Something Precious

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Something Precious Page 8

by M. Clarke

  Jax’s thumb idly rubbed my cheek. “I didn’t know the second part. I didn’t ask her questions. Frankly, I don’t give a fuck.”

  I inhaled a deep breath. “When were you going to tell me Chloe would be going to Jace’s birthday party?”

  “How did you find out?” He sounded surprised.

  That was not what I had thought he would say. In fact, I was quite surprised that it sounded like he had been trying to hide it from me. Sitting up, I covered myself with the blanket. The cold air replaced Jax’s warm body.

  “How did I find out? You mean you weren’t going to tell me?” I huffed. It felt as if a dagger already placed in my heart had twisted deeper.

  Jax sat up, looking baffled. “Of course I was going to let you know. I didn’t have a chance to talk to you about it.”

  “But you had a chance to talk to Chloe about it. And she knew before I did. How do you think that made me feel?” I had told myself I wasn’t going to sound like I came second or like a jealous fiancée, but I was. All of it was flowing out of me. And I had also told myself not to raise my voice—fail! “I found out through Chloe.”

  “I’m sorry. That’s not how I intended things to happen. Chloe called me to ask to see Jace. I told her that she could see him at his birthday party, only because I was trying to avoid her asking to see Jace during the week. Jace had asked me if Chloe could come. She is his mother after all.” Jax reached for my hand, but I backed away and wouldn’t let him touch me.

  “Come on, Rachel. You’re not mad at me for that, are you?” Jax continued, “If I had it my way, Chloe would be out of town, out of our lives. But unfortunately, I can’t change the fact that she is Jace’s mother.”

  I didn’t want to say it, but words flew out of my mouth from the hurt and anger, “Then what am I?” I spat. “I’ve been like a mother to him. Don’t I get a voice in anything he does when it comes to what I think is right for him? What if I said I didn’t want Chloe at Jace’s party? Would you have agreed with me?”

  He couldn’t answer. Not answering meant no. “Rachel, you’re not thinking straight. Put yourself in Jace’s shoes. I’m trying to do the best thing for Jace. If Jace hadn’t asked, then I wouldn’t have invited her.”

  I scooted closer to the edge of the bed, preparing to get dressed. Dropping the blanket, I shoved a T-shirt over my head. “Well, just a warning, Shane is going to be there at the party too.” It was immature of me, but I wanted him to feel what I was feeling. I said my piece and headed to the bathroom.

  Jax whipped me around. “What do you mean Shane is coming? Did you invite him?” His jaw clenched and his eyes were filled with jealousy.

  My eyes bored into his. “What if I did? You got to invite a friend, so why couldn’t I do the same?” I was playing a dirty game, and if I weren’t careful, it would backfire.

  “This is different. Chloe is Jace’s mother. How does Shane play into the picture?” Jax was trying to stay calm, but I could tell by his shoulders tensing, the topic of Shane was making him irate.

  “Isn’t Shane one of your friends? Because Chloe seemed to think so. She invited him without asking either of us. And why don’t you like Shane?”

  Jax pinned me against the door, his eyes full of emotions I couldn’t read. “Because, Rachel, I don’t like any man thinking he could have what’s mine. I don’t like the way he looks at you. I don’t like the way he flirts with you. And I certainly don’t like the way he’s thinking of you.”

  I scoffed. “How do you know what he’s thinking? You can read minds?”

  “No, I can’t, but I’m a man. All men have one thing on their minds. Believe me, you’re every man’s dream. And some men don’t care if you’re taken.”

  “Just like Chloe. Some women are the same way.” Just saying her name gave me a bitter taste in my mouth.

  Jax looked down, then looked back at me. “Chloe doesn’t want me. She want’s Jace back in her life. That is all. I love you.” His knuckles caressing my cheek soothed me to calmness. “Come on, Rachel. Don’t be mad over irrelevant things. I’m really sorry that I didn’t discuss it with you first. I’ve been a single dad for a long time, and sometimes I forget and make decisions on my own.”

  That sly Jax pulled me toward him, immediately creating tingles inside me. His closeness, his warmth, and the way he looked at me with an animalistic possessiveness put me over the edge. He nuzzled the side of my neck, while his hands roamed my back. “Don’t be mad at me, Rachel.”

  Heat sizzled in every part of me, and I let him melt me through the door. Jax had a valid point. It was difficult to talk with our busy schedules, and when we did have time, Jace was around. I never wanted Jace to see Jax and I argue, especially when it came to the topic of Jace.

  “You’re forgiven—sort of,”I finally managed to say, taking in the pleasure Jax was giving me. I loved how his hands and lips were teasing me, playing with my body.

  “Sort of?”He sounded utterly surprised. After he pulled my T-shirt off in one swift motion, his hot breath tickled the swell of my breast as his words came out wickedly hot.“Then let me show you how sorry I really am.”

  Grabbing my ass cheeks, he parted and massaged them sensually, allowing cool air to seep in. Oh, God!He knew exactly how to make me crumble. I let my head tilt, resting my back on the door. Jax sucked on my nipple while his hands continued to perform magic. My body was throbbing, burning, and aching for him. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled him up to take his lips away.

  “You’re so bad, Jax.”My words were lost into his mouth.

  “I’ll be bad for you, anyway you want me.”Jax picked me up and carried me to the bed.“You’re everything to me. You belong here with me. Don’t ever walk away like that.”His tone was soft, but there was a hint of hurt. Jax’s eyes pierced through mine.“I’m not done yet, Rachel. I’m going to make you forget every ridiculous thought about Chloe that ran through that pretty head of yours all day.”

  For some unexplainable reason, I felt bad. I had filled my mind with my own conclusions. I had let Chloe brainwash me and make me insecure. Jax loved me. I knew this without a doubt. But regardless of what Jax had said, I couldn’t shake the thought that Chloe wanted Jax back. Of course, I could be wrong about this, but something in the pit of my stomach, my womanly intuition maybe, told me otherwise. I would have to trust that Jax’s love for me was real, and no matter what games Chloe had planned, he would see right through her.

  Chapter 12


  Thursday morning

  Preparing myself to send Jace through the door at daycare, I laced my fingers through his hair, and then bent down to gave him a kiss on the cheek. Yesterday, I explained to him the reason I had to be away. “Okay, buddy. It’s time we go our separate ways for a little bit. I’ll be back in four days.”

  Jace held up four fingers. “Four days. That’s a long time. Can’t you come back tomorrow? I don’t like fashion shows.”

  Seeing Jace’s sad pouty face tugged at my heart. Four days wasn’t that long, but to a child who wasn’t even five yet, it seemed like an eternity. “It’ll go by fast. I promise. You’re going to have so much fun with your daddy that you’ll forget about me. And before you know it, I’ll be home.”

  I knew I had done a crappy job of explaining when I saw his eyes glistening with what I thought would become tears if I didn’t say something to make him feel better. Before I could part my lips to speak, Jace wrapped his delicate arms around me so hard and fast that he almost knocked me over.

  “I can’t ever forget you, Rachel. I love you.” His voice sounded like an angel whispering to me.

  It was the first time I’d ever left him for this long. Four days—not that many days—but why did it now suddenly feel like it was an eternity to me too?“I love you too, my little Ninja Turtle.”

  Jace broke away and peered up at me.“We can Skype. Sometimes Mommy Skypes with me, but Daddy doesn’t like to Skype with Momm

  “Okay, Jace. I’ll be three hours ahead so we can try, but I will call every day.”

  “Okay.”Jace turned his attention away from me.“Hi, Jacob.”

  A little boy with blue eyes about Jace’s height, and his father, wearing a navy suit, stood by the door.

  “Hi, Jace,”the little boy said.

  The father extended his hand.“Hi, I’m Jeff. I work with Matthew. You’re Rachel, right? The photographer? Matthew’s sister-in-law?”

  My hand dropped to Jace’s back after I shook his hand.“Yes.”

  “I love your work. It’s unique and fresh.”He leaned in closer.“And I have to be honest—young.”

  My cheeks felt warm.“Thank you. I try.”

  Jeff smiled.“Well, I need to get going. It was nice meeting you.”He opened the door and kids’ voices seeped through the crack.

  “Oh, I need to catch a plane. I should get going too.”

  “You’re going to New York Fashion Week? Lucky you. I get to help Jenna while Matthew is having fun. But then again, I don’t like to travel, so it works out in my favor.”He chuckled.

  “My first time,”I said, watching Jace enter with Jacob.

  Jace didn’t turn back to look at me. I could have said something, but decided not to. He seemed to be in his own little world with Jacob. Jace disappeared from my line of sight when Jeff closed the door.

  “Have a safe trip,”Jeff said, breaking me out of my thought of whether to give Jace one more kiss and a hug.

  “Thank you,”I said, watching Jeff turn the corner. Before I took off, I glanced through the glass wall, seeing Jace playing blocks with Jacob. With a heavy sigh, but knowing he was going to be fine, I headed to the airport. However, I couldn’t help but notice the excitement slowly rising in me again. Guilt mixed with excitement was a weird combination.

  I looked at the directions in the text Matthew had sent me. Instead of turning right into the LAX airport, I was instructed to turn left to a private parking lot. Various private airplanes were lined up in their own stations. After I parked, a gentleman greeted me and took my bags, but I held onto my purse and my camera bag. As I followed him, I glanced around to admire all the planes. We didn’t walk far. The Knight company plane was out and ready to go. It wasn’t hard to miss that beauty—all white with sparkling gold words that read“Knight Fashion Magazine.”

  Matthew greeted me with open arms. He wore a gray suit, all business-like and ready for work.“Right on time.”The musky scent from his cologne reminded me of Jax. Jax and I had said our goodbyes that morning before he went to his shoot. I had promised him I would text and call often.

  “The traffic was horrendous,”I sighed.

  Matthew took my camera bag from me and strapped it over his shoulder.“That won’t be happening when we’re on this baby.”Matthew winked.“Let’s go.”Climbing the stairs behind me, he asked,“Your camera weighs a ton. I hope you don’t lug this thing around. I’ll assign you an assistant when we get there.”

  “That’s not necessary,”I said, taking the last step.

  “I didn’t ask, my dear sister-in-law. I’m letting you know.”

  “So bossy,”I teased, looking behind me to narrow my eyes at him.

  “Funny, that’s what Becky says all the time, but I have no idea why.”

  His chuckling was contagious. When we got inside, I glanced around to see spacious leather seats, the finest of liquors, a brunch spread, and the restroom toward the back. Eggs, bacon, and cinnamon toast aromas filled my nostrils. Talk about traveling in style.

  “Want to grab something to eat before we take off?”Matthew broke me out of my observation.

  “I’m fine, thank you.”I took a seat and buckled up. That’s when I realized there were only the two of us.“Where’s everyone?”

  “Everyone has already taken off. We’re right on schedule.”Matthew filled his plate and sat across from me, facing me. He placed two bottles of water in the middle of the table.“If you’re not hungry now, you can get up later when the plane is steady. Have you looked over your itinerary yet?”

  “Yes. I have. Looks like we have a busy schedule.”

  Matthew let out a chuckle and took out his phone. After pressing a button, he said,“Yes, we do, but mostly you. I hope you enjoy your first fashion show shoot.”

  I smiled, watching him place the phone to his ear.“Thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure,”he said, then shifted his attention to the phone.“Becca. We’re ready for takeoff.”

  After Matthew and I had chatted, he worked on the computer while I ate lunch and dozed off. Next thing I knew, the white clouds were replaced by darkness. I’d lived in New York a good portion of my life, but seeing the city lights from above as we landed was something I could describe in one word—breathtaking. Something about the brilliance of the city gave me such a serene feeling that all I wanted to do was marvel at its beauty.

  “It sucks me in every time,” Matthew said, staring out the window. “It always feels like it’s the first time when we fly across it.”

  “I know what you mean,” I agreed, turning my attention away from the window. “Thank you for allowing me to join you. I would have been on the plane with a bunch of people. Instead, I’m in this comfortable, luxurious plane. It’s better than first class.”

  “Again,” Matthew nodded, stretching his arms, “anything for my sister-in-law. Besides, the rest of the crew are flying business class so they are almost as comfortable as you.”

  I took a sip of water and looked for the plate of delicious food I had eaten from earlier, but it was no longer there. Matthew must have moved it while I was napping. “That’s very generous of the company.”

  “We try to treat everyone the best we can. That’s our policy. Keep everyone happy. So”—Matthew uncrossed his legs, leaning forward with his elbows in his lap and looking serious—“do you need to tell me something? All the models treating you well?”

  I uncrossed my legs and leaned back against the seat as if I could make myself disappear. “Matthew, did my sister say something to you?” I was going to kill Becky if she had spoken to Matthew about Chloe. That was totally unprofessional. Whatever was going on between the two of us was outside of work. I had this handled, I thought.

  Matthew ran his fingers along his jaw. “Becca tells me a lot of things. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He smirked.

  The right corner of my lips twisted as I glared at him, trying to figure out what he knew. I didn’t want to tell him something he had no information about. That would stir up more trouble than was necessary. “Good, because if I had told her something about a certain someone, she would have been sworn to secrecy. And if I find out she let that spill, she would get a shitload of grief from me.”

  I couldn’t believe how stern I was being with Matthew, my boss, and my brother-in-law. Speaking of which, I knew having a brother-in-law like Matthew as my boss wasn’t a great idea. He would treat me like a queen, which he already had been doing—not that I was complaining—but I didn’t want the other employees being dissatisfied at how things were being handled. I didn’t want them to see me getting privileges or special treatment, similar to what was happening now.

  “Got it,”Matthew said, taking a sip of his wine.“And just so you know, if that certain someone is getting out of line, I will find out. This certain someone already has a reputation that has come to my attention. And if it continues, this certain someone will no longer be contracted by the Knights.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Matthew’s words would be final. I just hoped Chloe could maintain a professional attitude. Chloe already had a reputation for being difficult, rude, and noncompliant on shootings. Though I had never submitted a complaint about her, I was pretty sure the others had.

  Chapter 13


  After we landed, there was a limo with a driver named Zac waiting for us. It felt strange to be back where I’d once lived. It wasn’t that long ago t
hat I’d left, yet it felt like ages. Even late at night, the streets were busy with cabs, cars, and pedestrians. Everywhere I looked colorful lights decorated the city, and everybody was hustling and bustling to get home or enjoy a late night of entertainment. After all, there was a reason why it was called The City That Never Sleeps. Once inside the Ritz-Carlton, it was as if King Matthew had entered.

  “Welcome back, Mr. Knight.” The bellman opened the door for us.

  Matthew nodded with a knowing smile. Wherever he turned, he was greeted like royalty and he captivated every female’s attention. Everyone was polite and greeted me as well, but they had no idea who I was. After Matthew checked in for the both of us, we headed to our rooms.

  “I believe this is your room.” Matthew handed me the keycard. “I’m next door. Why don’t you unpack and text me when you’re ready for dinner?”

  “Thank you, brother-in-law.” I tapped his arm with a smile. “I mean it—for taking care of me and for giving me this opportunity.”

  Matthew pulled back his shoulder. “Let me tell you something: We only hire the best photographers, and if I didn’t believe you have the eyes and the skills, you wouldn’t be on this trip with me. Yes, you are my sister-in-law, and I will provide you with opportunities; however, that is all I can do for you. You’ve come this far because of you, and not me.”

  Matthew’s words touched me, moved me to another level of confidence. I knew I was good, but hearing it from Matthew made me float on air.

  “Now,” he continued with a boyish grin, “I’m hungry. Hurry up, Sis.”

  I couldn’t help but smile as I entered. All professional one second to a playful brother-in-law the next.

  When I entered my room, the scent of roses burst through my senses. I walked farther in to see vases of red roses filling the desk in the corner and a box of chocolate-covered strawberries. Was it sent to the wrong room? The little envelope read “Rachel Miller.” Smiling, I opened the note, knowing it was from Jax.


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