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Chain of Illusions (Bringer and the Bane)

Page 20

by Brux, Boone

  Gregory knelt and gently brushed the silt from the tile directly in front of him. He examined it and then reached to brush clean the stone to the right as well. “Bringer markings.” He slowly rose, his gaze fanning forward. “It’s a puzzle.”

  “Perhaps it’s a riddle of how to safely cross to the other side,” Rhys said.

  “Perhaps.” Gregory pointed to the first line of tiles. “Clear off the first stones in the path, but be careful not to push too hard.”

  Each Bringer knelt and swept the silt-like dust from the squares. From what Rell could see, each symbol was different. Gregory paced along the edge, examining the markings. Brita inched in the opposite direction, her attention fixed on the floor. An intense sensation of awareness swirled around Rell. The ancient Bringer was using her Tell and from the feel of it, Brita was putting everything she had into deciphering the script.

  Not having the history or experience as a Tell frustrated Rell. She glanced down the line, noticing that the others were also waiting for either Gregory or Brita to come to a conclusion.

  Siban shifted next to her, squatting to trace the symbol and then standing again. He looked at her and shrugged. Obviously he was as in the dark as she was about the puzzle. That made her feel slightly better, though it didn’t improve their predicament.

  “The right path must be chosen or all will be lost,” Brita said, stopping at the far right of the tiles.

  “But what is the right path?” Juna asked. “Where do we even begin?”

  Brita pointed to the last tile on the right. “That is the symbol of the first Bringer King—the beginning. Follow the path of the kings.”

  “Our royal lineage?” Gregory strode to where Brita stood. He peered down at the symbol and then sighed. “I hope I can remember them all.”

  “I know them.” Juna stepped forward. “Besides, you should not be risking your life. The Bringers need you to lead this battle.”

  It didn’t surprise Rell that Juna knew all of the Bringer kings. That seemed like something the Tell would do, learn everything she could about her people. Savvy and smart, Juna no doubt took every opportunity to give herself an edge.

  “I will not let you risk death, Juna.” Gregory stepped in front of the first tile, blocking her path.

  Juna took a deep breath, her posture stiffening. “This is my task as second-in-command. I assume the risks, Gregory.”

  “No.” His answer brooked no argument.

  “Then who would you risk? Are any of us less valuable?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Or do you enjoy playing the martyr?”

  Gregory’s jaw clenched and unclenched. For a second Rell thought he would yell at Juna, but instead he nodded. “All right, but you will follow behind me, giving me the order of kings.”

  “That makes no sense.” Jade said. Gregory and Juna turned to look at her, startled by her comment. “So if you make a wrong step, we lose both of you? That’s an idiotic plan.”

  “She has a point,” Ravyn agreed. “Juna, we can’t risk losing one of the Trilation.”

  All of the Bringers were valuable. The ancients had the knowledge, the sisters were the Trilation, and there was no way Rell would put Jade in harm’s way again. The answer was obvious. She would traverse the treacherous path. She straightened and walked to Gregory. “I will go.” She looked at Juna. “You will guide me through the course.”

  “Rell, what are you doing?” Siban closed the distance between them and gripped her arm tightly, trying to pull her away from the stone. “You can’t even read the symbols.”

  “I can help, Siban.” She looked at his hand on her arm and then back to his face.

  “I will cross first,” Siban protested.

  She shook her head. “I can do this.”

  He lowered his hand. She could see the emotions warring within him. He’d said he’d trust her, but this would be the ultimate test. After a second he nodded and stepped back, but his gaze stayed trained on her. “All right.”

  A small dose of relief washed through her, but not much. She still had to navigate the path without dying. The Saints only knew what would happen to her if she made a wrong move.

  “Step on the first stone,” Brita said.

  Rell glanced at Siban. The sensation of his Tell swept around her, swirling like a windstorm and feeding her strength. Her thoughts became sharper. Taking a deep breath, she stepped onto the first stone. The instant her feet settled, doubt filled her mind. Why had she thought she could successfully navigate this course?

  “There is something here,” Siban said. “Something dark.”

  Brita brow furrowed. “I do not feel it.”

  “It’s here.” Rell swallowed. “You don’t sense it because you have no darkness inside of you.” She looked over her shoulder, giving Siban a humorless smile. “This evil is a familiar companion—to both of us.”

  “Then it will be up to you to guide us in helping her,” Brita said to Siban. She held out her hand. “Join with me so that we can learn of the dark presence.”

  Siban took Brita’s hand. Meran clutched his other hand. Though Juna’s powers as a Tell would have been helpful, she chose to stand on the edge of the tiles and call out the next symbol that Rell should look for.

  “The symbol of the second king is a branch.” Juna pointed to the tile at Rell’s left. “There.”

  She looked down. “Which one? There are two tiles with branches.”

  “It has leaves at the tip.”

  Inhaling, Rell gently pressed on the stone with her toe. When nothing happened, she added more weight until she stood fully on the tile. The breath she’d been holding whooshed from her. She scanned the next stones. “An owl, flame, crown, scepter, and a goblet.”

  “The scepter.” Juna indicated the tile to Rell’s left. “King Bartholomew.”

  Again Rell gingerly touched the stone before giving it her full weight. Despite the chill in the air, sweat beaded on her forehead. She glanced over her shoulder at Siban and noticed the line of Bringers with their hands joined. He smiled at her and then closed his eyes.


  The farther Rell moved onto the grid, the stronger the darkness grew. Siban opened himself to the oppressive blackness, trying to pinpoint its location. Like rotting fumes from a decaying carcass, the evil seemed to emanate from the stones themselves.

  His Tell slithered across the area. Instead of recoiling from the darkness that had haunted him for the last year, he embraced it and absorbed the nuances of the malevolence. Perhaps by welcoming the obscure evil he could gain control over it.

  “This is like a presence I’ve never felt before,” said Brita.

  Siban opened his eyes and looked at her. “Pray you never have to endure it again.”

  Rell took another step, the stone holding. A wave of blackness rose up and surrounded her. Siban felt her falter—sensed her desire to step on the stone directly in front of her. She raised her foot and shifted as if she would precede forward.

  Juna paced along the edge. “Not that stone, Rell. The griffin.”

  “Encircle her.” Though his order was brief, Brita and Meran appeared to have understood. They sent their Tells forward, encircling Rell. He sensed her hesitation. Vibrations from the other Tells intensified, sealing Rell inside their swirling barrier.

  She straightened and stepped forward but to the right, settling onto the tile of the griffin. Relief stirred inside Siban, mixed with his anxiety. She was only twelve tiles forward, not even a third of the way across.

  On and on the dance went, Juna shouting instructions, Rell struggling to obey, and the Bringer Tells trying to hold the darkness at bay.

  After nearly an hour, Rell held up her hand. “There is one more row, and then I will be across.”

  The last stone had been Arron’s, which meant the symbol she searched for would be Gregory’s.

  “Do you see a symbol of the Arch?” Gregory asked.

  “Yes.” She pointed to the ground. “It is directly in fro
nt of me.”

  “That is my symbol,” Gregory said.

  A feeling of wrongness rippled along Siban’s Tell. “Wait.” He opened his eyes. “What other symbols are there? Say them slowly.”

  “There’s a sun to my far left.”

  Siban looked at Brita. She shook her head, confirming his thought. “That is not it.”

  “Next to it is a crown.”

  “No,” Meran said beside him. “That is not it either.”

  “A lion,” Rell said.

  “That would be Icarus’s symbol if he were king,” Gregory looked at Siban. “Is it his symbol?”

  “No.” Siban didn’t know why, but Icarus’s symbol felt wrong. “What’s next?”

  Rell was quiet for a few seconds. “The Summoners mark.”

  Gregory sneered. “That is it—isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Brita said. “Only one as arrogant as Ander would set himself up as the next king.”

  “And only one too stubborn to admit they were not the heir to the throne would choose his own symbol.”

  “That is what Ander believes you would do,” Juna said.

  Gregory looked back at Siban. “You are certain it is the Summoners’ symbol?”

  He hesitated a second, the weight of his decision pressing down on Siban. She was so close to the end. One wrong step and she would be lost to them, but he had to begin to trust his abilities. “Yes.”

  Siban glanced at Brita and she gave him a reassuring smile.

  “Move to the chaotic star, Rell.” Juna continued to pace along the edge, her body leaning as far forward as it could without her actually stepping on the stones. “That should be your last step.”

  Siban sent a wave of reassurance to Rell and he thought he saw her shoulders relax. Her foot lifted and the breath froze in his throat. A prayer to the Sainted Ones slipped from his lips and he sent a wave of protection toward Rell. With the lightest touch, her foot grazed the stone. Nothing happened. She settled her foot squarely on the tile and leaned forward slightly, as if testing her weight.

  If he’d told her wrong, he doubted the stone on which she stood would remain in place. Most certainly what lay underneath this puzzle of tiles was not something she could recover from—a perilous fall—or worse.

  Forging ahead, Rell shifted forward to stand fully on the tile. None of the Bringers moved, each frozen, waiting for something to happen.

  When nothing did, Rell hopped onto the far ledge and turned to face them. “I made it.”

  Weakness threatened to buckle Siban’s knees. He released Brita and Meran’s hands and walked to the edge of the tiled floor. “Wait there,” he called to Rell. “We will follow your path.” The need to make her stay made him repeat his command. “Don’t move.”

  “I won’t.” Rell wrapped her arms around her torso. And though her feet remained in place, she searched the area on which she stood. She looked back at him, the single word she spoke spurring him forward. “Hurry.”

  Siban turned to Gregory. “Let me go next. Rell is scared and I can calm her.”

  Their leader hesitated for a second and then stepped back. Following the trail of cleaned-off tiles, Siban crossed the grid. When he was halfway across, an intense wave of confusion washed through him, taunting him to step away from Rell’s path. He clamped down on his mental barriers, trying to block out the foreign presence that tried to sway him.

  A few blocks separated him from Rell. Her expression was anxious, her hands pressed to her lips as she watched his every move. The square shifted under him slightly, but held. With a final leap, Siban jumped onto the ledge, wrapping Rell in a tight embrace.

  She squeezed him as if she’d never let him go. He tilted her head back and claimed her mouth. Their tongues swirled in a powerful dance that had nothing to do with passion and everything to do with defying death.

  When they finally broke apart, he crushed her to him again. “I’m proud of you.”

  Rell gave a humorless laugh. “Me, too.” She looked into his eyes. “A dark presence tried to fill my mind and control me. I didn’t think I was going to make it.”

  He nodded. “I felt it.” He brushed a stray lock of chestnut hair from her face. “But we beat it.”

  She lifted on her tiptoes and kissed him again, this time more slowly—this kiss more about passion than fear.

  It took another hour for the rest of the Bringers to cross the stones, but since Rell had cleared the way, there were no missteps and all arrived safely on the other side.

  After Jade stepped safely onto the ledge, she launched herself at Rell, squishing her in a hug. “Did you forget that I’m the risk taker?”

  “You have taken risks for far too long.” Rell smiled and hugged her sister back. “It’s my turn to protect you.”

  “I’ve never been so scared in my life for you.” Jade released her sister and stepped away. “I think I like being the one in danger much more.”

  “Sorry,” Rell said.

  “Don’t worry, Jade.” Luc’s arm slid around Jade’s shoulder and he gave her a little squeeze. “I’m fairly certain we’re only getting started and there’ll be enough danger for everybody.”

  Jade groaned. “Great.”

  “Never fear, little sister.” Rell rubbed Jade’s shoulder. “I’ll protect you.”

  “I’m more worried about who is going to protect you,” Jade said.

  Rell smiled at Siban. “He’s done a good job so far.”

  He shook his head, giving her a quick kiss. “She doesn’t make it easy.”

  Luc made a face as if he’d smelled something foul. “It must run in the family.”

  Luc moved away to speak with Rhys. Several of the Bringers congregated around.

  Juna joined them. “Well done.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you,” Rell said.

  Juna looked at Siban, a smile tugging at her lips. “Let’s just say it was a united effort.

  He dipped his head at her veiled compliment. Juna took a step toward the towering arch and turned back to look at them. “One obstacle down.” She paused. “I wonder how many more we have to go.”

  Siban wondered the same thing. From his estimate, this puzzle had been fairly easy to figure out. Besides the last square, any of the ancient Bringers could have guided Rell, though probably not with as much certainty as Juna had done.

  “It is good to see that we can work together for a positive end.” Gregory gathered the group beneath the arch. Though there seems to be nuances some of us cannot pick up that others can.” He turned and faced the path leading away from them. “Vile’s illusion traps are bound to grow more complex the deeper we travel.” He turned back to the group. “Remain vigilant. Help each other. Take nothing for granted.”

  Gregory’s words unsettled Siban. On the surface of Inness, things were usually what they appeared to be. He counted on the grass being green, winter wind to blow cold, and the sun to rise each morning. In the Shadow World there were no rules. Siban latched onto that confusing bit of truth. The only way he’d be able to reason through the shifting dangers of the Shadow World was to let go of all he ever thought he knew and to open himself up to the one thing he’d been trying so hard to run from—the darkness.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Thick slabs of carved stone sat stacked on top of each other to create the soaring arch. Rell’s gaze followed the climbing columns that came to rest on the Summoners’ star at the top of the peak, a symbol that this was their domain.

  Before them the path narrowed to an uneven trail that skirted along the ridge of a wide gorge. Jagged rocked jutted outward from the sides of the gorge like the mouth of a dragon and then faded into blackness, hiding whatever lurked at the bottom. How far of a drop it was, Rell couldn’t tell.

  In single file, the Bringers shuffled forward, climbing over boulders that lay haphazardly across their path, hampering their progress greatly. Slippery frost clung to nearly everything, making each step they took and each rock they s
kirted even more hazardous.

  Rell kicked a small stone over the ledge. Echoes of the rock as it bounced down the sloping gorge wall seemed to go on forever, eventually fading, but there was no sound of it hitting the bottom.

  Their breath turned to frosty smoke once it hit the chilled air and thin clouds of vapor trailed the group. Rell blew into her folded hands and flexed her fingers, trying to coax warmth back into them. Magnus’s beard looked white, the rime particularly thick across his mustache. A fine layer of crystals dusted each of their shoulders. Rell lamented leaving her long cloak with the horse, though the bulky garment would have been a hindrance while crossing the tiles.

  A low rumble reverberated through the caverns. The sound droned constantly, as if below the icy surface an inferno raged. Every so often the ground shifted, shaking loose parts of the gorge walls and sending an avalanche of rocks skittering down the slopes.

  “Do you hear that?” Rell cocked her head. “It’s like thunder inside the caves.”

  Siban nodded. “Once we passed the arch I heard it. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s a good sign. I suspect we’re getting close to where Vile awaits.”

  “I sense growing peril.” Rell flexed her fingers again and shoved them into her armpits. “As well as more Bane.”

  “Some of that Shield heat would be welcome right now.” Siban took her hands in his and blew, rubbing them to get the feeling back. “I wonder how long we’ve been traveling.”

  “We’ve yet to stop for sleep, but I’m tired, so it could be as much as a full day already.” She shook her head. “Since returning to human and then being brought to full power, I no longer know my limitations. I guess I will find out.” They stopped behind Juna.

  Juna spoke over her shoulder. “I think we are all receiving a lesson in endurance and forbearance.”

  As usual, she had claimed her place behind Gregory. Siban and Rell followed directly behind her. For a long time nobody spoke, as if each felt the stirrings of things they didn’t want to alert to their passing. Constant ripples of warning spooled back to Rell whenever she sent her Tell to search yards ahead. The danger was building, drawing closer. Or was it them who closed in on the menace? Was Vile the only threat, or were there unimaginable perils awaiting their arrival?


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