you?”

  “It would appear that way but I think it’s something else.”

  “I’m not following you.”

  “When I got locked up she couldn’t handle being out there in that entertainment industry without me supporting her mentally so she turned back to her old habits which were drugs. Supposedly it became too much for her and she died of an overdose.”

  “You say supposedly, you don’t believe that’s what happened?”

  “My gut is telling me no. I mean I believe drugs were involved but I think somebody wanted to make it look like it was an overdose but some shady shit actually went down.”

  “You mean like somebody murdered her?”


  “Do you know who the person is that you think is responsible.”

  “Yes, Sway Stone.”

  The Sway Stone, I was about to ask out loud but caught myself and put my hand over my mouth. But then I heard my dad ask for me.

  “Sway Stone, the rapper?”

  “Yeah, that muthafucka.”

  “How did the woman know Sway?”

  “They dated for a while before we got together.” My dad started scratching his head and I did too. It was a natural habit we both had when we were thinking hard about something. I assumed he was trying to figure out who this woman was because that was exactly what I was trying to do.

  “The young lady that died not too long ago, she was a reality star…right?”


  “When she died she was in all the papers and on a few news programs. Was she the one he got arrested for beating up at a hotel?”

  “You seem to know everything going on in pop culture.”

  “It comes with having a teenage son.”

  “But yes, her name was Dior.”

  “I had no idea you all were together. But then how would I, we rarely saw each other. I guess that’s how you know that you’re close to somebody. You don’t see them often but when they need you, you’re there.”

  “And that’s why I’m here tonight because I need you, Genesis.”

  “Whatever you need I got you.”

  “Even though my attorney was able to get the charges the Feds had against me thrown out for lack of evidence, I know they’re still trying to build a case. So I have to lay low and be super clean for the next few months. I mean I’m not even trying to get a speeding ticket.”

  “That’s smart.”

  “But I need to get to Sway and I know you have connections in the music industry. So do I but again, I’m laying low and I don’t trust any of the people that I associate with in that business to keep my shit confidential. But I know you will and that’s why I trust you.”

  “Are you saying that you want to have Sway Stone killed?”

  “If I find out that he had anything to do with Dior’s death, that’s exactly what I want.”

  “Say, you’re right. How do we even get him to admit some shit like that?”

  “Sway is a straight up functioning junky. He stays high off something. And he love to get fucked up with women, lots of women. I know this young lady that has that groupie party girl look and is familiar with him who just needs the proper introduction to infiltrate his circle. Once she’s in, I’m positive if she asks him the right questions while he’s fucked up he’ll come clean. His ego gets off on bullshit like that.”

  “I can make that happen. But what if we find out he had nothing to do with it?”

  “Then let him live but I know he did. I’ll be the first to admit that Dior had a problem with drugs. But the last time I saw her when she came to visit me in jail, I could tell she was hurt but at the same time she was holding strong. I promised her I would beat the case and come back to her and when I looked in her eyes she believed me. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t believe she went home and decided to get high. Dior understood thaiorderstoot I couldn’t be with a woman who was a junkie. Especially…” I heard a break in Lorenzo’s voice.

  “You were going to say, especially because of the situation with your mom.” My dad said finishing Lorenzo’s sentence.

  “Exactly. Dior had been doing so well fighting off those demons I don’t believe she had a relapse. I’m in the business we both are so I know how this addiction thing go. But a lot of time users have given up on life and don’t feel like they have anything to live for but a high; it wasn’t like that for Dior. We were going to get married, start a life together. She was the only woman I ever saw myself being able to do that with and to have her taken away from me. Beyond all that, you know how you get this feeling in your gut about something that you can’t shake.”

  “I know the feeling you’re talking about.”

  “Well that’s the feeling I have about Sway Stone. On everything I believe I know he had something to do with Dior’s death.”

  “When Talisa was murdered although I couldn’t prove it at the time I knew Arnez was behind it. And I wasn’t going to leave this earth until I knew for a fact he was no longer walking it.”

  “Then you understand how I feel about Sway.”

  “Completely. It’s like your heart has been ripped out, and although you can never put it back together, knowing you sought vengeance against the person responsible makes you sleep a little easier at night.”

  “Exactly. Once the person responsible for Dior’s death is dead and gone I will sleep a little easier at night. And while you’re working on that I’m making sure Alexus and Lala are found and dealt with accordingly too.”

  “I still can’t believe Alexus turned on you. She seemed so loyal. What am I talking about, CoCo was my Alexus. Luckily for you, you weren’t fuckin’ Alexus or were you?”

  “No we never crossed that line but it didn’t stop her from turning on me.”

  “Trust me, if you had been sleeping with her then the betrayal would’ve felt ten times worse. I was engaged and going to marry CoCo. I let her be a mother to my son when she was partly responsible for taking his mom away from him in the first place.”

  A painful knot in my stomach hit me when I heard what my father said. I always wondered why CoCo vanished out of our lives and now I knew. I also understood why my father had no interest in settling down during all these years because there wasp>

  My mind was already going in circles hearing that my favorite rapper was not only a drug addict but there was a good chance he played a role in the death of his ex-girlfriend. I also was processing that if Sway Stone ended up dead more than likely my father had something to do with it. But what had thrown me most off balance was finding out that the woman my dad had planned on spending the rest of his life with was responsible for almost single handily destroying both father and son.



  (Best Friends Forever)

  When I stared around the four walls holding me captive I kept wondering how I got here. It amazed me how quickly my life had changed in less than twenty-four hours. What started off as being the best summer of my life had now become my worst nightmare. Instead of preparing to go off to college I was facing a life in prison with no chance of parole. How could that be I thought to myself. This summer started off like all the others had been for the last several years,
spending it with Justina and Amir. The three of us were like a clique and being together during the summer was a ritual.

  In the early years Justina and Amir spent more time together because they both went to school on the east coast. But right when Justina was about to begin high school her dad T-Roc decided to maintain most of his business on the west coast so we ended up attending the same prep school in Beverly Hills. We were always close but when Justina started attending my school that’s when our bond was solidified. I remember the day she knew I would always have her back.


  “That must be the new girl. Look at her, she has no style. And check out that bun, what is she supposed to be a librarian,” the girls laughed loudly. They continued on with their slick talking not knowing I was right behind them listening to it all. They were standing several feet away from Justina watching her as she was getting her books out her locker.

  “We should bump into her and make her drop all her books.” One girl suggested.

  “Yeah, that would be hilarious! You go first, and then when she’s trying to pick her stuff up we’ll knock her back down.”

  “Cool come on!” They picked up their speed as Justina was closing her locker shut.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” I screamed out as they got to the halfway point.” All three of the catty girls tb(0atty giurned around at the same time to see who was interrupting their little plot.

  “Hey, Aaliyah! You must want in on our little joke,” they giggled. When Justina heard them call out my name she stopped what she was doing and turned in my direction.

  “No, I don’t want in on your little joke,” I made that clear when I got right up on the girls. They looked at each other baffled. I guess they assumed because we were on the cheerleading squad together I was one of them.

  “Then what is it because we’re about to go have some fun with the new girl.”

  “Justina, come here.” Justina looked down at the hallway floor for a second then walked over. “Listen, this is my best friend Justina,” I said holding her hand.

  “You know her?” one of them asked with an attitude.

  “Didn’t I just say she’s my best friend you idiot.”

  “Now you’re calling me an idiot, she’s the idiot, look at her,” they all burst out laughing.

  “I’m only going to say this once you stuck up bitches. If any of you so much as breathe in her direction you’re going to have to deal with me and I promise none of you want that.”

  “Are you threatening us because I’ll report you,” the Miley Cyrus lookalike warned.

  “Will that be before or after I mop this floor with your face?”

  “Come on girls, let’s go,” she huffed as they stormed off.

  “That was classic, Aaliyah,” Justina finally said letting out a huge laugh.

  “Well they had it coming.”

  “You didn’t have to do that for me.”

  “Yes I did! We’ve been down since hopscotch and hula hoops. Did you really think I was going to let some Paris Hilton knockoffs disrespect you? Please! Now come on, I’ll walk you to your next class.”

  From that day forward Justina and I were inseparable. It gave Justina confidence to know that she wasn’t alone in her new school and that if we didn’t hapec didnve anybody else we had each other. I eventually even quit the cheerleading squad because at every practice I was a step away from beating one of those dizzy broads down. I didn’t need them anyway, I had Justina.

  When I got home from school that day I was looking forward to telling my mother what happened. She got a kick hearing about the mindless socialites in training I went to school with. But instead of having the chance to share in my high school melodrama I was greeted by another heated argument between my mom and dad. They were so loud they didn’t even hear me call out to them when I came inside. Of course my curiosity got the best of me. Instead of going upstairs, shutting my door and blasting my music so I could drown out their voices I stood by the living room so I could hear exactly what they were saying.

  “Aren’t you sick and tired of arguing about the same bullshit all the time because I know I am!”

  “What do you expect when you have a child by another man that was conceived during our marriage and you constantly stay in contact with?”

  “How many times do I have to say this, I thought you were dead! And of course we have to stay in contact we have a daughter together. What, am I not supposed to have a conversation with the father of my child?”

  “You just don’t get it.”

  “No, I don’t, Supreme. I gave you a son. What more do you want from me?”

  “Oh, you gave me a son. You make it sound like Xavier was some consolation prize for taking away a daughter that was supposed to be mine.”

  “I’ve ran out of things to say to explain myself to you. You constantly throw Nico in my face yet you slept with that sick, twisted and deranged Maya. I’ve learned to forgive you for that but Nico is constantly the fuckin’ elephant in the room.”

  “I’ll never forgive myself for falling for Maya’s lies but I have no dealings with her. The way you carry on with Nico you’re continuously throwing that shit in my face. I mean are you going to be doing this until Aaliyah is a senior citizen.”

  “We’re friends and we’re parents what am I supposed to do?”

  “Make a choice.”

  “I did! I chose you. I chose our family.”

  “Then why hasn’t Nico ever gotten married. Does he even have a woman in his life that he’s datinidthe’s g seriously? No!”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because if he did, she wouldn’t allow him to be on the phone all the time running his mouth to you!”

  “There’s nothing going on between me and Nico.”

  “Maybe not physically but definitely mentally. You may not want to admit it to yourself but it’s true. You all are having an emotional affair which can be more dangerous to a marriage than a physical one.”

  “We have to talk about this later. I need to go pick up Xavier.”

  I quickly ran upstairs to my bedroom when I heard my mother say that. I flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I now regretted letting my curiosity get the best of me. It wasn’t meant for me to hear all the awful things they said to each other. My mother had told me about some of the heinous things Maya had did when I was a little girl, like having me kidnapped and holding my mother hostage but I never knew she slept with my dad. I also thought that my mom got pregnant with me before she married my dad, not during the marriage. Now I understood why for all these years there were occasional fireworks going off in the Mills household that seemed to be more frequent in recent months.

  The happiest my parents seemed to be was when my mom was pregnant with Xavier and the first few years after he was born. My dad practically worshipped my mom. He wouldn’t let her lift a finger to do a thing. Not only did I have a nanny but during her pregnancy he made sure my mom had her own personal assistant to cater to her every need. Whether it was cooking, shopping, running her bath water, you name it the assistant had to do it. He didn’t want my mom to stress over anything. Then it seemed every other day he was bringing her home some sort of gift and I’m not talking flimsy stuff. I’m talking cars, diamonds and furs—mind you, it didn’t even get that cold in LA. My dad just simply adored my mother and he wanted her to have everything he thought she might want. I remembered hoping and praying that I would find a guy who would love me half as much as my dad loved my mom.

  “Aaliyah, are you home?” I heard my mom ask as she knocked on my bedroom door.

  “Yes, I’m here,” I called out.

  “I’m about to pick up your brother do you want to ride with me?”

  “No thanks.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m tired. I had a long day at school.”

  “Ok, get some rest. I’ll see you when we get back.”

  “Ok.” Normally I would jump
at the chance to go riding with my mom to pick up my little brother. Having our chats in the car was a highlight of my day, something I looked forward to but not today. There was no hiding the gloom on my face and my mother would want to know what was wrong with me. I wasn’t ready to discuss with her all that I heard. I was still dealing with it myself. Right now all I wanted to do was close my eyes and pretend just for a little while that everything in the Mills’ household was bliss.


  Can’t Break The Chain

  My patience was getting the best of me waiting for my dad and Aaliyah’s family to get here. I knew she was going crazy being locked up like an animal. I was losing my mind wanting answers. All I knew is what Aaliyah told me before I’m assuming the cops took her cell phone. She called me in a panic saying she was about to get arrested for murder and the phone went dead. I tried calling her back but her cell had been turned off. I was blowing up Justina’s phone to find out if she knew anything but it kept going straight to voicemail.

  “Justina where are you?” I mumbled out loud as I grew more and more frustrated. I slumped back in the car seat and closed my eyes trying to calm my nerves. I began reflecting back to what could’ve led to this moment right now.


  “Dad, can I get…oh I didn’t realize you had company,” I said standing in the doorway of my dad’s office with three set of eyes all on me.

  “You know I’m not company,” Nico smiled, trying to ease an uncomfortable situation. My dad seemed in a fucked up mood which made me nervous and Nico could probably sense that.

  “Amir, I’m in the middle of a meeting with Nico and Lorenzo. Whatever you need will have to wait.”

  “Maybe I can help. Do you mind if I sit in on the meeting?” I tried to make the suggestion casually but in a firm tone so that my dad could tell I was serious. I was seventeen now and more and more each day I was feeling like a man and I wanted to be a part of the empire my dad had built.

  “Son, if you want to help me, then you’ll close the door and not interrupt me until I’ve finished handling my business.”

  “Come on, Genesis. Let the young man have a seat. We started making moves at a lot younger age than him. He needs to learn from the best.” My dad glared at Nico not amused by what he suggested. Lorenzo remained silent in the cut drinking what appeared to be a glass of Ace of Spades.


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