Book Read Free


Page 22

by Kimberly P. Chase

  Both of their bodies shook in their seats as they returned to full gravity.

  Aurora felt her arms go weak. Stars, please let her not be too sick to help.

  ‘Keep with me,’ Sky gritted out.

  Pulling back again with everything she had in her, Aurora bit her lip to remain conscious.

  ‘Okay, I’m going to need you to let go in a second.’

  Aurora’s heart sped up. This was the tricky part. She had to be quick.

  ‘Now,’ Sky barked.

  Aurora let go of the control and engaged the parachutes. She flicked a switch and felt the momentary pull as the chutes exploded out behind the transport. Sky’s face was strained in concentration when she grabbed onto the joystick again. She pulled back, hoping to relieve some of the strain on Sky.

  ‘Perfect,’ Sky hissed between closed teeth.

  With the parachutes increasing their drag and slowing them down, the pressure on the joystick eased.

  ‘Five kilometers.’ Water blurred by the edges of the glass in Aurora’s peripheral vision. They were going to hit too fast. And there was nothing either of them could do about it.

  ‘Brace for impact,’ Aurora yelled over the radio, so everyone in the back could hear.

  Sky made one last adjustment on the controls before turning to face her.

  ‘You all strapped in?’ Sky’s gaze traveled over the buckles that held her firmly in place.

  ‘Yeah,’ she said shakily. Her body was tense, waiting for the impact. She’d heard that tensing before any sort of blunt trauma just made things worse, but every time she told her muscles to relax, they just squeezed harder.

  ‘It’s going to be okay,’ Sky said, pulling her from watching their frighteningly downward track. He held out his hand. ‘I wouldn’t have wanted to fly this path with anyone else.’

  A single tear slipped down her cheek. ‘Me either,’ she whispered.

  Slushy brown water was now all she could see.

  They were going to hit headfirst.

  Aurora grabbed his hand as if her life depended on it. The second she felt his warm fingers wrap around hers she relaxed slightly.

  She wouldn’t be alone.

  The lunar transport slammed into the water and Aurora felt the impact reverberate through every bone in her body.

  A hundred cracks appeared on the windshield.

  Darkness swam across her vision, pulling her under.

  Chapter 53


  Through half closed eyes, Aurora watched the crack on the windshield spread in fascination. Tiny lines made a snowflake web across the surface. It was beautiful in a way. Water on the outside licked against the weak points, desperate to get in.

  Aurora knew she should be terrified, but couldn’t muster the feeling. Every bone in her body felt broken. And maybe they were.

  With clumsy hands she attempted to undo her seat harness. Sky was frantically trying to get free as well. A cut on his forehead slowly trickled blood. Moving much quicker than Aurora, Sky was out of his seat in seconds.

  ‘We’ve got to get out of here!’ Sky’s hand’s roamed over her buckle straps.

  ‘There’s no time.’ Aurora tried to push him away, but he didn’t budge. The cockpit window was a ticking time bomb.

  The glass unable to bare the pressure any longer gave into the water. A slow trickle of water seeped inside.

  ‘Shit,’ Sky cursed. He turned toward the instrument panel, releasing the back hatches that would allow everyone in the cargo bay to get out.

  Aurora continued to struggle with the last twisted buckle that held her in place.

  A torrent of water finally split the cockpit window wide open. Water rushed around her feet, a swirling flood reaching for her.

  ‘Sky!’ Aurora couldn’t get her seatbelt undone.

  Sky pushed her frantic fumbling hands to the side as he continued to try to pull her free.

  Water rose to their chests. The damaged clasp now underwater made it hard for Sky to see what he was doing.

  When the water hit her chin, she grabbed Sky’s hands and squeezed.

  She was so cold, but she had the strength to do this. To say this. ‘Just go.’ Sky didn’t need to drown with her.

  Aurora must have blacked out because she awoke a second later to Sky shaking her shoulders. ‘Wake up. Don’t you dare give up! Take a deep breath!’ he yelled.

  She sucked in one last gulp of air just as saltwater rose over her mouth and nose. Even when she tried to tilt her head back to reach the air above, she couldn’t reach it. The seatbelt that had kept her safe during landing was now going to kill her.

  Sky, of course, didn’t listen to her. He frantically yanked on the strap having given up on the buckle. In a few seconds even Sky wouldn’t have air to breathe. The cockpit was taking in water rapidly as the lunar lander descended further under water.

  It was so cold.

  Sky’s muscles strained as he desperately tried to break the strap in half. If Aurora’s face wasn’t already covered in water, she probably would have felt tears tracing down her face.

  The strap didn’t budge.

  Aurora tilted her head back, taking in one last look at Sky. She could see in his frantic eyes that he realized there wasn’t enough time.

  Her chest felt tight as those blue eyes stared into hers. Aurora fought the urge to breathe.

  She didn’t want to die.

  Not like this.

  Aurora closed her eyes, the saltwater too hard to bear. At least she’d helped save the others before … this.

  She couldn’t fight it any longer, the urge to breathe too strong. Even though Aurora knew she wouldn’t get what she so desperately needed, her lips parted.

  Chapter 54


  Quinn was crushed beneath a chunk of the ship that had collapsed on impact. His sightless eyes seemed to stare at Zane as water filled the cargo hold. He grabbed anything that would float. ‘Go, Go, Go,’ he yelled, pushing Akemi toward the door.

  The bag strapped to his shoulders weighed Zane down, so he quickly removed it. He’d only brought it this far in case the Alliance ever went back to Aviary. He dropped the bag and the computer that held all of his secrets into the swirling water around him. He didn’t need it anymore.

  When he swam out of the cargo hold, Zane searched for Aurora, but the cockpit hatch wasn’t in sight. The nose had taken the brunt of the impact and was now leading the transport face first down into the world below. They’d hit the water too hard.

  Zane pushed floating pieces of debris toward the other cadets as they bobbed in the water. ‘I’m going to find Aurora!’ Zane yelled to anyone who was listening. He didn’t wait for a response. He dove under the water, his flight suit making it almost impossible to swim. He kicked and pushed with everything he had until he was beside the cockpit.

  His vision remained clear. Apparently another thing he needed to thank Collin Titon for.

  Everything underwater seemed surreal. He heard clangs as something beat against a metal object in a pounding beat.

  Were they stuck in there?

  Zane swam harder, trying to get in front of the cockpit window.

  When he finally managed to do so, Zane felt terror for the first time in his life. The window was a broken tangle of glass, water already pouring through the opening.

  As Zane swam closer he could see Sky beating against Aurora’s metal buckle. Aurora’s red hair surrounded her like blood in the water. Her arms were loose and limp as Sky tried to get her out.

  A second later, he bent down and placed his lips against Aurora’s.

  At first Zane thought he was saying goodbye, but realized he was breathing air into her lungs.

  Sky was going to drown himself trying to get Aurora out. How long had they been under?

  Zane pulled the remaining cockpit window out of the way, making a hole big enough to fit through.

  He swam inside and pushed Sky out of the way. He pointed up silently telling Sk
y to go get air.

  Reluctant, Sky swam out the door.

  Aurora had already passed out. Zane didn’t have much time. He pulled out the metal picks that he always carried in his pocket.

  Sliding the thin needle into the damaged lock, Zane used every ounce of strength he had to push it into the release position.

  As soon as he heard the tiny click, Aurora’s body floated free.

  Not wasting any time, Zane put his arm around her waist, dragging her to the surface.

  Her body was cool and limp beside his.

  He couldn’t lose her now.

  Zane moved faster.

  Breaking the surface of the waves, Zane gulped in air.

  Aurora’s head fell limp onto her shoulder. She needed CPR.

  ‘Zane, over here,’ Akemi yelled. They were floating on a larger scrap of metal.

  Pulling Aurora’s body up behind him, Zane tilted her head back. Akemi and Kaylana helped pull Aurora up onto the floating debris. Kaylana leaned down and pressed her mouth against hers and pushed air into her lungs. Sitting back, she found her sternum. Placing both hands over that spot, she forcefully pushed down in rapid succession.

  One, two, three, four, five.

  Kaylana placed her lips against Aurora’s again, while Zane floated helplessly in the water.

  ‘Breathe,’ she screamed, slamming down onto her chest again.

  Aurora tilted over to the side, spraying water.

  It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

  Chapter 55


  Aurora’s chest felt beaten. Probably because it had been. She’d almost died. Again. Would she ever get used to the feeling?

  The thwomp thwomp thwomp of rotor blades overhead and the sound of waves crashing against their version of a raft were helping her remain conscious. All she wanted to do was sleep. For like a really long time. She peered through half open lids as the Academy’s Taurus hovered fifty feet above them. Wind beat down around them in a steady pattern as the helicopter circled above, causing waves that were once calm to grow choppy.

  The rear door opened on the aircraft as a lift dropped from above. Zane and Sky both reached for her when the lift hit the water a few feet away from where they floated. Aurora tried to pat them away, but neither listened. She didn’t want to get back in the ocean.

  Both held her arms as they pulled her back in the water. She shivered. Instead of curling up in their arms like she really, really wanted to, she swam. The sooner she reached the lift, the sooner she’d be out of the water.

  Every time her head dipped, they’d jerk her back up, encouraging her with their gray and blue eyes.

  What was she going to do with the two of them?

  Finally, they reached the lift. When she was loaded inside, Aurora puked more water. Awesome. Sky gave her a thumbs-up as she rose in the air to the cargo hold.

  What an ass. But she weakly smiled down at them.

  The last time she’d been on the Taurus, she’d been jumping out of it. Right now, she wouldn’t jump out of it to save her life. They’d made it back. Sky and Zane had saved her. Is this what her life was going to be about? Just surviving? How could she help anyone else when she could barely take care of herself?

  The pilot was yelling something back to her, but Aurora couldn’t hear his echoed words. Wrapping her arms around her knees, she curled into her seat and waited for the others to join her.

  Kaylana and Akemi held onto each other as if their lives depended on it when they’d been seated next to her. They were all soaked. Matted hair plastered Kaylana’s face. Now that they were safe, the return to gravity made them tired.

  Kylie and Reed next. Then Zane. Then Sky.

  That was it.

  Six survivors.

  Zane moved to sit beside Aurora. He didn’t appear as exhausted as she did, but she didn’t know for sure because he was wearing that ridiculous blank mask again.

  Sky was near the cockpit in a heated conversation with the Taurus’s flight crew. A crease marred his forehead and his hands were fisted together. Aurora should have been worried about what was going on, but she was too tired to care.

  A few moments later, Sky threw himself next to Aurora so that she was pressed between him and Zane.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Zane asked.

  ‘They’re taking us back to the Academy, but we’re going to be put in quarantine again.’

  ‘What?’ Kylie yelled.

  ‘Yeah. They want to make sure we’re not carrying any of the virus on us.’

  ‘That actually makes sense,’ Kaylana said.

  And it did make sense. Aurora could be a carrier. The air filter they brought back could still be a danger.

  ‘Your dad will be there,’ Sky mentioned to Aurora.

  ‘Good.’ Aurora nodded.

  The Taurus touched down a few minutes later. Before anyone had a chance to exit, Collin Titon rushed through the door. Her dad’s arms yanked her to him before Aurora could say anything.

  He carried her out the door all the while telling her she was going to be safe and that he’d take care of this virus once and for all.

  Aurora allowed him to carry on with his ridiculous father act for a few minutes.

  ‘It’s great to see you too, Dad. But I’m going to need you to put me down.’

  He reluctantly released her. As soon as she was on her feet, Ms Lovell and Dr Stevenson greeted them. Both wore masks, muffling their welcome backs.

  The Bull had landed at the Academy’s front entrance and Aurora briefly worried about the four palm trees, their fronds swaying crazily until the rotor blades stopped spinning.

  ‘This is just a precaution,’ Ms Lovell explained, as she guided everyone from the Taurus. ‘We fought with the Alliance to keep you here at the Academy in our medical facility until you’re cleared. Dr Stevenson and Collin Titon will just make sure the virus is still contained and then you’ll all be released.’

  Dr Stevenson vehemently nodded behind her. ‘The sooner we get you inside, the sooner you can get out.’ His lab coat fluttered in the wind.

  They were all escorted up the steps and inside.

  It was deserted.

  ‘Where is everybody?’ Sky asked.

  ‘Precaution. Everyone is in their rooms. We’ll decontaminate your path to the medical bay and then we’ll return schedules to normal.’

  As they neared the medical lab, Aurora thought she saw Zane’s hands twitch, but a second later he’d shoved them into his pockets. They were all escorted into the pre-launch medical bay where they’d been prepped for their first launch.

  ‘So much for those vaccinations, huh?’ Kylie said.

  Dr Stevenson chuckled. ‘I see you’re still not over those shots.’

  Kylie rubbed her arm. ‘Are we getting more?’

  ‘Not at the moment.’

  Sky stepped forward, interrupting. He held out the covered air filter. ‘We think this may help.’

  Dr Stevenson hesitantly took the package. ‘What is it?’

  ‘It’s the Aviary’s bypass air filter.’

  Zane stepped forward to explain. ‘Aurora exposed herself to the filter and got contaminated. And then we knew how we were getting infected. Every twenty-four hours, every time the filter recycled, anyone in the area breathed in whatever is on this thing.’

  ‘Interesting.’ Dr Stevenson rubbed his chin.

  Aurora paled when her father’s gaze focused on her. ‘So you’re contaminated?’ Dr Stevenson asked, unaware of her dad’s furious glare.

  Aurora glanced around the room. Zane’s face had paled too. Kaylana and Akemi were looking back and forth between them, like they didn’t know what to do. Maybe Aurora should have let Zane tell her his secret. At least then, she’d know what she’d be facing.

  There was no way to hide anything at this point. ‘Yes,’ she whispered.

  ‘But she’s better,’ Sky interjected, oblivious to whatever Zane, Kaylana, and Akemi were trying to hide.<
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  ‘How’d that happen?’ Dr Stevenson asked.

  ‘I … uh … don’t know?’ Aurora shrugged. ‘A miracle,’ she squeaked.

  ‘I see.’ Dr Stevenson tapped something on his tablet. ‘Aurora, I’ll take your blood first. Then, Zane, you’re next.’

  ‘I’ll do that,’ Collin Titon appeared with a cart filled with needles and vials between them.

  Zane took a step backward.

  ‘With all due respect, Mr Titon, this is my lab.’


  Aurora rolled her eyes. ‘Dad, let Dr Stevenson do his job. We’ll be in good hands.’ Thankfully, Sky chose that moment to say something that shocked them all to silence. ‘I think I know why this is all happening. Mr Titon, I’d like to speak with you alone.’

  Her dad didn’t sneer like she expected him too. Instead, he nodded. ‘I’ll want a copy of the lab results,’ were her father’s parting words as he moved off with Sky.

  Dr Stevenson swallowed, but said nothing. He moved to the cart and prepared a needle.

  ‘Once everyone’s clear, you can leave.’

  ‘What if we’re not clear?’ Aurora asked as she rolled up the sleeve covering her arm.

  ‘You’ll stay here until we figure it out.’

  ‘When I have all of your blood samples, I’ll examine this.’ Dr Stevenson wiggled the air filter.

  Hopefully he’d figure out the virus, how to counteract it, and how the hell it had gotten aboard the station.

  ‘Aurora?’ Dr Stevenson waved her forward.

  What if her blood exposed whatever her friends were trying to hide? What had they done? And why had they all glanced at Zane? What did he do?

  ‘This will pinch,’ Dr Stevenson said, startling her. He watched her intently as he removed five vials of her blood. When he was done, he handed her a cookie. ‘For the blood sugar.’

  ‘Thanks!’ Aurora grinned. She’d never turn down a cookie. She took a big bite, inhaling the warm chocolaty goodness.

  ‘Will you send Zane in?’

  ‘Of course. But how long until you know?’

  ‘Not long.’


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