Something Precious

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Something Precious Page 7

by M. Clarke

  With a nod, Stan did as I had asked. Tania looked beautiful. Her long legs seemed longer in the high-cut red bikini.

  “Could you stand a bit closer, but angle away from each other?” I ordered. I was just about to shoot the pose when I heard the voice that made me cringe.

  “Can you help me hook this?”

  Seeing Chloe come out of the changing tent made me want to puke for two reasons. One—simply because she was there. Two—I was looking at the goddess-like body Jax had had his hands on. Oh, I needed to stop thinking those thoughts. After all, I had a great body too, I told myself to feel better.

  “Joan,”I hollered to one of the crew workers,“Could you please help Chloe? I’m on a tight schedule.”

  Joan did as asked and Chloe stood next to Shane when she was all set. They were friends, but Shane looked a bit uncomfortable around her. I didn’t blame him. That girl oozed with an“I’m here”attitude.

  The entire time I was shooting Tania and Stan, all I heard were complaints from Chloe: It’s too hot. When is it our turn? This bikini itches. Where’s the water bottle? If she said one more thing I was going to choke her. She finally shut up after she got her water bottle. After Stan and Tania were finished, it was time for Shane and Chloe.

  I tried really hard to pretend that Chloe was just one of the models and nothing more, but it was difficult when she would talk about Jace to Tania. She purposely spoke louder so that I could hear. A part of me didn’t give a shit what she was saying, but the curious side of me tuned into their conversation. And I could just slap myself for letting her control me like that.

  “Jace is turning five in two weeks. I can’t believe my baby is turning five,”Chloe said, sounding proud.

  “Wow. I remember when you gave birth to him. And you definitely don’t look like you gave birth to a child,”Tania said, taking a sip from the water bottle.

  “I know. Thanks. Jax says that to me all the time.”

  My shoulders tensed from her words. Breathe!

  “I can’t believe we would have been married for five years. Maybe one day….”She paused.“Jax always wanted a big family. It’s probably time to have another baby. We probably would have had three by now.”

  Tania patted her arm.“You and Jax made a beautiful Jace. I’m sure the other two or more would have looked like models.”

  “Jax and I could have created an agency for kids.”She let out an ugly, hideous attempt at a giggle.

  I wanted to choke her to stop that horrendous noise that made me wish I didn’t have ears.

  “I know, right? Anyway, maybe?”She rubbed her stomach.

  My jaw dropped. Surely she wasn’t indicating she was pregnant. Was she?And it certainly wasn’t Jax’s, right?

  “Seriously?”Tania’s tone hit a high pitch of excitement.“Does he know?”

  “Not yet. It will be a big surprise.”

  I counted to ten, telling myself it was someone else’s baby. She was known to sleep around and getting pregnant without the man’s consent. The whole time she spoke, I could feel her eyes on me, so I pretended to adjust my lenses and focused on the beach. I didn’t want her to know I was listening, though I was pretty sure she wanted me to hear, everything.

  Chloe continued, “Are you busy next Saturday? Jax is throwing Jace a birthday party. He’s inviting our friends. I asked if you could come. I could use the support.”

  Our friends? She spoke as if she and Jax were throwing the party. I had done most of the work. I was the one that had called Gyms For Kids to arrange the party. I was the one that had organized the catering of the food, prepared the party favors, and ordered the cake. That wasn’t the reason why it bothered me. Jax hadn’t told me. Jax hadn’t asked me if I was okay with Chloe being there. Knowing how I felt about her, he should have at least given me a warning. Was he going to just let me find out at the party? Jax was starting to really piss me off. Anger bled from my veins, and I couldn’t wait until I had that conversation with him.

  I felt like Chloe had slapped me and spit in my face. She knew which buttons to push, but I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction. I was the one wearing an engagement ring, not her. I was the one Jax loved, not her. Two could play at that game. Swallowing my pride, hurt, and rage, I instructed Chloe and Shane to pose under the umbrella.

  “Shift to the right, Shane. That’s it.”Click! Click! Click! “Now put your arms around Chloe and lean forward. Good. Now, face each other.”As I spouted out different directions, their poses were undeniable perfection. I was that good. My ego grew a tad. Not just my ego, I dared myself to be bold. So I decided to speak to her, nicely.

  “Chloe, Jax told me you might be at Jace’s birthday party. That’s great. I was the one that arranged everything, so it’s all set.”I hoped I made her feel like shit. She was Jace’s mother and hadn’t organized her own son’s birthday party.

  Chloe looked surprised. I could see her eyes flicker with confusion through the lenses.“Um—yes.”She looked to her feet for a second and then locked eyes with Shane.“Why don’t you come too, Shane? Rachel will be there. She wants you to go, but she’s too shy to ask.”

  What the hell?I didn’t know why she’d asked Shane when she knew that he had a crush on me and Jax didn’t like it. Was she trying to stir something up?

  “Jace’s party? I wouldn’t miss it. Thanks for the invite,”he said to me.

  “Tania will be there too.”I didn’t know why I’d said that.

  “Great. She’ll be in New York with us.”Shane smiled.“Chloe, will you be joining us?”

  Chloe took a step inside the tent and stopped to give her attention to Shane.“I’m not going this year. And I’m not going to keep Tania company. I plan to have some fun of my own. I have my own agenda.”

  I wanted to wipe that malicious smirk and the air of confidence off her face. Why did I get that feeling her“fun”was Jace and Jax? Trust, I told myself. But I couldn’t stop the anger from exploding inside me. Biting my lip, I counted to three. As if on cue, I received a text from Becky:Don’t forget Chuck E. Cheese night. Jenna confirmed she would be there.


  Those extra exclamation marks were not from excitement but from frustration, as if tapping the screen repeatedly could let out the anger inside me.

  Wanting to finish the job and get the hell out of there, I quickly shot the last round. Thank God it didn’t include Chloe. She had already left. I texted Jax to remind him that I would be picking up Jace and taking him to Chuck E. Cheese.

  “She did what?” Becky’s tone was louder than the kids’ screaming around us.

  It was normally hard enough to have a chat at Chuck E. Cheese, but helping our little ones with the games and trying to stay in one spot long enough to hold a serious conversation was a different situation. Jace was playing a racing game. Knowing he would stay put for a minute, I took a step off to the side to talk to Becky and Jenna.

  “I can’t believe she said that. We’re mature adults here, sometimes—maybe not all of us,” Jenna rambled, took a quick peek at her two boys, and then turned back to me.

  “You don’t think she’s really pregnant, do you? I mean, she was rubbing her stomach—” I felt guilty for thinking Jax would cheat on me.

  “You mean by Jax?” Becky didn’t let me answer. “Oh, hell no. That B is trying to drive you crazy. She’s got some serious issues—psycho issues. Maybe she thinks she’s pregnant.”

  “Maybe she’s getting fat and she’s trying to cover it up.” Jenna twitched her brows.

  I had to laugh at her comment, because it was a ridiculous thought, but someone like Chloe would go that route to cover it up.

  “Either way, she’s crazy. Poor Jax. Poor Jace.” Becky shook her head.

  “Guess what else she did? She invited Shane to Jace’s birthday party and made it seem like I did. Poor guy. I think he felt obligated to go, especially since he was put on the spot. And to top it off, she said ‘I plan to have some fun of my own. I have my own
agenda,’ when Shane asked if she was going to New York. What the hell does she mean by that?”

  Becky waved a hand at me. “It could mean a lot of things. Tonight when you go home, make sure to talk to Jax about it. You need to solve this before you go to New York. Being gone for four days is going to drive you nuts.”

  “I trust Jax. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.” Then again, he’d invited Chloe without asking me. Was I wrong to think such thoughts? Surely, he had meant to and had forgotten.

  “Mommy, Mommy. I want to play that.” Addy pointed to a duck game, her green eyes begging.

  “Hold that thought. I’ll be back.” Becky ran off with Addy.

  “Connor, Christopher. Don’t run off without me.” Jenna trailed behind them.

  “Can I play one more time?” Jace asked, trying to put a token inside the slot.

  “I’ll do it for you, Jace.” I slid one in and took out my phone, which was vibrating in my back pocket. It was a text from Jax: When are you coming home? I miss my family.

  We finished dinner. Now we’re playing games. We’ll leave in half an hour. Did you eat? I replied.

  I ate leftovers. Come now. Miss you.

  Miss you too. I smiled at his text. Jax’s text confirmed what I already knew. I had nothing to worry about. So I told myself for the hundredth time.

  Will be there soon, I texted again, shoved my phone into my pocket, and turned to Jace. Jace? Oh my God! Blood drained down from my face to my toes.

  “Jace!” I hollered so loud that I was sure I had scared the parents and children around me. “Becky! Jenna!” Heaving and gasping for air, I couldn’t breathe. My worst nightmare had come true. “Jace!” I frantically looked at every game station.

  I didn’t bother to ask the lady stamping our hands. Knowing each child and their parents’ numbers had to match in order to leave, gave me comfort, but terrible thoughts came to mind. What if somehow the kidnapper had escaped through a back exit? But then the alarm would have gone off. I continued my search and I texted and called Becky and Jenna, but there was no answer.

  “Jace!”I turned to the next aisle to see Jenna and Becky.“Why aren’t you answering your texts?”I panted from running around and sounded annoyed,“I can’t find Jace.”Why weren’t they concerned? Becky’s expression was just like it had been in my dreams.

  “Did you check your texts? I just texted you to let you know Jace is in the ball pit with Addy.” Becky’s tone was calm, but her eyes said otherwise. She was annoyed just as I was. I didn’t mean to snap at her. The built-up emotions from seeing and interacting with Chloe had me on fire. I needed to cool down.

  I let out a sigh of relief, and the temperature rising inside me subsided. My heart hammering against my chest finally found a steadier beat. Taking out my phone, I saw the text: Don’t panic! Jace is in the ball pit with Addy.

  I must have missed it while texting Jax. People said,“Don’t text while driving.”I decided they needed to also say,“Don’t text while watching kids.” I had turned away for not more than a minute.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to—”I started to say.

  Becky draped her arm around me and cuddled me. Our heads leaned in together.“It’s okay. I get it. Your first time is the hardest in anything you do in life, especially when it doesn’t go your way. Your first bike fall, your first F in school, your first heartbreak, your first fight with your best friend, your first loss, first child...being overly protective. But you learn to move on.”

  Just as she had finished her words, balls started flying toward us on the ground. We broke apart laughing and started to pick them up. Becky threw a blue plastic ball that had landed in front of her, back into the pit. Jenna and I threw several at a time.

  “Did you have a talk with Jace?”Becky asked, tossing another ball into the pit.“Did you tell him not to go anywhere without asking you first, even if we’re around? Sometimes kids think they can go as they please because they have more than one adult supervising.”

  “I did, but I guess he forgot.”Seeing Jace jumping, kicking, and throwing the balls and having fun with Connor, I decided not to scold him at the moment.

  After the kids had their fill of the ball pit, we headed our separate ways.

  Chapter 11


  The sound of the garage awakened me. I must have dozed off after Rachel stopped texting me. Jumping off the sofa, I opened the door to see Rachel carrying Jace in her arms. Seeing him in that position reminded me of how much he had grown. He used to fit perfectly in her arms not even a year ago, but now his legs dangled even more.

  “Hi, babe. Let me help you.” I kissed her lips and took Jace from her.

  His sleepy body molding into mine gave me the most humbling feeling. I still couldn’t believe he was mine. He smelled of pizza and sweat, but I didn’t mind. I could smell him all day.

  “He didn’t brush his teeth. And he really needs a shower.” Rachel followed behind me to his room.

  “It’s just one night.” I laid him on his bed and took off his shoes and socks. “I don’t want to wake him up to take a shower. He’s going to be grumpy.”

  “I suppose. He had a lot of fun.” Rachel smiled, looking proudly at Jace.

  I loved it when she did that. I loved how she could see Jace as if he was her own. I never expected her to jump in and do all that she had done, but the fact that she had, made me respect and love her even more.

  Holding Rachel’s hand, I left the door slightly ajar behind us. “Hopefully, he’ll sleep through the night, and we won’t see him between us in the morning.”

  Rachel yawned, dragging her feet across the beige carpet. “I need to ask you a question.”

  I wasn’t sure if I had heard her right. My mind was somewhere else. Ignoring her, I took her to our bathroom and turned on the shower.

  “Jax, what are you doing? I told you—”

  The water running muted the rest of her words. With my eyes locked on hers, I said, “I think someone needs a shower.”

  “Huh?” Her sleepy eyes popped open. Leaning against the cabinet, she had nowhere to go.

  I took three long strides to her before she could blink and I sealed my lips to hers. Rachel sucked in air and I heard a defeated whimper. She seemed to love this sudden show of lust pouring out of me. Grabbing her ass, I slowed down the pace and tenderly trailed my kisses down her neck to her shoulder. As I continued to kiss her, I slowly peeled the layers of her clothes as she did the same with mine.

  I led her to the shower and embraced her in my arms. The warm water pouring between us was hot and arousing. My body was already on fire, but touching her flesh and hearing Rachel moan drove me wild. Slow down, I told myself. She was going to leave me for four days soon, and even though four days wasn’t that long, I wanted to savor this moment with her.

  “You’re leaving me soon. I want to make sure you have this branded in your mind,” I hissed by her ear, then turned her to have her back touching my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist and gingerly slid my hands up until they were cupping her breasts. Another moan escaped her mouth, and I loved how I was making her feel. Switching places with her, I tilted her head back and shampooed her hair.

  “That feels so good, Jax. My personal massage therapist,” she murmured.

  After I was done with her hair, I poured soap on a scrubber and bent lower. Starting from her feet, I moved ever so slowly up her legs to her hips, around her ass to her breasts, about her shoulders, and finally when she looked at me like she had been drugged, I kissed her. Rachel rubbing my dick while my tongue played with hers had me unglued. I lightly slammed her body against the marble wall and fiercely played with her clit.

  Water fell on Rachel’s face, dripped into her mouth, and made the moment even more erotic. I loved watching her eyes roll back as her body arched forward to me, silently letting me know I was all hers. Wanting to play with her more, I knelt down and folded my lips over her clit. Rachel grabbing a fistful of my hair only m
ade me suck harder.

  “Jax. I want you inside me,” she purred, squirming and trying to raise me up by pulling my hair, but I wasn’t ready yet. I wanted her begging.

  I stood up, pressed my body to hers, and heatedly drilled my eyes into hers. “You want me, Rachel? Say it,” I demanded. “Say it,” I growled.

  Rachel couldn’t. She opened her mouth to say it, but before she could, I inserted my finger inside her and fucked her.

  “Oh, Jax!” She rubbed my dick so hard I pulled back. Her eyes widened, looking worried. When I gave her a naughty smirk, she smiled. That wicked smile said it all. She was planning on doing something. Bending down, she placed my dick in her mouth. Oh fuck! She wouldn’t be begging. It would be me. When I had enough and I couldn’t take it any longer, I flipped her around and gave her all of me.

  “You want it like this, Rachel?” I seethed by the side of her neck. She could only nod when I started pumping faster. No more words were exchanged between us. We made love with our eyes, with our bodies, and through our souls. I loved Rachel, and I would show her all night long.


  After making love in the shower, and then on the bed, we were exhausted. Lying in bed, our bodies entangled and fingers intertwined as we stared into each other’s eyes, took every ounce of my insecurity away. I could feel his love to the depth of my soul. With the intensity of his eyes staring into mine and his warm hand caressing me, I hadn’t known it was possible to reach this level of connection.

  “I don’t like you leaving me.” Jax’s lips dipped down, kissing the back of my hand.

  “I’ll be back before you can miss me,” I said with a smile.

  “I already miss you when we’re apart.”

  I smiled at his words and ran my fingers through his hair, debating whether to ask the questions I had been wanting to ask. “I saw Chloe today at work. I thought she was in town for pleasure, but I guess she’s in town for work too.”


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