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The Good Dom

Page 11

by Paul Preston

  “Good evening, Miss” I said.

  She looked up at me with a neutral, expressionless face, as if she didn’t recognize me. How could she forget so soon what had happened between us? Was she pretending not to have given me oral sex with those luscious red lips of hers?

  “My name is Jim Jefferson, the proprietor of Obsessions. I believe we… met each other yesterday…”

  I moved closer, placing my hand on the back of her chair. I leaned over her, whispering discreetly in her ear.

  “Perhaps you recall… what happened in my office last night?” I said.

  She gave me a faint smile and a slight bow of the head. The woman took out a cigarette from her purse, lit it and took a long drag. I watched the smoke billow out of the side of her mouth, her lips.

  “If I wouldn’t be intruding on your privacy, might I ask you for your name?”

  “Janet…” she said, in a soft low voice.

  “May I sit?” I asked.

  Janet gestured with her chin for me to take a seat.

  “Thank you… Janet.”

  I moved around the cocktail table and sat down. We sat silently across the table as she smoked. The waitress brought me a Perrier and we sipped our drinks. I noticed her glance at my ruined face and quickly avert her eyes.

  “I apologize for my appearance. I had a childhood injury. As you can see, it never healed properly.”

  Janet nodded once and smoked, careful not to blow the smoke in my direction. I waited and watched her as she sipped her wine and lit a second cigarette, focusing solely on her pretty mouth as she marked the tip of her filter and rim of her glass with the pretty curved shape. I thought if I ever wanted to choose a logo for Obsessions it would be the imprint of Janet’s full red lips on the edge of a cocktail glass. When she finished her wine and second cigarette, I made my move.

  “Have you ever ridden on the back of a motorcycle before Janet?”

  She raised her eyebrows slightly and lit another cigarette.

  “It’s fun. Would you like to take a ride with me? It’s perfectly safe. I have a helmet for you,” I said.

  She smiled and shrugged. I took it as a yes.

  “OK. Follow me then. I’m parked out back.”

  I stood up and motioned toward the back of the club.

  “My car…” she said, gesturing toward the front entrance with her cigarette.

  “It will be perfectly safe. The parking area is brightly lit. We’ll pick your car up later. Come on.”

  I made my way through the crowd, hoping she would follow. I grabbed my leather jacket and helmet from my office and waited for her at the end of the corridor at the delivery entrance in the back. At first I didn’t see her, but then saw her figure slip through the crowd.

  I exhaled out and smiled. I felt proud that I had the courage to reach out to a woman, to Janet. It was a fresh start for me. I wished I could thank Grace for helping me to break out of the prison of my self-imposed celibacy. I thought about her as Janet approached. I wish I could’ve been there to comfort her at the funeral for her sister. It had been over three weeks since our encounter and I still thought of her hundreds of times a day. I assumed she had fully reunited with her military boyfriend by now.

  “Forget about her,” I thought to myself. “She’s gone. Let her go…”

  Janet joined me and I escorted her out the rear exit. She buttoned up her jacket and I helped her straddle the raised back seat of my Harley. Perhaps Janet was the woman I fantasized about riding behind me when I first laid eyes on the Electra Glide Ultra Classic with the High Output Twin Cam 103 Engine. Though my helmet was much too large for her, I managed to tighten the straps to provide a secure fit under her chin. Normally, I would never ride without a helmet, but I only had one. I placed her purse in one of the shiny black metal compartments attached to the side of my bike. I had never used them before and they finally came in handy, now that I had a passenger. I admit to revving up my Hog a little longer and louder than usual, wondering if the noise had an effect on Janet. Perhaps she was much like me, wound up as tight as a clock. As I revved the throttle, hearing the impressive loud roar of the engines, I thought maybe we could help each other somehow break out of our protective shells together. Even if she had nothing to say and had no apparent feelings for me, at least I could make her feel the cool breeze off Lake Michigan on her cheeks at 80 MPH.

  “HOLD ON!” I shouted, over the noise.

  I felt her arms tighten around my waist, her knees and inner thighs gripping the sides of my body as I sped off, gunning the engine and burning rubber, the thick back tire leaving a long black streak in the parking lot. I smiled when I heard her involuntarily squeal. Perhaps it would not be the last time I gave her pleasure this evening.

  I entered the traffic, slicing between the cars, impatient to open my Harley up to full speed. Once I merged onto the highway I really cut her loose, driving much more recklessly than I ever had before, torqueing the throttle and eating up the concrete in a blur, hoping the danger and speed of the ride would put a thrill up Janet’s spine. Perhaps it was irresponsible of me to drive so fast, but if you were as unattractive as I am, you would look for any angle you could to win over the heart of a woman too. We shot through the chilly air like a bullet. I drove instinctively, impulsively, leaning my Harley this way and that, feeling her arms squeeze me tighter around my mid-section. It was without a doubt the most fun I ever had on my bike, with Janet holding on for dear life behind me. I felt my cheeks shaking in the wind as I cut through three lanes of traffic, hearing car horns blaring behind as I impulsively got off at the exit before my home.

  It was 7:30 when I pulled up to the mall. I parked, went up the escalator and took Janet directly to a hair salon I had heard about. I told her to sit down in the waiting area. She didn’t seem to mind and picked up a magazine. Without asking her permission I met privately with one of the stylists and explained how I wanted a complete make-over done on Janet. I instructed the stylist to dye her hair to a light golden brown. I wanted her eyebrows done, her nails manicured and I needed her to have a full Brazilian body wax. When the owner of the shop overheard what I wanted, she quoted me the price. I told her the cost didn’t matter. Janet didn’t look up from her magazine and I left the salon without a word to her.

  I went on a crazy shopping spree, spending well over a thousand dollars on her in the course of two hours. The first shop I went to was this bright neon lit store I had passed once on the highway called the Super Sex Emporium. I bought a few sexy sheer outfits, some sex toys, bondage equipment and lubricants. If I was going to try out the role of a Dom I might as well do it right, I thought. I asked the salesgirl to show me an expensive jeweled collar locked in a glass cabinet, but after admiring it I decided not to buy it. I thought the act of collaring her on our first date might be a little too much. I wasn’t sure yet if she even interested in the submissive lifestyle, but I knew it was what I wanted now.

  I raced my Harley back to the mall and impulsively bought several items for Janet, an attractive, low-cut red cocktail dress, silk stockings and imported designer heels from Macys, a warm Burberry coat for the ride back to my place, some pretty lingerie, panties and push-up bras from Victoria’s Secret. I knew I was trying to buy her affection with gifts, but I didn’t care.

  I went back into the salon to see the results. I got there just as the stylists were about to unveil the new look. When they took off the covering over her hair and swiveled the chair around to face the mirror, Janet looked at her reflection, as if she couldn’t believe it was her in the mirror. She looked luminous, her smooth golden hair cascading over her shoulders, her pretty eyebrows arched in a feminine manner. I looked closely at her reflection. Without being consciously aware of it, I somehow summoned Grace back into my life.

  “Grace…” I thought silently to myself, careful not to mouth the word, hypnotized by the image in the mirror.

  Tears pooled in Janet’s eyes.

  “I’m…” Janet said, b
arely above a whisper.

  “Yes?” I said.

  Tears slid down her cheeks as she gazed at herself.

  “What were you about to say Janet?”

  “I’m… pretty.” she said.

  “You are. You’re an extremely attractive woman.”

  One of the ladies gave Janet a tissue and she wiped her eyes. She stood up and I held her arm. I gave my credit card to the owner and asked if we could use their rest room for a moment to try on some clothes. We were escorted to the back of the salon. Inside the woman’s room, I locked the door.

  “I bought you a few things Janet. I hope they fit. The next time you come into my club, people are going to take notice of you. Come on. Let’s see what I bought.”

  I showed her the dress, stockings, panties, bra and high heels I’d purchased for her and then left her alone in the room to give her privacy while she dressed. A moment later she came out in the clothes I picked out. She looked gorgeous. The fancy underwire bra lifted and pushed her creamy white flesh together, deepening her cleavage and making her breasts more pronounced. She looked taller in the heels and short red dress, more confident and sensual. Her silky blonde hair fell in waves over her shoulders. She reapplied her lipstick and posed in the mirror.

  “You’re nice. Why are you so nice to me?” Janet asked.

  “It was my way of thanking you for last night. I enjoy buying things for you. You look stunning in that dress. Come on. Let me take you out for a drink and show you off.”

  “OK Mr. Jefferson.”

  “Please. Call me Jim.”

  I signed the Amex bill, gave a hefty tip to the stylist and we left. I bundled Janet up in her brand new coat and we rode on the back streets to a neighborhood bar a few blocks away from my condo. Heads turned when we walked in as people checked out my beautiful date. Janet smiled and seemed to like all the new attention she was getting. I ignored the horrified looks I always seem to get when I go out in public. I could tell what everyone was thinking.

  “How did that ugly man with the grotesque scar across his face get such a pretty woman like her to go out with him?”

  It was the first time I had gone anywhere in the year and a half since I moved into the neighborhood. It was good to be out, even if people thought I was ugly.

  “Everyone is looking at you, my dear,” I said.

  “I know. I used to feel so invisible,” Janet said.

  “You’re not invisible anymore. You look beautiful Janet.”

  “Thank you Jim.”

  After we finished our drinks I asked if she would like another and Janet nodded no. I told her my condo was only a few blocks away and asked her if she like to see it. She nodded yes. I paid for our drinks and we rode over to my place.

  It was good to get in out of the cold. We parked underground and rode the elevator up; carrying all the bags of sex toys I’d bought. I escorted Janet into my home and we sat down together on the couch. I sat an ash tray out on the coffee table in front of us, in case she desired to smoke. I was happy the place was clean. Janet was the first visitor I ever had in my home.

  “Would you like a glass of white wine Janet?” I offered.

  “That would be lovely, thank you.”

  When I returned with the two glasses, Janet had taken her lipstick out of her purse and reapplied it to her mouth. She took a long drink of her wine and sat the glass down. She got out a cigarette from her purse, lit it and took a drag, and set it into the ash tray. I took a drink.

  Then Janet slipped down to her knees in front of me as she had done in my office and attempted to unzip and unbuckle my pants. It was as if she thought this was what I wanted and expected from her, now that I had spent a great deal of money on her, whether she was in the mood to give me pleasure or not. I wondered what kind of relationship she had been in that caused her to give but never receive pleasure. Was this what it was like to be a Dom and have a submissive kneeling at one’s feet, ready and willing to perform oral sex at a moment’s notice? I must say, the feeling was intoxicating.

  Before she was able to undo the clasp of my belt, I suddenly grasped her small hands in mine and lifted her up to her feet.

  “Come with me Janet,” I said, picking up the bag of sex toys and taking her hand.


  “It’s your turn now…” I said.

  I led Janet by the hand down the corridor to my bedroom. I set the bag on my dresser and turned to face her. She set her purse down and her arms fell stiffly to her sides. I tried to make eye contact with her, but she cast her eyes downward. I didn’t blame her for not wanting to look up at me. Close up, the exposed pink skin on my face made me look like a walking cadaver. I placed my hands gently on the soft fleshy part of her upper arms and stroked her gently.

  “Please don’t be nervous Janet. You don’t have to look at my face and I won’t hurt you.”

  She nodded. I don’t think Janet was anywhere near as nervous as I was. My heart was pounding in my chest as I reached into the little black bag. I was a complete novice at this kind of thing. Though I was always a little bit kinky, I never had the courage to act upon my fantasies, nor did I think my ex-wife would be comfortable experimenting in bed with me. So up until now, I kept my fantasies to myself.

  I wasn’t sure how Janet was going to react. I certainly didn’t want her to know that I hadn’t the slightest idea of what I was going to do in bed with her. Fortunately, my trip to the Super Sex Emporium had given me some basic ideas, based on the naughty pictures I observed on the packaging of the bondage equipment. The tied up women seemed to be in the throes of ecstasy, but I knew it may have just been marketing.

  Deep down, I was just this ugly divorced guy who had never recovered from being kicked off the police force and then cheated upon by his wife. I wasn’t even that sexual of a person, until Grace Madsen walked into my club about a month ago. But now the intimate part of me had taken on a life of its own. I could no longer ignore or repress my physical demands.

  As I took the first item I bought out of the bag, I decided to trust my instincts. At least I would learn if I was able to once again bring pleasure to a woman. I would discover if I had what it takes to be a Dom.

  “Janet, please don’t be afraid, but I’d like to put this soft blindfold over your eyes. I think it may… increase your pleasure. If you are uncomfortable with anything I’m doing, just tell me to stop and I will, right away. OK?”

  She nodded again.

  “You can trust me Janet. I only want to make you feel good, in the way you did to me last night. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes…” she said, softly.


  I stretched out the elastic strap and fitted the blindfold over her eyes. Now her red lips stood out even more prominently. I leaned forward and lightly kissed her lips and the sides of her pale white neck. With the tip of my tongue I licked the tiny blue vein running up the side of her throat. I felt her shiver.

  “Are you cold Janet?” I asked.


  I smiled. Her shiver gave me the confidence to proceed. I unzipped the back of her red dress and slipped it over her shoulders, draping it neatly over the back of her chair. I unhooked the back of her bra and removed it, exposing her pretty pert breasts. She immediately crossed her arms over her chest.

  “What’s wrong Janet?”

  “I’m… embarrassed.”


  “I’m sure you’ve seen so many women at your club…”

  “Not really. I’ve never met socially with a patron outside Obsessions. This is a first for me.”

  “But… my breasts are so small.”

  I took her thin frail arms in my hands and tenderly uncrossed them.

  “They’re not small at all Janet. They’re actually quite full and bouncy.”

  I cupped her breasts in my palms, leaned forward and sucked on the tips of her nipples. They instantly responded, becoming erect and hard in my mouth. I liked how her flesh grew stiff b
etween my lips. I licked the tips and swirled my tongue around the ring of her light brown areolas. Janet tilted her head back and exhaled.

  “Do you like that?” I whispered.

  She nodded. Perhaps being blindfolded helped her to relax and forget what I looked like. That was my plan at least.

  “Let me help you lie down. I’d like to give you a nice massage.”

  “OK,” she said.

  I laid her, face down, upon my bed and put a pillow under her neck to make her comfortable. I carefully slid her stockings over her hips and down her legs, trying not to ruin them with my large clumsy hands. I put them over the chair with her red dress and bra. Taking out the expensive massage oil I had bought, I squeezed a generous amount into my palm and warmed it between my hands. When I breathed it in it had an erotic fragrance. I rubbed her shoulders, kneading them with my fingers where I found the stiffness, brushing my thumbs slowly up and down the muscles of her neck, in the same way I did for my ex-wife. Remembering back, Bette often asked me for massages. At the time I thought she liked getting massages from me because I was good at it. I realized now why she asked me to give her a back rub so often, before we made love. In this position, she wouldn’t have to see my face as I entered her sex from behind.

  As I slid my slick hands down the sides of Janet’s back and over her soft round back side, I thought about Grace, how she faced me when we made love, and held her palm protectively over my scarred cheek as we brought each other to climax. I knew I shouldn’t think of another woman while I was with Janet, but I couldn’t help it. Grace Madsen was always on my mind, the memory of our short time together was still alive and simmering.

  I wasn’t exactly sure whether Janet was enjoying the massage or just tolerating it, but it seemed to relax her. I gently turned her around and laid her back onto a mound of pillows. I lifted her delicate arms over her head. She didn’t resist as I clasped fur-lined handcuffs around her wrists, attaching the other end securely to the metal bedposts behind her. She looked quite pretty, held in bondage, helpless and blindfolded. I kissed her lips lightly and slipped her panties down her legs. Out of the bag I removed two silk ropes and tried to duplicate the sexy picture I had seen on the packaging. I looped the soft rope under each knee, spreading them widely apart and lifting each leg off the bed, and then tying the ends of the rope to the bed posts. In this position I was able to fully appreciate the thorough job the salon had done on her. Her shaved smooth sex was revealed in all its beauty, the lips of her flesh curling open for my private view. The sight made me stop breathing and I felt blood surge into my groin. I took my clothes off completely as I stared down at her pretty body.


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