Bitch A New Beginning

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Bitch A New Beginning Page 16

by King, Deja

  “Sway doesn’t want me to leave.” Justina said, staggering to the table pouring a glass of champagne.

  “Is that true, Sway?”

  “Of course it’s true. What you think a man like Sway wouldn’t want me?”

  “Are you drunk, Justina?”

  “I’m fine! You’re the one who’s uptight. Maybe this will relax you.” Before I could blink, Justina had picked up the bottle of champagne and poured it in my face, hair and dress. My natural reflex kicked in and I yanked Justina up by her neck. As she yanked her head to get out of my grasp my nails scraped across her neck drawing blood.

  “Aaliyah, calm down.” Sway came over and held me back as I was about to start swinging on Justina. “Go in the bathroom and clean yourself up. You can take off your dress and put this on,” he said handing me one of his shirts. “I’ll get some ice for Justina’s neck.” It took me a moment to move but I finally took Sway’s advice and went to clean up.

  When I entered the bathroom the outfitted honey onyx walls seemed to calm my nerves, which Justina had totally worked over. I slipped off my champagne drenched dress and then stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was soaked in champagne and the only way to get rid of the smell was to wash it. I stepped in the glass enclosed steam shower and turned on the hot water. As I washed the smell off me I kept thinking about how reckless Justina’s behavior was. I wanted to stay in the shower for as long as possible hoping by the time I got out Sway would’ve gotten rid of her.

  The longer I stayed in the shower the more I thought about Justina. I understood she was angry about Amir but she had taken things way too far. But she was still like a sister to me so I decided when I got out the shower I would call Amir and tell him to come pick her up. She was tipsy and as pissed as I was with her I wanted her to get home safely. I got out the shower, dried myself off and put on the shirt Sway gave me. I was dreading having to see Justina after what she did but at least now I felt clean. When I opened the bathroom door it was pitch black. I couldn’t see anything.

  “Sway, turn on the light.” But I got no response so I went back in the bathroom to turn the light on and that’s when I felt a hard bump on my head and fell out.

  I shook my head as I tried regaining my focus. I didn’t know how long I had been out of it but my head was hurting. When I rubbed it I realized I had gloves on and I was holding something. I still couldn’t regain my center. It took me what felt like ten or fifteen minutes to fully regain consciousness. As soon as I did I saw that what I had in my hand was a gun. Then I got scared because I assumed if I was holding a gun somebody must’ve tried to hurt me.

  The lights were all still off so I felt my way around and in the process I tripped over something but got right back up. When I reached the lighcarhed thet switch I turned it on, and that’s when the nightmare began. Sway was sprawled out across the bed with a bullet in his head and Justina was on the floor with a bullet in her chest. I panicked. I had these gloves on, I was holding a gun and the only person I could think to call was Amir. I looked for my purse so I could get my cell phone. I called him and at first he didn’t answer so I called again. But right when he answered the police were coming into the hotel room with guns aimed at me saying I was under arrest.


  “Amir, it’s me! I’m about to get arrested for murder!” That’s all I could get out before the police took my cell phone and handcuffed me as they read me my rights.


  “So that’s all you remember?” my attorney asked after I finished telling him what happened that fatal night.


  “You’re not leaving out anything?”

  “No. I’m telling you that’s what happened. Somebody set me up for those murders.”

  “It’s only one murder so far. Justina is in critical condition.”

  “Do you think she’ll pull through? She’s my only hope.”

  “I don’t know. But she’s not your only hope. If Justina wakes up and can identify the shooter as not being you, then she’s your quickest hope but not your only.”

  “Does the fact that I have this bump on my head help?”

  “The prosecutor will argue that you got it while fighting with Justina. You admit to scratching her and having an altercation so that won’t help but trust me there is always evidence that will work in your favor. And that’s what I’m paid to do, find it.”

  “So when will I get out?”

  “That’s the next thing I’ll be working on but I wanted to speak to you first to prepare.”

  “What am I supposed to do until you find out if a bail will be set?”

  “Stay calm and quiet. Don’t talk to anybody about your case. I will be ableth=will be to get you a visit with your parents, which will hopefully make you feel better.”

  “What about my grandfather. Can I see him? He always makes me feel better.”

  “Quentin is on a flight as we speak. But when he gets here you will be able to see him. Maybe by that time you might be out on bail.”

  “Mr. Anderson, is that a real possibility?”

  “Call me Pete, and yes, with me as your attorney, anything is possible.”

  With Pete Anderson as my attorney anything is possible, I kept repeating to myself as I was taken back to my jail cell. It was all I had right now and that Justina had survived. But I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that Sway Stone was dead and the world would believe I was his killer. Maybe for now it was better I stayed locked up in jail I thought shaking my head.


  Set Fire to The Rain

  I sat in Justina’s hospital room praying she would wake up. I held her hand and it seemed there was no life left in it. But I had to believe she would pull through and get better, she had to. She had to let the detectives know that Aaliyah wasn’t responsible for her lying in a coma or for Sway Stone’s murder. It wasn’t any way possible she was capable of murdering her best friend no matter what went down between them. I couldn’t help but feel guilty about both of their predicaments. As I thought back to what happened the day of Sway’s party a huge burden fell on me. It was because of me they argued and I prayed Aaliyah and Justina would get through this. But I knew whatever the outcome things would never be the same between the three of us again.

  “How is she?” my dad asked when he came in Justina’s room.

  “No change.”

  “This is unfortunate. Justina’s in a coma and Aaliyah is in jail. How does something like this happen? I don’t understand.”

  “Dad, can we talk out in the hallway for a minute?”


  “I need to ask you a question,” I told my dad when we found a private area in the hospital.

  “What is it?”

  “The day of Sway’s party I heard a conversation between you and Lorenzo.” I kept my voice low not wanting anybody to hear what my dad and I were discussing.

  “Okay.” That’s all my dad said not giving up nothing until he knew where I was going with my dialogue.

  “Lorenzo said he planned on moving forward with killing Sway that night and you pleaded with him not to.”

  “Where are you going with this, Amir?”

  “Is it possible that Lorenzo didn’t do what you asked and went ahead and let his people move forward with the hit?”

  “Are you insinuating that Lorenzo is responsible for Justina being in that coma?”

  “All I’m saying is that he was adamant that Sway’s death happen that night. Is it possible he made sure it did?”

  “It’s possible that I could’ve killed Sway and shot Justina but I didn’t. Possibilities are endless, Amir, that’s what makes life so powerful. But one thing I know about Lorenzo is if he tells me he’ll wait then that’s what he’ll do.”

  “Can you at least ask him and see what he says? Aaliyah is locked up because of this.”

  “Amir, I love Aaliyah too. Do you think I would allow Nico’s daughter who is family to me, stay locked
up in jail if there was something I could do about it.”

  “There is something you can do.”

  “Amir, I know how you feel about Aaliyah. I’ve always known but you can’t alienate vital people in my operation because you want to hurry up and get her out. Nico has the best attorney money can buy on her case. Quentin’s influence reaches long and wide. But I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again, you have to keep your emotions in check. Do you understand?”


  “Good. Now I will talk to Lorenzo and I’ll let you know what I find out. But I do have some information on that hit. There’s a war going on over the Bronx operation, based along a 30-block corridor of White Plains Road and a Far Rockaway street gang is heavily involved. They may be responsible for what happened as a way to get rid of all the competition and at the same time place all the blame on their rival so everybody will go after them. That way they end up with the Bronx spot plus snatcr gt plus h up everything else.”

  “So what are we going to do?”

  “Wipe them out first and if need be take out both sides that way we leave nobody standing.”

  “When are you planning the attack?”

  “We’re going to lay low for a little while because of what happened everybody is on the defense. Let them ease up until they think the dogs have fallen back into a deep sleep then we make our move.”

  “Got it.”

  “I have to take care of some things, so I’ll see you later on at home.”


  I stopped by Justina’s room again before heading out. It was getting late and I needed to go home and try to get some rest. I hadn’t gotten any sleep since everything went down and at the rate things were going, I wouldn’t be getting much anytime soon. I kissed Justina’s forehead and prayed when I came back tomorrow she would be awake.



  I was so exhausted I barely heard my cell ringing. “Hello,” I groaned in the phone.

  “Amir, it’s me.”

  “Aaliyah!” Hearing her voice prompted me to wake right up.

  “I just got out on bail.”

  “You did! Where are you?”

  “On my way to my dad’s house.”

  “I’m on the way.” I jumped up and got in the shower. I was dying to see Aaliyah. My dad had told me that her family would get her out and I was relieved he was right. Now I just wanted her to know that I was in her corner. I couldn’t get dressed quick enough. When I was done I grabbed my car keys and headed out.

  “Where are you rushing out to?” I ran into my dad as he was coming out his office.

  “Aaliyah called me. You were right. The attorney Nico hired got her out.”

  “I told you he would. So you’re going to see her?”

  “Yeah, she said she was on her to way to Nico’s house.”

  “That’s good. I also had an opportunity to speak with Lorenzo.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He told his people to hold off on the Sway murder. They were nowhere near the hotel when Sway and Justina were shot.”

  “Thanks for asking him dad.”

  “No problem. But when you go see Aaliyah all you need to do is reassure her that everything will be okay and she has your support.”

  “That’s what I plan on doing.”

  “Give Aaliyah my best.”

  “I will.”


  “Amir, come in,” Nico opened the door and it was a mini family reunion. Quentin, Precious, Supreme and Xavier were all there. The only person missing was Aaliyah.

  “Where’s Aaliyah?”

  “I know how much she wanted to see you but when she went upstairs to lie down for a little while she passed out. She probably didn’t sleep at all when she was in jail.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, Mrs. Mills. If she does wake up will you tell her to call me?”

  “Of course. She’s going to be so disappointed that she missed you.”

  “She needs to get her rest. I’ll be back.”

  “How’s Justina?”

  “Still the same. But I’m on my way to the hospital so hopefully there’s been a change but 0em changeyou know I’ll keep you informed on the latest.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot to me, Amir.”

  “No problem.” I gave Aaliyah’s mom an encouraging smile because I could see how worried she was. “Bye everybody,” I put my hand up and walked out the door.

  I left the house with emptiness in my heart. I had wanted to hold Aaliyah, tell her that I love her but I would have to be patient. Soon I could speak from my heart and Aaliyah and I would get through this together.



  When I woke up, the first thing I did was get out of bed and opened the French doors that led to my balcony overlooking the pool and the flowing fountains. Ever since I was a little girl, I loved water. As I grew up it always seemed to soothe my mind and give me a sense of calmness, which I needed more than anything right now. I was finally out free on bail but I felt more like a prisoner now than when I was locked up.

  Overnight I had become infamous for being the girl who murdered Superstar Sway Stone. Every newspaper had my face splashed across it and I continued to be the #1 trending topic on Twitter even ahead of Sway’s actual death. I was the breaking news for every media outlet and it was all for a murder I did not commit, but no one seemed to believe me. Even worse was the attempted murder charge for Justina. She was like my sister and for what happened that night in Sway’s suite to be betrayed as a lover’s quarrel gone wrong was killing me softly.

  Escaping to my dad’s estate in New Jersey helped some because being in New York was out the question. It gave the paparazzi and media too much easy access to me but many were willing to go through a tunnel or cross a bridge to stalk me. But my dad did have plenty of security guarding his home so it did give me a certain level of comfort. As I gazed out into the clear blue skies without a cloud in sight, I wondered how something so beautiful made me feel such misery. I then started to pretend that my current predicament wasn’t real, that I was actually vacationing on a beachfront villa, sipping a pina colada. I was so caught up in my daydreaming it took me a minute to hear someone knocking on my bedroom door.

  “Just a minute,” I called out. “Hey,” I said opening the door and seeing my dad standing there.

  “Good morning, can I come in?”

  “Of course.”

  “I was worried. I was knocking on your door for a few minutes.”

  “I apologize. I was outside on the balcony dreaming I was someplace else and didn’t hear you.”

  “You don’t want to stay here with me?”

  “No, dad, that came out wrong. I meant someplace else like not wanting to stay locked up in my bedroom because I have this murder charge hanging over my head. I wish none of this was real.”

  “Me too, but it is. Your attorney wanted to come over this afternoon to further discuss the case. Are you up for it?”

  “No but I don’t have much of a choice. This is really happening to me,” I said with my voice trembling. I sat down on my bed shaking my head in disbelief. “Any news on Justina?”

  “She’s still in a coma.”

  “If only Justina would wake up. She would tell everybody that it wasn’t me and this nightmare would end.”

  “But there is a chance she won’t wake up so we have to prepare for that. That’s why you have to meet with your attorney so he can begin the process of preparing your case. You need a defense.”

  “What do you mean? I have a defense…I didn’t do it!”

  “I know that’s what you’re saying, but…”

  “What do you mean, that’s what I’m saying!” I screamed cutting my dad off. “You don’t believe me?”

  “Aaliyah, I never said I didn’t believe you.”

  “And you never said that you do. Out of everybody I just assumed you would be the one person that believed

  “Of course I believe you,” he said coming over and wrapping his arms around me.

  “Get off of me,” I screamed pushing him away. “You’re like everybody else; you think I’m a murderer. I can even tell mom isn’t sure if I did it or not.”

  “That is not true. Precious is on your side.”

  “Of course she’s on my side. She doesn’t want to sedivt want e her only daughter locked away and spending the rest of her life in jail but that doesn’t mean she thinks I’m innocent. But daddy, I swear to you, I didn’t do this. You have to believe me,” I cried out.

  “My sweet baby girl, I do,” my dad reassured me as he held me tightly. My body was shaking uncontrollably as my reality set in. “We’ll get through this as a family.”

  “I don’t want to go back there. I don’t won’t to spend the rest of my life in jail.”

  “And you won’t. I promise. I don’t care what I have to do you will not spend the rest of your life in jail.” My dad held me until I calmed down. His assertion was giving me strength. “I love you,” he said, kissing my forehead. “We all love you and believe in your innocence.”

  “Thank you, daddy. I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier.”

  “Don’t apologize. What you’re going through is tough. But my blood and your mother’s blood run through you, so you’re a warrior. You’ll not only get through this but you’ll beat it and come out stronger than you’ve ever imagined.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I know. Now relax your mind and get ready to meet with your attorney, okay.”

  “Okay, and daddy…”

  “Yes,” he stopped and turned around as he was walking out.

  “I love you too.” He smiled and for the first time since this nightmare begun I was filled with hope and not despair. A smiled even crept across my face and I was about to go take a shower, I heard my cell ringing. I looked at the screen and saw it was Amir.


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