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Star Wars - Jade Solitaire - Unpublished

Page 6

by Timothy Zahn

  Move: 10/13

  Size: 1.9-2.3 meters

  Capsule: Massive humanoids native to La’drach, the Drach’nam are strong beings that evolved in the intricate cave-cities of their world. Living in the dark caves gave them their ability to see in the infrared spectrum and in regular environs, as well as a strong sense of direction.

  Though barbaric and savage, the Drach’nam are quite intelligent, and more successful Drach’nam often become cunning leaders. Their Intellect—combined with their often cruel tendencies—often leads them into disreputable fields such as slavery, kidnapping, assassination and piracy, the Drach’nam excel in such endeavors.

  Societal rank and honor among the Drach’nam is very important. The many levels and titles used (First Greatness, Primary Guard,

  Tertiary Advisor, etc.) often seem unecessary to non-Drach’nam, but their use assures a given Drach’nam knows his place and stays in his place, in so far as status is concerned.

  Si’rin Blath

  Type: Bith Physician


  Blaster 3D, dodge 3D


  Alien species 5D, alien species: Drach’nam 6D, alien species: humans 7D, cultures 5D



  Bargain 4D, investigation 3D


  Lifting 3D


  Computer programming/repair 4D+2, first aid 6D, (A) medicine 5D

  Special Abilities:

  Vision: Bith have the ability to focus on microscopic objects, giving them a +1D to Perception skills involving objects less than 30 centimeters away. However, as a consequence of this, the Bith have become extremely myopic. They suffer a penalty of -1D for any visual-based action more than 20 meters away and cannot see more than 40 meters under any circumstances.

  Scent: Bith have well-developed senses of smell, giving them a +1D to all Perception skills when pertaining to actions and people within three meters.

  Manual Dexterity: Bith gain a +1D bonus to the performance of fine motor skills—picking pockets, surgery, fine tool operation, etc.—but not to gross motor skills such as blaster and dodge.

  Note: For more information on the Bith, refer to Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.

  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 12

  Move: 8

  Equipment: Diagnostic computer

  Capsule: Si’rin Blath was trained at some of the best medical facilities on Clak’dor VII and other worlds, and had a promising future ahead of him when he was captured by slavers and eventually sold to Chay Praysh. His medical expertise proved an asset; without it, he likely would have been sold to the Kessel mines or who knows where. Chay was “kind” enough to provide Blath a position at the crime lord’s mansion and krizar breeding pits on Torpis. As krizar harvesting is a dangerous endeavor, medical attention is often necessary to prevent “collateral damage” (slave injuries).

  Blath is technically not a slave, as he receives a meager salary for his work… but he knows he cannot quit his job without serious consequences. The Bith physician is a kind being with a refined bedside manner, and though he would never voice his thoughts aloud, he waits for the day he can escape. He hopes Praysh’s estate is overrun by rivals, the Sector Patrol, or even a New Republic strike team.

  Krizar (pupal stage)

  Type: Developing predator




  Special Abilities:

  Bite: The krizar pupae’s “palp” is a fierce collection of tiny, locking teeth. When a krizar sinks its teeth into something at this stage, it does only 1D damage, but has a Strength of 5D+2 to hold itself in place, and typically must be removed surgically.

  Shell: The hard, ellipsoid shell of the krizar pupae provides the developing krizar with an additional 1D+2 defense against physical damage.

  Move: 3

  Size: 4-8 centimeters long

  Krizar (adult stage)

  Type: Predator



  Tracking 5D


  Brawling 5D+2

  Special Abilities:

  Bite: The bite of a krizar does 4D+1 damage for the first round, and an additional 1D damage for every round the creature stays clamped to its victim. The krizar’s clamping jaw has a staying Strength of 7D. Killing the creature will not release the jaw.

  Claws: A krizar’s foreclaws do STR+1 physical damage.

  Dew Claw: The krizar’s sheathed dew claw on all four of its hind legs can sink nearly a full half-meter into the ground, effectively anchoring the creature and whatever hapless being it has sunk its teeth into. The dew claws provide the krizar a +2D Strength bonus to resist being moved. Killing the creature will not weaken the dew claws’ hold.

  Move: 14

  Size: 0.75-1.2 meters at the shoulder

  Capsule: Sometimes referred to as “clampjaws,” the krizar are fierce animals used by many estates and compounds as guard creatures. The creatures are indigenous to Torpis; there are some analogous species that inhabit Vodran and other marsh-like worlds, but the krizar are the most vicious, and are exported to other systems for a hefty price, During their pupae stage the krizar are sustained by a viscous gray sludge that flows throughout many of the subterranean caverns of Torpis. Krizar are now bred and slave-harvested in large numbers by many unscrupulous beings, Chay Praysh among them.

  The vicious maw of a krizar is often enough to sway a potential adversary; those unfortunate enough to be bitten by the creature have little chance of escape, as the clamping mandible of the krizar is nearly impossible to pry loose. The creature also has long, resilient dew claws that effectively anchor the creature in place, preventing a larger creature from simply dragging the krizar away. Even if the animal is killed, it is still exceptionally difficult for the victim to escape; upon death, the krizar’s system is flooded by a chemical that effectively locks the creature in place.


  Type: Terrestrial

  Temperature: Temperate

  Atmosphere: Type 1 (breathable)

  Hydrosphere: Moderate

  Gravity: Standard

  Terrain: Mountain, Urban

  Length of Day: 23 hours

  Length of Year: 328 days

  Sapient Species: Drach’nam, humans, Rodians, others

  Starport: Stellar

  Population: 1.4 billion

  Planet Function: Mining, Trade

  Government: Guilds

  Tech Level: Space

  Major Exports: Krizar, mercenaries, minerals

  Major Imports: Foodstuffs, mining equipment

  Capsule: Torpis was settled centuries ago as a colony world for those in the mining and support industries when the Kolris Belt was found to have massive cerellium reserves. Commerce and settlements grew quickly, and after more valuable resources were discovered in Torpis’ mountains, the influx of beings from all over the galaxy was huge.

  Ultimately, the cerellium reserves were depleted, and those valuable minerals on Torpis were replaced by more advanced compounds. Torpis began a slow, downward spiral and became a relatively poor world with an exceptionally diverse population. In recent decades, renewed commerce has revitalized the world with the establishment of a major trade route nearby, but many regions of the world—particularly the urban areas—are still rife with poverty and despair. Beggars of all species crowd the streets.

  Many of the mansions and grounds of underworld figures are located in these decaying urban slums, Chay Praysh’s among them.

  Within several of Torpis’ underground caverns one can find the infamous slime pits and muck “streams” the krizar breed in.


  Model: BioTech BlastHand

  Type: Concealed carpal blaster unit

  Scale: Character

  Skill: Blaster

  Cost: 1,300

: 4, R, X

  Damage: 4D

  Game Notes: The BlastHand should be treated as a regular blaster for game purposes, though the weapon is surgically attached to the user’s arm and he can not be disarmed without restraining that arm. There is a port for blaster packs and recharging.

  Capsule: BioTech’s BlastHand is relatively uncommon, but very effective. The “hand” is a prosthetic shell that has some dexterity; it is primarily a shell for the compact blaster housed within—most users can clench their fist or point their fingers, but do little else. Many unscrupulous beings who have lost their natural hand—like those in Ja Bardrin’s employ—find BlastHands useful for gaining a decisive advantage over adversaries with little worry of a draw.

  Jade’s Fire (Winning Gamble)

  Craft: SoroSuub Luxury 3000

  Type: Modified Private Space Yacht

  Scale: Starfighter

  Length: 50 meters

  Skill: Space transports: SoroSuub Luxury 3000

  Crew: 1

  Crew Skill: see Mara Jade

  Passengers: 10

  Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons

  Consumables: 1 month

  Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2

  Hyperdrive Backup: x14

  Nav Computer: Yes

  Maneuverability: 1D

  Space: 8

  Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh

  Hull: 4D

  Shields: 4D


  Passive: 30/1D

  Scan: 80/2D

  Search: 100/3D

  Focus: 4/4D


  Three Quad Turbolasers (fire separately)

  Fire Arc: 1 front, 1 left, 1 right

  Skill: Starship gunnery

  Fire Control: 2D

  Space Range: 3-15/35/75

  Atmosphere Range: 300-1.5/3.5/7.5 km

  Damage: 5D

  One “Shoot-Back” Blaster

  Fire Arc: Turret

  Skill: Starship gunnery (when operated manually)

  Fire Control: 2D

  Space Range: 1-5/10/1.7

  Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1/1.7 km

  Damage: 2D

  Tractor Beam Projector

  Fire Arc: Front

  Skill: Starship gunnery

  Fire Control: 2D

  Space Range: 1-3/7/15

  Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/1.5 km

  Damage: 2D

  Capsule: The Winning Gamble is a highly-modified craft the Bardrin Group stole from a SoroSuub executive some time ago. Many of the systems (including the shoot-back system) were such advanced prototypes at the time that they are still cutting-edge. The craft has been outfitted even further since its theft, most notably with an advanced sensor/cam system for covert surveillance. Now under the ownership of Mara Jade and known as Jade’s Fire, new systems will certainly be added and existing systems improved.

  Bardrin Group versus Uoti Corporate

  The rivalry between Bardrin Group and Uoti Corporate has raged for more than 20 standard years. Both companies distribute the weapons and ship systems of the major corporations in many sectors, and also develop their own products.

  The Bardrin-Uoti hostilities have erupted into violence on more than one occasion; clashes between the two entities in the Ansuroer sector some years ago resulted in significant legal troubles for both companies. The chief officers of Bardrin Group and Uoti Corporate are known for their ferocity in business. Both are also suspected to have strong relationships with underworld figures and organizations. In the days of the Rebellion, Bardrin Group had a significant advantage over Uoti due to an exceptionally profitable relationship with several outfits that were later learned to have been linked to Black Sun.

  The turf war for marketing, distribution, advertisement and respect drives both groups to combat one another even in markets they aren’t all that interested in: better to hold a worthless market than let your enemy gain any ground.

  Following the Alliance victory at Endor, both companies have scrambled to establish strong relations with the growing Republic bureaucracy, while still maintaining their profitable relations with Imperial-allied corporations in other regions. So far, it appears Uoti Corporate is ahead in this struggle, and they’ll be the first to inform you of that fact.

  Both companies frequently hire smugglers and bounty hunters for various “business ventures.”

  Ghi Trade Language

  There are a number of trade languages throughout the galaxy; nearly all were developed so merchants (legitimate and otherwise) could communicate with one another regardless of their native tongues.

  One of the more common languages is Ghl. It is used heavily in the Outer Rim Territories and outlying areas of the New Republic, particularly by smuggler elements. It is seldom used in regions still held by the Empire.

  Unlike Old Corelllan, Tal’inora, and other such trade languages, Ghi is used by many species. Its construction is such that most species can pronounce the words, though some—like Togorians and Tiss’shar—have some difficulty, while others—like the Wookiees and Gamorreans—are unable to speak the language at all.

  Praysh Palace

  Chay Praysh’s mansion and grounds in Kalthis City appear the typical wealth-laden abode from the slum streets that surround it, but the interior is as foreboding and dark as any Drach’nam sub-building on La’drach. The hallways are essentially high bore-tunnels, with secret cameras and concealed ceiling defense systems laden with spikes and razorwire. The cold floors are fashioned largely from stone.

  Praysh’s throne room features heavy walls and an even heavier contingent of Drach’nam guards. The throne rests on a dais fitted with a revolving mechanism.

  In the interest of maintaining a secure estate, Praysh keeps several adult krizar loose on his grounds and many of his guards on patrol. There are also two Espo walkers for the infrequent urban riots that might pour over onto his immaculate grounds. Praysh keeps a sizable fleet of (largely stolen) starfighters, freighters and other ships. There is also a trio of atmospheric defense cannons that can defend the estate from attacking fighters—New Republic squadrons or rival criminal groups.

  Game statistics and information created by Craig Robert Carey based on Timothy Zahn’s “Jade Solitaire.”

  From Star Wars Adventure Journal 17 (05-1998) [Unpublished]




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