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The Marine's Naughty Sister

Page 2

by Terry Towers

  She looked over at him again and admired his profile in the moonlight. Nate was ruggedly sexy. Marine issue buzzed hair, strong square jaw, stunning blue eyes and a body that made a girl drop to her knees in worship. A body designed to fuck. She could now also add thick cock to round off his list of excellent physical attributes.

  "You're not dating anyone are you?" she asked.

  Nate looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "No, and from what I heard neither are you."

  Evelyn shook her head. "He decided he wanted to explore other options."

  "I'm sorry," Nate said, with genuine remorse in his tone. Flicking on the blinker, Nate pulled the truck into the parking lot of his three-story apartment building. "We're here."

  It wasn't her building so her hopes for the evening lifted. Smiling, Evelyn slid her hand across the seat to his thigh. "So does this mean…?"

  "I want to keep an eye on you tonight. Make sure you stay safe until the effects of the drug wear off," Nate cut in, shutting off the truck and hopping out.

  Eve watched as Nate rounded the front of the truck and came to her side of the vehicle. Opening the door for her, he held out his hand to help her down. She watched him for a moment. The forest green undershirt fit tight across his broad shoulders, chest and lean torso. She could see the ridge of muscle under the thin fabric and longed to caress it. Where Mark had been tall and lanky, Nate was all muscle; his body built for power.

  Taking his hand she jumped down and stepped close to him, her body pressed tightly against his. Her pussy continued to burn with need, demanding satisfaction. Eve reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. She decided to try a different approach. "Nobody has to know."

  Nate lowered his lips to her ear, he smelt of spicy cologne with a hint of beer. Eve rubbed her body against his and a light moan escaped her lips as she felt his cock harden against her stomach. "But we'dknow, Eve," he said softly before pushing her aside and proceeding to close and lock the door.

  He didn't give her time to respond. He hoisted her back up and over his shoulder carrying her across the parking lot to the entrance of his building.

  "I can walk you know," she protested, though in truth she rather enjoyed the view of his tight ass under the uniform pants.

  "Until we get you into my apartment I think we should keep you right where you are."

  Eve could have sworn there was a hint of humour in his tone. Sighing, she didn't bother to attempt to wriggle out of his grasp. Instead, she focused her attention on the muscular definition of his back and shoulders.

  "You have an amazing body," she couldn't help but comment as her fingers swept under his shirt and caressed the beautifully defined warm flesh underneath. She took satisfaction in the fact that her touch caused Nate's step to hesitate and his breath to catch in his throat.

  So you're not as immune as you are leading me to believe, are you soldier boy?

  "Keep it up and I swear to God I'll spank this pretty ass of yours, Eve," he threatened, unlocking the front door to the building and walking inside with her.

  Eve wriggled on his shoulder, her pussy uncomfortably wet. "You wouldn't dare," she challenged, doubting he'd actually follow through, but hoping he would. The words were barely out of her mouth when his large, firm hand made contact with her left ass cheek. She yelped, but at the same time found her arousal increasing from the sting. "I expect you'll be kissing that later and making it better."

  Nate chuckled as they stopped moving and Eve found them in front of apartment 18A. Unlocking the door he carried her into the small apartment, and closed the door behind them with the heel of his combat boot.

  "You can put me down anytime."

  He didn't reply, but took her into the darkened living room and tossed her onto the overstuffed brown leather sofa.

  Startled, she grabbed hold of him as she fell, bringing him toppling to the sofa with her. He managed to brace himself, before his full two hundred and some odd pounds landed fully on top of her smaller frame. She wrapped her arms around his neck and spread her legs, allowing him to settle between them. She pulled his lips to hers and to her startled delight he allowed it to happen.

  Nate brushed his lips across hers gently. She closed her eyes and moaned, allowing his tongue entry to her mouth. Nate hesitated briefly, but then deepened their kiss, fuelling the fire between her legs. She rocked her hips against his hardening shaft, aching to remove the clothing between them and feel his bare flesh against hers.

  Ending their kiss Nate's mouth began to trail kisses down the side of her neck, but stopped seconds after beginning and sat up slightly to look her in the eye. She opened her hungry eyes to look up into his.

  Nate frowned. "You're burning up, Eve."

  "Oh, you have no idea," she moaned closing her eyes again, grasping the front of his shirt and attempting to pull him back down to her.

  "No, I mean literally. Your whole body is burning up. I can't believe I didn't notice when I was carrying you."

  Eve opened her eyes again and laughed. "Don't be silly." She reached for him again, but he moved out of her grasp.

  Nate leaned over her and turned on the lamp next to the sofa switching it on. He then placed a hand on her flushed forehead and cheeks. "Ahhh fuck. You're having a reaction to the drug. We need to get you cooled down." With a worried look on his face he stood, took her hands in his and pulled her up with him.

  "I'm fine really," she protested, but allowed him to pull her from the sofa and lead her into the bathroom.

  He quickly turned on the shower making the water a cool stream. "Strip down and get in, we need to get your body temperature down."

  Evelyn smiled wickedly at him. "Oh I have no problem with stripping down, as long as I'm not the only one." she kicked off her shoes and strutted over to him. Her fingers swiftly undid his belt and tugged at his pants.

  He stood staring at her for a long moment and nodded. "Fine. You win." He swiftly undressed down to his boxers.

  She chewed on her bottom lip as she watched his magnificent body become exposed to her. As she had envisioned, his entire body was hardened muscle; the type of body a woman could spend hours exploring with her fingers, lips, tongue and teeth. "You're gorgeous," the words flew out of her mouth before she even realized the thought was in her mind.

  His face flushed for a moment and he gave a chuckle. "Come on, we need to cool you down." He stepped forward and gently slipped his shirt from her shoulders. She moaned softly, as his hands grazed her heated flesh. She leaned into him, basking in the feel of his naked skin against hers.

  Slipping her arms around his waist, she placed soft kisses across his chest.

  "Eve please," he groaned as he attempted to keep his body under control. "We need to cool you down; otherwise I'll have to take you to the hospital."

  She felt his hands slip between them and unbutton her skirt. It opened and fell to the floor, in a puddle at her feet. She pressed herself against him, feeling his hardened cock against her groin, the only thing separating them was his thin cotton boxers and her lace panties.

  Nate gently picked her up and cradled her against his chest. "It's going to be cold, so prepare yourself," he advised as he pulled back the shower curtain and stepped into the tub and under the cool stream of water with her in his arms.

  "Oh God," she gasped as the cool stream of water hit her. It seemed to help awaken her from the drug induced stupor she had been in for the past couple of hours. He put her down, but kept her cradled in his arms as the cool water cascaded over their heads and down their backs. "So cold," she managed to say through clenched teeth. Her teeth were chattering so hard she was certain they were going to chip or break from the force.

  Pulling her close to him, Nate brushed her wet dark hair from her eyes and gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head. "It won't be long, just until your body temperature goes down a bit."


  If it wasn't for the horribly cold water running down their bodies Nate doubted he woul
d have had the strength to resist her. Even though he hadn't removed her undergarments, the skimpy black lace bra and panties were hardly covering anything. Her taunt nipples pressed against his chest through the fabric and the panties were little more than a string.

  Eve's body was beautiful. The conservative clothing she normally wore didn't do her justice. Generous breasts, slim waist, curvy hips and nice round ass. Having a go at Eve would be a treat indeed.

  Looking down into her emerald-green eyes, he noticed the effects of the E appeared to be wearing off. That would explain why she hadn't attempted to grope him in the shower. Her body also seemed to be cooling down nicely in his arms. She'd given him quite a scare when he felt her body burning up under his. She had just graduated from college and scored a great job in the district attorney's office. Taking her to the hospital for drug use may have caused her problems with work that he knew she didn't need nor want.

  "You should be fine now," he told her stepping out of the shower and turning the stream of cold water off. She tentatively followed. As she stepped out he grabbed a large green towel from the overhead cabinet and wrapped it around her shivering body.

  "Thank you," she muttered in a voice barely more than a whisper.

  He placed a light kiss on her temple. "Wait here."

  Eve nodded and he disappeared out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Stripping off his wet boxers he kicked them to the side, turned to his dresser and rummaged through it. He found a dry pair of flannel sleeping boxers and one of his USMC t-shirts. He threw on the boxers and rushed back to the bathroom to give Eve the t-shirt.

  He found her just as he had left her, in the middle of the bathroom floor dripping wet and shivering. "Here. Put this on." He passed her the t-shirt, and then turned his back to her giving her some privacy.

  "He dumped me you know."

  "I know." Nate heard the towel drop to the floor and then the light sound of her undergarments. "He was a tight-assed prick anyhow, Evelyn."

  Silence overtook the room for the span of a couple beats. "Why wasn't I good enough? Why would he want her?"

  Nate sighed, he had no idea who ‘her’ was, but he didn't like where Evelyn's thoughts were taking her. "I know this sounds cliché, but he wasn't good enough for you anyhow, Eve."

  "Okay, you can turn around now."

  Turning around, Nate was floored at the sight of her standing in front of him. She looked breathtaking, adorable, sexy, innocent and seductive all at the same time. His t-shirt was way too big for her and fell to mid-thigh. There was something about a sexy woman wearing his clothing and nothing else that sent his pulse racing and made his cock as hard as granite. The thin flannel of his boxers did nothing to hide his growing erection and he didn't care to be modest about it.

  When she was under the influence he would never take advantage of her, but now… now she looked delectable and finally sobering up. Now he would be more than happy to carry out any request she had of him.

  "Do you mind if I stay with you tonight?" She stepped up to him, mere inches separating them.

  "Of course," his voice came out husky, shaky. He wanted to pull her into his arms, kiss her soundly and run his hands up her inner thighs until they reached her tight little cunt. She just needed to give him a sign she wanted that as well.

  She then traced the line of his jaw with her index finger and said the one thing that shot his erection down faster than a fighter jet. "You have no idea how much I appreciate this. You're a great brother, Nate." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, brushed past him and padded, barefoot, into his bedroom.

  Chapter 3

  Evelyn couldn't sleep and she wasn't even the least bit tired. The effects of the E had worn off, but the desire to feel Nate's hard body against hers or the feel of his hard cock in her hadn't. If anything it was worse.

  The memory of his thick, hard cock tenting his boxers while they were in the bathroom kept coming into her mind. Her pussy ached thinking about it. It had been a long time since she'd had anything close to that size thrusting into her. Her ex-fiancé, Mark, used to joke that he had a "hamster dick," tiny but feisty. She certainly had no problem with the smaller ones, as long as the man wielding the small cock had skills. Sadly, Mark didn't. And feisty it was not. Orgasms usually came via her battery operated buddy.

  Nate on the other hand... Not only did he have a cock that was sure to be more than satisfactory, but she also suspected he was highly trained in the art of fucking to a woman's complete satisfaction.

  What was the saying? If you want a job done right call a Marine? Or was that the army? Bah, who knew? The idea behindthe words fit what she was looking for at the moment. A man who could fuck her brains out leaving her exhausted, and highly satisfied.

  That very man was sleeping on the sofa in the next room. Just how to get him naked and fucking her, while not letting him realize it was her idea... Now that was the million dollar question.

  An idea sprang to her mind. No man could resist a damsel in distress. Could they? Taking a deep breath, she decided to play out the age-old, ‘I had a horrid nightmare, can you comfort me scenario.’ Perhaps not the most creative, but she assumed it would serve the purpose.

  Taking another deep breath she screamed, loud enough to wake him, but not quite loud enough to have the neighbours call the police. She promptly placed her face in her hands and began to sob. Or at least her best imitation of sobbing.

  As suspected, Nate was in the bedroom and sitting next to her on the bed within seconds, his eyes filled with concern. As he placed a comforting hand on the small of her back she reached over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging tightly to him.

  "Oh-my-god! It was sohorrible." she wailed, burying her face in his neck and taking in the deep, musky smell of his aftershave. She loved it. It took all of her willpower to keep from forcing him down to the mattress and straddling him that very moment.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist Nate pulled her tight against him and stroked her long, brown hair, placing a kiss on the top of her head. "Do you want to talk about it?"

  He attempted to pull back to look her in the eye but she held tight to him. She was a miserable actress; if he saw her face he'd know it was all a ruse to get him in bed with her. Eve shook her head. "Will you stay with me and hold me while I sleep?"

  He hesitated.

  She had a feeling he was debating the best way to deal with the present situation. After what seemed like an endless moment he sighed and nodded. "Of course."

  "Thank you," she whispered in his ear drawing away from him, but not before she grazed her lips lightly down the length of his neck. His soft moan told her what she needed to know. Pulling away from him, she lifted the blankets and patted the space beside her.

  Evelyn watched him as he slid under the comforter with her and was, yet again, amazed at how sexy he was. Every muscle was perfectly defined, thanks to endless hours of physical training. His whole body was designed for hard, rigorous physical activity. Her pussy quivered and she felt the moisture building between her legs in anticipation of him. She had a number of rigorous activities in mind for him tonight.

  He started to lie on his back, but Eve stopped him. She turned to her side with her back to him, took his hand in hers, interlacing their fingers and tugged him against her so his front was spooning her back. She wiggled her ass against him, hardening his already semi-erect cock. A satisfied smile touched her lips when she heard a second - slightly louder - moan come from behind her.

  The feel of his warm breath against her neck sent shivers through her, causing her to sigh softly.

  "I'm not sure if this is a good idea, Eve. I…"

  She cut him off before he could finish what he was about to say, snuggling up tighter against his length and bringing his hand to settle just below her breasts.

  "Eve..." he groaned. His lips grazed the length of her exposed neck, so feather light that she almost second guessed it hadhappened. But it had happened. Her pussy w
hich was now so wet she could feel her juices seeping out on her thighs, was evidence of that.

  Nate's cock was rock hard against her ass now, large and thick and oh-so enticing. She wiggled her ass against it once again; satisfied when she felt his body stiffen against her. He pulled her tight against him. And fuck he felt good.

  "I'm so wet for you Nate," she whispered taking his hand and guiding it between her legs to her shaved pussy which lay bare under the t-shirt, "see for yourself."

  He resisted briefly, but it was a half-hearted effort on his part at best.

  His hand stroked her drenched pussy, two fingers slipping between her folds and stroking her from her ass to her clit. She whimpered under his expert touch, her hips moving in time with his hand. "Ahhh, fuck baby. I've been wanting to dip inside this tight cunt of yours since I first met you."

  A wave of pleasure shot through her, ending with a pulsating between her legs just from hearing him say the words. Feeling his breath on her neck as he growled in her ear about how much he had wanted her, added fuel to the fire burning within her. She needed him so badly it physically hurt.

  "Spread your legs wider for me, Eve."

  She did as asked, draping her top leg back and up over his hip, spreading her pussy as wide as possible for him. Turning slightly, she reached behind her, grasped the nape of his neck and brought his lips down to hers. His lips skirted over hers, then nipped at her lower lip. Eve sighed inviting his tongue to meet hers.

  As he deepened the kiss - kissing her with unbridled passion - he sank two fingers deep within her pussy. She gasped, and then whimpered as his fingers stroked her inner wall. He seemed to know where and how to stroke her. Eve's body began moving on its own, gyrating against his, her bare ass rubbing against his flannel covered cock.

  "Damn, as tight as I'd imagined you'd be," he murmured between kisses.

  Eve reached behind her and slid her hand down under the waistband of his boxers, grasping his cock tightly in her hand. Her thumb caressed the sensitive tip, layered in pre-cum, and began to stroke him from the balls to the head, in firm fluid motions. Nate emitted a deep growl from the back of his throat, further exciting her.


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