Something Precious

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Something Precious Page 10

by M. Clarke

  “Rachel. If you didn’t know, Josh and Nathan are two of the top models in this industry,”Matthew informed me.

  “Not exactly the top, but close enough. Just below me,”I heard a voice from behind me say.

  “Rachel,”Jonah said, greeting me with his warm smile.“Everyone, meet my friends, Melissa and Carson.”

  “Rachel.”Melissa and I hugged tightly.“Oh my God! It’s been so long. I can’t believe I get to see you after all these years.”

  I wiped the pearl drop tear just at the corner of my eye. I couldn’t believe how emotional I was getting. “It’s been too long, Melissa.”

  “Yes, it has. It’s so good to see you. You remember Carson?”Melissa asked, taking a step back to give Carson a clear view of me.

  “Yes, of course,”I extended my hand to shake his, but he pulled me into an embrace.

  “It’s good to see you, Rachel.”

  Carson was balding, which was very ironic, considering he was voted the guy with the best hair our senior year. He looked pretty fit except for the small belly he tried to hide by sucking in. Melissa, on the other hand, had gained some weight, but she looked healthy and still attractive in her red strapless dress that flowed down to her knees.

  After the round of greetings, we sat down while Matthew headed back to the hotel. He had let me know that Zac, his limo driver, was just a phone call away. I didn’t realize it at first, but Matthew had only attended the after-party for me. He hadn’t needed to be there. I made a mental note to thank him and not make it obvious that I knew he had gone out of his way for me during the whole trip.

  “Rachel, you’re engaged?”Jonah asked, sitting beside me. His eyes were focused on my ring.“When’s the date?”

  He finally noticed.“Yes. I’ll be Mrs. Clark in three months.”

  Jonah leaned back into the sofa and crossed his legs.“Really?”

  Nathan opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself. Josh had no problem. His bluish-green eyes gleamed when he spoke,“She’s engaged to Jackson Clark.” His tone sounded like a warning.

  I flashed my eyes at Josh with a smile, letting him know everything was fine.

  “It’s too bad Jax isn’t here,”Jonah said, keeping his eyes on me.

  “You know Jax?”I asked.

  “Everyone knows Jax,”Josh broke in.

  “Jax is too good for us to be here,”Jonah said with a light chuckle.

  Though Jonah was joking, I didn’t like the way he’d said it. I was going to stick up for my man.“He had a conflicting schedule.”I smiled, not to look confrontational.

  I had never seen Jonah’s eyes get that big. He was stuck on the topic of Jax. “Really? Doesn’t he have a son? Are we talking about the same Jackson Clark?”

  “Is‘really’your favorite word?”Melissa teased, taking a sip of the drink in her hand. I opened my mouth to speak but Jonah spoke again. Jonah hadn’t found her comment amusing. He raised a brow at her. “I thought he was married to Chloe. I mean, obviously not, since you’re engaged to him, but I thought I saw the three of them on Facebook.”

  Unpleasant heat rushed through me. The champagne I had finished not too long ago almost regurgitated. “Facebook? Surely it was an old picture.”I laughed it off.

  Jonah took out his phone and showed me a picture on his Facebook account. He was right. It was a picture of Chloe, Jax, and Jace. My heart had dropped to the floor and Jonah had stomped on it, breaking it into thousand pieces. Jace had told me they were at Chuck E. Cheese together, but I had no idea he would have pictures taken. Wait!Maybe he didn’t know it was circulating around Facebook. After all, the picture was taken by Chloe and posted by Chloe. From the angle it was taken, it looked like a selfie. #ChuckECheese #familytime #lovemyfamily were the hashtags under the picture she’d posted. Then there was another picture of them at the park. Again another selfie with hashtags: #Beinglazy #havingfun #parktime.

  “Wait.”Jonah must have seen the look of death on my face.“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

  I tapped him lightly on his arm, like a mother would do to a child.“It’s okay. I knew they went to Chuck E. Cheese together. Everything is good.”But it wasn’t...and my anger grew with the comments to come.

  Nathan ran his fingers through his light-brown hair, looking puzzled. His hazel eyes dazzled from the white light just above him.“Wasn’t Chloe supposed to be here?”

  “She dropped out at the last minute,”Josh informed us, leaning into the sofa looking cool and relaxed with a drink in his hand. Maybe it was just my imagination, but he looked like he had a secret to hide.

  “Obviously, she had an ulterior motive,”Nathan grumbled under his breath, but I’d heard it.

  He touched my shoulder and broke me out of my thoughts of home.“Looks like you need to watch this Chloe person. She missed a great opportunity to be here, to hang out with her ex while you’re out of the picture. Sounds suspicious to me.”

  I nodded without replying and took another glass of champagne off the tray when a waitress passed by. Two more days and I would be home. It would be too late to Skype tonight, and I wasn’t sure if I would be in the mood. I looked at my phone to see a call from Jax. For the first time, I didn’t want to answer it, and I didn’t. I let it go straight to voice mail.

  Chapter 15


  Melissa, Carson, and I didn’t get a chance to catch up much. The loudness of the band was one reason, and we didn’t want to seem like we were in our own little world while others were around. Other models came by to mingle and moved on to another group.

  From our short conversation, I found out Melissa and Carson were both working for the same pharmaceutical company in San Francisco. That was how they had reunited. They both had never moved out of the city. I thought it was odd that the two people who seemed the least likely to reconnect had become friends. Melissa and Jonah had kept in touch, and when Melissa found out about New York Fashion Week, Jonah invited her and Carson.

  After a few more rounds of drinks, Melissa and Carson went to the dance floor while I excused myself to go to the ladies’ room. My intention was to get some air. I was tipsy from the alcohol and I needed to walk it off. Glancing around, trying to figure out where I should go, I saw that the second level had a patio. Seeing people out there, I knew it was open.

  As I let the breeze brush my skin, I trembled from the sudden shock of cool air and from anger. My pride had gotten the best of me. How could Jax hang out with Chloe knowing how I felt? They looked so happy, like a family. For the first time, I felt like a third wheel. I knew Jax loved me, but sometimes love wasn’t enough.

  I knew how much family meant to him, and with his wish for a second child and me wanting to wait, maybe he was having second thoughts about us. Maybe he was hooking up with Chloe on the days he said he was working late. Was Chloe really pregnant? I didn’t bother to ask Jax because I didn’t want to throw around accusations without proof, and I didn’t want him to think I suspected him of cheating. Maybe Chloe had offered to have children with him. And I was buzzed—the reason why I shouldn’t think anymore. Knowing myself, in this condition, I was blowing this up bigger than it was...I hoped.

  Looking up at the crescent moon against the dark sky, I saw that there were no stars out that night. Shifting my gaze lower, I marveled at the various beautiful colors of the city lights. It wasn’t as grand as when I had looked down from my hotel window, but it was eye catching, and I needed to focus on something besides home.

  “You okay, Rachel?”

  I turned to see Jonah with his hands by his side. He looked breathtaking with his slightly messy hair and blue eyes twinkling under the lamppost. Mentally, I was taking a picture of him. I couldn’t help it. My mind was always working.

  “Yes. I needed some air. I think I had too much to drink.”I rubbed the back of my neck.“I haven’t drunk so much since college.”I placed my hand on the lamppost to steady myself. My balance was fine; it was Jonah’s sudden
closeness that had my knees weak. I couldn’t understand the shyness. It wasn’t like we were in high school, so why did I feel like I was that girl with a crush? It was the alcohol, I told myself.

  Jonah gripped the post, almost touching my hand.“Do you mind? May I join you?”

  “Not at all. It’s fine. Anyone can be here. It’s a free place. I mean—”Oh lord! I was rambling, and I had no idea what I was saying, especially when his face was so close to mine.

  “You know, Rachel,”he stroked a strand of my curls between his fingers,“I had a major crush on you when we were in high school. I loved watching you dance on the stage.”

  My eyes grew wide from his words. The way he laced all his fingers through my hair, away from my shoulder, made me feel exposed.“You did?”My words left me in a whisper,“I didn’t know.”

  Jonah continued to play with my hair.“I had it so bad for you that I ignored you. Everyone on the team knew.”

  Oh God! Why was he telling me now? He knew I was engaged. What the hell was he doing? Now his fingers were playing with my straps.

  “Oh.”I laughed it off.“I had a crush on you too. But oh well, we’re not in high school anymore.” I was such a dork. What a stupid thing to say.

  Jonah’s eyes glistened with a sudden revelation. I just confessed I’d had crush on him. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him that.

  “No. We’re not in high school, but I’ve thought about you all these years.”He lightly caressed my cheeks.“I wondered what you were doing, where you lived. You were the one that got away, Rachel. I wish I could go back to high school and make you mine.”

  I gulped, not knowing what to say. If I wasn’t with Jax, I would have jumped into his arms and taken this opportunity. I wasn’t just with someone. I was engaged.“Jonah. I um—I’m with Jax, now.”

  He leaned in closer. His lips were so close to the side of my neck as his hand trailed down my shoulder. “I know. But I’m not Jax’s friend. I know how to play dirty to get what I want. You’re not married yet, so that means I have a chance.”With every word he spoke, his warm breath felt like a feather tickling my neck. I was melting, drowning down to my toes, from the seductive feeling of his desire for me. “Jax never should have let you come alone. A beautiful woman like you, surrounded by models—he’s not thinking straight. He doesn’t know what a gem you are.”

  Just as I found the alert button in my brain, I gathered strength in my shaky hands to place them on his chest to push him away. Before I could, Jonah caught both of my hands and kissed them in the most intoxicating way with his eyes locked on mine.

  “Catch you later, Rachel. Think about it.” He opened the glass double doors to enter, leaving me baffled and dazed.

  The quiet was replaced by loud music as soon as I entered. I needed to get back to the hotel. I needed to see Jax on Skype, to hear him, to let him know how much I loved him.

  “Whoa, Rachel. Where have you been?”

  I almost ran into Melissa and knocked her drink from her hand.“Melissa.”My heart pounded, waking me from my stupidity.“I—I went out for a walk.”That was so lame, but that was the only thing that popped into my head. Too distracted from shock, I didn’t see Carson next to her.

  “Everything okay, Rachel?”Carson asked. It sounded like a slur. It was hard to tell from the loud music.

  Carson looked out of it. In fact, so did Melissa, but not as much as Carson.“I’m fine. But do you have a ride back to your hotel?”Not knowing anything about them, besides what I had remembered from high school—which wasn’t that much—I was concerned for them. Were they the type of people to drink and drive? Surely being mature adults, they would be responsible. What did that mean anyway? Sometimes mature adults acted like children, like I was doing; I was purposely avoiding Jax because I was upset. Who was acting like a mature adult now?

  “Don’t worry, Rachel. I told them I would be the responsible one.”

  I looked behind me and gasped. Jonah was standing right there, too close for comfort. If I had looked up any farther, my lips might have touched his, and I didn’t know why I was shaking inside. Instead, I was staring at his sexy Adam’s apple and I didn’t realize I was frozen in place with my hands on his chest. I could feel his heart hammer faster the longer my hands stayed there. Backing away, with my hands still up, I could still feel the warmth from him.

  “Yes, good idea. Be the responsible one.”I tried to play it cool, but it was hard when I felt his piercing stare on me.“I’m tired. It’s been a long day. I’m going back to the hotel.”I was rambling, sharing too much information.

  “I’m getting tired too and it’s almost two.”Melissa placed her hand on my shoulder.“I will be in Los Angeles in two weeks for a business trip. Can you join me for lunch or dinner? We really didn’t get a chance to catch up.”

  “Sure. I would love that. It was great seeing you.”We exchanged numbers and I embraced her and then Carson. I didn’t want to be rude so I wrapped my arms lightly around Jonah.“It was great seeing you too.”

  Jonah’s hug was tender and soft, yet it felt like his body was touching all of mine. It felt too hot in there. I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t want to have these feelings. Had there been something in my drink? Why was he making me feel like I had no control over my muscles, my mind, and my lust radar? Especially when he planted a slow, steamy kiss on my cheek.

  “I’ll walk you out,”Jonah said, releasing me.

  I waved to Melissa and Carson.“That’s okay. I have to call the driver.”I reached inside my purse to pull out my phone. Another missed call from Jax and a text flashed. Where are you? I dialed to call Zac to let him know that I would meet him out front in a couple of minutes.

  “I insist. You’ve been drinking. I just want to make sure you’re on your way safely.”Jonah linked his arm in mine, leading the way.

  Since it was a short walk, I didn’t refuse. I didn’t have the energy to stop him.

  I covered my eyes with my free hand when a light flashed in front of us. There had been a few photographers taking pictures during the after-party. He must have been one of them.

  After I had grabbed my coat from the coat-check stand, a black limo drove up just as we exited through the door.

  “This is my ride,”I said, watching Zac reach out to open the door for me.

  Jonah raised his hand to stop him.“I got this.”

  I slipped in while holding onto Jonah’s hand. The heels of my feet were killing me. It felt good to sit down again.“Thank you. You didn’t have to walk me.”

  Jonah bent low so we were face to face.“The pleasure was all mine. Talk to you soon.”He winked and closed the door.

  I immediately took out my phone and dialed Jax back. Nothing had happened between Jonah and I, but I felt a little guilty—guilty because no other man besides Jax gave me tingles like that. Jonah had given me enough to awaken my senses. They weren’t as strong as the ones Jax gave me, but they were enough. Feeling guilty had also taken away my jealousy.

  “Hello.”Jax’s voice sounded groggy.

  “Sorry, did I wake you?”I don’t know why I whispered, only that it was late for Jace, not Jax. But he sounded sleepy.

  “I was trying to put Jace to bed. I must have dozed off too. Is everything okay, babe?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier. I was at the after-party.”

  “I hope you weren’t having too much fun without me,”he chuckled lightly, his voice low and deep.

  Thoughts of Chloe entered my mind.“Hope you’renot having too much fun without me. I saw the Facebook pictures with Chloe.”I needed answers so I thought I’d use the nice approach, rather than the accusing one.

  I heard a sigh and then some movement. It sounded like Jax got out of bed.“Rachel, before you get mad, just as I have explained before, I need you to know that I didn’t invite her. She just showed up. Jace told her where we would be, and since I wouldn’t let her see him, she came. It happened twice. Once at Chuck E. Cheese and then at the pa
rk. I never agreed to be in those pictures. I certainly didn’t know they were circulating on Facebook. I’m going to have a talk with her.”

  From Jax’s words and from him sounding upset about it, I was glad that I had taken the nice approach. Silence grew between us and I didn’t know what to say.

  “Is that why you didn’t answer your phone, Rachel?”Jax continued. It was, but I wouldn’t admit it. Already feeling guilty for many things, at that moment I decided that Jax had it handled, and I had overreacted. As long as he would set her straight, then I figured all was okay.

  I leaned back into my seat and stared out the window, fixated on the colorful lights.“No. I already told you that I was at the after-party. I sat with your friends, Josh and Nathan. They were really nice.”I changed the subject.

  “Nobody is nice in our industry. They’re in it for themselves. It’s the reason why I don’t have many model friends. Sometimes it can be a very cutthroat business. I hope they weren’t too nice and friendly to you.” He trailed off to a playful tone at the end. “But they are my friends. I think I can trust them.”

  “No. Don’t worry.”My mind betrayed me, sending me images of Jonah flirting with me. I was sure it wouldn’t happen again so I thought it was best not to bring it up. And how did you bring up something like that? Hey Jax, by the way, a guy from my past was trying to steal me away from you. It was the last time I would see Jonah, so there was no need to bring him up, although I had no idea where he lived. I hoped not in Los Angeles. Not that it would affect my relationship with Jax.

  “Two more days, then I get you back. Jace missed you today. He was upset we didn’t get to Skype. He thought you weren’t coming back.”

  Oh dear!Guilt washed over me. I had promised that I would talk to him every day.“Can you please explain to him that I had no access to Skype? And please let him know that I’ll call first thing tomorrow morning. I feel so bad.”

  “I already did. Things happen. I know how busy you get.”


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