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Bitch A New Beginning

Page 4

by King, Deja

  “I understand but next time, think before you speak.”

  “I will,” I smiled. All I wanted to do was get out the house and if I had to fake a smile and give a bullshit apology to make it happen then that’s what I would do.

  When I got in the car I blasted my music and instantly forgot about the conversation I just had with my mother. My mind had switched to the cutie I had a date with tonight and how I was looking forward to it. His cousin was in town visiting and he wanted somebody he could chill with too, so that’s why I was bringing Justina. When I got to her house and she opened the door she wasn’t looking like nobody’s special invited guest.

  “Hey Aaliyah, you look great tonight!”

  “So do you.”

  “You think…thanks!” I felt sorta bad telling such an obvious lie but what was I supposed to say? Your mother is right about you, you are the complete opposite of hot. I couldn’t further shatter Justina’s self-esteem and say that but I also knew it was time to whip my best friend in shape.

  “We have a little time to waste, let’s go upstairs and hang out in your bedroom for a minute.”

  “But I thought you said we were running late and the guys were waiting for us.”

  “D’Mario called and said that something came up. So we’re good.” At the same time I was telling Justina that white lie I was sending D’Mario a text giving him some bullshit excuse as to why we were gointinwe wereg to be late. It was for a good cause so I didn’t care.

  “Justina, I don’t think I’m feeling what I have on, can I look at what you got in your closet?”

  “I don’t think I have anything in there that looks better than what you have on but you’re more than welcome to look.” Justina gave the response I figured she would and that’s all I needed to do, what I had to do. When I stepped into her walk-in closet she had things in two sections. I called one the Justina section, which consisted of nothing but boring, plain clothes she wore on a regular. On the other side there were clothes I had never seen her in before. Most still had the tags on them. I decided this must be the Chantal section.

  “Girl, I ain’t never seen you in none of these clothes.”

  “I know. My mom picked that stuff out for me. Why I don’t’ know since I would never wear any of it.”

  “And why not?” I asked as I studied outfit after outfit of nothing but official hot shit.

  “It’s not my style.” Well it need to be, I thought to myself.

  “I have an idea, Justina.”


  “Why don’t we play dress up?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Yeah. I’m going to put together an outfit for you, do your hair, add a little makeup, it’ll be fun!”

  “What’s wrong with what I have on now? You said I looked great.”

  “And you do. I just want to try something different. Plus you know I want to get into fashion, you can be my first test model.”

  “I’m not model material, Aaliyah.”

  “Come on, Justina, would you just cooperate. We need something to do until D’Mario and his cousin is ready for us anyway.”

  “I guess,” Justina agreed reluctantly. I didn’t give a damn that Justina was a reluctant participant. All I wanted to do was have an opportunity to work some magic. When I sat Justina down in front of me, the first thing I did was take off divas takeher glasses. “Can you put those back on? You know I can hardly see without them.”

  “Listen, I got this, plus you have a pair of contacts anyway. I don’t know why you don’t wear them.”

  “Why wear contacts when these glasses work just fine.”

  “Because these glasses hide your beautiful face and more people need to see it.”

  “You think I’m beautiful?” Justina stared at me with this stunned expression.

  “Of course I think you’re beautiful. Look at yourself.” I turned Justina around so she was facing the mirror. I know she had seen her own reflection a million times but clearly she didn’t appreciate what she saw staring back at her.

  “I don’t see beautiful. My mother is beautiful. You’re beautiful but me I’m so regular.”

  “There is nothing regular about you but your attitude. If you don’t know how beautiful you are then how is anybody else. Just sit there and let me handle this. Deal?”


  For 45 minutes I worked on Justina as if she was competing to be crowned the Next Top Model. I unraveled the French braid that she always had going down the center of her head. Justina inherited the same honey blond highlights as her mother but you couldn’t tell because the tight braid kept them hidden. I decided to give her a swooped bang and have the remaining hair loosely tousled up on the top with a few Bobbie pins holding it in place. I dabbed on some mascara to open up her wide eyes even more and added a little blush to accentuate her already bronzed skin. Once I put some gloss on her naturally pink lips her entire face glowed.

  “Here put this on, but don’t look at yourself yet.” When I handed Justina the lime green silk romper her face frowned up but she stuck to our deal and put it on. As she zipped it up the fabric began hugging curves that were a well-kept secret underneath ill-fitting clothes. With a pair of strappy heels and some gold accessories Justina had been transformed into a true stunner.

  “Wow!” Was all Justina continued to say for the next few minutes while examining herself.

  “Say what you want about your mother, but she has some damn good taste. That romper and these shoes are ridic.”

  “My mother would have a freakin’ heart attack if she caught a glimpse of me.”

  )">> “I’m almost tempted to track her ass down so she can. You truly look amazing. You have to keep this up.”

  “But how?”

  “If I have to come over every day and get you dressed then that’s what I’ll do.”

  “Aaliyah, you’re so silly.”

  “I’m so serious! You have to stop letting all this go to waste,” I said waving my hand up and down the length of Justina’s body as if I was one of the Price Is Right spokes model showcasing a prize.

  “I love my new look! I’ma make every effort to keep it up.”

  “Good and it’s not that hard. All I did was put on a little blush, mascara and lip gloss. The hair was the hardest part but you need to start going with me when I hit the beauty salon. I go like once a week. And you have more than enough clothes and shoes to put together some killer outfits. You’ll be shittin’ on every girl at our school.”

  “Aaliyah, you’re the best friend ever. Thank you.” Justina gave me the biggest hug which put a huge smile on my face. It felt so good to see her so happy. I always knew that there was this gorgeous girl waiting to step out of her shell and I was thrilled to be the one to make it happen.

  By the time we got to D’ Mario and his cousin they had been waiting for over an hour. But I knew it would be all love once they both saw how on point Justina and I were looking. When we pulled up they were standing in front of D’Mario’s midnight black Range Rover. I drove up and rolled down my window, greeting them both with a smile.

  “Ma, this you?” D’Mario asked as he drooled over my pristine white Lamborghini.”

  “Don’t the tags say Aaliyah,” I stated. When D’Mario stepped to me I was on my way into the mall so he never had a chance to see what type of whip I was pushing. On our numerous phone conversations I never felt the need to tell him. I knew eventually he would see for himself.

  “Damn, who the fuck is yo’ peoples? You making me feel like a broke nigga next to yo’ shit.”

  “It’s all good boo. This ain’t no competition especially since it ain’t one you can win anyway.” I winked my eye and gave him a sweet smile so although I dissed him he wasn’t feeling mad just disappointed that a fly bitch was taking his shine. But I knew the tongue play I planned on blessing him with later o="Twith lan tonight would erase that.

  When Justina and I stepped out my ride I could tell by the gleam in their e
yes they didn’t know what looked better, us or the car. I felt it was a tossup. I glanced over at Justina feeling so proud of what I had accomplished. I mean she had a lot to work with but to see what I envisioned walking right next to me, killing the game made me pleased.

  “What’s up, you looking more beautiful than I remember,” D’Mario said giving me a hug. I gave him a hug back and already knew things were working in his favor because he smelled good. I loved a dude that kept a great scent. It was like that shit hypnotized me.

  “Thank you. This is my best friend, Justina.”

  “What’s up, Justina? This here is my cousin Ja Khel.” Ja Khel and Justina shook hands and I could tell my girl was feeling uneasy. I figured it was because Justina wasn’t used to guys lusting after her yet. But if she maintained her new appearance it would soon become the norm. Justina had gone all these years being the cute plain girl that nobody really paid attention to, to in less than an hour being a chick that any straight dude with a dick would catch a hard on for.

  “So you young ladies ready to eat ‘cause I’m starved, especially since you had us waiting all night,” D’Mario grinned. I grabbed his hand and playfully blew him a kiss. I could see Justina and Ja Khel making small talk behind us but I hoped they would eventually click. Ja Khel was easy on the eyes so I was optimistic.

  “This a five star spot, I like this,” I said when we entered the restaurant.

  “I know this is what an official chick like you is used to. So I’m only keeping it inline.

  When the hostess sat us down, from our table we had a view of the garden with a waterfall that flowed into a makeshift river. It was beautiful. It made you feel as if you were in Italy. This was the type of spot that made you want to have some champagne or wine with your dinner but because I was only seventeen that was out the question. I was almost tempted to ask D’Mario to order some so I could get a sip of his but I quickly remembered he was only eighteen.

  “So what are you ladies ordering tonight?”

  “I’m not sure, what about you, Justina.”

  “Everything sounds so good.”

  “I know right,” I laughed scrolling through the menu. Right when I was about to announce my selection I looked up to a pair of eyes staring mfaces stare in my face. “Grandfather, what are you doing here?” I asked, getting up from my chair to give him a hug. No matter how often I saw my grandfather he always put a huge smile on my face. He was the one that had actually gotten the Lamborghini for my birthday. My grandfather wasn’t even aware that I knew it was a gift from him. He assumed that I thought it came from Nico just like my mom did.

  “Having dinner, and you’re about to do the same,” he said as he discreetly eyed everyone. “Hello, Justina, I almost didn’t recognize you.” Justina blushed but my grandfather didn’t notice because he was carefully checking out the two guys that were with us.

  “Grandfather, this is D’Mario and his cousin Ja Khel. They’re friends of mine.” My grandfather nodded his head but didn’t speak to them. That didn’t surprise me as he wasn’t the most social person especially with people he didn’t know.

  “I’m not going to interrupt any longer. You enjoy your dinner.”

  “You never interrupt. You’re more than welcome to join us. I always enjoy your company.”

  “Thank you, princess,” he said kissing me on my forehead, “Next time.” Then he walked away. I tried to see who he was having dinner with but he was sitting on the other side of the restaurant and I didn’t want to come off as being completely nosey.

  “So that’s your grandfather, he seems like a cool cat.” D’Mario commented.

  “Yeah, he is. I’m a lucky girl. I have the best grandfather ever.”

  “She really does. He’s the one that bought her that hot car she’s driving.”

  “Justina, I told you that was our secret.”

  “Sorry, I forgot.”

  “Yeah, just don’t forget when you’re around my mother.”

  “So your mother doesn’t know that your grandfather bought you a car that cost that much money. So who does she think you got it from?”

  “My dad, but it’s a long story. I’ll tell you another time.”

  “Damn, all your people seem to be banking. Must be nice.”

  “It is. Here heiimes. Heres our waitress, let’s order,” I suggested, ready to move on from the obvious.

  After we finished our meal and while we were waiting for desserts, Justina and I headed to the ladies room. I did have to go but I also wanted to know if Justina was feeling Ja Khel. I was having a hard time reading her body language. I could mos def tell that Ja Khel was checking for her but I needed to know if the feeling was mutual.

  “I’m really glad you brought me tonight. I’m having such a good time,” Justina said when we were halfway to the bathroom.

  “That’s what’s up, so does that mean you like Ja Khel?”

  “I mean he’s definitely cute but I’m not sure he’s my type.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He might be a little too fast for me.”

  “Why you say that? Hold up, let me use the bathroom first then you can explain.”

  “I gotta go too so cool.”

  Justina and I came out the bathroom stall at the same time. Between washing our hands and touching up our face and hair in the mirror Justina began telling me why Ja Khel had the potential to be a no go for her.

  “Well, when he was asking me about myself and what I liked to do I started opening up a little. I felt comfortable so I asked him was he in school and he said no.”


  “I mean don’t you think it’s weird that he like eighteen and not in any type of school?”

  “He might’ve already graduated high school and decided not to go to college but get a job instead.”

  “I thought about that so I asked him what he did.” There was this long pause and I started tapping my nails on the counter top. Justina was too busy making goo-goo eyes at herself in the mirror that she must’ve forgot what the hell she was about to say and didn’t notice I was growing impatient waiting for her to continue.

  “Any day now!”

  “Oh, girl, my fault. So when I asked him what he did heto at he d was like he worked in the family business. I was like what sort of family business and he said the sort that required him to travel a lot.”

  “So from that you got the impression he might be too fast for you?”

  “Yeah, because if you’re traveling all the time then that means you’re probably meeting a ton of different girls and not wanting to take any of them seriously.”

  “Chile please, you can meet a bunch of different girls right her in the state of California. You don’t have to be on the road to do that.”

  “True, but it sure gives you plenty of opportunity to do so. Listen, he just seems like a player to me. I don’t need a man like that. My father was a player and I see how neurotic it has made my mother. I don’t want a guy like that.”

  “To be fair, I think your mother has done her fair share of playing too.” Justina gave me a nasty glare.

  “Maybe so but it’s not only that. I’m actually interested in somebody else, who I like a lot,” she stressed. “And when he sees my new makeover I think he’ll definitely be convinced I’m the one.”

  “Who, do I know him?” But before she could answer me, in walked my worst nightmare.

  “If it isn’t my beautiful niece Aaliyah. You’re looking more and more like Precious and Supreme…oops I meant Nico each time I see you.”

  “Maya, why are you stalking me? What are you doing here?” Right before she responded the answer popped in my head.

  “I’m having dinner with my father. I guess he didn’t tell you that when he stopped by your table.”

  “Of course he didn’t tell me. He didn’t want to ruin my meal. Come on Justina, let’s go. This bathroom suddenly has a very bad odor to it.”

  “Little girl, you need to learn r

  “Now why would I respect a psychotic criminal like you?”

  “You know I beat those charges many, many years ago. So I’m no more of a criminal than you are.”

  “You beat those charges because of my grandfather’s money. You bamboozled him with your lies but lur=" lies bckily my mother sees right through you and so do I.”

  “All I ever wanted was a relationship with my sister and there was a time I hoped to have a relationship with you but I was never given the chance.”

  “After all this time you still love playing the victim role. My mother should’ve done us all a favor and got rid of you when she had a chance. Now excuse me.”

  “Be careful little girl, it can be dangerous out there.”

  “You can stop with the little girl BS. You have a pair of good eyes, and you can clearly see I’m not a little girl. And before you make subliminal threats, remember one thing, you’re not my sister. I feel no sort of obligation towards you so I advise you to be careful.”

  “Wow, that was intense,” Justina finally said after not breathing a word while we were in the bathroom.

  “Fuck Maya! I’ll never understand how my grandfather deals with her. It’s so obvious what a sick bitch she is.”

  “I know. When you told me all the things she’s put your family through I don’t get it either. But she is his daughter. I can’t imagine my dad ever turning his back on me no matter what I did.”

  “Yeah, but you’re not some psycho lunatic,” I huffed walking up to our table.

  “We were getting concerned. I was about to have the waitress go to the bathroom and check on you,” D’Mario remarked when we sat back down at the table.

  “I ran into somebody I knew and we were catching up.”

  “Oh, so you ready for dessert.”

  “No, actually I want the check I’m ready to go.”

  “The movie doesn’t start for another hour.”

  “I don’t care. I can’t stay in this restaurant for another second. As a matter of fact, I’ll meet you outside. I grabbed my purse and I could see Justina following behind me. Maya seemed to suck all the air out of me and I needed to go outside to get it back. That woman had singlehandedly divided my family. What she did so many years ago was still causing my parent’s marriage to deteriorate right before my eyes. I hated Maya for what she did to my mother and I prayed one day she would pay for it with her life.


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