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Finding Charley (Full Circle)

Page 5

by Casey Peeler

  “Okay, you’re kinda scaring me, but I’ll meet you at the farm around two. That is unless you and Cash Money have other plans.”

  “I’m sure he’s gonna be waiting, but you might as well come on over ‘cause we all need to talk.”

  “Char, I’m no idiot. I know this has to do with the asshole of the century. He better not show his face while we’re home. Be careful. I’ll have Fun Dip and a Choice Cherry Gold waitin’.”

  “Sounds good. Bye, Piper.”

  We hang up, and I throw off the covers and sit for a minute. To take a shower or not? That is the question. Then, the aroma of Hank’s hits my nostrils, and there is no doubt. Shower.

  I decide not to waste much time on my wardrobe. I grab my new jeans, a long-sleeved white tee, boots, and veto drying my hair by putting on my favorite camo ball cap. Once I’m ready, the girls and I grab a bite to eat and all go our separate ways. I crank up the radio and the heat in the Honda. It feels like minutes instead of an hour when I realize that I’ve been lost in thought the majority of the way. Can we say dangerous? Note to self: focus while driving.

  I pop in our drunk mix CD that Caroline always plays in her room while we drink PJ. It’s a lot more comical to listen to while sober. Seriously, the country version of “Gin and Juice” and “The Monster” by Eminem? I can’t help but laugh. It doesn’t get any better when “Genie in a Bottle” by Christina Aguilera begins playing. What was she thinking? Oh, wait. She wasn’t thinking because she was drunk.

  I approach Grassy Pond, and nothing has changed since Thanksgiving. It’s still stoplight after stoplight. I can’t wait to hit that gravel road. I see the farm approaching and feel the butterflies within my stomach. For once, I’m excited and relieved to be home.

  Turning off the ignition, I see Blue running toward me. As soon as I’m out of the car, he attacks me. “Yeah, boy, I’ve missed you, too.” I rub behind his ears and then make my way to the house.

  There’s no need to hurry, because as I glance up, Tessa and Mama are in full out sprints. I giggle inside. Tessa wraps me in a tight embrace.

  “Miss me much?” I smirk.

  “Char, I swear. Mama and Dad have been workin’ me to death on this farm. If you didn’t get home soon, I might actually have had to take care of those stupid goats, not to mention sloppin’ the hogs. Yuck!”

  I should have known Tessa was more excited because that meant less work for her, but that’s my sis, always missin’ when a little hard work needs to be done.

  “Hey, sweet girl, I’m glad you’re home. Your dad’s gone into town to get a few posts for the fence. I don’t know what has gotten into that bull out there. It’s like he just doesn’t know which side he belongs,” Mama says.

  I open the trunk and grab my bags. Mama grabs my laundry basket, and we make our way into the house.

  As I walk through the screen door, the sound of an F250 that I’d know anywhere rings in my ears. I smile and throw my bag at the bottom of the stairs. I do a one-eighty, press the screen door open, jump off the stairs, and run as fast as my legs will go to that perfect sound. Cash opens the door and steps out in one swift motion. He has on a pair of jeans, a white plaid pearl snap, camo hat, and boots. Damn. I jump straight into his arms and hold him as close as possible.

  “Miss me much?” He winks.

  I begin to laugh uncontrollably. “You know, I just used that line on Tessa.” I pull him closer. He looks into my eyes, smiles with that damn dimple, and I feel complete. Cash Money makes me whole.

  He finally puts me down when he hears the screen door open behind me. I turn around to see Tessa standing there with her hands on her hips. “Um, did y’all plan that?”

  “Plan what, Tess?” I question as I straighten my long-sleeved white shirt. Then, it dawns on me. Jeans, white shirt, camo hat, and boots. Cash and I look like we planned our freakin’ wardrobe.

  “What can I say? Great minds think alike,” Cash says as he slaps my ass while we walk toward the house. We go inside where Mama has lunch waiting.

  As we are fixin’ our plates, I hear the door open. I assume it’s Dad, but soon realize that’s a negative.

  “Please tell me that you saved me some, Mama Number Two?!” Piper yells as she walks down the hallway.

  I jump from my chair with a mouth half full of my mama’s famous spaghetti and meet Piper as she turns the corner for the kitchen. I hurry up and swallow as we start talking like we haven’t seen each other in years. Tessa, Cash and Mama completely ignore us. They’ve learned over the years that we have our own language, finish each other sentences, and take all of five minutes to fill in each other on the past few months of our lives.

  “Well, I guess my Choice Cherry Gold and Fun Dip are no match for Mama Number Two’s spaghetti.” Piper places them onto the counter and grabs a plate. Then, she finds a seat next to Tessa.

  “So, what’s the dill, pickle?” Piper asks between bites.

  “There’s a party at the McCracken’s farm tonight, and I thought maybe tomorrow we could all hang out at the club. Tessa, you can come, too,” Cash says.

  “Cash, I appreciate the offer, but I don’t feel like little ol’ Tess needs an invite. Dustin and I are planning on going mudding tomorrow.”

  “Muddin? Tess, you’re going muddin’ and didn’t even think about inviting us? Have I been gone that long? I mean, we’re a country boy and girls on the farm. HELLLOOOO!” I say.

  “Um, I don’t know about y’all, but mud and I don’t mix! I’m good as long as I’m inside the truck, but I don’t look this good to go and get that dirty!” Piper shivers at the thought. “Just thinkin’ about it makes me wanna take a shower.”

  “Pipe, really? All these years in Grassy Pond, and you’re still afraid of a little dirt.”

  I glance at Cash and know that he’s thinking something. He grins before speaking.

  “Too bad you pay too much for those mud facials. You could easily go to the mud hole and save yourself a ton of money.”

  “Cash, you have no idea what you’re talking about.” She gets up and takes her plate to the sink and comes back to the table. “So, what are we gonna do now?”

  Cash takes our plates to the sink and turns around. I know he’s already got his wheels turning in his brain. How can he say enough without raising questions from my mama?

  “Y’all wanna ride into town with me? I heard they’re having a big sale on boots at the General Store. I need a new pair of Justin’s.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I say. Piper, Tessa, and I tell Mama bye and make our way to Cash’s truck. As soon as the truck is put into reverse, Piper is on us like gum stuck to the bottom of a shoe.

  “What the hell is goin’ on?” she asks quizzically. “I was seriously about to lose my shit in there. You had me in there with your mama, knowing I was dying to know what the hell is really goin’ on.”

  Tessa’s head does a snap from looking out the passenger side window to staring me in the eyes. “Char, spill it now before I jump over this seat and smack it outta ya!”

  Dang, Tessa’s in a pissy mood. I look at Cash and decide to just put it out there.

  “Aight, Joe’s not who he says he is. In fact, I had a bunch of crazy shit happen at school. He saw me come apart and made me feel like he was on my team, but instead, he’s playing for Team Dylan.”

  “That fucker! I’m gonna kill him. Char, why didn’t you tell me?” Tessa says as she clenches her fists.

  “Because look at you. You’re about to go ape shit on him. But, something is off. I know it. As soon as Joe confessed to being the one behind everything, Dylan texted me. Don’t worry; I’m done keeping quiet. I’m ready to take Dylan down. Now, I just need y’all’s help.”

  Piper hasn’t said a word, and like a ton of bricks, I realize what’s going on. Joe. She really likes him. I didn’t even put her feelings into play when I opened my mouth. What an awful friend I am!

  “Piper, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said it like that.”

  I see a glisten in her eyes, and she quickly brushes away a single tear. “No, thanks for telling the truth. But Char, I never saw that coming. He seems to have so much heart. I just talked to him yesterday. He seemed distant when I asked about you, but I just figured it had a lot to do with his parents. They are complete asshats. He’s got a lot of shit going on back home.” She takes a moment, and I know there is more. “Gosh, y’all, when I looked into those make-you-wanna-melt eyes, I didn’t just see crystal blue, a smokin’ hot body, and a one-night stand. I saw a guy with a heart of gold. He stole my heart within minutes of contact. Even if he’s who you say he is, I just have to believe there’s something we don’t know.”

  Quiet tears begin to roll down Piper’s face. In the seven years I’ve known her, I’ve never seen her this upset over a guy. She always knew there were more guys out there and told me to toss ‘em back if the catch wasn’t what I wanted. Too bad the one catch I wanted to belly-up kept returning to make my life hell. It’s time for Dylan to go down.

  The remainder of the drive to the General Store is pretty quiet except for the tunes coming through the speakers.

  We find a parking spot on Main Street, and I decide it’s time to make a statement before we check out what’s on sale.

  “Y’all, before we go in, I’ve got somethin’ to say.” Everyone sits still and turns toward me. Cash stretches out his hand and laces his fingers through mine. “I’ve made a decision. I’m going to take Dylan down… my way. I’m not exactly sure of my entire plan right now, but I know I’m going to need your help. Are y’all in?”

  “It’s about damn time!” Tessa states and Piper is an Amen right behind her. Well, with that out in the open, it’s time to do a little shopping. Maybe I’ll just browse because I broke the bank at Lebo’s on Friday. We hop out of the truck and make our way inside. Cash drapes his arm around my shoulder and holds me close.

  Chapter 9

  We walk inside the General Store, and it’s obvious a new stock of Rock and Roll Cowgirl apparel has arrived. Tessa and I look at each other and grin from ear to ear. Thank goodness for Dad’s credit account at the store. We peruse the aisles, and I spot top after top after top that I’d love to have in my closet, but at fifty bucks a pop, I know it’s not happening. I decide on a new gold and lace sequined top. It will look fantastic with my new boots. Tessa has two shirts, and Piper even has one. Cash, on the other hand, walks around with a box of Justin boots. I can’t wait to see what they look like!

  “Cash, let me see ‘em.” I remove the box from his arms. “Nice,” I say as I enthusiastically open it. Inside is a pair of beautiful brown Bent Rail boots. They look a little worn in color. It’s like when your tan begins to fade from the summer.

  “So, they’re keepers?” Cash questions.

  “Heck, yeah! Oh, but my new ones are H-O-T! I guess I’ll wear them to the McCracken’s farm tonight.”

  We finish at the store and make our way back to the farm. On the way there, we decide what time we’re meeting up tonight and discuss enjoying ourselves. The plan to take Dylan down will begin tomorrow. Here’s to one more night of normalcy, I hope.

  Piper heads home to get ready, Tessa goes inside, and Cash and I park it on the front porch swing.

  “Char-coal, do you think he’ll be there tonight? Because if he is, we need some idea of a plan. We can’t get blind-sided.”

  “True. I told him I’d be at GPAC when I texted him back. So, I know that’s where he will plan to see me. Cash, I know you’re not gonna like the plan that I have playing out in my head, but it’s the only way.”

  “What are you talkin’ about, Char? Tell me now. I’m not waiting until tomorrow.”

  I take a calming breath before I say words that Cash is going to hate.

  “Aight, since I have to go to the GPAC to stay in shape for the season, I figured I’d try to get back with Dylan.” Cash cuts me off, and I can see the veins popping out of his neck because of his anger.

  “Like hell you will, Charley Anne Rice! You aren’t getting near him. I won’t let you. You aren’t puttin’ yourself in danger again.”

  “Listen, Cash Money. I’ve been in danger since that god awful night. This can’t be any worse because I’m gonna be the one in control. He’s gonna think I’m on his team. I’ll make him think I can’t live without him, and just when he thinks he’s got me for good, I’m gonna turn the tables and take him down. He won’t hurt me or any other girl for that matter.”

  “I don’t like this one bit, Char-coal. In fact, I want to get my rifle and blow his damn head off. You don’t deserve to put yourself through this again. Just so you know, if you go through with this plan, I’m gonna be in the shadows. Always.”

  “Cash, I gotta do something. If he wants control, then I’m gonna make him think he has it. You better be in the shadows, but tonight, I just want a night without Dylan, Joe, and every other piece of drama I’ve been dealing with lately. I want Piper, Tessa, you, and me to be like old times. My only thing is…if he shows up, the plan might have to be put into action sooner.”

  “Char-coal, if I have you for one night, then he’s not gonna ruin it. I’m gonna make sure this is the best night of your life.”

  I lock my arm through his and place my head onto his shoulder as we swing on the porch swing in silence.

  “Char, you better get ready if we’re going to the Burger Shak,” Cash says as he moves a strand of hair from my forehead.

  “How long have I been knocked out?”

  “Um, about thirty minutes.”

  “Why did you let me do that?”

  “Char-coal, you are like my piece of heaven here on Earth. I couldn’t stand to wake up my beautiful angel. You looked so peaceful and sweet.”

  At that moment, Cash Money completely stole my heart. I have no doubt that he is in my future. But, will our future survive Dylan and his control?

  I look up into his eyes and just smile because there are no words to express what I am feeling inside. I love him with my every fiber of my body. He will always be my Cash Money.

  “Why are you grinnin’ like an opossum?” he asks as he starts to stand.

  “Uh, ya know, sometimes there aren’t words, Cash Money.” He grabs for my hand and pulls me up into a tight bear hug. It’s the type of hug that removes all air from your lungs. He releases me and begins to head toward his truck.

  “I’ll see ya in a lil while, Char-coal.”

  I stand there in complete awe as that fine ass walks to the truck. Damn. Before my brain registers with my feet, I’m less than an inch from Cash when he turns around. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss that has been brewing within my soul since I understood he was always going to be my Cash Money. Forever. Time stands still. He picks me up and sits me on the tailgate without separating our lips. I want him to know that he’s it. Cash is the one. The one that my heart desires for eternity. He’s what makes this Char-coal feel like a diamond. He begins to control our kiss and slows it down to a smooth and steady rhythm before ending it with his head pressed against my forehead.

  Catching his breath, he asks, “Char-coal, what was that? I can’t let you keep pulling at my heart strings like that.” I stop him from talking by placing my fingers gently over his lips.

  “Cash Money, I don’t know what tonight, tomorrow, or our future brings, but I want you to know that you are the one I want.” His eyes get wide, and his smile grows from ear to ear. “Cash Money, I chose you, and if things don’t turn out the way I hope with Dylan, I want you to know that you are my number one. You have been since we were four years old. No one will ever be able to hold my heart like you. Please remember that as the shit with Dylan plays out because I’m good at putting on the dog when needed. Just know that I’m doing this for us.”

  His eyes glass over, and I crash my lips back onto his. If I thought I felt hunger and desire before, I had no idea. Cash gently slides his hand behind my neck, and we savor every moment until I hear a
truck coming up the drive. There’s no need to act surprised. As usual, it’s Dad, raining on the Cash and Charley parade. We both giggle as we break apart, and Cash gets into the truck. I walk back to the house with a smile on my face that will not quit. I love Cash Money. There, I said it, I meant it, and I want the damn T-shirt.

  I meet my dad as I get to the porch steps. He’s sweaty and covered in dirt from working on the fence posts all afternoon.

  “Char, it’s about damn time, sweetheart.”

  I glance at him. Did he really just say that?

  “Honey, since the moment I saw you two together, I knew that you were each other’s happily ever after. I just didn’t know how long it would take for you to figure it out.”

  We make our way into the house, and I get an earful from Mama and Tessa about the show they just got in the front yard. Tessa had to be Tessa and give me a play-by-play. Like I wasn’t there! She did it no justice whatsoever. Tessa and I tell Mama and Dad our plans for the night, and then it’s time to get ready. I’m ready for a night with my sister, best friend, and the love of my life in a field with big trucks and country music. It doesn’t get any better than that, and I plan to make it a night none of us forget!

  Chapter 10

  Taking two stairs at a time, I make my way to my bedroom. Time for a quick shower before my one night of forgetting everything begins.


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