Something Precious

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Something Precious Page 2

by M. Clarke

  Becky chucked.“Talk to you later. Oh, by the way, don’t forget we’re meeting for lunch. You need to do your final fitting on your wedding dress too.”

  My older sister was acting like an older sister.“Don’t worry. I have it on my calendar at work.”

  “Good. See you then.”

  Just before she hung up, I heard Addy whine in the background. Jax came to the table and sat across from us with his mug. “We can stay home all day if you want.”Jax looked at me for a reply.

  I looked at Jace, and then back to Jax.“How about we get some sun by going out to lunch? Then we can come home and be lazy.”

  Jace bounced in his chair, his toys mimicking the same. “Yay! We get to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”

  Jax ran his hand down his face and rolled his eyes playfully at me. “Yup. You sure can.”

  I let out a giggle, feeling my own body bouncing from laughing so hard. Ever since Jace had seen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,he insisted we watch it over and over again. I was sure that turtles being Jace’s favorite animal—just like his father—had a lot to do with it.

  Jax reached under the table and held my hand, tenderly rubbing each of my fingers, as if the fingers were making love to each other. That sensual feeling shot up my arm, caressing me, taunting me, willing me to a state of euphoria. Oh God! Still feeling his body on me from that morning, I heaved softly.

  “After we watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,you’ll have to take a nap,”Jax said out of the blue.

  Jace crossed his arms and his lips folded to a pout as he took his last spoonful. His beautiful brown eyes became smaller, and his long eyelashes fluttered. “A nap?!”

  Jax got up, and his warmth that had been surging through me was suddenly replaced by coldness.“That’s the deal, Jace. You’re a growing boy and a growing boy needs his nap.”


  “Zip it, lock it.”With his thumb and index fingers pressed together, Jax made a swiping motion across his lips.

  Jace mimicked Jax’s gesture with a pout.

  Jax’s tone was final and Jace looked defeated. Placing his arms down, he sat back down to eat. As I watched Jax walk away, I knew he was heading to his office to check his messages.

  After watching his fine taut ass wiggle down the hallway, I observed the decor of our house. We had gone furniture shopping while we were still in escrow. Since decorating and coordinating colors and themes gave me a headache, and Jax had no idea what he wanted, it had been easier to hire an interior decorator—someone who was an expert in that department. That was money well invested.

  The furniture and decor were modern, yet elegant. The color scheme was dark brown, accentuated with hints of red and yellow. Those weren’t the colors I would have chosen, but they had worked out beautifully. I might have had an eye for photography, but I sure didn’t have creativity and skills when it came to home decorating. With the painting done and pictures hung on the walls, it had a homely feel.

  To be honest, I was glad Jax had wanted to find a new place for us. Though I wouldn’t have complained, I didn’t want to live in a home filled with the memories of Jax and Chloe. It was nice to start somewhere new, a symbol of our relationship.

  “Thanks, Rachel,”Jace said, getting out of his chair.“I’m finished.”

  “It’s my pleasure,”I said, ruffling his hair. And it was. Jax had raised Jace well. Not only did he have great manners for a child his age, he was smart. He already knew all the alphabet and how to read simple words. Even his daycare teacher proclaimed what a smart, handsome boy he was. I was so proud of him. Better yet, I was so proud of Jax for his skill in being a single dad. Yes, Chloe was in the picture, but I also knew she cared more about herself than she did for her son. I couldn’t picture her reading a story to Jace, as Jax had done many times—like I had done many times.

  After Jace placed the bowl on the counter, holding a toy in each hand, he raced off.


  Chloe kept texting and calling me, asking me if she could see Jace. The deal was, all her visitation rights were revoked, unless I gave them back. I felt bad keeping Jace away from his mother, but the truth was, I didn’t trust her completely. But once again I had given in. How many more times would she ask to see him now that I’d opened the door? A deal was a deal, but I’d just canceled it without going through the proper channels.

  Damn her. She knew I had a soft heart. If she pressed it enough and worked on my guilt trip, then she was going to get her way. After all, she had given up her rights because she wanted to make something of her life, so she wouldn’t be able to give Jace much of her attention. Most of her time would be spent out of town. Wanting to provide Jace with the most stability possible, as suggested by my father, I had agreed, and did what I thought was best by paying her off. I texted back: Only this time because you’re in town. But if Jace doesn’t want to see you, then I’m not going to force him.

  She replied:I’ve changed. Thank you!

  What had been the point of paying her off then? Shit!Jace was old enough to tell me if he was uncomfortable, and it wasn’t like Chloe would hurt him. I also had a date planned—a special surprise night for Rachel. It was perfect timing.

  I’ll drop him off at your hotel. You have three hours, from six to nine. We all have work and Jace has daycare the next day. Don’t forget to make sure he doesn’t eat anything with peanut content.

  I’m his mother. I know.

  I was probably reading it wrong, but knowing Chloe I could hear her snarky tone, especially in her last sentence.

  After I had made some arrangements for a special night with Rachel, I went out to join my family. We went to lunch, came back home, and as promised, watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.I had a plan of my own with Rachel while Jace took his nap. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out. Holding hands long before the movie was over, Rachel and I both fell asleep. As for Jace, he woke us up when the movie was over. Some plan!

  Chapter 3


  Jax and I dropped off Jace at the daycare at my work, Knight Fashion Magazine, while he went out to do errands. After a nice lazy weekend with Jax and Jace, it was hard to get into the groove of Monday morning. Popping my email open, I saw a long list of things I needed to take care of. Just before I clicked an email from my brother-in-law, Matthew Knight, a message from Jax chimed in: Thinking about our first time in Kauai.

  It was a simple sentence, but it had me in a whirlwind of emotions. I didn’t want to be at work, I wanted to be at home in bed with Jax. Once I got going, I would keep myself occupied. The time will pass quickly, I told myself. Yes, the time would go faster if only I could control the heated desire blazing inside me, and the“I want you now, Jax!”feeling.

  What was wrong with me? There was nothing wrong with me. It was Jax’s fault. Sex with Jax had opened up a whole new world, a world I never knew existed. He made me crave him, lust for him. And it got worse when he did sweet simple things that put me in a euphoric state of mind. I replied: I’m thinking of our first time too.

  I could still recall our first time in Kauai, the trip where Jax and I had fallen in love. It was a warm spring day. The soft breeze reminded me I was on a tropical island. Hibiscus blooms decorated the trees with various colors everywhere I looked. I had never known peace like that could exist. In Los Angeles, we were hustling and bustling, but in Kauai, everything was kicked back. It was such a peaceful feeling, one that I hadn’t wanted to let go. Though I didn’t know what heaven felt like, that was how I imagined it would be.

  After Jax and I had made love for the first time in Kauai, he hovered over me and offered me a warm smile. As he had caressed my face he said,“You’re making my dreams come true. I’ve dreamt about this moment since the day I met you. I want the next five days to be the most memorable time of your life. I want to have a piece of your heart, be in your thoughts, and live in your memory. I just want this moment with you.”

  Jax had wanted to have that momen
t with me, thinking we only had a week to spend together. I had just broken up with my ex, and Jax had recently split up with Chloe. Meeting up in Kauai and not knowing what we wanted, we had just been living for the moment. Somehow faith had brought us together, giving us a new beginning.

  “Rachel?”A loud knock broke me out of my intoxicated daze.

  Blinking, I shifted my eyes to the door.“Matthew.”My pitch rose and I was almost certain I had bounced back in my chair.

  “You okay? Thinking about something?”Matthew took a step in, wearing a dark-navy Hugo Boss suit with a red tie I remembered Becky buying for him.

  Matthew’s presence took up the whole space in my office, and my office was not that small. Firstly, because he was my boss; and secondly, his stance, his look, and his sexy grin demanded attention. I loved Jax, and I had never once had a naughty thought about my brother-in-law, but I knew the women employees did. I saw the way they drooled over him and stared when he passed by. Not just Matthew, but Max as well. Two powerful, handsome brothers—an amazing combination package to represent a highly reputable and well-established fashion magazine. And I was lucky to be part of it.

  “No. Yes, I mean—yes, I was thinking.”I smiled. Why did I feel so nervous? He was family after all.

  Matthew shoved his hands inside his pants pockets, looking serious.“I’m not sure if you read your email, but my team is going to New York Fashion Week. It’s next week. You’re set to be one of the photographers. I’m not going to force you to go since you’ll have to miss Valentine’s Day. I don’t know how important that is for you and Jax; however, this is a great opportunity for you to work with people outside our company. And...I’ll be going with you.”

  I almost sucked in my hands that covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Going to New York Fashion Week had been a dream of mine since I was a little girl, and to shoot there was a distant dream, but now it had become an amazing opportunity. Only the best of the best got that chance.

  I jumped out of my seat and practically tackled Matthew.“Thank you so much.”Oh my God!Was this professional? I quickly dropped my hands and backed away.“Sorry.”I twisted a strand of my hair back that had fallen from me being a dork.

  Matthew’s chest rose and fell with the beat of his laugh.“I’m glad you’re excited, and I’m glad I could give you this chance. Now, if only I could convince Becca to go, then we could all go as a family.”

  “I’m meeting her for lunch. I’ll work on it.”I gave him a reassuring smile.

  A knock on the door made our heads snap to that direction.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but since the door was open—”

  “Jenna, come in,”Matthew said, gesturing with his hand.“Rachel and I were talking about New York Fashion Week.”

  Jenna popped halfway in. She wore an elegant purple wrap dress that formed to the curves of her body. Looking elegant and businesslike, her hair was loosely tied back. She gifted me a warm smile and said,“I hope you’re going, Rachel. I can still recall my first time there. It’s amazing. Max and I will not be attending this year, but you’re in good hands.”

  I smiled back.“I can’t wait.”A faint smell of roses filled my nose. Must be Jenna’s perfume.

  When Jenna stepped in all the way, she held a clear vase filled with red roses—the biggest, most beautiful roses I’d ever seen. Placing it down, it practically took over my desk.“They’re for you,”Jenna said, smiling from ear to ear.

  “They’re beautiful.”I beamed.“I wonder who they’re from?”I wanted to smack myself for saying that. Of course they were from Jax.

  Matthew cleared his throat.“Either they’re from Jax or you have a secret admirer we don’t know about.”

  My cheeks flushed with heat.“Thank you, Jenna.”

  Jenna took a step back.“Since I was heading this way, I thought I’d bring them to you. I was just stepping out of human resources when they were delivered. I thought they were mine at first. Max surprises me with an arrangement of flowers every Monday. Mine must be on their way.”

  Lucky Jenna. She was so spoiled. Matthew and Jax were romantic, but I’d heard from Becky that Max was beyond romantic. Now I knew what she meant. A vase of flowers every Monday? Now that was over the top.

  “Anyway, I better get back to work,”she continued.“I’ll see you in a couple of hours for lunch. Becky will meet us here, and I’ll be driving.”Her sweet voice made me feel like I was talking to an angel. No wonder Max treated her like she was something precious—she was. And she was Becky’s best friend too.

  I had to admit it; a part of me had felt a little jealous when they became friends. Not only were they inseparable, they married brothers and became sisters-in-law. Though a part of me had felt like I’d lost a sister, I was being silly. I wondered if Becky ever felt that way about Stacey and me. We were best friends and inseparable as well. And what were the odds of us dating brothers? I had to laugh at that. How funny life turned out to be.

  Just as Jenna walked out, she ran into Max’s arm. Max was standing by the door. How long had he been there? Surely not that long. What good timing though.

  “Babe, where’s the fire?”Max’s smothering hot voice echoed into my room. His olive suit was to die for, framing his wide shoulders and his perfect god-like physique. I had heard a rumor spreading regarding their nicknames. Perfect one and perfect two; perfect one being Max, since he was the older one.

  “I was just on my way to find you,”Jenna cooed, giving him a flirty smile.“We have a meeting. I believe I’m late. And since you’re here, now you’re late too.”

  His eyes gleamed like he’d seen the sun rise in front of him as he continued to hold her, like he couldn’t get enough of her. “I was worried when you didn’t show up. You’re never late for the meetings. I thought your little boss was holding you up.”Max glanced at Matthew.

  “Little? Who you calling little?”Matthew narrowed his eyes playfully.“We can talk about size all day, but maybe not in front of my sister-in-law. God, I just realized I’m going to have two sisters-in-law working for me. What was I thinking?”

  “Hey.”Jenna turned around, pressing her back against Max’s chest.“We’re not so bad.”

  “That’s right, you’re not, but your husbands might get on my case if I work you too hard.”Matthew readjusted his tie.“See, Max has already given me the evil eye because I kept you longer than I was supposed to. Anyway, we should get going. I believe Rachel has a shoot in five minutes.”

  How did he know? Then again, it was his department, but surely he didn’t do the schedule.

  “All right, boys. I’m sure we’ve taken enough of Rachel’s time. Out, Max and Matthew,”Jenna directed.

  “See you later, Rachel.”Matthew nodded with a knowing smile. His tone sounded professional, yet warm.

  Just before Jenna shut the door, I heard Matthew say to Max, “I’m a big boy, not a little one. Sometimes Becky might say I act like a little boy, but I assure you, I am not little. There is nothing little about me.”

  “Certainly not your ego.”Max chuckled.

  “Certainly not my male parts,”Matthew snipped.

  As soon as the door closed, I inhaled a long whiff of the roses, and then I took out the note that was swallowed up by the grand petals.

  My dearest Rachel,

  Life has been busy for us, but I can’t wait for you to be Mrs. Rachel Clark. I want to have a piece of your heart, be in your thoughts, and live in your memory. I just want forever with you. Meet me tonight at the Ritz-Carlton at six. I plan on picking up Jace early.


  Soon to be your husband

  Forever rang in my head, sounding like a beautiful melody. I placed the note back and looked at my computer screen. Oh shoot!I had a shoot in one minute. Grabbing the mega camera that belonged to the Knights, I flew out the door. Clicking my heels down the white polished floor as fast as I could, I reached the elevator just in time. A smile ran across a few of my coworkers’ faces. I had no i
dea who they were since the company was huge, but I greeted them with a smile back and entered. They were staring at me, and I would have too. The size of the camera was overwhelming.

  As the elevator door closed before me, I had a peek at the sunny weather. The tinted window that covered the back wall prevented the glare from the bright sun. It was going to be another gorgeous day. A thought occurred to me. Who was going to watch Jace? Maybe Jax’s brother? Knowing Jax would have a plan, I dismissed the thought.

  Chapter 4


  I entered the studio located several floors down from my office. A figure with light-brown hair and green eyes appeared from the shadows.“Shane, I’m so sorry. I got caught up in my office.”

  He embraced me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. His emerald eyes glistened.“That’s okay. For you, I can wait.”He winked. God, I loved his British accent. “I was told to wear this today. I guess you’re shooting just me?”

  Sporting a black Gucci suit and a magenta necktie, he looked sharp. He definitely had a model figure. One I would have drooled over if I weren’t with Jax. Funny how I could flip that“do not look at other guys’bodies” on like a light switch.

  “Yes.”I adjusted the lenses.“Could you stand in front of the white backdrop?”

  “Sure, doll.” Shane weaved around some equipment and did as asked.“How are things?”he asked, already posing for me. With his chin up, turning slightly toward me, he placed one hand on the tie.

  Shane and I were friends, sort of. Actually, he had asked me out and wanted to date me. I was seeing Jax at the time, so he had no choice but to be my friend. I was glad he was professional about it. After all, we were working for the same company.

  “Good. How are you?”I held up my camera. Click! Click! Click!The sound of the speedy clicks alone could give me an orgasm. How I loved the sound of it.“Shoulders back. Give me your seductive look. Make love to the camera.”A few seconds later I praised him,“Great. You’re doing awesome. You’re a natural. The camera loves you.”


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