Bitch A New Beginning

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Bitch A New Beginning Page 15

by King, Deja

  “Amir!” My dad screamed but I ignored him. I was close to the front driver’s seat so I did what I had to do. Luckily Dice had left the engine running so all I had to do was press down on the gas and be out. I wasn’t stopping for nothing and anybody in my way was getting ran the fuck over.

  “Yo, who the fuck set this shit up! It’s a fuckin’ bloodbath out there. I couldn’t even tell if anybody survived,” Nico said in disbeif.

  “Yeah, it’s bad, and Dice, he was a good man.”

  “Genesis, who do you think could’ve put a green light on this.”

  “I have no fuckin’ idea. But I will find out. Amir, first drive through the car wash and then head to the apartment.”

  “Are you sure? I mean about the part of us going back to the apartment.”

  “I’m positive. I wouldn’t tell you to if I wasn’t. Lorenzo, hand me that cell phone under the seat.” From the mirror I could see Lorenzo toss my dad the phone and he immediately made a call. “Meet me at my apartment. Have someone do a thorough walk through and leave three men posted downstairs to monitor any suspicious activity. Also, I need two fully loaded cars waiting for my arrival which will be within the hour.”

  “Genesis, do you think this has anything to do with the man Tony had been dealing with, Dale? If that’s even his name.”

  “I don’t know what to think right now. But I’m going to make moves like our operation is under attack. Amir, if everything is clear then I’m going to drop you off at the apartment while we find out who had the fuckin’ balls to give clearance to this bullshit.”

  “Dad, I want to come with you.”

  “I know. If I had any doubts about your capabilities and whether you had the heart to be a member of this organization you’ve squashed them. You will be a great asset but as your leader when I give a command, don’t question it just follow it.”

  “Yes Sir.” I remained silent for the duration of the drive and simply listened. Often you could learn a lot more that way.

  When I turned on Lexington Avenue and pulled up in front of our apartment building I noticed the security team. They were discreetly dressed in street clothes so they wouldn’t stand out but we knew exactly who they were. “I’ll be right back,” my dad said getting out the car.

  When I turned to look for my keys in the front passenger seat I noticed Aaliyah going inside of my building. She came from the opposite direction so she couldn’t have noticed us. Plus the tint on this truck was so dark she wouldn’t have been able to see who was inside anyway. As I was debating if I should call her and tell her it wasn’t a good time to come see me my dad came back to the car.

  “Everything is clear. So, Amir, you go upstairs. I’m sure you already know this but don’t discuss what happened today with anybody. I’ll speak with you later on.”

  “Ok, but dad, can I have the key to the apartment? I don’t have mine on me.”

  “Sure, here you go.” After my dad handed me his key I got out and watched as he, Nico and Lorenzo got into one of the other vehicles. A member of the security team got behind the wheel of the truck I was driving and drove off. It was burning me up that I wasn’t continuing on with my dad and them. I wanted to be right there in the mix but like he told me, part of being a member of the operation is following commands, so I would prove to him I could do just that. I knew if I did, my time would come.

  I hurried to get upstairs to meet Aaliyah. Even with the chaos that went on today I was looking forward to seeing her. When the elevator doors opened there she was and when I saw her face, I instantly thought about what was going on with her and Sway so I became irritated. “Amir, I was just about to leave.”

  “Glad I caught you.”

  “Where are you coming from?”

  “I made a run with my dad.”

  “Oh, is he on his way up?”

  “No, he dropped me off. He has some business to handle,” I explained opening the door to the penthouse. “I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you would be with Sway.”

  “Sway, why would you think that? That’s a stupid question. I guess pillow talk got the best of Justina.”

  “So why didn’t you tell me?” By the time we reached my bedroom Aaliyah still hadn’t answered me. “Why didn’t you tell me, Aaliyah,” I persisted wanting her to give me an answer.

  “I don’t know. Maybe because I knew you wouldn’t approve.”

  “Are you sleeping with him?”

  “That’s a bold question.”

  “Answer it.”

  “Why do you care?”

  “Because I want to know. I hope you weren’t dumb enough to lose your virginity to him like you planned on doing with D’Mario.”

  “Wow, that was a low blow, even for you, Amir.”

  “What’s low is that you’re even dating that loser. So have you fucked him or not?”

  “No! Not that it’s any of your fuckin’ business. But so you know, I will be fuckin’ him tonight after his party.”

  “I’m not surprised you’re willing to whore yourself out to Sway Stone. Two narcissists like you belong together.”

  “I can’t believe how cruel you’re being to me. And to think I came over here to tell you I need one more chance.”

  “One more chance to what, try and fuck up my life. In one breath you’re telling me you’re planning on fuckin’ another nigga tonight and then next you’re asking me for another chance…classic Aaliyah behavior. You’re so fuckin’ self-absorbed it’s nauseating.”

  “You’re not holding back any punches today, that’s for sure.” I could see Aaliyah fighting to not let her tears escape but I couldn’t stop myself from beating up on her with my words. My dad was right, I was so in love with her but I refused to let myself give into my feelings even if I had to tear her down to do so.

  “All I’m doing is telling the truth. The best thing I ever did was make sure things never went further than a kiss between us.”

  “You win. If it was your goal to make me feel like the lowest piece of shit, you’ve accomplished it.”

  “You should!” Aaliyah and I both turned our head and saw Justina standing in the doorway.

  “Fuck,” I said under my breath, remembering that Justina had told me she was coming over so we could go to Sway’s party together.

  “I come over early to wait for my boyfriend and I find out him and my so called best friend shared a kiss.”

  “Justina, it’s not what you think.”

  “Shut up, Aaliyah! I heard everything! And you are a narcissist and self-absorbed. I couldn’t have picked better words to describe you. You’ve been throwing yourself at Amir all this time.”

  “Justina, despite what you heard that’s not true.”

  “Are you really standing there about to defend her, Amir? You said it yourself, she’s a whore.”

  “That’s not what I said.”

  “I get it. You’re the only one that can talk shit to Aaliyah but she’s off limits to everybody else.”

  “You have every right to be upset. And I’m sorry. Amir is your boyfriend which makes him off limits. But you have to understand, I’ve been in love with him for just as long as you have.”

  “You don’t love anybody but yourself, Aaliyah. You’ve always been that way since I can remember. All the attention has to be on you. Getting all that love and attention from two dads and a grandfather isn’t enough for you. Dating fuckin’ Sway Stone isn’t even enough for you. You have to have Amir too. Is that who you’ve been saving your virginity for, my boyfriend? How can a non dick getting virgin be the worse type of whore I know?”

  “That’s enough, Justina.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Oh please, Aaliyah, don’t start trying to play the victim now.”

  “I’m not. I just have no interest in continuing to stand here and listen to you and Amir basically paint me as the worse human being ever. I apologize, Justina, I crossed the line and it’ll never happen again. I’m going to the party tonigh
t with Sway and hopefully I’ll see the two of you there and we can forget what just happened. The three of us have been best friends for as long as I can remember and I don’t want that to change.”

  “I don’t think you’re the worse person ever, Aaliyah. I shouldn’t have said those things to you, it was wrong.”

  “Thank you, Amir.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you in love with her too, Amir?”

  “I’ma leave the two of you alone. Justina, I hope you can forgive me.” There was complete silence in my bedroom until we heard the door shut when Aaliyah left.

  “Amir, are you in love with, Aaliyah?” Justina asked again not letting it go.

  “Of course I love her. I’ve known her all my life.”

  “You know that’s not what I asked you.”

  “Yes, I’m in love with Aaliyah. But I do love you too, Justina.”

  “Yeah, you love me but you’re in love with Aaliyah.”

  “I am.” There was no sense in denying my feelings but I was expressing them to the wrong person.

  “So what about us, Amir?”

  “I’m trying to figure it all out. I need some time to do that.”

  “Fine, take all the time you need. But while you’re doing that, remember all the reasons you chose not to be with Aaliyah in the first place.”

  When Justina left I sat down on my bed and did just that. I kept battling myself on whether I should or shouldn’t pursue a relationship with Aaliyah. Yeah, I was in love with her but was it enough to make it work? That was what I needed to decide.


  The Show, The After-Party, The Hotel

  “Aaliyah, I need you to tell me exactly what happened last night,” the attorney my dad had hired asked me. I had been begging for some type of representation all night but now that I had it this fear was suffocating me. A fear of exposing all that happened and it wasn’t pretty.

  “Are you going to be able to get me out on bail?”

  “You’re charged with first degree murder so it will be difficult but at the arraignment I’ll argue the state doesn’t have sufficient evidence for that charge and we’ll go from there.”

  “That doesn’t sound promising.”

  “Aaliyah, I’m the best. That’s why your father hired me and your mother is in agreement that I represent you. I need you to trust me.”

  “So what do I need to do?”

  “Tell me what happened and don’t leave anything out. I don’t care how insignificant you think it might be. Whatever you reveal is protected under client/attorney privilege.” I sat back in my chair and began to tell my story, the truth, and the whole truth so help me God.


  “Aaliyah, what time will you be home tonight?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know.”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “Where are you going, smart ass.”

  “A party.”

  “Can you quit with these two and three word answers.”

  “I’m going to Sway’s party. First he’s doing an intimate show, then an after-party at a hotel ballroom in the city.”

  “Who are you going with?”

  “The usual suspects.”

  “You mean Justina and Amir.”

  “That’s them,” I lied. I was hoping they would both come but after our blowout I seriously doubted it.

  “After the party I want you to come home.”

  “Why? I might decide to spend the night in the city. The party isn’t going to be over until late.”

  “You’ve been on the road traveling for the last few weeks.”

  “I was working.”

  “I know and now the modeling gig is up. You’ll be starting college soon and it’s time for you to start focusing on that.”

  “Ok, but I don’t need to come home after the party to do that.”

  “I’m not trying to give you a hard time. I would prefer if you came home after the party.”

  “I tell you what. I promise I will try to leave the party early enough that I can make it home. Does that work?”

  “I know you’re eighteen and you feel like you’re grown. I remember being that age I met Supreme around the same time. He was this huge star just like Sway is. But your father was always grounded, much more so than me.”/span>

  “Can you get to the point?”

  “Sway may have your father’s fame but he doesn’t have his character.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I had him checked out and he’s trouble, Aaliyah.”

  “I’m going to his party. We’re not walking down the aisle.”

  “I just don’t want you to make the same bad choices you made with D’Mario, you remember what happened with that.”

  “How can I forget! You constantly remind me of it every chance you get. Since we’re playing the reminder game, have you worked out that little situation you have going on with Lorenzo yet?”

  “Aaliyah, this isn’t about Lorenzo.”

  “But now I’m completely curious. Normally you never like to spend the entire summer in New Jersey and New York but for some reason things has changed this year. Is it because Lorenzo is here and you want to be closer? You have it all figured out, mother. Daddy, right here in the house, Lorenzo across the river, must be nice. I want to be just like you when I grow up.”

  “I told you before that I wasn’t discussing my relationship with Lorenzo with you anymore and I’m asking you again to respect that.”

  “I will but can you do the same and respect my relationship with Sway and not ask me about it? I think you’re playing with fire by seeing Lorenzo. Not only are you married but he’s a criminal. Since you like checking people out I’m sure you did research on your own man.”

  “You keep making this about me when it’s really about you. You’re young with your whole life ahead of you. A few bad decisions are all it takes to ruin everything.”

  “They’re my bad decisions to make. You made mistakes and you survived them and I will too. If you keep trying to hinder me from living my life and learning from the errors I make you’re going to alienate me.”

  “Fine, Aaliyah. I’ll give you your space. But I’m not going to stop being your mother. And that means if I feel you’re going down the wrong path I’m going to tell you. Whether you decide to take my advice is up to you.”

  “That’s fair.”

  “Enjoy the party tonight but if you need me I’m only a phone call away.”

  “Thank you.” I closed my bedroom door after my mother said her piece. I knew she meant well but I didn’t want to hear it. I wanted to do what I wanted to do if only for tonight and I would.


  Sway was still blowing up my phone as I arrived at the hotel on Columbus Circle. I missed his show and was late for his party. The conversation with my mother left me in a funk so instead of rushing to get ready I took my time and then some more time before I knew it was a couple hours later. When I entered the hotel lobby Sway called me again but this time I answered.


  “Where are you?”

  “I just walked in the hotel.”

  “Come upstairs. I left a room key at the front desk in your name.”

  “Ok, I’m on my way up.” I stopped by the front desk and like Sway said they had a room key for me. I took the elevator and got off on the 53rd floor for the Presidential Suite. I had been in so many different hotels these last few weeks that they all were starting to look the same to me. When I got to the room at first I knocked but then I remembered I had the key and opened the door. I could hear the television but I didn’t see Sway. I walked in the dining and living room area and there he was standing in front of the window, looking out at the panoramic view of Central Park and The City.

  “I’m glad you were finally able to make it,” Sway stated without diverting from the view.

  “I apologize for missing your show. I got caught up at ho

  “I understand.” He finally turned around as he spoke to me. “You look beautiful. The color of the dress compliments your skin tone.” I knew he was telling the truth because the main reason I picked out the metallic one-shoulder mini dress was because the way it made my caramel color pop.

  “Thank you. Too bad I was late for the show and party because nobody gets to see it but you.”

  “Aren’t I the only one that matters?”

  “It was a joke, Sway. So are we staying in for the rest of the night?” Before he responded I heard the bathroom door open. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Sway invited me up.”

  “Oh really,” I spit eyeing Sway.

  “You were taking so long he needed someone to keep him company.”

  “Justina, this is pathetic. What, you’re going to throw some pussy at Sway to get back at me and Amir.”

  “I’m not throwing anything anywhere. Sway invited me up to his room.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure after you gave him an earful. But fine, if you want to fuck Sway, be my guest. I’m not entertaining this bullshit.” I left the key on the table and turned around to leave.

  “Aaliyah, wait. I have no intention of fucking Justina.”

  “Then what is she doing here?”

  “She came to the party alone. You weren’t there and we started to talk.”

  “Well, I’m here now so she can go.”

  “You think you run everything, Aaliyah, but you don’t. Did you tell Sway how you threw yourself at my boyfriend earlier today.”

  “I didn’t throw myself at Amir. We had a conversation that you caught a part of. I told you I was sorry.”

  “You think because you say sorry it makes all the damage you’ve done disappear but it doesn’t. It’s time that you’re held accountable for the bitch that you are.”

  “And you’re the person that’s going to hold me accountable? You’re so ungrateful. I regret that I ever gave you that makeover. That’s when you turned into this I’m the shit you can’t tell me anything Justina. But with all the makeup and new clothes you’re still that mousey French braid wearing girl living through me. Get over yourself. I never claimed to be perfect. I made a mistake but you trying to fuck Sway isn’t going to change that. Now please get your shit and get out of here!”


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