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A Flawed Jewel (A Marsden Romance Book 1)

Page 7

by Dawn Brower

  Yes, he was going to be inside her and soon. The little minx was begging him by bathing before him. No lady would have done so unless she secretly desired a man’s attentions. In the evening, if all went as planned, Pia would have his complete attention. He just had to bide his time and survive this torturous experience. In the meantime, he intended to enjoy the show she provided for him.

  “Pia, love, must you make so much noise splashing the water? I am trying to relax over here.”

  “Yes. If you have a problem with it, you can leave.”

  “I don’t know. If you are going to be so loud, maybe I should just enjoy the scenery.”

  He was trying to goad her. It wasn’t working. Pia just kept scrubbing her skin and removing the dirt. She was in the bath for thirty minutes before it became clear she was done. There was nothing left on her alabaster skin to scrub clean. She had cleansed her body so much that every inch had turned a delightful pink. Her skin glowed from all of her ministrations. If Thor were to hazard a guess, everything Pia did was for his benefit. He was certain she was trying her best to torture him, and he couldn’t let her know it was working.

  Pia slowly turned her head, impishness shining in her eyes as she looked over at Thor. “Was the scenery to your liking?”


  Her head turned slightly so he could see the outline of her profile. Pia’s voice was husky as she replied. “Hmm. Well, I wonder if there is a way to improve on that.”

  “I’m sure you can think of something.”

  “Oh, I am intelligent enough. I’m sure I could be creative as well.”

  It was Thor’s turn to smile. He had no doubt she could be creative. He couldn’t wait to find out how resourceful she could be. “I have no doubt that you could do anything.”

  She gave him something to look at—and he lost his cocksure smile too.

  With that, Pia stood and turned to face him. The droplets of water trailed between the valley of her breasts, creating a path toward her belly button. The small rivulet flowed even farther south. Thor’s eyes tracked every inch of the course it made.

  Thor got up and walked over to the table where the dry cloths were placed. He grabbed one and tossed it at her. If he didn’t get away from her, he was going to lick every particle of water off of her body like a man desperate for a drink. Just looking at her made him salivate.

  “Please be a dear, dry yourself off, and get dressed. The celebration is scheduled to start in an hour. I’ll be back then to collect you.”

  He managed to remain cool and aloof as he walked toward the cabin door. Once outside, he quickly secured the lock. Thor rested his head on the door and took a deep breath. That was too close. He had almost given in and ruined all of his plans.

  While she stood there dripping water all over the cabin floor, Thor had been struck dumb. The sneaky, sensual wench had effectively turned the tables on him. Thor had never been a betting man and wouldn’t gamble his plans away at this juncture of the operation, at least at this stage when their relationship hadn’t gone beyond a few kisses. He couldn’t take any chances that his carefully laid plans might fall to pieces if he gave in to Pia’s charms too early. She was every fantasy brought to life. The beautiful, wet witch had done something he’d never expected. If he wasn’t already in deep, that little scene would’ve told him one thing. He’d willingly jump into shark infested waters to claim her as his own. He’d finally found a woman who was his equal in every way.

  Chapter Eight

  Pia still held the drying cloth Thor had tossed at her. Her hand rose to grab it out of the air as he exited the room. Pia automatically began to dry herself with the towel. Could that have been any more embarrassing? He appeared to be upset with her. Why? She thought she had read the signs correctly. Thor wanted her. His body gave that away whenever he pressed himself against her.

  She felt his hard shaft pressing against her derriere as they slept each night. Its length growing as he spooned against her, holding her in his tight embrace. While in her presence, it appeared as if the pirate was hard all the time. Why did he act like I just insulted him? She may be naïve, but she knew what a man’s body did when he desired a woman. Pia didn’t understand why Thor had damn near run out of the room. His desire was evident by the look in his eyes. So why did he feel the need to put distance between them?

  She looked through the items he had brought for her. There was a clean chemise, pantaloons, a brush, and some blue hair ribbons. But the jewel in the treasure trove was the royal blue dress that matched her eyes. The bodice was lower than she would have liked, but it looked like it would hug her every curve. It was made of the softest silk and trimmed with the finest lace. He didn’t bring her any matching slippers, so she would have to make do with her sensible travel shoes. Why did he bring me something so fine and beautiful to wear?

  She quickly put on her new chemise and pantaloons. Once she was partially dressed, she traipsed over and sat on the chair by the table. She grabbed the brush and untangled the knots already forming in her long blonde mane. Pia hummed a happy tune as her nimble fingers created a simple braid and laced one of the blue ribbons through it. After the braid was completed, she took another ribbon and tied it off at the end to make sure it stayed in place. After her hair was arranged to her liking, she pulled on her stockings.

  Pia picked up her dress and stepped into it, pulling it up. Luckily the gown laced in the front, making it easier for her to put on without the assistance of a maid. All of her other ensembles hooked in the back. With her gown securely fastened, Pia walked over and grabbed her shoes off the floor. She sat on the edge of the bed so it would be easier to slip them onto her feet. Once she had them in place, Pia laced them firmly. She stood and smoothed the dress with her hands so it fell in even waves down to the floor.

  The door opened, and Pia looked up as Thor entered the room. He had always been attractive, but in that instant, she was amazed at how good he really looked. To say he was handsome did not do him justice. He was breathtaking.

  He had clearly taken the time to bathe. As usual, his beautiful onyx hair was pulled back in a leather tie. He was dressed in his finest pirate attire. He wore black leather pants that hugged his thighs, making it possible to see every inch of his body. His pearly white shirt billowed over his shoulders and was tucked into his trousers. His tan skin gleamed against the stark white of his tunic. Thor’s eyes held a mischievous twinkle that made Pia a little nervous about this supposed celebration.

  Thor took his time looking over Pia as he circled around her with an appreciative scrutiny. Once he had made a full circle, he stopped in front of her. “Ah good, you are ready.”

  “Well you did tell me I would be able to leave the cabin today. I wasn’t going to delay that for any reason.”

  A small chuckle escaped him and reverberated through the room. A roguish smile slowly formed on his lips. “Very true, love. Come along, I have a lot of surprises for you.”

  “Can I have a hint?”

  “Only a small one. It is something you could never guess.”

  Pia stuck her tongue out at him. “You call that a hint?”

  “Careful, Pia, you remember what happened the last time you stuck your tongue out at me.”

  Pia looked at Thor with an impish grin. “Oh, I remember that quite well. I just figured you must have gotten your needs taken care of elsewhere. You didn’t seem interested in touching me earlier.”

  Thor raised an eyebrow at her, amusement shining in his eyes as he looked down at her. “Nothing could be further from the truth. I like to savor my treats, and make no mistake about it, you would be a treat. There wasn’t enough time to enjoy you earlier.”

  It was Pia’s turn to raise her eyebrow. As far as she was concerned, he already had his chance and blew it. She didn’t believe in unwarranted second chances. So she told him the truth as she saw it. “Well, it was a onetime offer. One that has already expired, so it won’t be an issue since you’re not going
to touch me again.”

  “Be careful about issuing me commands. You will soon realize that I’m the only one in charge.”

  “Right.” Pia rolled her eyes. “Because you are the mighty Pirate Thor.”

  “Absolutely, it’s best you don’t forget that. Come. Our guests await us.”


  Thor escorted Pia to the quarterdeck. It was kind of nice to stroll along with her. She looked ravishing in the blue dress, but he couldn’t wait to get her out of it. They had been spending all of their time in his cabin. This was a different way to see her and enjoy her company. This celebration had been planned for weeks. As soon as the intel had come to him she would be crossing the ocean to live with her grandpere in France, he knew what he had to do. Comte Dubois was the one responsible for the life he now led. He would never have been a pirate if the man hadn’t tried to execute him. This was his chance to pay the comte back in kind. He would have his precious granddaughter for his own, and the comte wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop him. His plan was brilliant.

  “Do you remember the conversation we had a few days ago?”

  “You will have to clarify which conversation. We have had many.”

  Thor looked at her with delight shining in his eyes. Conversing with Pia was a game he would never tire of. His voice held a tinge of devilment. “Don’t play coy Pia, you know what I’m talking about. I am referring to when we discussed the day you would be allowed to come on deck. Please don’t disappoint me. I’m sure you’ll enjoy some company other than mine, even if it’s brief.”

  “Ah, the one where you said I had to follow all of your orders, or you would kill my grandpere.”

  “Yes, that one. If you do not do everything I ask of you, I will kill your grandpere.”

  With a petulant smile, Pia looked up at him. “I understand. You do not have to remind me of that.”

  “Excellent. I’m glad you’re on board with the plan, because I have an extra special surprise for you. Well a couple of surprises, I hope they please you. Don’t leave my side for any reason. I promise, you will regret it if you do.”

  Thor wished reminding her he would kill her grandpere wasn’t a necessary evil, but he needed her to comply with everything he had planned. It was unfortunate they had to meet this way. She really was perfect for him. In a very short time, she had become the most important person in his life. He sincerely wished they could have met at a different time.

  Life had sent him on a path, and he hadn’t been given a choice. He had learned to embrace it as the tool that would eventually give him the revenge he sought.

  His Pia was beautiful, but more importantly, she was also feisty and smart. He had a feeling she would always be able to surprise him. It was his deepest wish to have her with him all the time so she could continue to astonish him for the rest of their lives. So it was with a heavy heart he continued on his chosen path, hoping that one day she would be able to forgive him for what he felt must be done.

  “I already told you I would do what you ask. You don’t need to remind me again,” Pia said as she stopped. “Is that my grandpere?”

  Thor had been walking her toward where Comte Dubois was standing, guarded by several of his crew. He had been brought to the ship by one of the pirate crew. Comte Dubois was a man of average height, an olive complexion, and dark ebony hair dusted with grey. He was stout and had a small pouch of a belly, showing how comfortable he was getting as he aged. Everything was coming together nicely. Thor couldn’t wait to see the reaction on the comte’s face when he married his granddaughter.

  “How did my grandpere get here, Thor?” Pia demanded.

  “Thor? Pieretta you are mistaken. This man’s name is not Thor.” Comte Dubois told his granddaughter.

  Pia stood looking at Thor in shocked silence. She tilted her head at him, confusion clouding her face. Thor knew she wanted to know what was going on, and the answers she needed from him would become apparent momentarily. His gaze was firmly on Comte Dubois as he responded to his statement. “Your grandpere would know exactly who I am, Pia. He did try to murder me after all.”

  “I did not try to murder you. I was trying to save you. Standing directly behind you was a pirate, and he was aiming his pistol straight at you. When I fired mine, I was aiming at him.”

  “Really, Renny, you expect me to believe you shot me while trying to save me? Then why did you leave me there to die?”

  “I did no such thing. I went to get help. By the time I came back, you were gone.”

  Thor raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “So you took it as a sign I had died? You rushed to have me declared dead so you could gain control over our business. I’m actually amazed they took your word for it. There was very little evidence of my supposed demise.”

  Thor kept a close eye on Pia throughout his exchange with Comte Dubois. He saw the confusion spread over her features. She looked back and forth between the two of them, her face growing paler with each statement.

  Looking directly into Thor’s eyes, Pia asked. “Who are you really? Grandpere says your name is not Thor. I want your real name.”

  Thor shrugged his shoulders, dismissing what the comte had told her. The comte didn’t really know him or the name his loved ones had known him by. He looked down at her. “Thor is my name.”

  “That’s a lie. His name is William Thorston Marsden, Fifth Viscount Torrington,” Comte Dubois shouted.

  “He is correct. I go by a shortened version of my second name. Thor is short for Thorston. I was named after my father, and my mother wanted me to have my own identity. To my family and close friends I was always Thor. You wouldn’t have known that, Renny. You always referred to me by my title. I was always Torrington to you. Did that make it easier to murder me? Was it more impersonal that way?”

  “I told you I didn’t try to kill you, Torrington,” Comte Dubois insisted.

  Thor had listened to enough of the comte’s lies. It was time to end the charade and finish everything once and for all. He wanted the comte off of his ship and out of his life for good. He looked at the man with contempt, distaste filling his mouth from spending time in his malicious company. If his presence wasn’t so important to fulfilling his vengeance, the comte would not be aboard, talking to them. He waved his hand at him dismissively. “No matter, I don’t care. That is not why you’re here.”

  “What do you want with me then?”

  Thor looked at him. “I couldn’t very well marry Pia without her only family being present to witness the union now could I?”

  Thor heard Pia gasp. He knew it was a shock to her. He didn’t think she would have agreed if he had outright asked her. They certainly didn’t have a traditional relationship by any means.

  When he had kidnapped her, his original plan had been to seduce her and return her to Renny as soiled goods. The more time he spent with her, the more apparent it became he couldn’t do that to her. He knew he could never do that. This was the only choice he had if he was going to keep her safe with him. He needed to make her his wife. It was not in his makeup to just willingly hand her over to her grandpere and hope for the best. No, this is what must be done.

  Comte Dubois started to spit and sputter at Thor’s announcement. His voice filled with uncontrollable rage as he screamed. “You are not marrying my granddaughter, Torrington.”

  A wicked smile crossed Thor’s lips. “I absolutely am. Pia consented to be with me for the rest of her life. I wanted to make sure she didn’t have any regrets. It is part of the reason I made sure you were present. Ah, here is the priest now, it’s time to begin.”


  The ceremony went by in a blur. She didn’t even remember saying I do. She couldn’t believe Thor wanted to marry her. She was still confused by it all. He wouldn’t let her go near her grandpere. He said her grandpere was too dangerous, and he wouldn’t allow her to ever be around someone so evil. Here she was, married to a pirate viscount of all things, and she would never be allowed to see her famil
y again.

  This was why she never wanted to get married. Men had all of the control. Thor had threatened her grandpere’s life. If she didn’t marry him, he would have killed her grandpere. With the comte standing on the deck, the threat had seemed very real to her. He begged her to not marry Thor. Pia could tell he didn’t understand why she was going through with it when he shook his head in confusion. Grandpere didn’t know she was only marrying Thor to protect him. She couldn’t be held responsible for his death.

  Please let my grandpere be okay.

  Her feelings for her pirate were complicated. They had spent only a short time together on board his ship, but Pia believed she had begun to understand him. In some ways, she felt she knew him more than she knew herself.

  This whole situation felt wrong in so many ways. Marrying Thor turned her life even farther upside down. It sank deeper and deeper into a never-ending fiasco, one she could never escape. Why did he want to marry me? He attacked a ship and kidnapped me to make me his wife? Pia shook her head in confusion. Why would that matter?

  Once it was all over, Thor had escorted Pia back to their cabin. Before he closed the door, he had informed her he would be back in an hour or so. He had some things to take care of on deck. Thor had looked at her directly in the eyes and said he was looking forward to spending the night with his new wife. When he left, she thought she’d be lucky if he actually gave her that much time.

  She had done everything Thor had asked of her. One thing was for sure, Pia had a lot of questions, and Thor was going to answer them all. She had never wanted a husband. Thor had effectively tied her hands, making it the only decision she could make.

  Pia had longed to be an independent woman. Thor took that away from her by forcing her to marry him. She wasn’t exactly delighted to be his blushing bride. It didn’t really matter because regardless of how she felt about the situation, Thor was her husband now. She wasn’t going to back down. He would do what she wanted for once.


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