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Bitch A New Beginning

Page 12

by King, Deja

  “I was just wondering what we should do tonight.”

  “I’m glad you brought that up because that’s the surprise I wanted to share with you guys.”

  “What surprise?”

  “My dad got us tickets to Sway Stone’s concert tonight at Madison Square Garden.”

  “Get out! With everything that’s been going on I totally forgot about his concert. Remember, Amir, I told you about it months ago!”

  “He’s one of my dad’s clients under his advertising and marketing services company. So we have an all access pass to everything!”

  “You’re shittin’ me!”


  “T-Roc Rocks! I should talk to my dad about partnering with your dad just so I can get me some Sway Stone perks. But then my dad isn’t that cool with your dad because of my other dad, so that isn’t going to work.”

  “It could. My dad is really close to Genesis not so much to Nico. They’re cool because Genesis and Nico are business partners. But I think it would be awesome if your dad and my dad partnered up.”

  “I think that’s just wishful thinking on our part. As long as we’ve been friends if they haven’t done it by now then it ain’t gonna happen. But who cares as long as somebody has the Sway Stone hookup.”

  “Baby, why are you so quiet? I thought you would be more excited than Aaliyah.”

  “I’m kinda over the whole Sway Stone thing.”

  “Since when? You love his music.”

  “It’s a’ight.”

  “Anyway, everything is set. We even have backstage passes so we can meet Sway before the show.”

  “I’ma have to pass and I think you all should too.”

  “Why would we want to do that?”

  “I heard some things about him, that’s all.”

  “Things like what?”

  “For one that he does drugs.”

  “From what my dad told me, just about everybody in that business does drugs. As long as we’re not snorting coke and poppin’ pills who cares.”

  “I should’ve expected that answer from you, Aaliyah.”

  “And what is that supposed to mean, Amir? I mean when did you become so self-righteous. Considering some of the history of our parents, I don’t think any of us has room to judge others…ya think!”

  “I’m not being self-righteous or judging. People aren’t the way you think sometimes, that’s all I’m saying.”

  “Baby, please come tonight. It won’t be the same without you,” Justina smiled while rubbing the back of my neck.”

  “She’s right, Amir. It wouldn’t be tgn=ldn’the same without you. I want you with us.”

  “Fine, I’ll go,” I said not wanting to get into a long drawn out debate with them. I didn’t want to take the chance of slipping up. As close as the three of us were I couldn’t tell them that my dad was helping Lorenzo plot on that man’s life. That was business and my dad always stressed the importance of being able to separate friendship and business when needed. My dad had chosen to help out Lorenzo because they were friends and they also did business together. I couldn’t risk jeopardizing their relationship because I got caught shooting off at the mouth to Aaliyah and Justina. Having my dad’s respect meant more to me than anything and I wasn’t going to disappoint him. I would have to keep my feelings about Sway to myself plain and simple.


  When we arrived at Madison Square Garden the show had already started. I wanted to catch the end of the opening act but all Aaliyah and Justina wanted to do was get backstage.

  “Come on, Amir. We’re already late. I hope the guy my dad had meeting us hasn’t left.”

  “Don’t rush me. You and Aaliyah were the ones taking a year and a day to get ready for this clown.”

  “What is up with you? You were the biggest Sway fan, now you act like you’re allergic to the dude. I hope you’re not jealous because my only interest is in you.”

  I stopped walking for a second and stared at Justina. I was making sure I heard her right. “You really think I’m jealous of that dude?”

  “Will you two come on,” I heard Aaliyah scream out, as she was way ahead of us.

  “Amir, we can talk about this later. Let’s just enjoy our night and have fun.”

  “Whatever,” I said nonchalantly and continued to walk forward.

  When we made it to the open entrance, it was blocked off and mad security was obstructing any sort of entrance. It was a bunch of people hollering that they had passes to get backstage but nobody was producing shit.

  “So where is the man that your dad said would hook us up. ‘Cause I’m not about to be standing here looking crazy like the rest of those fools,” Aaliyah said as she cut her eyes towards the crowd in front of us.

  “You all took so long to get dressed and get down here, that man probably bounced by now.”


“Stop being so negative, Amir.”

  “I’m not being negative, I’m being real. I’m sure that man has other things to do besides wait around for us.” At least that was what I was hoping. I could tolerate watching the concert from our seats but I didn’t want to be backstage with Sway and his entourage. Right when it looked like all my hoping would pay off I noticed this super skinny tall guy in a suit approaching us.

  “Hi, aren’t you Justina, T-Roc’s daughter?”


  “I’m Robert. I’ve been looking for you.”

  “We’re a little late. I was worried you left us.”

  “Your dad gave me strict instructions to wait for you because he said you would definitely be showing up.”

  “He was right about that.”

  “So how many people do you have with you?”

  “It’s just three of us.”

  “Great. I thought at least half of the girls standing in that line over there were with you.”

  “No, we don’t roll like that. It’s just three of us in our clique,” Aaliyah stated, stepping up on Robert.

  “Robert, that’s my friend Aaliyah. And this is my boyfriend Amir.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” he said acknowledging us both with a handshake. “We better get going. Backstage with Sway can get a little out of hand.”

  When we entered Sway’s dressing room I was expecting something the size of a huge oversized closet but instead it looked like the size of a humongous apartment. People were scattered in different sections of the room, talking, eating and drinking. I was scanning the room to see if I could spot Sway but instead I noticed my Aunt Nichelle.

  “Where are you going?” I heard Justina call out as I made my way across the room.

  “I’ll be right back,” I said putting my finger up. I was positi0emI was pve that Justina wouldn’t mind since the only thing that seemed to be on her mind was meeting Sway Stone.

  My Aunt was so deep in conversation she didn’t even notice I was walking up on her until I said her name. “Aunt Nichelle, what are you doing here?”

  “I need to be asking you that question,” she smiled giving me a hug.

  “Justina’s dad got us tickets and the backstage hookup. Now your turn.”

  “One of the girls I’m representing is working tonight.”

  “I thought you represented models not singers.”

  “I do. Sway is doing this series of commercials and they wanted it to have a day in the real life feel, like a documentary. Part of that is filming him before he takes the stage at the legendary Madison Square Garden. And the young lady I represent is one of the main girls in the commercial. I’m here making sure all goes well.”

  “So you’re here protecting your investment.”

  “You’re sounding more and more like my brother every day.”

  “That’s a good thing. My dad is always about business. Did you mention to him you’re working with Sway Stone.”

  “Yes. As a matter of fact, the young lady in the commercial is a model that one of his business partners introduced me to.”

/>   “You must be talking about Lorenzo.”

  “Yeah, that is his name.”

  “I was on my way to curse you out for leaving me and coming to flirt with some chick and then I realized it was Nichelle…hey Nichelle,” Justina said interrupting my conversation with my aunt.

  “Hey, Justina! It’s good to see you oh and here comes Aaliyah. The whole gang is in attendance.”

  “What’s up Nichelle!”

  “Hi, Aaliyah! You look beautiful as always.”

  “So do you. Let me find out you attending backstage parties. That fine hus>

  “Renny understands the business I’m in and I’m here working.”

  “Whatever you want to call it. We all got to hustle and I’m not knocking yours. But do tell, did you get invited here after doing some sort of modeling gig for Sway Stone?”

  “Aaliyah, I stopped modeling a couple years ago. I have my own agency now.”

  “I told you that, Aaliyah. Remember the article I showed you they did on her a few months ago in that magazine.”

  “Amir, we talk about so much stuff but I don’t recall that. But congrats, Nichelle, on your agency. Why did you give up modeling though? You still got it!”

  “Honestly, I got fed up with having a career where everything relied on my looks. I’ll leave that to the new girls on the come up. But at least because I’ve experienced mostly everything they’re going through I can help lead them in the right direction.”

  “So is one of your girls working here tonight?”

  “Yep, and here she comes now.”

  “If we had to do that take one more time I was going to scream.”

  “That’s part of the business. Everybody this is Courtney. Courtney, this is my nephew Amir, his girlfriend Justina and best friend Aaliyah.” I took a good look at the girl Courtney and like I expected she was the young lady I saw at my birthday party who was in that intense conversation with my dad, aunt and Lorenzo. She had to be the woman Lorenzo had told my dad would be perfect to infiltrate Sway’s circle, all she needed was a legitimate introduction which they clearly found with my Aunt Nichelle’s help.

  “It’s good to meet you guys. Are you looking forward to the show?”

  “Definitely!” Aaliyah and Justina said at the same time.

  “What about you?”

  “I’m sure it will be cool.”

  “Speaking of cool, look who’s coming!” Justina said elbowing my arm. “And where did Aaliyah disappear to that quick? She’s going to miss her opportunity to meet Sway.rgbo meet ”

  I noticed Aaliyah a few feet away over at the bar area getting a drink while making small talk with some guy. Before I could tell Justina, she was all up in Sway’s grill practically drooling. I knew she was a huge fan but I had never seen her act so thirsty over a guy before. I let her continue acting like a borderline groupie and went to get Aaliyah. I figured she would want to get in on the act too.

  “I hate to interrupt but I thought you would want to know that Sway is right over there,” I said nodding my head in his direction. “Aaliyah, did you hear what I said?” I questioned because instead of hauling ass in Sway’s path, she started getting extra flirtatious with the random dude she was talking to at the bar. “Aaliyah, are you coming or what? I’m sure Sway is about to go on stage any minute. This is gonna be your only opportunity to meet him.”

  “Amir, can’t you see I’m busy. Sway can wait.” Aaliyah went back to laughing, smiling seductively and rubbing on the random dude’s face. I was confused but before I could start tripping Sway and his bodyguard had walked up on us.

  “I know you saw me looking at you. What’s your name?” I knew he couldn’t be talking to me and there wasn’t any other female around besides Aaliyah so he had to be talking to her. But she kept laughing as if she didn’t even notice that there was a superstar rapper standing in front of her face asking her a question. “So you’re just going to ignore me?” he asked as if stunned.

  “I apologize, were you speaking to me?” Aaliyah inquired so damn casually that you would’ve actually believed she didn’t know.

  “Yeah, I was. What’s your name?”


  “How old are you?”


  “That’s good, you’re legal.”

  “Yeah, I’m legal. And of course there is no need for you to introduce yourself. You’re Sway Stone. I love your music and so does my friend Amir,” Aaliyah said, pointing at me.

  “What’s up,” I said but Sway didn’t even look in my direction.

  “Glad you’re a fan. I’m having a private party after my show. I want you to be my guest.”

  “That’s so sweet but I >

  “What do you mean you can’t?” Sway asked as if he hadn’t heard that word before.

  “I have an early flight to catch back to LA tomorrow and I haven’t even packed yet. So thanks for the invite but I have to pass.”

  I couldn’t believe the bullshit coming out of Aaliyah’s mouth. I didn’t know what she was trying to do but whatever it was it seemed to be frustrating the fuck out of Sway and I was loving that shit.

  “You have to pass,” Sway repeated as if him saying it out loud would make Aaliyah change her answer.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “So what do you do, Aaliyah?”

  “I’m in school.”

  “So you’re on summer break?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Just trying to figure out your availability.”

  “My availability?”

  “Yes. I’ll be in touch,” Sway said and walked away.

  “What was that about?” I asked Aaliyah as she turned her head and burst out laughing.

  “Yo, I played that shit so cool.”

  “Yeah, maybe a little too cool.”

  “Please, you heard him. He said he would be in touch.”

  “That was him just trying to act like it was all good because you turned him down. He won’t be in touch. His ego won’t let him.”

  “Amir, you have no idea how this game works.”

  “Excuse me. Since you know, explain it to me.”


  “Is that why you did it?”

  “Of course! My mother always told me, treat the man you want like you don’t want him in order to get him.”


  “It’s called playing hard to get. It’s the oldest but still most reliable rule in the player’s handbook.”

  “If you say so, but I believe you’ve missed your opportunity to score with Sway Stone and I’m glad. He’s not what you need anyway.” Right when I was about to break down all the reasons, Justina popped up.

  “Look, I got Sway’s autograph and he took a picture with me. He’s so sweet. I saw you guys over here talking to him. What did he say?”

  “Nothing really, he invited Aaliyah to be his guest at the after party.” I watched Justina’s eyes widen and her mouth drop.

  “We’re partying with Sway after the concert tonight. I can’t believe this,” Justina smiled.

  “I left out the part where Aaliyah turned him down. She told him she had a flight to catch to LA in the morning.”

  “What! We’re not going back to LA, we just got here.”

  “We know that but Aaliyah wanted to play hard to get.”

  “You’re playing hard to get with Sway Stone, are you crazy! How can you miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity like that?”

  “Justina, it’s not that serious. I’ll have another chance with Sway, trust me.”

  “What if you don’t!” Justina barked.

  “Yo, calm yo’ ass down. I do think Aaliyah took her hard to get game too far but I rather her play that role than that of a groupie.”

  “I ain’t acting like no groupie!”

  “First, you all up in dude’s grill acting thirsty now you coming down oighoming dn Aaliyah because she played coy. I mean let her do her. “

  “Whatever Amir, you’ve bee
n acting salty about Sway since you found out I had tickets to the concert. Don’t call me a groupie because you’re jealous.”

  “Would the two of you stop! I mean this shit is getting real petty. Let’s just go watch the concert and have fun.”

  I couldn’t believe Aaliyah was being the voice of reason. Normally Justina or I would have to calm her ass down but this time we seemed out of control. I suppose Justina was right; there was some jealousy on my part but not over her, instead it came from watching Sway step to Aaliyah. It did piss me off watching my girlfriend act all extra over some other nigga especially since I didn’t expect that from her. Justina always seemed so reserved and safe. That was the main reason I chose her over Aaliyah. My dad constantly reminded me never get serious with a woman that’s a headache because life will bring you enough of those without a woman adding to it. I thought Aaliyah, not Justina would be my headache but maybe I was wrong.


  Hell Of A Life

  “Your attorney hasn’t arrived yet but I thought you would want to know your father is here,” the police officer informed me.

  “Can I see him?”


  “What was the point of you telling me that if you weren’t going to let me see him, asshole,” I screamed out while he was walking away. It was like he was purposely fucking with me. But it was nice to know that somebody was finally here on my behalf. At first I was going to ask which dad but I knew it had to be Nico since he mentioned nothing about my mother. I wondered what was taking her and my dad so long to get here. We hadn’t been on the best of terms lately but she was my mother and she wouldn’t abandon ship on me or would she? I couldn’t pinpoint if my concern was coming from a real place or was it because I was fucking exhausted.

  My head was spinning. I didn’t understand how I began my summer feeling on top of the world but now I was seriously debating if my mother had any intentions of coming to see if she could bail me out of jail. As I began to doze off I thought about how positive things had been recently and I would give anything to get that time back.


  “That concert was awesome last night,” I commented to Justina as we sat outside by the pool drinking Bellini’s.

  “Awesome is not a big enough word to describe what we experienced last night. It’s one thing to listen to Sway Stone’s music on a CD and entirely different thing hearing him live in concert.”


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